
glitchdhello all, looking for a bit of help getting vlc to work correctly.00:14
Kumoolglitchd: use mpv instead00:19
Kumoolvlc is terrible00:19
glitchdthanks, but id rather stick with vlc00:21
Kumoolvlc tries to do everything, ends up failing at everything00:21
Kumoolits a general rule00:21
Kumoolbrowsers as well00:21
glitchdnot in all the time that ive used it00:22
glitchdthis is the first real issue ive had00:22
Kumoolso whats the issue00:22
Kumoolask that instead00:22
glitchdit plays basically everything and is lightweight00:22
glitchdright on00:22
Kumoolits not lightweight00:22
Kumoolbut hey, if you like it00:22
glitchdthe issue is that either it opens but doesnt show on the screen, or it opens and the interface is unusable because its super-sied on my screen.00:23
glitchdactually dont even worry about it, im about to reinstall anyways, so ill deal with it when i get back to this point.00:23
glitchdthx anyhow00:23
Kumoolsuper sized?00:24
glitchdthe gui is extremely oversized00:24
Kumoolxfce does remember window dimensions00:24
glitchdso much so that i can access any of the controls, and if i go clicking around on it, it just crashes00:24
Kumoolhave you tried resizing?00:24
glitchdyes i have, i can only resize it so small before it stops letting my resize it, but even then its wildly oversized00:25
glitchdnot just the window is huge, all the parts of the gui itself or rediculously huge00:25
glitchdbut yea im gonna reinstall and hope for a change00:26
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glitchdKumool, so i figured it out02:31
glitchdKumool, its a qt annoyance basically02:31
glitchdKumool, to have it launch in the correct size and aspect ratio, i have to use this command: QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 vlc02:32
xubuntu84wwant help on requirements09:21
xubuntu84wi want to replace fedora 9 and file, mail, print servers from a network LAN09:21
xubuntu84wwith Xubuntu09:21
xubuntu84wI have pentium 1 GHz and 1 gb RAM machines09:22
SpassI wanted to change the text file coding from WINDOWS-1250 to UTF-8, seems like Mousepad lacks that feature?09:39
well_laid_lawnSpass:  I think that would be a system wide setting not just in mousepad09:41
well_laid_lawnor mousepad uses the system wide setting09:42
SpassLeafpad can do that without a problem using "Save as", then I can choose a specific coding for the file09:42
well_laid_lawnyes I had it wrong - it's what the file is already encoded as that counts09:44
Spassit's not important, but too bad Mousepad lacks that feature, anyway, I'll use Geany (or Leafpad) for that purpose09:46
well_laid_lawnI use leafpad09:46
well_laid_lawneasier to set the tab width09:47
Spassyeah, I was using Leafpad before, maybe I should go back09:53
Spassseems like Leafpad has it's own issue on 18.04, it doesn't work with "pkexec" out of the box09:58
SpassI guess I'd need to manually some policies09:58
diogenes_Spass, what about: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY leafpad /etc/environment10:12
Spassnot sure, Leafpad is no longer on my system ;) got back to Mousepad, I'll use Geany to change the file coding when needed (so not too often)10:14
ubuI'm trying to learn how to get rid of systemd.13:08
AdabHello , i have installed xubuntu in my new pc (dell G3 ) , my OS did not detect my hdmi port , can any one helps me ?15:26
diogenes_Adab, could you pastebin: inxi -F15:33
aaksjdhjasdjIs it ohkay to switch to the development version of Xubuntu for normal usage16:50
aaksjdhjasdjThe packages are bit out-dated :(16:51
brainwashaaksjdhjasdj: if you have to ask that, probably no16:54
brainwashare you using 19.04 right now?16:55
brainwashif yes, you will be able to upgrade to 19.10 in like a month16:55
aaksjdhjasdjbrainwash I'm using 18.04 Actually16:56
aaksjdhjasdjOr else what's your usual method of getting up-to-date packages. lnstfalling build dependencies consumes a lot of space and time.16:58
brainwashdepends on what you want to have up-to-date17:00
aaksjdhjasdjHmm, well. text-editors and browsers atleast17:00
aaksjdhjasdjRest all can still be managed. And PPAs aren't that trustworthy right.17:01
brainwashweb browsers should be on the latest version anyway17:01
brainwashdue to security reasons17:01
brainwashPPAs are managed by 3rd parties, yes17:02
swift110sup folks17:02
swift110Client: HexChat 2.14.2 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5600  @ 1.83GHz (1.83GHz) • Memory: Physical: 2.9 GiB Total (1.3 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 0 bytes / 0 bytes (0 bytes Free) • Uptime: 9m 20s17:02
brainwashaaksjdhjasdj: however, often the developers directly offer a PPA17:03
aaksjdhjasdjSome of them, and some of them don't17:03
brainwashthat is how it is17:04
aaksjdhjasdjAnyways, I'll try out the development branch17:04
brainwashgood luck with that17:04
aaksjdhjasdjJust was curious to know if anyone uses it as a daily driver17:05
brainwashit's not my main system, but I do use it for development17:05
brainwashyou'll get many package updates on a daily basis17:06
brainwashespecially if you install a wide range of software17:06
brainwashdifferent toolkits and so on17:06
aaksjdhjasdjI just try it out then.17:09

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