
=== mup_ is now known as mup
=== zigford_ is now known as zigford
mupPR snapcraft#2686 closed: New app handler (command-chain and no wrappers if command allows for it) <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2686>03:14
mupPR snapcraft#2560 closed: meta: do not wrap commands by default <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2560>03:24
=== zigford_ is now known as zigford
mupPR snapd#7457 closed: tests/main/many: increase kill-timeout to 5m <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7457>05:18
mupPR snapd#7458 closed: interfaces/kubernetes-support: allow systemd-run to ptrace read unconfined <Simple 😃> <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7458>05:18
mborzeckimvo: morning05:50
mvomborzecki: hey, good morning!05:57
zygaBiking home06:01
mvohey zyga06:09
mvozyga: nice, already doing a workout?06:09
zygaevery morning06:21
zygauff :)06:21
zygathis and a standing desk does work wonders06:21
zygaand every time I complain about my back it's really when I was lazy and skipped one or the other06:21
zygamvo: I'm sorry about not finishing work last night, I went to bed at 906:22
zygalast day before paris06:22
zygalet's make it count!06:22
mborzeckibrb, new kernel (and gnome)06:30
mvomborzecki: you look into 7133 further? should we merge as is and you build on top? or do you want to work in the PR?06:57
mborzeckimvo: left anote and merged it06:59
mupPR snapd#7133 closed: overlord,daemon: adjust startup timeout via EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC using an estimate <Created by pedronis> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7133>06:59
mborzeckimvo: systemd does not update TimeoutStartUSec even though snapd requests more time, perhaps that's how it's suposed to work anyway06:59
mborzecki    - google-unstable:ubuntu-19.10-64:tests/main/interfaces-calendar-service07:04
mborzecki    - google-unstable:ubuntu-19.10-64:tests/main/interfaces-contacts-service07:04
mborzecki    - google-unstable:ubuntu-19.10-64:tests/unit/go07:04
mborzeckithese fail on 19.1007:04
mborzeckiunit/go fails bc of gofmt07:04
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
ackkzyga, hi, is there a workaround for that limitation about only allowing home directories under /home in snaps?07:09
ackkzyga, I'm trying to use "lxc" from a jenkins job, but the jenkins user has home set to /var/lib/jenkins, so it fails07:10
zygaackk: only one from the user, that is, to bind-mount the actual home directory to /home/$LOGNAME/07:10
ackkzyga, I see07:10
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:12
ackkzyga, I also need to update the passwd though?07:14
zygaackk: not really07:14
zygait's up to you07:14
ackkzyga, it's not working here07:14
zygaall that you need to ensure that anywhere your actual $HOME points07:14
zygathere's a bind mount of that to /home/$LOGNAME07:14
zygaon second though07:15
zygayes, please update passwd07:15
zygathat's something we don't manage07:15
zygaI'll make a note07:15
zygawe have some ideas how to map that internally but that might be derailed by gecos07:15
ackkzyga, ok, that seems to work, but not it seems snapcraft is looking for build-packages on the host07:21
ackknot in the container07:21
ackkoh, it seems the proxy config is not forwarded to the container :/07:23
ackksame issue I was hitting with multipass07:23
mupPR snapd#7461 opened: run-checks, tests/main/go: allow gofmt checks to be skipped on 19.10 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7461>07:45
rogpeppezyga: FYI that pi is still going down at regular intervals, despite scheduling the updates only to be done once a month :-\07:51
zygarogpeppe: that's not good, can you give us the scheduling string please07:51
zygarogpeppe: as well as "snap changes"07:51
rogpeppezyga: will do, when it gets restarted again07:52
zygarogpeppe: I procured another PI and I can now replicate your setup07:52
rogpeppezyga: have you managed to replicate any of the issues i've been seeing?07:52
zygarogpeppe: not yet, I needed to get the right hardware first07:52
rogpeppezyga: ok, cool07:52
zygarogpeppe: and I was doing other fixes in the meantime07:52
zygarogpeppe: I will put regular core-18 on the device and then load your uboot.env to see what it claims07:53
zygathen I plan to get the same kernel / base07:53
zygaand same try mode kernel and base07:53
zygaand see if I can reboot correctly07:53
zygawith serial attached and all that07:53
rogpeppezyga: i'm fascinated to find out if it all works just fine for you :)07:55
zygarogpeppe: I hope it doesn't07:56
zygarogpeppe: it's much harder to fix something that works for me07:57
pedronismvo: I answered to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7416#discussion_r324077826  probably degville or Chipaca's input on that is valuable08:08
mupPR #7416: seed/seedwriter: start of Writer and internal policy16/tree16 <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7416>08:08
degvillepedronis: I'll take a look.08:09
zygamborzecki: I tweaked https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442 based on your idea earlier08:11
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>08:11
zygathe diff is short and pretty comprehensible08:12
pedronisdegville: thanks08:49
degvillepedronis: np.08:49
mvopedronis: yeah, sorry for the bikesheed there08:55
mvopedronis: aha, sorry, I missed part of the information. its snaps coming from the new "options" file, I missed that piece. let me medidate a bit but with that my suggestions are indeed not good08:56
pedronismvo: not from a file, but is snaps coming from ubuntu-image --snaps08:57
pedronisor anything external from the model really08:57
mvopedronis: yeah, I get it now08:57
pedronisgiven that is quite generic and ubuntu-image/prepare-image are just the first use case08:57
mvopedronis: sorry, that was not clear to me, let me comment in the PR but with that my comment does not make much sense anymore08:58
mvopedronis: +108:58
pedronismvo: to be fair as I said the doc comment is not super clear08:58
pedronisand I should fix it08:58
pedronisalso OptionsSnap might be less confusable with optional snap08:58
mvopedronis: yeah, I like that08:59
mvopedronis: and +1 on a comment fix, maybe with a small example like "E.g. OptionsSnaps may come via ubuntu-image --snaps ..."08:59
pedronisyea, as I said I might leave a todo for the actual rename to do later in the chain09:00
pedronisbecause otherwise I fear conflicts09:00
pedronisall over the place09:00
pedronisin it09:00
ackkhow do I run a clean build with snapcraft --use-lxd ?09:00
zygaackk: I'm not sure, sorry, perhaps one of the others knows09:04
mvopedronis: +109:10
zygaa quick question09:16
zygadoes anyone know of "git diff" like tool09:16
zygathat shows differences inside one line09:16
zygalike what github can do09:17
ackkemacs :)09:17
zygaany command I can try to see it09:19
ackkzyga, perhaps git diff --word-diff does what you want? https://makandracards.com/makandra/6585-git-diff-changes-in-a-long-line-efficiently09:19
zygaI'm not after a two semester curriculum ;)09:19
zygaoh, that's probably exactly that, thank you so much09:19
ackknp, TIL too09:19
* Chipaca goes for coffee09:24
mupPR snapd#7462 opened: asserts: introduce explicit support for grade for Core 20 models <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7462>09:27
mupPR snapd#7463 opened: tests/main/interfaces-{calendar,contacts}-service: disable on 19.10 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7463>09:29
* Chipaca *really* goes for coffee09:30
mupPR snapd#7460 closed: interfaces/kubernetes-support: allow systemd-run to ptrace read unconfined - 2.41 <Simple 😃> <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7460>09:48
pstolowskiChipaca: hey, wdyt about https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1843725 ? should we simply de-duplicate args or error out right away with "nonsense argument given"?09:51
mupBug #1843725: snap install with duplicated snap names gives confusing errors <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1843725>09:51
Chipacapstolowski: we need to make electrified keyboards mandatory09:59
pstolowskiChipaca: :)09:59
Chipacapstolowski: more serious answer involves better checking for this case in both snapstate and cmd/snap10:02
Chipacapstolowski: -1 to de-duplication10:03
pedronismvo: applied feedback: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7416/commits/fea6a6c7f694b9489f6655c1af66209f76ba576b10:03
mupPR #7416: seed/seedwriter: start of Writer and internal policy16/tree16 <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7416>10:03
Chipacazyga: about in-line diff tool10:27
Chipacazyga: it's in git itself, but not built10:27
Chipacazyga: $ git config --get core.pager10:28
Chipaca/home/john/bin/diff-highlight | less10:28
Chipacazyga: diff-highlight is /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/diff-highlight10:28
zygathanks, I'll check that out10:28
Chipacazyga: OTOH, snap install icdiff, git icdiff10:29
zygait will come in handy for some of the changes I'm doing :)10:29
Chipacazyga: side-by-side diff with in-line highlighting10:29
Chipacazyga: something's buggy with the pager detection in icdiff so you want to set icdiff.pager explicitly, I need to dig into that this weekend10:31
Chipacabut it's otherwise good :-)10:31
zygaI'll check it out but I think you're way ahead of me :)10:31
pstolowskiChipaca: thanks for feedback on the bug10:37
=== ricab is now known as ricab|bbl
zygathe diff on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7436/files _finally_ makes some sense10:51
mupPR #7436: many: make per-snap mount namespace MS_SHARED <Bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7436>10:51
zygaI need to double check that it's good10:51
zygabut I feel this branch is close10:51
zygamborzecki: yeah, as I thought10:52
zygamborzecki: I think we still got sharing wrong, even with MS_SHARED10:52
zygathe per-user stuff is not a real slave10:52
zygait's still bi-directional10:52
zygaI need to check that10:52
zygait seems wrong10:52
zygaand indicates more tests needed10:53
zygamborzecki: I commented out the MS_SLAVED | MS_REC change for the per-user mount namespace11:06
zygaI wonder if it doesn't work11:06
zygaI want to see the effect it has11:06
Chipacapedronis: wrt your comment about gadgets having bases, does that mean a gadget without an explicit base needs core?11:06
pedronisChipaca: yes11:06
Chipacapedronis: was there a special value of base that meant "no base needed"?11:06
mupPR snapd#6839 closed: devicestate: allow remodel to different kernels  <Remodel :train:> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6839>11:07
pedronisbut we implemented it but is not used11:07
mborzeckizyga:  can you take another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7451 ?11:07
mupPR #7451: sandbox/cgroup: introduce cgroup wrappers package <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7451>11:07
zygayes, sorry11:07
zygalooking now11:07
Chipacapedronis: the string "none"?11:07
pedronisthe string "none" yes11:08
Chipacapedronis: all these changes to canremove, should they go into the same refactor pr?11:08
pedronisChipaca: as you prefer11:08
mupPR snapd#7464 opened: snapstate: add missing tests for checkGadgetOrKernel <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7464>11:09
zygamborzecki: only small remark about capitalizing sentences and stuff like that11:12
mborzeckizyga: ack, thx11:13
zygamborzecki: sent now11:14
mupPR #7451: sandbox/cgroup: introduce cgroup wrappers package <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7451>11:14
zygaI'd like to land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442 -- it will show up more behavior of the sharing bug in the next PR11:15
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>11:15
mupPR snapd#7465 opened: snap-confine: fix return value checks for udev functions <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7465>11:16
zygaoh, interesting mvo11:17
zygaI had a look at this code recently, let me double check if this bug is there too11:17
zygathank you!11:17
zygaaww crap :)11:19
Chipacazyga: ...?11:20
zygaChipaca: I removed one line from snap-confine11:20
zygaand ... no change to tests11:20
zygait's a dead line11:20
zygabut one we hoped not to be dead11:20
zygaI'll check out what's going on next11:20
mupPR snapd#7466 opened: cmd/snap: special handling of snap set refresh.hold <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7466>11:28
zygatest rolling now11:28
mborzeckiwonder what do you guys thing about 746611:29
zygayeah, another bug11:30
Chipacamborzecki: +1; 'hold' feels like a duration anyway11:30
zygathank you11:30
Chipacazyga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpWmlRNfLck but with 'tests'11:30
zygamvo: so, we have another bug, not sure how we never noticed before11:33
mborzeckizyga: where?11:34
zygathis has absolutely no impact11:34
zygaI was digging at something that showed up in the MS_SHARED test11:35
zygait was showing something that made no sense11:35
zygaso I kept digging11:35
zygaand now this11:35
mborzeckizyga: mayeb the tests are too limited to catch whetehr this has any impact or not11:35
zygathey 100% would catch this11:35
Chipacazyga: could it be a 1404ism?11:35
Chipacaor something like that?11:35
zyga1404, no11:35
zygait's really not working11:35
zygaI'll write a test11:36
Chipacaeh, ok11:36
Chipacai'm going to go make lunch and let you have your fun11:36
Chipacammmmmmmmmmmmm lunch11:36
zygabut yeah, little by little test show crap11:36
* Chipaca needs food11:36
zygaoh, I'm hungry now11:36
zygadon't tell me about food please11:36
* Chipaca was about to, but stops11:36
cachiosergiusens, hey11:37
Chipacazyga: I'll tell you that i'm hungry because apparently running 30k makes me hungry for more than 12 hours11:37
cachiosergiusens, about https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/584308760#L175 error11:37
Chipacazyga: or maybe it's just my excuse :-)11:37
zygaChipaca: congratulations, that's nice!11:37
* Chipaca goes11:37
cachiosergiusens, this seems to be missing the key to connect to gce11:37
cachiosergiusens, is this a new travis job?11:38
sergiusensyes and no11:38
cachiosergiusens, what's the new part?11:39
sergiusenscachio: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/builds/584308757/config I moved the unit tests into spread https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2712/commits/b871fd4777d690a3b51c858084e03d27184f33e811:39
mupPR snapcraft#2712: snap: migrate to core18 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2712>11:39
sergiusenscachio: in the second link11:40
sergiusenscachio: hmm, the only difference is that I am using the snap for spread compared to just downloading it for the spread task that works11:41
cachioso, you didn't change the project11:41
cachioor the google key?11:41
cachio# SPREAD_GOOGLE_KEY11:42
sergiusenscachio: do you use the spread snap for your jobs?11:43
cachiosergiusens, I really don't know how spread snap could affect11:43
cachiowe dont we it11:43
cachiowe download the bin11:43
sergiusenshah, that might explain it11:44
sergiusensis the spread snap known to be working?11:44
zygasergiusens: I don't know if it is maintained11:44
zygawould be good to check revision history11:45
cachiosergiusens, we don't use it, and we don't maintain this11:46
cachiosergiusens, so, not sure11:46
cachiosergiusens, niemeyer could kno11:46
zygamborzecki: and I know why that is now too11:49
pedronissergiusens: I do use the snap locally11:49
pedronisit's old though apparently11:50
sergiusenspedronis: and it reads your google key just fine when exported into the environment?11:51
pedronisI just used it yesterday11:51
sergiusensok, I will continue checking to see if it is something else, but this is the only diference between a job that works and one that does not on travis11:53
mupPR snapd#7467 opened: seed/seedwriter: resolve channels using channel.Resolve* for snaps <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7467>11:56
mupPR snapd#7468 opened: seed/seedwriter: support local snaps <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7468>11:57
mupPR snapd#7469 opened: seed/seedwriter,snap/naming: support classic models  <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7469>11:59
Chipacapedronis: that's a long chain of PRs :-(12:07
mupPR snapd#7423 closed: overlord/snapstate: config revision code cleanup and extra tests <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7423>12:07
pedronisChipaca: it's not even the end of it, but I'll try not to push more up today12:09
pedronisChipaca: it's not visible atm but except the first one that mvo skimmed they are all reasonably sized12:10
pedronisthat's why they are many12:10
Chipacapedronis: cool12:10
Chipacapedronis: i'm reviewing 7416 fwiw12:10
pedronisChipaca: indeed that's the start and the biggest one12:11
pedronisthank you12:11
pedronisChipaca: I pushed some more in case people want to see where things head to review the start12:11
pedronisin case12:11
pedronisas well12:11
Chipacavery confusing that asserts' core snaps are type "core"12:12
Chipaca(well, that's not the confusing bit, but ykwim)12:12
pedronisChipaca: we could probably do something in types.go12:14
pedronisanyway there is exactly two snaps with type "os"12:14
pedronis(not counting strange test ones)12:14
Chipacapedronis: wouldn't "AdditionalSnap" have been clearer for OptionsSnap?12:18
pedronisChipaca: they are not additional12:18
pedronisthey can also tweak model ones12:18
pedronisyou can see --snap core=edge12:19
pedroniscore is not additional there12:19
Chipacapedronis: unrelatedly, you know how to write graphviz graphs, yes?12:24
Chipacapedronis: graph-easy produces ASCII output from 'em12:24
Chipacapedronis: as in sudo apt install libgraph-easy-perl12:24
pedronisdidn't know that12:24
Chipacathen 'graph-easy foo.dot' → ascii graph12:25
mupPR snapd#7408 closed: tests: fix interfaces-timeserver-control on 19.10 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7408>12:25
mupPR snapd#7126 closed: tests: part3 making tests work on ubuntu-core-18 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7126>12:27
Chipacapedronis: looking at that graph, is the line on the left that goes from Start to SnapsToDownload supposed to be there? The 'no local snaps' label seems to be about the one immediately to its right that goes from LocalSnaps to SnapsToDownload12:33
=== ricab|bbl is now known as ricab
Chipacaand the leftmost one just mirrors the rightmost one12:33
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
Chipacaok my lunch smells ready now12:40
* Chipaca grabs a bowl12:40
pedronisChipaca: right side jumps: if you didn't call SetOptionsSnaps, you can jump straight from Start to SnapsToDownload, left side jumps: if you called it but none of them where local you can also do that, if you don't have local snaps you can also skip InfoDerived even if you called LocalSnaps12:41
pedronisthe right side one is a bit redundant, if you have no option snaps then of course you don't local either12:42
mupPR snapd#7470 opened: DRAFT: core20 snap install <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7470>12:47
mupPR snapd#7463 closed: tests/main/interfaces-{calendar,contacts}-service: disable on 19.10 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7463>12:59
mupPR snapd#7471 opened: tests: fix newline and wrong test name pointed out in previous PRs <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7471>13:04
=== genii_ is now known as genii
zygaijohnson: hey, I know it's not fair because I don't review much lately but  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442 is +60,-0 and I've addressed your comments now13:29
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>13:29
ijohnsonzyga: sure happy to take a look13:29
Psil0CybinHey guys can someone guide me through an install of Snappy to install an app for Kali Linux , problem "home is not in /home/user its just in /user"14:01
Psil0CybinI know snappy doesd not function so, but I found a few work around guides but want perhaps more guidance before i just blindly punch in commands14:02
ijohnsonChipaca: updated #741114:10
Chipacaijohnson: ack14:10
mupPR #7411: cmd/model: output tweaks, add'l tests <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7411>14:10
Chipacaijohnson: i'll get to a savepoint in #7416 and look at that14:10
mupPR #7416: seed/seedwriter: start of Writer and internal policy16/tree16 <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7416>14:10
ChipacaPRs have savepoints, right?14:10
ijohnsonsure, no rush14:10
ijohnsonsave early save often14:10
pedronisChipaca: btw did you see my answer here about that flow diagram ?14:11
Chipacapedronis: from before the standup, yes14:12
Chipacapedronis: if after, no14:12
pedronisyes, from before14:12
* Chipaca is a Byzantine General14:12
cachiomvo, canonistack server where spread-cron runs has been migrated, I'm migrating this as well to the new one14:20
cachioso snapd-vendor-sync won't run until the new instance is ready14:21
ijohnsonzyga: #7442 approved14:21
mupPR #7442: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>14:21
ijohnsonlooks like it's green so you could merge :-)14:21
Psil0Cybinif anyone has time later to plz help me get snap.d working on kali i would really appreciate it just becasue of the home folder situation...14:28
ChipacaPsil0Cybin: in kali, do you run everything as root, or are you your own user?14:29
mvocachio: nice14:30
__chip__Psil0Cybin: in kali, do you run everything as root, or are you your own user?14:31
__chip__(silly train network doing silly things)14:31
Psil0Cybin__chip__, my own user, created my own user for kali hardening14:31
Psil0Cybinbut still for some reason my home directory is /newuser14:31
__chip__Psil0Cybin: where did you put this user's home?14:31
Psil0Cybininstead of /home/newuser.14:31
Psil0Cybinsadly in /newuser14:31
Psil0Cybinwhy it was default or i did not notice any other settings :(14:31
__chip__Psil0Cybin: sudo mkdir -p /home/newuser; sudo mount --bind /newuser /home/newuser14:32
__chip__Psil0Cybin: that should work around the home issue, let you look at the next blocker14:32
__chip__kali had no shortage of those14:32
Psil0Cybin:O would that work? Can i do this while logged in?14:32
__chip__like weird network14:32
__chip__and weird X14:32
__chip__Psil0Cybin: yes. And yes.14:32
Psil0Cybinyea im down to figure out these blockers and even write a guide since i see non online to avoid similar things happening to users.14:33
__chip__good luck14:33
Psil0Cybinperfect first command worked, lets install snapd now :D14:33
__chip__Psil0Cybin: we're about to disappear for a week as we meet in person to plan the next chunk of work, so use the forum more? or be extra patient :)14:33
__chip__my train's almost there so ttfn14:34
Psil0Cybinsounds good incase you go missing! Hats off to you gentle man14:34
sergiusenspedronis: cachio fyi, by switching to the downloaded spread I could get a machine assigned14:57
cachiosergiusens, nice15:06
Chipacaijohnson: very quick one: you've double-imported check into asserts_test15:09
pedronisChipaca: thanks for the review15:14
Chipacapedronis: ijohnson: was the consensus that 'snap model --verbose' did not print 'brand' at all?15:15
Chipacajust brand-id15:16
pedronisChipaca: yes15:17
jdstrand_roadmr: hi! would you mind pulling 20190913-1517UTC? not urgent15:18
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
roadmrjdstrand_: sure thing. Probably won't deploy today (Friday the 13th, before a sprint? not a chance ;) but I'll aim to roll out next week15:18
jdstrandroadmr: hehe, sounds perfect15:20
pedronisgood, OOPS: 55 passed, 1 FAILED15:20
pedronisthat's image_test.go with seedwriter behind the scenes (plugged a bit hackishly atm but working)15:20
Chipacanetwork hiccup :-|15:20
Chipacapedronis: ijohnson: was the consensus that 'snap model --verbose' did not print 'brand' at all? just brand-id?15:20
pedronisChipaca: yes15:20
ijohnsonChipaca: whoops sorry15:20
Chipacaijohnson: a few more coming up15:20
ijohnsonah ok I'll wait for the full review then15:21
Chipacaijohnson: done15:21
mupPR snapd#7365 closed: tests: spread test for snap refresh/switch channel and risk switching <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7365>15:21
Chipacaooh, missed one thing15:22
Chipacaijohnson: you've got an if (something) { continue } else { stuff }15:22
Chipacaijohnson: that leaves {stuff} more indented than it needs to be15:22
Chipacaijohnson: silly stylistic, but hey15:22
ijohnsonthat's what you get paid for right?15:22
Chipacaijohnson: no, i get paid for my good looks15:23
Chipacaijohnson: style is just a bonus15:23
ijohnsonof course how could I forget15:23
mupPR snapd#7461 closed: run-checks, tests/main/go: allow gofmt checks to be skipped on 19.10 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7461>15:23
ijohnsonChipaca: where's the if thing you're mentioning?15:24
Chipacaijohnson: cmd_model.go:25215:24
pstolowskizyga: merged #7461 and didn't notice your small remark there, sorry15:24
mupPR #7461: run-checks, tests/main/go: allow gofmt checks to be skipped on 19.10 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7461>15:24
ijohnsongot it thanks15:25
Chipacaijohnson: would be nice to see what the output looks like in this case15:25
Chipacais there a test for it?15:25
Chipacai'll look in a bit15:25
ijohnsonin which case15:25
Chipaca(coming up to a stop)15:25
ijohnsonyes there's a test with required-snaps in the unit tets15:26
Chipacaneat, i'll look15:26
Chipacathank you15:26
ijohnsonhey jdstrand, pedronis, mvo if I install a snap with system-usernames: snap_daemon in it, then I manually delete the snap_daemon user I can't seem to remove the snap due to seccomp being unable to compile the profile (because we disconnect interfaces first)16:27
mupPR snapd#7442 closed: tests: extend mount-ns test to handle mimics <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7442>16:27
mupPR snapcraft#2713 closed: tests: completely mock bzr tests <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2713>17:04
zygaI was asleep, sorry17:09
mupPR snapcraft#2714 opened: tests: completely mock mercurial tests <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2714>17:10
jdstrandijohnson: can you file a bug?17:16
ijohnsonjdstrand: sure17:25
roadmrwhy is the snapcraft test suite from source trying to run /snap/bin/snapcraft?18:28
roadmrcachio: ^^ any idea about this? I mean, I can install the snapcraft snap but the point here is to test the source code I cloned18:29
cachioroadmr, I don't know, perhaps sergiusens could help on this18:30
roadmroh there's a snapcraft channel :) I'll ask there18:31
mupPR snapcraft#2715 opened: Unit 7z <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2715>18:52
mupPR snapd#7471 closed: tests: fix newline and wrong test name pointed out in previous PRs <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7471>18:54
mupPR snapd#7429 closed: wrappers/services: add ServicesEnableState + unit tests <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7429>21:40

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