
mupPR snapd#7449 closed: overlord/configstate: special-case "null" in transaction Changes() <Bug> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7449>00:58
mupPR snapd#7454 opened: interfaces: extend the fwupd slot to be implicit on classic <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7454>02:36
mupPR snapd#7455 opened: tests: moving ubuntu-core-transition tests to nightly test suite <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7455>03:07
mborzeckigorename has gone crazy since 1.13 update05:37
zygaMorning school run06:03
mborzeckizyga:  hey06:31
zygain the office now06:34
zygamborzecki: can you give me +1 on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/744606:34
mupPR #7446: tests/mountinfo-tool: proper formatting of opt_fields <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7446>06:34
zygathis will unblock the whole avalanche of related PRs06:34
mborzeckizyga: started looking at it yday, but didn't finish bc of kids :/06:35
zygamborzecki: it's super easy, just fixes  formatting of the optional fields list to contain "-"06:35
zygathanks, I'll look at other stuff as well06:36
mborzeckiwhile at it i just pushed some updates to #745106:36
mupPR #7451: sandbox/cgroup: introduce cgroup wrappers package <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7451>06:36
zygalet's start with that06:37
zygagood morning mvo06:38
mborzeckimvo: hey06:38
mborzeckizyga: tbh wondering what the distros still shipping py2 will do next year06:39
zygamborzecki: macos will remove python from the OS06:39
zygait's not used by the os itself, unlike on linux06:39
mborzeckizyga: and perl i think?06:39
zygaI think others will port / remove06:39
zygamborzecki: likewise06:39
zygaruby, perl and python are removed06:39
zygaas is bash06:39
zygayou can install them from the upstream distributions but the OS won't have them06:40
mborzeckizyga: well, they were outdated anyway, so nobody used them?06:40
zygamborzecki: I think they were used06:40
zygaeven though outdated06:40
mvohey zyga and mborzecki !06:40
zygabut nowadays it's docker / vms instead06:40
mupPR snapd#7446 closed: tests/mountinfo-tool: proper formatting of opt_fields <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7446>06:41
mvotests more green today?06:41
zygamvo: not sure06:41
zygamvo: last night I restarted a single test like every 30 minutes06:42
zygaall day06:42
zygaso if something is green it's because blood, tears and mud06:42
mborzeckiit'd be nice if we could move google:ubuntu-18.04-64:tests/main/desktop-portal-filechooser to nitghtly too :/06:42
zygamvo: store had some issues frequently, there's lots of chatter in snapstore06:42
zygamborzecki: I think we need a different suite06:42
zyganightly is not a dumpster for stuff that is  broken06:43
zygawe need a fragile suite06:43
zyganightly should never fail06:43
mborzeckizyga: deskop-dumpster suite06:43
zygaand if it fails, it's all hands on deck to fix06:43
zygaotherwise nightly will degrade to that thing that is always red so we don't care06:43
mborzeckizyga: you're saying nightly is where the tests go to die? :)06:43
zygaand then a real issue explodes on us and in a post-mortem someone will say, "this test failed in nightly for 3 weeks"06:43
mborzecki72 prs06:45
zygamvo: I commented on a related issue here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/745306:45
zygamvo: I think we should be very careful with changes like that06:46
mupPR #7453: tests/classic-custom-device-reg: disable on opensuse-15 and fedora-30 <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7453>06:46
zygaa simple review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/744806:48
mupPR #7448: tests: remove mount_id and parent_id from mount-ns test data <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7448>06:48
zyga+2,505, -2,50406:48
zygait's a one line diff really :)06:48
mvozyga: yeah, we should blindly disable tests06:49
mvozyga: hm, master is red for the last ~5 runs or so - thats not good06:49
zygamvo: let's look at why06:49
* zyga checks06:49
zygaI see LXD failure06:50
zygasnap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks06:50
zygagrep error: pattern not found, got:06:50
zygathis is something I reported a few days ago06:50
zygathat it really happens and indicates we're racing somewhere06:50
zygaor perhaps that one of the mirrors has a corrupt LXD image?06:50
zygawho knows but it's real06:51
mvozyga: oh, I saw this too in a branch of mine06:51
zygaI'll save the log and look at past tests06:51
mvozyga: this was the lxd PR to move to the faster mirrors06:51
zygaperhaps there's some clue there06:51
mborzeckisnap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks still happening oocassionaly inside lxd?06:51
zygaerror: cannot fetch snap signatures/assertions: cannot add assertion account-key (BWDEoaqyr25nF5SNCvEv2v7QnM9QsfCc0PBMYD_i2NGSQ32EF2d4D0hqUel3m8ul): failed signature verification: openpgp: invalid signature: hash tag doesn't match06:52
zygathis is another, cannot prepare suite06:52
zygaubuntu-core assertion fetch failed because the signature was invalid06:52
zygaanother error06:53
zygaerror: Get https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/download/b8X2psL1ryVrPt5WEmpYiqfr5emixTd7_1797.snap: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "Let's Encrypt Authority X3")06:54
zygais the store really using a let's encrypt certificate?!06:54
zygathat last error happened at least three times06:54
zygasanity check test failed, expected log message was not found in the journal06:55
zygamvo: I was thinking about that06:55
zygaI think our journal handling is still bad06:55
zygaand I was thinking that for the sake of robustness we could log to a file as well06:56
zygaperhaps only under testing debug mode06:56
zygait would also help us on 14.04 where journal has weaker APIs and just doesn't do what we need many times06:56
zyga- Consider re-refresh of "test-snapd-classic-confinement" (cannot query the store for updates: got unexpected HTTP status code 503 via POST to "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh")06:57
zygabut this is when store was down06:57
zygaerror: cannot install "core16": cannot get device session from store: store06:57
zyga       server returned status 503 and body "<html><body><h1>503 Service06:57
zyga       Unavailable</h1>\nNo server is available to handle this06:57
zyga       request.\n</body></html>\n"06:57
zygawe apparently print the body of responses sometimes too?06:57
mvozyga: also "error: cannot fetch snap signatures/assertions: cannot add assertion account-key (BWDEoaqyr25nF5SNCvEv2v7QnM9QsfCc0PBMYD_i2NGSQ32EF2d4D0hqUel3m8ul): failed signature verification: openpgp: invalid signature: hash tag doesn't match"07:04
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mvohey pstolowski07:06
mvozyga: I mean, *sigh*07:06
mvozyga: fwiw, the lxd error I also got in 728607:06
mvozyga: and from looking at the logs I was wondering if its real so that the apparomor profile is not loaded by the postinst under certain circumstance07:07
zygaGood morning Paweł07:07
mvozyga: *but* it all does not make sense and is hard to debug so I got a bit despaired07:07
zygapstolowski: last night Catalina update fixed VMware07:07
mvozyga: but yeah, it looks like the store was mightly unhappy last night07:08
zygamvo: in cases like this I would look at all the errors to see if something stands out more than others but then proceed to focus on a single case07:08
zygaIt does look grim when things are failing but we are not alone :)07:09
pedronisas I said it would be good to have stasts on error frequency but it's work07:09
mvopedronis: you mean we should have stats on our side?07:09
mvopedronis: and good morning :)07:10
pedroniswhich tests/hpw fail the most07:10
* mvo nods07:10
mvozyga: uh - I see "Sep 11 20:27:08 sep112008-564525 snapd[16506]: Sep 11 20:27:05 sep112008-564525 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-test\x2dsnapd\x2drsync-12.mount:10] Unknown lvalue 'LazyUnmount' in section 'Mount'" in the logs. a agzillion of those07:19
mvozyga: looks like this was added in 232 but 16.04 has 22907:20
mborzeckimvo: should be harmless though07:23
zygaOh man07:23
zygaHow come nothing failed on that?07:23
pedroniswe don't test for the behavior no?07:24
pedronisit's just spamming the logs07:24
pedronisI think07:24
pedronisnot failing to use the unit at all07:24
zygaShould we revert it or extend it so that we perform the unmount ourselves, without involving systemd?07:24
mborzeckilooking into desktop-portal-filechooser, for some reasons this keeps failing quite often on 18.04 but not on later releases07:26
pedronismvo: I have 3 more seedwriter PRs ready (+1 very close), but they probabbly would not be helpful right now, I also the accumulated size would be scary07:28
pstolowskia simple pr - https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7390 only adds a new test and is green but needs reviews07:29
mvopedronis: yeah, let me start looking at those07:29
mupPR #7390: tests: unit test for a refresh failing on configure hook <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7390>07:29
mvopedronis: I'm almost ready scheduling for paris07:29
mvomborzecki: the cgroup spread failure on i386 looks real (fwiw)07:52
mborzeckimvo: do you have log?07:56
pedronispstolowski: hi,  #7196 can be simply closed now, no? we have #7092 waiting on snapcraft07:57
mupPR #7196: packaging: use passthrough for type:snapd <⛔ Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7196>07:57
mupPR #7092: packaging: use snapd type and snapcraft 3.x <⛔ Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7092>07:57
mborzeckizyga: fwiw. looking at some things on amzn2, systemd complains about LazyUnmount, StartLimitInterval and FileDescriptorName, so it's a reasonable fallback behavior by systemd07:57
pstolowskipedronis: yes, done07:58
mupPR snapd#7196 closed: packaging: use passthrough for type:snapd <⛔ Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7196>07:58
pedronismborzecki: zyga: do we still need #7198 ?07:59
mupPR #7198: tests: reboot the node when restoring after a test involving lxd <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7198>07:59
mborzeckipedronis: nope, we can close it08:00
mborzeckilet me do it08:00
Chipacamoin moin08:00
pedronisChipaca: hi08:01
mupPR snapd#7198 closed: tests: reboot the node when restoring after a test involving lxd <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7198>08:01
mborzeckiChipaca: hey08:02
mborzeckiobviously desktop-portal-fielchooser does not fail when you try to debug what's happening :/08:03
zygamborzecki: than you08:03
pedronissergio has a PR about it, not sure what it does08:05
pedronismborzecki: what about #7193 ?08:05
mupPR #7193: [WIP] cgroupsv2 spread run <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7193>08:05
mupPR snapd#7452 closed: tests: move classic-ubuntu-core-transition* to nightly <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7452>08:06
mupPR snapd#7455 closed: tests: moving ubuntu-core-transition tests to nightly test suite <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7455>08:06
mborzeckipedronis: i'd liek to keep it around to track the failing tests (also needs an update)08:08
pedronismborzecki: ok, that's fine, just wondered08:11
pedronisChipaca: are you aware of #7447 ?08:16
mupPR #7447: snapstate: do not allow removal of the snapd snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7447>08:16
Chipacathe jumbo jet pr08:16
Chipacayeah let's not do it this way :-)08:17
ChipacaI'll push a replacement for it and close this one08:17
Chipaca… as soon as i can get the current one green? or should i push it stacked? or ...?08:18
Chipacapedronis: question about canRemove: both baseInUse and coreInUse call snapstate.All, but handle failure differently: one returns false, the other returns err != ErrNoState. Which is the correct approach?08:21
pedronisChipaca: they probably both wrong08:22
Chipacapedronis: … go on08:22
pedronislet me look08:22
Chipaca:) ok08:22
pedronisbut eating errors is never a good idea08:22
Chipacacanremove would have to start bubbling the error out, in that case08:23
pedronisChipaca: is used in one place no?08:25
Chipacapedronis: right now yes08:25
pedronisanyway let me look08:25
Chipacapedronis: i don't know why disable doesn't also check this though08:25
pedronisChipaca: disable is a use at your own peril op08:25
Chipacadisable, the oft-forgotten ugly sibling08:25
pedronisalso because it's our turn it off/on again remedy tbh08:25
pedronisor has been at least08:26
zygapstolowski: something for you08:30
pstolowskizyga: uuuh08:31
pstolowskizyga: is it on your box? state.json?08:31
zygapstolowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/184368308:32
zyganope, just spread on master08:32
mupBug #1843683: cannot unmarshal state entry for "timings" <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1843683>08:32
zygasince the 4.39e+08 is there, you can just write a test to see what happens08:32
pstolowskizyga: ok, thanks, will investigate08:32
zygathank you08:33
pstolowskizyga: is this now blocking master / happening all the time?08:33
zygabut feels dangerous since it may break state handling08:34
mvo6404 and 6839 are green and need a second review I think08:34
pstolowskizyga: only on `snap debug timings ..`08:34
zygaah, that's good08:35
zygathough I thought that was always on and collected?08:35
zygabut perhaps I don't know well08:35
pstolowskizyga: yes always collected but we dont' unmarshall them, only append raw messages08:36
pstolowskiregardless.. i'll investiagte today08:37
zygapstolowski: thank you!08:41
ackkhi, is this the right place for multipass questions?09:01
mupPR snapd#7456 opened: usersession/client: add a client library for the user session agent <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7456>09:03
zygaackk: ask away, Saviq is here09:11
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7448 is green and would unblock me09:13
mupPR #7448: tests: remove mount_id and parent_id from mount-ns test data <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7448>09:13
ackkSaviq, hi, I'm getting failures when trying to build a snap in multipass at the "apt update" phase, it seems it's trying to use ipv6 but failing contact the archive over ipv609:15
Saviqackk: what version of Multipass?09:15
ackkSaviq, I can ping that address from the machine where multipass runs. is there something to configure in multipass itself?09:15
Saviq`multipass version`09:15
ackkSaviq, installed:   0.9.0-dev.199+g69dad0f            (1135) 169MB classic09:15
ackkmultipass  0.9.0-dev.199+g69dad0f09:16
ackkmultipassd 0.9.0-dev.199+g69dad0f09:16
Saviqackk: go back to beta, we have a networking issue on edge09:16
ackkoh, I'm on edge09:16
zygayay for channels09:16
ackkSaviq, should I use stable or beta?09:16
zygaI think this is so fantastic09:16
ackkzyga, +109:16
Saviqackk: stable not there09:16
SaviqComing soon09:16
ackkoh right :)09:16
ackksorry, haven't tried in in a while09:16
Saviqzyga: even better, bisecting snap revisions ;)09:17
* ackk tries beta09:17
Chipacai need to pop round to the bank, will bbiab09:18
mborzeckioff for a bit09:18
ackksarnold, beta worked, thanks!09:36
ackkerr, Saviq ^09:36
SaviqI'm sure sarnold will be happy, too !)09:37
pedronismvo: I gave my +1 to 6404 and 6839 , I left a question in the latter though. They still need 2nd reviews09:47
mvopedronis: thank you! I will check if there is a missing test in 683909:52
mupPR snapd#7448 closed: tests: remove mount_id and parent_id from mount-ns test data <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7448>09:55
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442/files shrank from 5K diff to 500 diff10:03
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>10:03
pedronispstolowski: I did another pass on #727710:17
mupPR #7277: overlord/snapstate: fix undo on firstboot seeding <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7277>10:17
pstolowskipedronis: ty10:18
pstolowski#7390 needs 2nd review, it's just a new test and green :}11:06
mupPR #7390: tests: unit test for a refresh failing on configure hook <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7390>11:06
pstolowskinooo, koza is leaving11:08
Chipacawas jonathan riddel on irc? anybody know their nick?11:12
pstolowskiChipaca: the kde guy? jriddel afair, or maybe just riddel11:13
pstolowskiChipaca: maybe you could take a look at #7390?11:15
mupPR #7390: tests: unit test for a refresh failing on configure hook <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7390>11:15
zygasorry, some woes with daugther11:16
zyga10-year-olds and all that stuff11:16
Chipacapstolowski: in a bit yes11:17
mborzeckizyga:  pffff desktop portals https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VttStX82xQ/11:17
zygajamesh: hello11:18
jameshzyga: hi11:18
zygaare you still around by any chance? I know it's probably super late for you11:18
zygamborzecki was looking at some of the failures in the xdg-desktop-portal test, specifically on 18.0411:18
zygaand concluded that it is likely that this specific version 0.11 of the portal is just buggy11:19
zygahow likely is to backport the portal stack to 18.0411:19
mborzeckizyga: jamesh: actually 1.0.3 was pushed to 18.04, but the issue persists11:19
zygaand if unlikely, should we formally support it at the current version?11:19
jameshmborzecki: 1.0.3 is in bionic-updates11:19
jameshWe'll definitely want to upgrade for the snap support improvement work I haven't started11:20
* pstolowski bbiab11:23
cjwatsonChipaca: Riddell, two ls11:24
cjwatson(that was their nick as well as their surname.  Dunno if they're still on IRC)11:24
* Chipaca bad with names11:24
jameshmborzecki, zyga: the only patch to the document portal FUSE code missing from the Bionic packages is this one: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/commit/c9159903e151d5aba3067dcaeb977ceb9a1a9e8b#diff-113fd392ffd1391fc2e8547af3dd178911:30
mborzeckijamesh: so 2 problems we have now, 1. when the test code in desktop-portal-filechooser closes the fd it writes to, the content cannot be immediately read from the actual file, but after waiting for a bit it does appear there (some race with closing/flushing data in xdp in the portal)?11:31
mborzeckijamesh: then 2nd. occasionally we get OSError with -ENOSYS when the file did not exist pefore it was picked for saving-to (the same test)11:32
jameshmborzecki: I wonder if the link count could affect that first one?11:32
mborzeckijamesh: i've started a portal separately with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all, replaced the one running in test user's session, but cannot reproduce the problem this way, so maybe a race again11:33
zygaperhaps all versions are buggy then?11:33
zygamborzecki: does that test run on anything more recent than 18.04?11:33
mborzeckizyga: yes, 19.04 and 19.10, haven't really seen issues on 19.1011:34
mborzeckijamesh: maybe that's a data point then11:34
zygaso it's a real thing then11:34
jameshmborzecki: It's quite possible that there is a problem outside of the xdg-desktop-portal code too11:35
jameshmborzecki: this is the other change to document-portal-fuse.c between 1.0.3 and master: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/pull/31011:35
mupPR flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal#310: document-portal: make xdp_inode_kernel_unref check that kernel_ref_count > 0 <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by alexlarsson> <https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/pull/310>11:35
jameshwhich we included in the Bionic package11:36
jameshI don't think we ever worked out the root cause for that11:37
jameshit is possible that it's a bug in the bionic kernel11:40
mborzeckijamesh: another data point, i can't really reproduce any of the problems by stating the portal manually, but happens regularly when it's started by user systemd11:41
mborzeckijamesh: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P7Jj5BVsgz/ captured when rename happens after fuse_release, so the content is not really available yet11:53
jameshmborzecki: the kernel unref PR I mentioned earlier is something that shouldn't be necessary: it essentially means that the fuse filesystem and kernel disagree about the kernel-side reference count of an inode12:00
jameshmborzecki: it's something I haven't been able to reproduce on any other distro release12:00
jameshif there is some bug in the kernel-side fuse code for that release, it could very well lead to this kind of problem12:01
mupPR snapd#7390 closed: tests: unit test for a refresh failing on configure hook <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7390>12:09
ackkdoes snapcraft need to use the lxd snap or can it use an already set up lxd?12:11
Chipacawhoops, just spotted a bug in the model pr12:20
* Chipaca pokes at it12:20
mborzeckizyga: left a coment https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442#discussion_r32371221112:31
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>12:31
mborzeckizyga: fwiw, core18 mounts seem ok, though with /usr/share/gdb you'd have just 2 entries12:32
zygayeah, I will change that12:32
zygaI made progress on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/742112:33
mupPR #7421: cmd/snap-confine: unmount /writable from snap view <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7421>12:33
zygacheck out the pretty red diff there :)12:33
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
zygamvo: sorry, daughter had existential problems related to lunch13:50
zygamvo: needed to have a walk and talk to her13:50
zygauh :)13:50
cwaynezyga: who doesnt have the occasional mid-lunch crisis :P13:51
Chipacaijohnson: ah just saw your last question, and you're right i hadn't replied13:54
ijohnsonnp, thanks for clarifying13:54
Chipacaijohnson: let me clarify more just in case13:54
* ijohnson needs to get a cup of coffee then will read through13:55
Chipacaijohnson: _if_ the output is yamlish, and _if_ the value needs to start with "- ", then yes use esc.dash13:55
pedronisit might be our case there13:56
Chipacaijohnson: e.g. in 'snap info', we use esc.dash for "this channel is closed" (e.g. stable in 'snap info multipass'), but not for the - at the end of a channel line13:57
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
ijohnson_okay, thanks Chipaca for that explanation14:31
Chipacaijohnson_: short answer: copy the output without the dash into http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ and if it complains, change it to dash14:32
ijohnson_yes for the `snap model --verbose` we will hit that case where the output is yamlish and the value starts with "- (..."14:32
mupPR snapcraft#2708 closed: tools: make environment-setup container name and image configurable <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2708>14:46
pstolowskioh well, fun with json, i feel that https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1843683 is a tip of an iceberg15:05
mupBug #1843683: cannot unmarshal state entry for "timings" <snapd:In Progress by stolowski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1843683>15:05
pstolowskifun fact: the only way to unmarshall something like 4.39e+08 is to have float in struct; using DecodeWithNumber doesn't help15:08
mvoniemeyer: hey, we talked yesterday about pagination support for the spread google backend and you suggested to look into something more generic. I did that and pushed https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/87 - it would be great if you could have a look and tell me if that is what you had in mind. no need for a in-depth review yet, just a check. if you think this should be the path forward I will polish it a bit and add more tests. if you prefer15:11
mvo the simpler approach in pr69 thats also fine of course :)15:11
mupPR spread#87: google: add generic pagination support on GCE results <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/87>15:11
pstolowskiwhile i can change durations in debug timings to float64 both in timing definition and in the client to make everything happy end-to-end (and it's backward compatible change), we may have similiar problem with doing/undoing time on tasks. but what made json marshaller use 4.39e+08 out of sudden to encode int64 duration in the state is still mistery to me15:11
* cachio bank15:16
cachioand lunch15:16
niemeyermvo: Yeah, that's the direction indeed15:17
niemeyermvo: Would be nice to avoid reflecting, but I'm not entirely sure how15:17
mvoniemeyer: yeah, the reflection is a bit ugly, I couldn't think of a better way though. I keep meditating over it :)15:20
niemeyermvo: Sent a note in the PR15:21
mvothanks niemeyer15:21
niemeyermvo: One option to avoid both would be to do smoething like dofl(........, &foo.TheItemsField)15:21
niemeyermvo: This would enable pagination and provide the field in one go.. I don't know how realistic that is, though.. I thought about it for 10 seconds only15:22
mvoniemeyer: thats fine, thanks for the suggestions! I will experiment and see how far I get and if I can eliminate reflection entirely (or mostly). no worries, I ping you again once I had a chance to update it15:24
niemeyermvo: Yeah, entirely is probably not doable as the slice extension needs to take place, but to a good degree maybe15:24
mvoniemeyer: indeed15:24
=== clobrano_ is now known as clobrano
mupPR snapd#7453 closed: tests/classic-custom-device-reg: disable on opensuse-15 and fedora-30 <Created by anonymouse64> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7453>16:02
ijohnson_zyga: are you planning on changing the directory to one that has less diff between core/core18 in #7442 ?16:21
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>16:21
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
ijohnson_Chipaca, pedronis, for `snap model --verbose`, both brand and brand-id will be in the output, but which should come first?16:36
ijohnson_looks a little better with brand first I think16:37
ijohnson_see https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Kk48mvwBMq/ for output with brand first16:43
zygamborzecki: I will look16:44
zygaijohnson_: yes,16:44
zygaijohnson_: just AFK on child care16:44
ijohnson_no rush zyga, just curious if I should wait to review that16:44
ijohnson_sounds like yes wait to review16:44
zygaijohnson_: yeah, please wait a few hours16:45
zygathank you for checking16:45
pedronisijohnson_: I'm not quite sure I understood that suggestion from John myself, we might have to chat with him tomorrow17:16
ijohnson_pedronis: hmm ok well do you want me to add it to the PR or leave it out for now?17:17
pedronisijohnson_: let the code stay as however it is at the moment, we can tweak tomorrow/in a follow up17:18
pedronisalso maybe Chipaca is still around17:18
ijohnson_he said he EOD in the other channel a bit ago17:18
pedronisah ok17:18
ijohnson_it's just 4 lines of code so it's real easy to add back if desired17:19
pedronisijohnson_: anyway I gave some input if we go there17:31
* ijohnson_ lunches17:32
ardaguclu_Is snap-failure executable deprecated?18:13
mupPR snapd#7351 closed: tests: retry checking until the written file on desktop-portal-filechooser <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7351>18:22
mupPR snapd#6404 closed: snapstate: auto transition on experimental.snapd-snap=true <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6404>18:26
mvozyga: mind if I do the bits that john asked for in 6174?18:28
ijohnson_hey cachio, does kill-timout for a task apply to prepare and execute? do both parts have to come in under kill-timeout or does it apply to both separately?18:46
cachioijohnson_, kill timeout is for the whole task18:47
ijohnson_okay, I'm thinking about opening a PR changing the kill-timeout for some tasks from like 2m or 3m to double that because the tests keep getting killed while trying to download a snap from the store or something like that18:48
cachioijohnson_, you can set kill-timeout: 60m for the task18:49
cachiolet me check in the code18:49
ijohnson_cachio, no not for debugging, like permanently I was thinking18:50
ijohnson_just because it seems to be happening so much18:50
cachioijohnson_, the idea is to have at least 5 minutes depending on the task18:51
cachioby default it is 2018:51
cachioijohnson_, which task is timingout?18:51
ijohnson_I've seen tests/main/snap-wait, classic-custom-device-reg some of the ubuntu-core-transition tasks probably others I can't remember18:52
cachioijohnson_, you are right kill-timeout: 2m18:55
cachioit should be at lest 5m18:55
cachioat some point I updated all the timeouts18:56
cachioto 5m18:56
cachiothis is new18:56
ijohnson_I'll submit a PR with all the ones less than 2m upped to 5m18:56
cachioalso happens that in the boards it usually takes more time18:56
ijohnson_but I'll ask in SU tomorrow if there's a good reason any of the tests should be less than 5m18:56
cachioand 2m is not enough18:56
cachioijohnson_, please submit the PR18:57
cachiothat's really appreciated18:57
ijohnson_cachio: it would be kind of nice if you could somehow configure the timeout to be more time on slower hardware, like perhaps a per-system or per-backend timeout18:59
ijohnson_cachio: opened PR #745719:09
mupPR #7457: tests/main/many: increase kill-timeout to 5m <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7457>19:09
mupPR snapd#7457 opened: tests/main/many: increase kill-timeout to 5m <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7457>19:10
cachioijohnson_, thanks taking a look19:14
mfeatherstonIs there anything going on with the servers?  I'm trying to "snapcraft register-key" and keep getting "The Snap Store encountered an error while processing your request: internal server error (code 500).".  If I enter the wrong username/password it notices that, but fails with this message when I give it the correct login19:15
roadmrmfeatherston: checking, hang on19:18
roadmrmfeatherston: a favor if you can - can you run SNAPCRAFT_ENABLE_DEVELOPER_DEBUG=yes snapcraft register-key (and specify a correct login) ? that might give more info about that 50019:21
roadmrmfeatherston: I'm checking logs on my side as well19:21
roadmrmfeatherston? where'd you go?!?! 🤔19:23
roadmrmfeatherston: you can use a pastebin service to post long logs19:25
Chipacaijohnson_: I stepped away, I hadn't _quite_ EOD'ed yet19:49
Chipacajust went for a run19:49
Chipacabut now i'm back19:49
Chipacawell, technically i was back half an hour ago also, but, eww stinky19:49
ijohnson_Chipaca: np, I mean it does seem reasonable for you to EOD when you did19:49
Chipacasoft-EOD because I had some threads still going19:50
Chipacaalso runs sometimes clear the head and you come back ready to break things19:50
ijohnson_true that19:50
ijohnson_so did you mean for brand and brand-id to both be displayed with `snap model --verbose` ?19:51
Chipacaijohnson_: i suspect we need to sync with pedronis because that's what I understood _him_ to say :-) and it seemed reasonable to me19:51
Chipacaso maybe i'm missing something19:51
ijohnson_haha okay19:51
ChipacaI mean, his comment about19:51
* Chipaca looks for it19:51
ijohnson_well I commented with potential outputs on the PR to look at19:51
Chipaca'my original proposal would do this also if x.Verbose,'19:52
Chipacathe one i replied to in fact19:52
Chipacadoing that "also if x.Verbose" means printing brand-id when verbose even if not --serial19:52
ijohnson_that's what I understood him to mean as well19:53
Chipacathe other thing in the if he commented on was already being printed19:53
ijohnson_I think pedronis' most recent point is fair though about if we do both brand and brand-id we should drop the `(...)` from brand if it exists19:53
Chipacasigh :)19:55
Chipacai think i'm going to go have a curry and let the universe think about what it's done19:55
sergiusenscachio: hey, can you tell me what this means https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/584308760 ?21:03
mupPR snapd#7458 opened: interfaces/kubernetes-support: allow systemd-run to ptrace read unconfined <Simple 😃> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7458>21:05
mupPR snapd#7459 opened: interfaces/kubernetes-support: allow systemd-run to ptrace read unconfined - 2.41 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7459>21:07
mupPR snapd#7459 closed: interfaces/kubernetes-support: allow systemd-run to ptrace read unconfined - 2.41 <Simple 😃> <Created by jdstrand> <Closed by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7459>21:08
mupPR snapd#7460 opened: interfaces/kubernetes-support: allow systemd-run to ptrace read unconfind - 2.41 <Simple 😃> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7460>21:10
mupPR snapcraft#2713 opened: tests: completely mock bzr tests <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2713>21:11

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