=== krytarik is now known as Guest15304 [17:27] I have a fresh snapshot at the system and would like to get simple recording working in Jack [17:28] I was told that KDE may be causing the problems because it uses a backend canned phonon, but I'd like to give it a try [17:28] Ok, Jack itself doesn't record, which application would you like to use? [17:28] so.. I can get cadence from KX Studio or Ubuntu Studio repos, right? And trying to install both repos could lead to troubles perhaps [17:29] if yu are using ubuntustudio-controls you can't have cadence and the reverse [17:30] cadence makes system changes that are difficult to reverse. [17:30] OvenWerks: 'apt search ubuntustudio' (on a Kubuntu 18.04.3) shows a bunch of stuff [17:30] This is because it installs almost everything in user space rather than system. [17:30] What do you have installed so far? [17:30] what should I install to get the repos [17:31] Are you starting from kubuntu? [17:31] I'm willing to try other distros [17:31] OvenWerks: yes, from kubuntu [17:31] kubuntu is fine, I have had no trouble doing that [17:32] so: sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer [17:32] and then run that? [17:32] ya, I would suggest first adding the ubuntustudio backports PPA [17:33] OvenWerks: I'm not clear on what "backport" means. Would you enlighten me? [17:33] more software? newer software? older software? [17:34] A newer version of installer itself. [17:34] So backports == good for us? [17:34] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntustudio-ppa/backports [17:35] ya, backports means you get the latest released version that will come out when 19.10 is released [17:35] sudo apt-get update [17:35] then sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer [17:35] OvenWerks: always a good idea to refresh the database of software after installing more repos [17:36] I think there are a few fixes since 19.04 [17:37] now installing the new installer [17:37] done [17:37] what now? [17:37] run it? [17:37] run that and choose packages :) [17:38] Awesome! Thank you all you people who make this possible [17:38] If it is just audio you are interested in you may not want publishing, graphics [17:38] *in audio [17:38] I just did some work with Inkscape for a friend [17:39] you are welcome to install as much as you want... do be warned, it will take a while [17:40] I take audio and lowlatency now [17:40] install more if I get this to work [17:41] Hold on.. it is installing a 4-branch kernel, the kubuntu uses 5 now with 18.04.3 [17:41] is this going to be problems? [17:41] it should not be. [17:42] and I don't need anything fance, simple recording and I would love to get it to work that I can play something on the midi controller and then actually play it back [17:42] The only problem would be if you need a graphics driver that is newer. [17:43] OvenWerks: Nah running on 2012 released CPU [17:43] once one gets used to how quick apt installs are with SSD they seem to take a long time on HDD [17:43] your old kernel is not removed, so you can always choose that to boot [17:44] OvenWerks: I put 50 GB for root partition, not running out [17:44] I have used as low as 20G but my working one is 40G [17:45] I ran out with 20GB some years ago [17:45] needed to locate and manually remove old junk that some code stopped keeping track of [17:46] I'm excited to see what I can make happen audio-wise [17:48] usub.. the nicks one comes up with when needing two ircs.. [17:48] kinda got a 2 laptop situation [17:50] I run screen with irssi so I can access it from whatever computer I happen to be using. Plus I can see the backscroll better [17:51] screen is a text based session manager and irssi is a text based irc client] [17:51] OvenWerks: I believe screen is a multipurpose session multiplexer like tmux is [17:52] Ya [17:52] and I do pay irccloud 4€ / month [17:53] perhaps I should connect as my irccloud on the browser instead of running a konversation [17:56] that's me, but I like using konversation, but when I'm mobile I use the irccloud, coz it very good program for a phone irc.. right now I need to let the installation finish and hop over to the market to catch some grub [17:58] !kxstudio [17:58] KXStudio is an Ubuntu-based operating system and a repository for Debian-based operating systems for audio production. Development is on hiatus until late-2019 as of this writing. It is not supported by Ubuntu or Ubuntu Studio, and using its repo is discouraged. Support in #kxstudio. [18:01] I think jackd is crashing. Does that log somewhere? I'm not able to figure out if/where it does. [18:03] wonko: ~/.log [18:04] maybe ~/.log/jack [18:26] Ok, I'll try looking there, thanks! [19:06] logout for RT access. bbiab [19:10] usub: if you install more stuff, you can ignore the logout and in message a second time. [19:11] installer puts that out at the end of an install regaurdless. [20:44] now jack is up with pulseaudio working, but Audacity shows up in the patchbay as PortAudio in_1, in_2 and in_3, but I cannot link from system capture to the Audacity PortAudio [20:48] but Ardour is able to record [20:49] Happy time! [20:55] Audacity does not do jack right. [20:55] Next I need to figure out how to get jack to recognize my midi controller [20:56] or actually I'm going to install the rest of the Ubuntu Studio now [20:57] if it shows up as an alsa midi device the midi bridge in ubuntustudio-controls should make it show up as a2j- [21:14] OvenWerks: thanks. now it shows up in the patchbay [21:15] now I connected it to fluidsynth, but fluidsynth has no outputs [21:27] look for qsynth for fluid synth outputs? [21:28] usub: ^^^ [21:31] usub: Ya, I used jack keyboard into the fluid synth midi in (in a2j) and qsynth out to audio outputs and I get noise [21:38] this is weird, qsynth is connected to outputs and in the gui I can see it is getting the key presses, but no sound [21:42] Do you have a sound font loaded? [21:45] That sound font thing too me forever to figure out when I first used qsynth [21:45] Took* [21:46] Ya they are kind of hidden [21:56] OvenWerks: Good point. Without a sound-font it will not play much sound [22:03] ok, now loaded soundfont and I get audible sounds from the midi controller [22:03] there is horrible lag in the synthesizer [22:04] I've had fluidsynth that is very fast [22:06] in jack what do you have buffer size set to? [22:07] if it is 1024 maybe reduce that to 128 and try again. [22:08] 4096 [22:08] Thats pretty long ya [22:08] even 1024 should be nicer than that [22:09] 1024 is default and has worked for me [22:09] 128 is the lowest that many USB devices work reliably at [22:10] I have run 16 on a PCI device [22:27] Cheers OvenWerks .. worked much better with low latency [22:28] but now I'm seeing something that after restarting jack things are not working as it looks in Carla. I better reboot this once [23:42] OvenWerks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pSyg52FXZW/ [23:43] Oh that's very long, sorry [23:44] But the errors at the bottom might mean something to you?