
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It was really good timing to remove ladish and get raysession in with the python 2 removal.01:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I am not sure if the Ardour problem is with waf or with the startup script.01:13
OvenWerksstartup seems to be bash01:13
OvenWerksI just remember someone talking about it01:14
OvenWerksArch if I recall correctly01:14
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ^^01:16
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ardour isn't even affected per https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/python2-rm.html01:18
EickmeyerWho develops that?01:21
OvenWerkslast copyright is 200801:25
OvenWerksthe Downloaded from url (http://home.gna.org/a2jmidid/) shows: The requested URL /a2jmidid/ was not found on this server.01:27
OvenWerksIt seems to have been moved to https://repo.or.cz/a2jmidid.git01:28
EickmeyerWell, that's a situation where it needs to be ported.01:30
OvenWerksThe a2j code was added into jackd1 but not jackd2 last I heard01:33
OvenWerks(the same can be said for zita-ajbridge)01:33
OvenWerksFilipe's plan, to the best of my knowledge, was to bring jackd2 to the point of compatablilty with jackd1 and then retire jackd101:35
OvenWerksHowever, Filipe is a busy man. There has not been a kxstudio iso release for 5 years or so (last was based on 14.04) and he is back working with MOD01:36
EickmeyerYeah, I know. :/01:51
OvenWerksWhen are they killing pythin 2? before or after the LTS?01:52
EickmeyerI'm not 100% sure.01:53
EickmeyerLooks like before the LTS: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-Debian-Python-2-Process01:54
EickmeyerI don't think Filipe is willing to let that functionality disappear.01:56
OvenWerksis there a python 4 to worry about01:57
EickmeyerIf it's in development, it hasn't been released.01:57
OvenWerksyuck! I get a whole pile of lines with Rates: for my internal (PCH) card... it appears some of them are the standard HAD rates that the hda bus will handle and the others are what the device actually handles :P05:07
OvenWerksEickmeyer: when you have a chance, can you post the url for: cat /proc/asound/PCH/codec#0 |pastebinit05:08
EickmeyerOvenWerks: No such file or directory14:26
Eickmeyer(I don't have PCH)14:26
EickmeyerThis is ls /proc/asound https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dgQj8THffh/14:28
studiobot<teward001> *salts @Eickmeyer* you do read the ubuntu-devel lists right?14:40
Eickmeyerteward: I did not. I'll check my spam folder.14:41
Eickmeyer@teward001: Are you talking about vorlon's post?14:42
studiobot<teward001> re: 32bit libs and such, mostly which packages need to be supported for things in the long term for 20.0414:42
studiobot<teward001> yep14:43
studiobot<teward001> since IIRC you said some 32bit things were still needed for things in Studio I was wondering if you put any input in yet 😛14:43
Eickmeyer@teward001: Yeah, the ones I was concerned with are covered in that list. (carla/wine)14:44
studiobot<teward001> cool14:45
OvenWerksEickmeyer: maybe ls /proc/asound/card*/ though I expect cat /proc/asound/Generic/codec#0 might work... unless you have an ac9714:58
OvenWerkshmm, I may have to learn some other way of dealing with things.14:58
OvenWerksThats an HDA style file15:02
OvenWerksEickmeyer: you may note that the "Default PCM" has 44k1 48k 96k and 192k15:10
OvenWerkswhat is interesting is that none of your actual devices seem to support that list.15:11
EickmeyerYeah. I don't have my interface hooked-up right now.15:11
OvenWerksYou analog devices (in and out) seem only to support 44k1 and 48k15:12
EickmeyerThat would be correct, afaik.15:12
OvenWerks while your digital device suports 44100 48000 88200 96000 19200015:12
OvenWerksnope Im wrong, your inputs do support the default 44100 48000 96000 19200015:13
OvenWerks so you can record at a higher SR that playback15:13
EickmeyerInteresting. TIL15:37
Eickmeyer(today I learned)15:37
OvenWerksI can't see that being a feature, so it must be cheaper (on board preamps being some of the worst)15:44
* OvenWerks is temped to A) hack zita-ajbridge to do the selecting B) only look for 44k1 and 48k and lower in the list15:46
OvenWerksexcept A&H's new mixer is 96k only :P15:47
OvenWerks(a cost saving deal as they run their eq at 96000 I am sure)15:48
OvenWerksEickmeyer: thinking out loud here... I think I will blacklist 88k2 as one of the ones generally not supported. I think I can get away with black listing anything higher than 96k as well.15:52
OvenWerksI know of devices that are 44k1 only, 32k and below, 48k only and 96k only15:53
OvenWerkshowever, all hda (internal) devices support at least 48k15:54
OvenWerksall other weird rate devices seem to be USB.15:55
OvenWerksI also know that the 48k only HDA devices I know about will open at 44k1  (laptop mics)15:57
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I think I will set 48k for anything not USB that zita-ajbridge is using.15:59
OvenWerksEickmeyer: The jack master has feedback that it has not started though not why :)  So the user can fiddle with that rate to their hearts content16:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: USB devices always seem to make a proper rates list, so use the closest available rate for that.16:01
OvenWerksEickmeyer: does that make sense?16:02
EickmeyerYes, totally. 16:02
OvenWerksI think SRC would take away any advantage of using a higher rate than 48k in any case16:03
OvenWerksEickmeyer: log rotate should wait for next cycle I think. 19:44
EickmeyerOk, that's fair.19:45
OvenWerksEickmeyer: new controls is building for auto builds20:15
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It builds, need release and backport?21:47
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ok I downloaed it from autobuilds and installed and it seems to work for me so I guess it is releaseable.21:52
EickmeyerOk. I21:52
EickmeyerI'll go ahead and push it to Eoan and backports.21:52
OvenWerksThank you22:43
OvenWerkswith regards to the "setting values for dummy and FW at startup" thing. I did check and autojack does not send those. I can only assume that once they have been set at any time (as I did while testing) the jack log shows reloading from the config file at each startup.22:49
OvenWerksYup, they are all in there.22:51

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