
=== 07IACHG6K is now known as dsnaike
theosis there a way to install lubuntu-desktop and remove firefox? I have chromium07:02
guiverctheos, lubuntu-desktop on 19.04 recommends firefox, it's not a dependency https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/lubuntu-desktop07:05
theosguiverc i am on 14.0407:06
theoswait. let me check.07:06
guiverc14.04 LTS is EOL & unsupported; even 16.04 LTS flavors are unsupported.07:06
theos(how do i check which OS I have?)07:06
guiverc`lsb_release -a` from term should tell you.07:07
guivercthough running `ubuntu-support-status` maybe benefecial to knowing your support options.07:08
guivercfyi:  14.04 means the 2014-April release (yy.mm format); it was a LTS giving it 3 years of supported life; 5 applies to main Ubuntu (with Unity for 14.04 so it's EOL now too; 14.04 is now ESM only)07:09
theosthanks. its 14.04. the reason i installed an older version is because i have to use my old laptop for now which only has 512MB ram. and 18.04 used a lot of ram by default07:09
theosi see. thanks again. I hope you understand my situation. I have worked out other kinks. had to find an OS, a web browser etc. now i just need to remove ff because its useless on this laptop. chromium is the only option i have now as it uses half the ram as compared to ff.07:12
guivercUbuntu 18.04 LTS is supported, has updates & is secure; Lubuntu 14.04 reached EOL in 2017-April so hasn't received updates (desktop) since then. I'd not recommend using the laptop on the web as only 14.04 ESM is supported07:13
theosI was using 18.04 on my newer system before it died. it had 8 GB of ram and good enough cores to keep things running.07:14
theosI understand what you are saying. Is there a way to remove ff without removing lubuntu-desktop?07:14
guivercI use 18.04 on an old thinkpad (t43) with 1.5gb of ram, also tested 18.04 on latitude d610 (1gb) & other like systems, but didn't test on anything less than 1gb of ram.07:15
theosya. i installed 18.04. it was working fine. just used twice the ram as compared to 14.0407:16
guivercI don't have a 14.04 system here to query package/dep rules; online tools don't support it as only ESM supported (by Canonical, not Ubuntu volunteers).  I probably would have gone for a network installer (or server) of 18.04 & add only what I needed (not via meta-packages) to stick to openbox or whatever you like - ie. light & current!07:19
theosso there is no way to remove ff?07:24
guivercwe don't support 14.04; I don't have access to 14.04 dep rules here (no 14.04 box & online tools only have supported releases).07:26
theosI see. thanks for your help.07:27
=== patrice is now known as Guest55577
lubot<SamuelBanya> tgnvs: Hello how can we help you?14:07
lubot<voivod> hello to you all15:03
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @voivod hi. How can we help you?15:05
lubot<voivod> @The_LoudSpeaker [@voivod hi. How can we help you?], not now 😉 I have a eeepc 1001 px and I plan to install Lubuntu. I only like to say hello15:06
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Okay.15:09
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Let us know if you need any help.15:09
=== Greench is now known as Lutinmalin
LutinmalinHi! I'm a new Lubuntu user and I'm having a couple issues, namely lxqt-powermanagement doesn't work and some touchpad/touchscreen trouble18:43
Lutinmalinhow can I troubleshoot? :)18:44
LutinmalinI tried installing batmon.app but it doesn't work either19:05
=== root is now known as Guest46086
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
_F3B0_hola k tal??22:25

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