[07:10] Bug #1843677 opened: pod refresh fails with gluster storage pool === exsdev0 is now known as exsdev [10:40] Bug #1710278 opened: [2.3a1] named stuck on reload, DNS broken Xenial):In Progress> [14:04] Good Morning! [14:05] I have a quick question: It appears in the maas docs mention that maas can only deploy a windows image if you have Ubuntu Advantage? https://maas.io/docs/images [14:08] Am I reading that correctly? === exsdev0 is now known as exsdev [15:03] Can maas deploy microsft windows to a machine? [15:04] Bug #1843759 opened: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:05] pepperhead: as long as you upload the correctly-built disk image, MaaS will deploy it [15:06] So my current .ami probably needs rebuilt? [15:06] you need a disk image [15:07] full with partitions and everything required [15:07] Does anyone have a link to recent directions on that process? I found this, but its a few years old https://web.sas.upenn.edu/jasonrw/2016/03/01/how-to-create-a-windows-image-for-mass-deployment/ [15:07] oops, that mass, not maas [15:07] Bug #1843759 changed: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:11] Bug #1843759 opened: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:11] pepperhead: there is a project for that, https://github.com/cloudbase/windows-openstack-imaging-tools [15:11] GRATZI! [15:13] Looks like the resulting image can be used by both maas and openstack? [15:14] pepperhead: Ubuntu Advantage and similar services are recommended for production environments in order to have support for building and deploying the images [15:14] Which makes senses, I geuss openstack just creates a blank "machine" and images it. [15:14] pepperhead: the tools can generate maas and openstack images [15:15] there are some differences between them in terms of requirements for initial boot initialization [15:16] like metadata source for credentials / certificates, network config info etc [15:16] I am trying to wrap my head around on prem devops/testing and looking to build a POC to get management on board. Just need to spin a windows box, DL and install my application and gradle, and run a gradle command. [15:17] Bug #1843759 changed: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:17] so many options, and I am not familiar with any of them. Saltstack, Openstack, maas/juju, all the hypervisors out there now. [15:18] I was hired as an AWS guy, but they want testing in an on prem solution for cost reasons... [15:20] Bug #1843759 opened: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:20] The smartest question I should ask you in the know is : am I going down the right road with MaaS? [15:23] Bug #1843759 changed: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:26] Bug #1843759 opened: Malformed JSON in test script parameters [15:44] Bug #1843771 opened: [UI 2.6.1] Show all XXX... displaying incorrectly [15:47] Bug #1843771 changed: [UI 2.6.1] Show all XXX... displaying incorrectly [15:50] Bug #1843771 opened: [UI 2.6.1] Show all XXX... displaying incorrectly [15:56] Bug #1843771 changed: [UI 2.6.1] Show all XXX... displaying incorrectly [15:59] Bug #1843771 opened: [UI 2.6.1] Show all XXX... displaying incorrectly [16:14] Bug #1843780 opened: [2.6] boot-resource is-importing reports true when importing is finished === exsdev0 is now known as exsdev