
user|90257I updated Kubuntu 19.04 this morning and now I don't get my Desktop anymore. Any ideas what happened?00:55
user|90257Discovery asked me to update my system and now I get a black screen when I login after the update. Help00:59
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pragomerhi. i am running kubuntu 18.04.304:56
pragomerI am trying to find a dolphins service plugin that can "use this jpg as wallpaper"... but none of the downloadable plugins seem to work.04:57
pragomereven after reboot04:57
pragomerare they all outdated? or do I miss something here?04:57
pragomerthe issue is: they dont appear in the servives list nor in dolphins context menu04:57
valoriepragomer: what does dolphin have to do with wallpaper?05:46
valorieright-click on the desktop, choose your chosen wallpaper, etc. and boom, done05:46
valorienothing to do with dolphin05:47
pragomervalorie: hi.. i want to set the wallpaper via right-click "select as wallpaper"... like it is available in every other DE..05:58
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lordievaderGood morning06:49
BluesKajHey folks10:52
IrcsomeBotahmed0x7ce was added by: ahmed0x7ce11:05
viewer|53Hi, can I ask questions here?13:08
mparilloYes, and if anybody knows the answers, you will get a response. Note that as people join and leave, the answers may not be immediate.13:23
IrcsomeBotericadams was added by: ericadams14:50
IrcsomeBot<ericadams> Good day all. I took a quick look at Plasma 5.17 using the beta ppa. Nothing new to report but I have 2 quick things. One, GTK apps are still not themed properly by default. The workaround to fix it is to change the GTK 2 and 3 themes to something else and then back to Breeze in Appearance settings. The other thing is more of a question about a default. xdg-desktop-portal-kde is installed by default but not enabled. It's easy enough15:47
IrcsomeBotto change it but it seems like you'd want that to be the default, no? Anyway, thanks for the continued effort. I appreciate Kubuntu and use it daily. Great stuff!15:47
proctrapericadams if you want this to seen by ppl you should probably make an issue15:55
proctrapthis way it's more present, IRC is nice for short talk or help but nothing persistent15:55
staxashello, I could use some help withe 'present all windows' desktop effect16:01
staxasit seems broken16:01
IrcsomeBot<ericadams> @proctrap, Fair enough. Do you consider theese Kubuntu or KDE issues? Not sure myself.16:03
proctrapprobably KDE16:12
proctrapyou could ask there16:12
proctrap(IRC) #kde16:12
proctrapbut this also depends on the environment settings16:13
proctrapso technically it can be a kubuntu issue16:13
proctrapbut I don't think so16:13
proctrap(emulating the theme by setting environment variables to mimic the kde theme in gnome, different technology stack)16:13
proctrapbut that's the end of my knowledge :P16:13
proctrapoh that's probably also good16:20
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mozmckQuestion: what are the two input boxes in the installer under the option  "Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted lvm"?  It appears that I can't continue without putting something in them, but there is absolutely no indication what they are for!18:24
mozmckA picture is shown here, but no helpful text: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Installation#Use_entire_disk18:25
diogenes_mozmck, do you need encryption?18:27
diogenes_then i guess the second option would be good.18:28
mozmckdiogenes_: I've done full disk encryption on LinuxMint (but not LVM) and it was straightforward.18:28
diogenes_but it will erase everything.18:28
mozmckdiogenes_: second option is just LVM, not encrypted.18:28
mozmckIt's a new blank drive18:29
diogenes_hmm sorry i have never used encryption, maybe someone who uses it would be more helpful.18:30
geniimozmck: Seems to me the boxes would be for: password and: password again to confirm they match19:15
mozmckgenii: thanks.  I decided that's what they probably were and entered the same password in each and it let me continue.19:16
mozmckgenii: but that is a rather obvious flaw in the installer that should be fixed.  This is on kubuntu 18.04.219:17
geniiYou should probably write down whatever you set it to, and store it somewhere safe in case later you need it19:17
valorieargh, I filed a bug against the installer about the lack of labels over and over, for years19:23
valoriestill no labels?19:23
valoriemozmck: ^^^19:24
mozmckvalorie: Yes, on the screen to set up an encrypted LVM.  On the screen for username and password the boxes were labeled.19:24
valorieI'm looking for the bug report so you can add your input19:25
mozmckvalorie: it looked just about like the screen shown here, except there was not even the key icon: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Installation#Use_entire_disk19:25
valorie'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' in the commandline is the best19:27
valoriehopefully while you are in the process19:27
valoriebut later is fine19:27
mozmckWhat does that all mean?19:27
mozmckCan I get a commandline while installing?  I've already finished the install now.19:28
valorieoh yes, you always have the terminal19:29
valoriefor me, control+alt+f1 to come back19:30
valoriebut that might be different for you19:30
valoriejust keep trying until you return to the gui19:30
geniiIn the GUI installers, yes, 1st console is usually the one running the installer and 2-7 others which are available. In server install, 1 is installer, 2,3 are available and 4 is installer output for debugging19:32
valorieI can't seem to search well today for the ubiquity bug about missing labels19:33
geniibug 168183019:36
ubottubug 1681830 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No Label for LVM Encryption Passwords" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168183019:36
geniivalorie: ^19:36
valoriethanks, genii19:36
valorienot FIXED19:37
valoriemozmck: please add your input to the above BR19:38
mozmckJust did - thanks!19:41
valoriethank you!19:42
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