=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK === krytarik is now known as Guest15304 [04:30] test === mgc is now known as defmonky [05:17] mgc: can we help you with anything? [06:29] mineonlydeed was added by: mineonlydeed [06:29] Hi friends, I need help. I am a beginner and using a 32 bit laptop. I just installed lubuntu in it. Now I can't connect to the WiFi. It worked perfectly for the first time. Now it doesn't. [06:33] mineonlydeed, what exactly "doesn't work". [06:34] and what do yu mean by "first time". [06:35] @mineonlydeed which version of lubuntu? [06:35] @diogenes_ I think he means wifi worked earlier. [06:36] @The_LoudSpeaker [@mineonlydeed which version of lubuntu?], 19.04 [06:36] The_LoudSpeaker, "doesn't work" is a very vague description, doesn't work what? it's either you see the networks and you cannot connect, or you can't see the networks at all. [06:37] @The_LoudSpeaker [@mineonlydeed which version of lubuntu?], 18.04 maybe [06:37] also what is the first time? is it when running off of a live usb it was working and now after the installation it doesn't. [06:37] @diogenes_ [ The_LoudSpeaker, "doesn't work" is a very vague description, doesn't …], it doesnt show any network conncections [06:38] noice. do you know which wifi adapter your system has? intel or broadcom ? or something else? [06:38] @The_LoudSpeaker [noice. do you know which wifi adapter your system has? intel or broadcom ? or so …], intel [06:38] it should work for intel. [06:38] also, did it work in live usb? [06:38] yes it did work [06:39] then I suppose you have 18.04 and you didn't select to install 3rd party drivers during installation. [06:39] @The_LoudSpeaker [then I suppose you have 18.04 and you didn't select to install 3rd party drivers …], I suppose so [06:39] so what will do now? [06:40] can you send a screenshot of your desktop? the screen after you click network icon. [06:40] One second please [06:40] Also, let me dig something up, there was a page having instructions on how to install 3rd party drivers [06:41] @The_LoudSpeaker [Also, let me dig something up, there was a page having instructions on how to in …], K sir [06:43] @lynorian is there a man page somewhere for this? [06:43] for 18.04 stuff? [06:44] for 3rd party drivers [06:44] I don't think so [06:44] (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/JZoacIY.jpg [06:44] for the lubuntu manual there is software properties gnome [06:45] or stuff should be in system tools [06:46] @mineonlydeed can you send the output of 'lspci' ? [06:46] just run 'lspci' in terminal without quotes. [06:47] and you can paste the output at pastebinit.com [06:47] I cannot connect it into internet [06:47] Then how? [06:47] ohh you can send a screenshot here then. [06:48] Wait [06:48] also, you will need to conect to internet to download some packages and get your wifi running. [06:49] Also, I suggest using 19.04 as 18.04 is the last version where we use lxde. [06:49] lxqt is used since 18.10 and transition from lxde to lxqt is not supported. [06:50] @The_LoudSpeaker [ohh you can send a screenshot here then.], lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS600 Host Bridge 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS600 PCI to PCI Bridge (Internal gfx) 00:12.0 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 Non-Raid-5 SAT [06:50] A 00:13.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 USB (OHCI0) 00:13.1 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 USB (OHCI1) 00:13.2 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 USB (OHCI2) 00:13.3 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 USB (OHCI3) 00:13.4 USB controller: [06:50] Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 USB (OHCI4) 00:13.5 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 USB Controller (EHCI) 00:14.0 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 SMBus Controller (rev 14) 00:14.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 IDE 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [06:50] , Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) 00:14.3 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB600 PCI to LPC Bridge 00:14.4 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 PCI to PCI Bridge 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS600M [Radeon Xpress 1250] [06:50] (Photo, 640x1280) https://i.imgur.com/iyyzbOV.jpg [06:52] one sec. [06:54] can you send the output of 'lspci -vvnn | grep -A 9 Network ' [06:58] No out put [06:58] gg! [06:59] wxl: any idea how do we identify the network adapter here? [06:59] (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/fSE33VG.jpg [07:00] @mineonlydeed what does 'ifconfig' give ? [07:01] diogenes_: any idea how do we identify the wifi adapter here ? [07:02] @The_LoudSpeaker [@mineonlydeed what does 'ifconfig' give ?], It is saying no command as such [07:02] ... [07:03] can you connect to a wired connection for now somehow? [07:03] @The_LoudSpeaker [can you connect to a wired connection for now somehow?], Let me try using usb tethering from my phone [07:03] yeah. that should work. [07:04] then once you are connected, run following from your terminal: … 1. sudo apt update … 2. sudo apt install net-tools … 3. ifconfig [07:05] send the output of last command. [13:11] Has anyone figured out how to get rid of systemd? [15:09] so sad, image viewer can't print images [15:11] ubu: There are distros like Void that don't feature systemd [15:12] JohnDoe_71Rus: Which image viewer are you using? [15:14] i try lximage, gpicview, pinta (editor) they all don't have Print function [15:15] Which version of Lubuntu? 18.04 or 19.04? [15:17] 18.04 [15:17] Have you tried placing the image in Libre Office? [15:18] and i try this on Calculate Linux (gentoo based), so fresh software [15:19] lximage-qt that is in 19.04 does have a print option. I will have to get my 18.04 VM up to see what options you have there. [15:19] LO can't open multipage tiff. Then i know that image viewer can't print any images [15:21] https://i.imgur.com/dhLA5wR.jpg no print. (sorry russian locale) [15:48] JohnDoe_71Rus: Perhaps "eye of Gnome" will work for you. [15:48] !info eog bionic [15:48] eog (source: eog): Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 709 kB, installed size 2556 kB [15:48] It has a print option. [15:51] eog for lubuntu? And 1/2 gnome too [15:52] Lubuntu 18.04 is GTK based. It only pulled down a few dependencies when I installed it. [15:54] can you advice gtk2/3 theme for lubuntu 18.04 like fusion lxqt? [15:56] I honestly can't. I am not as familiar with lxde and the themes available. [15:58] If wxl is around he may know ^ [17:15] Using lubuntu 18.04 … Getting dependency error while installing libre office from the software store [17:18] @mineonlydeed [Using lubuntu 18.04 … Getting dependency error while installing libre office from …], Anyone? Help? [17:21] @mineonlydeed what is the exact error? [17:21] Also [17:21] !patience | @mineonlydeed [17:21] @mineonlydeed: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [17:21] @ubottu [ @mineonlydeed: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if …], K [17:22] (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/YC7A4UQ.jpg [17:24] @mineonlydeed if you run the software updater is the system up to date? [17:25] @kc2bez [ @mineonlydeed if you run the software updater is the system up to date?], It's not. [17:26] Ok. you should probably update first. [17:26] I was able to install libreoffice on an updated system. [17:28] @kc2bez [ I was able to install libreoffice on an updated system.], But while updating [17:28] (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/KlD8RUz.jpg [17:36] @mineonlydeed what is the result of issuing `sudo apt update` in the terminal? [17:36] And now it showing system is updated [17:37] @kc2bez [ @mineonlydeed what is the result of issuing `sudo apt update` in the te …], Upto date [17:37] I can't even force remove libre nor install it [17:45] What's the output of: sudo apt remove libreoffice [17:46] (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/r4UGdQK.jpg [17:46] @SamuelBanya [What's the output of: sudo apt remove libreoffice], This error [17:47] @mineonlydeed you have a package that is broken somewhere. You really should force install or remove. Try doing this in the terminal `sudo apt-get install -f` and `sudo dpkg --configure -a` [17:48] @kc2bez [ @mineonlydeed you have a package that is broken somewhere. You really s …], While doing these, the above told errors are coming [17:51] I have to apologize, I intended to write you should NOT force install or remove above. [17:52] @kc2bez [ I have to apologize, I intended to write you should NOT force install o …], Hmm, ok. Now that is the way? [17:53] That being said, can you pastebin the errors you have in the terminal, I can't make out much from your photo. [17:53] Ok === lubuntu is now known as Guest50873 [23:08] Peter was added by: Peter [23:09] Hi, i'm a beginner. Anyone tried web server + wordpress on lubuntu? [23:19] Nope, but should work ok, just follow what an ubuntu tutoriales says [23:20] However if you don't need desktop environment, ubuntu server is more secure [23:21] And you could run a Ubuntu server in a VM on Lubuntu. === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK