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OvenWerksEickmeyer: it depends on the webcam. try cat /proc/asound/card?/stream0 where the card? is your webcam device name/number. paste it to me (add |pastebinit)01:20
Eickmeyer[m]I’ll have to do that in the morning.03:40
OvenWerksin case you are wondering, the webcam in question had a maximum SR of 32000. I had already started a fix that would allow zita-ajbridge to be run at the closest SR to the jack master that the device supported.05:46
OvenWerksBut with the code I have it would have picked up only the first "Rates:" line which as you can see in the bug is 16000. So I need to go through the whole file and read in all the Rates: lines and combine them.05:48
OvenWerksThis is actually the second user with this problem I have talked to. The first had a direct guitar to USB that was only 48000... no 4410005:50
OvenWerksThis is actually the reason I bought the cheap (under $1) usb devices for testing.05:51
OvenWerksI was able to reproduce the bug here by setting my jack master to 96000 and using one of these devices.05:51
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ok, so that's why. Jack doesn't like sample rate mismatch, so obvs would have to do an on-the-fly SR conversion.17:59
OvenWerksEickmeyer: actually zita-ajbridge just needs a rate that the device will work with18:00
OvenWerksJack doesn't care what zita does :)18:00
EickmeyerOk, so zita can do the SR conversion?18:01
OvenWerksI do have a working update but was leaving it as a 20.04 feature. But this bug shows up a problem with that update even.18:02
EickmeyerBTW, if this is a bugfix (which I would treat it as), we can push it to Eoan since it's not a "feature" per-se.18:02
OvenWerksthat is what we use zita for it's SRC18:02
OvenWerkseven two devices running at 48000 are not exactly 48000 one will be 48001 the other might be 4799818:03
EickmeyerAh, good point.18:04
OvenWerksThe new code looks for the first line with "Rates:" in it. but the user's webcam mic has three Rates: lines each with a different rate rather than one line with all three18:06
OvenWerksso I need to change the new code to collect the rates from all the lines  :P18:07
OvenWerksif you want to push it into 19.10 I will work on that next20:59
EickmeyerOkay, let's do it. If it fixes the bug, then that's perfect.22:11
EickmeyerOvenWerks ^22:11
Eickmeyer(was offline, was finally getting wired internet installed)22:11
OvenWerksAh, well I will work on that, but not today. I need to get ready to go out... it is A) our aniversary and B) my son's birthday.22:12
EickmeyerHappy Anniversary/birthday!22:12

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