
nanoGood day. I have done a clean installation of kubuntu on a system with EFI, kubuntu is mounted on a ssd sata and windows with the EFI are installed on an nvme disk with optane, the problem is that grub is not installed. When restarting the computer goes directly to windows. How can I solve that?00:20
=== krytarik is now known as Guest15304
nanoGood day. I have done a clean installation of kubuntu on a system with EFI, kubuntu is mounted on a ssd sata and windows with the EFI are installed on an nvme disk with optane, the problem is that grub is not installed. When restarting the computer goes directly to windows. How can I solve that?01:12
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nanoGood day. I have done a clean installation of kubuntu on a system with EFI, kubuntu is mounted on a ssd sata and windows with the EFI are installed on an nvme disk with optane, the problem is that grub is not installed. When restarting the computer goes directly to windows. How can I solve that?02:42
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nanoCan anybody help me?03:20
nanoCan anybody help me?05:50
=== Guest76530 is now known as lordievader
nanoHey Can anybody help me?10:07
diogenes_!ask | nano10:13
ubottunano: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:13
nanoHi Doigenes10:24
nanoI have installed Windows 10 with EFI on the main NVME disk with Intel Optane 500gb. In another 500 Gb SSD I have made the partitions to install Kubuntu.10:24
nanoI do all the installation without problem, but when rebooting the computer goes directly to Windows 10 without appearing before GRUB and being able to choose with which system I boot.10:24
nanoI think GRUB does not install or Windows deletes GRUB10:24
nanoHow can i fix this?10:24
diogenes_nano, did you create a fat32 /boot/efi partition for linux? did you disable secure boot?10:27
nanofat 32 efi exists for windows installation and secure boot is disabled10:35
nanosda1 for root, sda2 for home and nvme0n1 for GRUB10:42
nanoI think windows erases GRUB10:43
diogenes_nano, you need to create a separate /boot/efi fat 32 partition for linux.10:45
diogenes_windows doesn't erase grub unless you do some updates which might overwrite grub.10:46
nanoWhat can happen then to solve it?10:47
diogenes_to re-install and partition it correctly.10:48
nanoIt's been 2 times that I install it one with GRUB in nvme0n1 and another the grub in sda, but windows always enters without going through the grub before10:50
diogenes_you can re-install million of times, without a linux /boot/efi partition nothing will work.10:51
nanoOk, how do I make the linux efi / boot partition and how do I use it?10:52
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
diogenes_when you reach partitioning in the installation process, you just create: 1) 30 GB ext4 partition, mountpoint / 2) (optional) many GB, ext4 partition, mountpoint /home 3) at least 4 GB partition, swap aream, 4) 300 MB, vfat (fat32) partition, mountpoint /boot/efi, the installer will take care of the rest.10:56
nanoI already have all the partitions excep11:03
nanoI already have all the partitions except the last one, step 4 linux / boot / efi, according to what you write, should I make another boot / efi partition for linux apart from the boot / efi partition for windows and to the end?11:03
diogenes_nano, first of all you create a chunk of free space, about 40 Gb, then from that free space you start creating the partitions, then proceed with the installation.11:05
diogenes_if you create 40 GB free space, then you won't need /home partition, if you want a /home partition, make more free space then.11:06
diogenes_nano, and i'd advice you do that free spaceright from windows, using easeus partition manager.11:07
diogenes_that's much easier.11:07
nanoof root space I gave 70 Gb, for home I gave 140 gb, I do not need swap, I have more than enough ram, the only thing I did not do is the linux boot / efi partition. I had no experience before with uefi I had only installed with bios11:08
diogenes_then as soon as you reach partioning, remove all thos partitions and re-create them, or, resize one of them and re-install grub.11:10
nanoMy only doubt is the grub, which had never happened to me not to be installed11:10
nanoWhat is the reason to erase all partitions? I only have a problem with GRUB, and I still don't know if I should create another partition for Linux with Fat32 or what to do11:12
diogenes_:) ok, forget all i said, have a nice day and good luck.11:13
nanoYou didn't explain me well but thanks for your time, have a nice day11:15
BluesKajHiyas all11:15
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BluesKaj!ubuntu community15:02
magic_ninjacan kubuntu be updated to the testing repos?15:12
magic_ninjaI'm wanting to change over to 19.10 a bit early for optimus support via binaries.15:12
marco-parillo-M1Yes, people do sed their sources. I have not done it in a while. Since I do not have all that much user data, I find it easier to just install from the daily ISO and copy over my data.15:15
BluesKajmagic_ninja, 19.10 will be released officially on Oct 17th15:15
BluesKajmagic_ninja, if you don't want to wait you can change your sources.list like so: sudo sed -i 's/disco/eoan/' /etc/apt/sources.list , then sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, if you're currently on 18.10. Make sure you update and upgrade your packages in 18.10 first15:23
magic_ninjaI'm on 19.0415:23
magic_ninjaYea, I don't want to wait, I just wanted to make sure that there wouldn't be an issue with that.15:24
BluesKajoops, I meant 19.04 ;-015:24
magic_ninjaI'm going to clonezilla my drive too15:24
magic_ninjawith a pair of ssd it only takes 5 minutes, then another 10 to restore.15:24
BluesKajmagic_ninja, , or you could try sudo do-release-upgrade -d rather than changing your sources.list15:26
magic_ninjaBluesKaj, eh, I think I would rather update my sources to eoan and give that a shot.15:31
BluesKajmagic_ninja, well, if the sudo do-release-upgrade -d doesn't work there's no harm done15:32
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BluesKajI recall using it successfully15:33
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magic_ninja_workso, the upgrade to 19.10 didn't render my system unbootable.19:32
magic_ninja_workThat is a plus.19:32
magic_ninja_workthe nvidia drivers isn't quite install correctly, though.19:33
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magic_ninja_workdoes 19.10 actually remove support for i386 libs? Seems the 435 drivers depend on some that aren't there20:20
magic_ninja_workgot it all worked out. Lets see if the 435 drivers broke stuff.20:36
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