[07:26] has anyone noticed gnome upstream doing anything with their plan to support HDR? https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/HDR [07:26] that page is over 2y old [08:00] seb128, hi, I have prepared the vala 0.44.8-* package in salsa (debian-0.44 branch), feel free to adjust the version suffix as needed [08:00] * ricotz back in couple hours [08:16] ricotz, ack === jamesh_ is now known as jamesh [09:48] hey all 0/ [09:50] willcooke, didier, if you have time, I rebased latest Yaru work onto master here https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/1543, if you could confirm everything works, can be easily merged into master then [09:50] didrocks^ [09:50] \m/ \m/ pulling and testing [09:51] clobrano, having the build instructions in the source is sooooooooooooooo nice [09:52] git pull && debuild = done [09:52] 👌 [09:52] does it work? [09:52] still building [09:54] ...installing... [09:54] ... restarting ... [09:54] ... logging in ... [09:55] clobrano, nope, something not right. I've got light window headers [09:56] and light is missing [09:59] ah [09:59] let me check [10:00] willcooke, stupid question, isn't possible to release didrocks' branch instead that master? [10:00] yes, I think that is the easiest thing to do, it's been tested too [10:01] willcooke, since the problem is only the time to merge now... [10:01] it's really weird if we tag a release that isn't in master, any reason that branch can't be merged? [10:01] oh, I missread [10:01] I assumed that what laney is saying is what you were proposing clobrano [10:02] note that I'm not up to speed with what you are doing [10:02] Laney, rebasing onto master caused some weird effect [10:02] i.e. merge didrocks branch to master [10:02] hold hold [10:02] I checked out master [10:03] clobrano, should I have checked out your ambiance branch instead? [10:03] no, the PR, the branch is named light-dark-default-rebased [10:03] ah ha [10:03] my bad [10:03] stand by [10:03] uhuh, still hope! [10:04] clobrano, it wont build because the changelog is missing [10:05] clobrano, ignore [10:05] cd problem [10:09] clobrano, 🎆 [10:09] 🎉 [10:09] clobrano, works 🥇 [10:09] willcooke, 🙏 [10:09] light and dark work too [10:10] great [10:10] clobrano, ohhhhh noooooooez. rhythmbox is broken [10:11] willcooke, :O in which way? [10:11] it's got a light header bar [10:11] restarting, just in case [10:12] yeah, I think perhaps the process was still runnning, reboot has fixed it [10:13] willcooke, okay I'll reboot as well, because I just installed it and it's broken in my machine [10:15] willcooke, I got it! Titlebars are SSD, it needed a shell restart :) [10:15] now it's good [10:15] clobrano, yeah, all looks good here, tested all the apps, and fine [10:16] it's like magic [10:16] c'est bon [10:17] clobrano, we're heading for lunch, bbiab. [10:17] ok :) === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [11:32] clobrano, back from lunch [11:35] :) how's french food? [11:37] clobrano, it's good! But we didn't get cheese burgers for lunch like we did in Toronto :) [11:37] ahah [11:44] jamesh how does this look? [11:44] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/g4BrsMMqcM/ [11:45] kenvandine: it should look similar to this: /usr/share/dbus-1/services/io.snapcraft.Launcher.service [11:47] "This allows confined snaps to activate fwupd via D-Bus" [12:32] Wimpress, I think the answer for the X server's perspective is the highest of all versions xdpyinfo returns as a loaded extension [12:32] Either DRI2 or DRI3 [12:58] duflu: Thanks