
phillipsjk..but topic sasy "no ranting" ;)02:02
pragmaticenigmayeah, there's #ubuntu-offtopic ... but I'm sure you're capable of being constructive in criticism :-)02:04
phillipsjkI know Knoppix fixed my complaint by not using systemd.02:04
pragmaticenigmahow often do you run live mode? any particular purpose?02:04
phillipsjkMainly trying to install Ubuntu, but I have been using other live DVDs for over a year due to alack of properly configured computer.02:06
phillipsjkIs USB booting now preferred for isntallation? I don't really like the lack of write protection on those.02:08
pragmaticenigmaUSB is probably the most common installation method. For machines I have to use optical media on, I either make use of Ubuntu's mini.iso installer or use Plop to get a boot environment that I can the start the image from the USB. Something to note, Plop does not include any write routines, which means the USB is effectively read-only02:12
phillipsjkI used to think ROM had superior security until I learned about return-oriented programming.02:14
phillipsjkI also noted that all my packages installed from DVD were promptly replaced by updates from the web.02:15
pragmaticenigmaphillipsjk: That's why I install with the mini.iso ... mini.iso only comes with the smallest amount of "stuff" to boot the machine to the installer. After that all the packages are installed from the web. They are installed with the latest versions available in the repos. Once the machine is done installing, I don't have to wait around for updates02:17
phillipsjk40MB: I can use up com CD-Rs I have alying around too. (but I have to pay music royalties on those, so DVDs may be cheaper)02:18
pragmaticenigmaCD-R's only have music royalties attached if they have the "music" label on them02:22
pragmaticenigmaphillipsjk: and depending on how long those CD-Rs have been laying around, better to use them, than to keep them around doing nothing02:23
pragmaticenigmadepending on the quality of the disk, the substrate used for burning, does eventually break down02:25
phillipsjkpragmaticenigma, not in canada. As as 'win', the lobby did not get the royalties on MP3 player and cell phone storage they wanted.02:27
phillipsjkAlso DVDs being exempt, as I mentioned02:28
* pragmaticenigma makes note to not buy CD-Rs from Canada02:29
phillipsjkI looked into examption for data use: you essentially need to use enough CDs to get your own batch from the manufacturer.02:30
phillipsjkProbably hurts independent artists the most.02:31
pragmaticenigmaor figure out a way to get them in from the US?02:35
phillipsjkcould get stopped in customs. Not worth the trouble for how many CD-Rs I use.02:37
pragmaticenigmaI think I'm not alone in wondering why ... but to each their own. you gotta use what works best for you02:39
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
phillipsjkI assume you can install additional packages with an extra tty with the mini.iso?03:54
* phillipsjk did an emergency installation of 'smartmontools' because he smelled burning (external source) and temperatures reported by LCD thing were normal.03:55
lotuspsychjemini is just a base, you can do anything with it03:57
ducassegood morning05:25
EoflaOEGood morning everyone06:40
lotuspsychjemorning EoflaOE06:40
EoflaOEGood morning lotuspsychje. How is your day?06:40
lotuspsychjestarting great, coffee & sunny outside06:40
lotuspsychjehow are you?06:40
EoflaOEI am doing fine. Sunny outside too06:41
=== gry_ is now known as gry
BluesKajHiyas all11:15
marcoagpintoBluesKaj: Hello11:17
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto11:19
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
EoflaOEHello marcoagpinto13:44
EoflaOEHow are you marcoagpinto?13:45
marcoagpintoI can't answer13:46
marcoagpintoand you?13:46
EoflaOEI am doing fine.13:46
marcoagpintois anyone there?!15:03
ducassethere usually is15:17
marcoagpintoI am feeling lonely15:19
lotuspsychjehggdh: congrats with your remaining council16:05
marcoagpintoEoflaOE: are you there?16:56
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: Yes, but school is tomorrow so can't talk much now.16:56
hggdhlordievader: thank you17:19
hggdherm... sorry, was for lotus17:19
EoflaOEhello hggdh17:23
hggdhEoflaOE: good afternoon :-)17:33
EoflaOEhggdh: Good afternoon to you too17:34
=== gry_ is now known as gry

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