
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
nuke250gmIs #ubuntu closed to non-registered users?03:29
nuke250gmUnexpected, but interesting! Thanks Unit193.03:36
h3173Hello. Is QA Staging PPA a proper way to install Xfce 4.14 on Xubuntu 18.04?07:45
gnrph3173: I'd guess as proper as it gets07:50
h3173gnrp: will there be any more official methods? Like backports PPA.09:43
brainwashmore official? that would be 19.10 and then 20.04 LTS09:47
brainwashthose will ship with Xfce 4.1409:47
=== marcc is now known as kub
sm0ruxFrom a panel I start a terminal window with the following command: exo-open --launch TermianlEmulator --maximize13:41
sm0ruxFrom the same panel I start WeeChat with the command "weechat" and the Run in terminal tick box marked.13:42
sm0ruxIs it possible to start this window maximized? Or can I start WeeChat using exo-open?13:43
brainwashsm0rux: use the "xfce4-terminal" command directly13:47
sm0ruxAhh, you mean like "xfce4-terminal --maximize weechat"?13:48
brainwashshould be -x weechat or -e weechat13:49
brainwashbest to check the manual page13:49
sm0ruxthanks a zillion, brainwash! And thanks for your help the other day!13:50
brainwashyou're welcome13:50
sm0ruxxfce4-terminal --fullscreen -x weechat was even better :) Again, thanks for pointing my nose in the right direction!14:00
sm0ruxbrainwash: ^^14:01
DerekBumHello, I have a couple of dumb questions: 1: How safe is to install and use Xubuntu 19.10 daily build at the moment? 2: Does it just update/ugrade like any stable release? Thank you15:40
GridCubeDerekBum: it's not production ready and changes are being done to it regularly. If you want to do it to test and provide information about bugs and other problems you are more than encouraged tho, remember that you might not be able to use your computer if some nasty bug does shows up15:45
GridCube(however rarely that might happen)15:46
GridCubeif you want to have a stable release go with 19.04 and update whenever 19.10 shows up15:46
GridCubeyou shouldn't have any issue whatsoever15:47
DerekBumok then, thank you very much15:47
GridCube:P but if you really want to risk using 19.10 builds and provide bug reports that would be extremelly awesome as regular testers are ALWAYS needed15:48
DerekBumwait a moment... does 19.04 have Xfce 4.14?15:49
GridCubeno idea15:51
GridCubeprobably tho15:52
diogenes_19.04 came out in April, 4.14 came out in Auguat.15:52
diogenes_and besides you can alwys test here: https://distrotest.net/Xubuntu15:53
GridCubeEoan will come with 4.1415:54
GridCube19.04 has 4.12.515:55
DerekBumwell that makes things clear15:56
diegoalvHi! Who can help me with the size of each partitions? I want to install xubuntu18:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:13
Spassdiegoalv, what's the size of your disk? do you want to share it with other OS? do you care about hibernation? do you want to have / and /home separate, or do you want to install all on one partition (default behaviour)?18:15

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