
sofastranglerI'm not on ubuntu studio right now, so I wonder what email client comes preinstalled again?13:59
sofastranglerReally what I am reaching out for is that I think the evolution email client is great and that should be considered for the possibillity of being the ubuntu studio email client14:00
sofastranglerI can come with why's if wanted14:00
OvenWerkssofastrangler: the ubuntustudio ISO is built on xubuntu and would come with the email client xubuntu comes with. However, ubuntustudio uses the same repo as all ubuntu flavours and so the user may install whichever email client they like.15:00
OvenWerksI would concider it outside of ubuntustudio's concern which email client the user decides to use15:03
OvenWerksI happen to use (and like) Alpine but I think most people use a web based email client.15:04
sofastranglerYeah, but I feel stuff like that would kind of be a part of the package, isnt kind of the deal to have basically everything set up at launch. Not that ubuntu studio would not be that now considering it probably has all the Xubuntu stuff15:07
sofastranglerBut personally I think evolution is the coolest email client and is worth looking into, particurarly for business type peeps15:08
sofastranglerand could be a nice fit for ubuntu studio's stuff15:11
Eickmeyersofastrangler: To answer your question, Thunderbird is the one that comes installed by default.16:14
Eickmeyer/me hates Thunderbird, but whatev. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:20
sofastranglerThen maybe evolution might be tha ting ;) ;)16:21
sofastranglerIt combines email, calendar, to-do list, memos and a contact list all in one with great set up, so covers a lot of stuff too16:23
EickmeyerYeah, I like evolution.16:54
* veremitz hates Thunderbird too .. not cos its crap .. because it crashes too often :/17:25
veremitzah evolution .. but $gnome, sadly :/17:26
OvenWerksthis is the reason for installing a chosen desktop first and adding ubuntustudio on top17:29
veremitzI can't go back to kmail though lol17:29
EickmeyerKmail, until they fix akonadi, is not good. It eats resources.17:30
veremitzand when akonadi hiccups .. whoah.17:30

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