=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh | ||
rbasak | Skuggen: o/ | 10:32 |
Unit193 | I like how they all ping out at once. :D | 10:33 |
rbasak | Meet thedac who is looking into using mysql-shell around OpenStack | 10:33 |
rbasak | He's excited about the snap I think you just published? | 10:33 |
thedac | Hey, Skuggen. | 10:33 |
Skuggen | o/ | 10:33 |
thedac | I'll test out your snap today | 10:33 |
Skuggen | Yeah, I made a fairly trivial one. Since shell is a fairly straightforward client app it doesn't need to be all that complex, but one issue is that it can't access the socket file right now (except in devmode) | 10:34 |
Skuggen | And should probably have a mysqlsh alias, since that's the standard command | 10:35 |
rbasak | I'll leave you two to it now that you're connected. Thank you for working on all of this! | 10:37 |
rbasak | Let me know if you need anything please. | 10:37 |
* rbasak goes to lunch | 10:37 | |
Skuggen | rbasak: Np! | 10:38 |
thedac | Skuggen: I'll see if there is a local socket plugin for snapcraft. | 10:38 |
thedac | And I'll get back to you after I get a chance to test with your version of the snap. Is there a github repo for the snapcraft.yaml that I might be able to contirbute to? | 10:39 |
Skuggen | Do you know if there's any general file access plugins? The efforts to make a MySQL server snap some time ago stranded because I couldn't get it to work right on a system level | 10:40 |
Skuggen | We do have a repo for the old server snap (which I might look into getting updated), but don't have the shell yaml uploaded there now | 10:40 |
thedac | Not off the top of my head, but I'll get back to you. --classic is always a mid step. That gives you normal access to the file system. | 10:41 |
thedac | OK, I should be able to get back to you in a couple of hours | 10:42 |
Skuggen | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DPvjT43DWY/ is all there is to the yaml right now :) | 10:43 |
Skuggen | Ok, sounds good! | 10:43 |
thedac | Perfect. Thanks. Talk to you soon. | 10:43 |
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer | ||
rbasak | xnox: I don't understand your git-ubuntu bug request. | 12:23 |
rbasak | xnox: maybe while you're here we can chat in person? | 12:23 |
rbasak | The three people around this table think you're asking for three different things. | 12:23 |
xnox | rbasak: hahahhaha | 12:35 |
xnox | rbasak: where? | 12:35 |
rbasak | xnox: we're in the server room | 12:36 |
xnox | ok | 12:36 |
thedac | Skuggen: I am running out of day (we are cutting out early) | 12:36 |
thedac | I have tested your snap and it seems to be working. We both derived the exact same solution with one exception. I had the following for the apps section w | 12:36 |
thedac | hich allows for the msyqlsh command and network access: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SN8B78bG3 | 12:36 |
thedac | Regarding local sockets. Here is some hints on running the server: | 12:36 |
thedac | https://snapcraft.io/docs/snapcraft-yaml-reference | 12:36 |
thedac | Search for apps.<app-name>.socket | 12:36 |
thedac | And by using the common area both the server and the client can find the socket in strict confinement: | 12:36 |
thedac | https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/sharing-a-unix-domain-socket-between-a-daemon-and-an-app/12332 | 12:36 |
thedac | Ultimately, my goal for the mysql-shell snap is to build it for multiple architectures, which requires compiling from source. If you have any hints on com | 12:36 |
thedac | piling the shell let me know. | 12:36 |
thedac | I will ping you next week when I have more info. Feel free to DM me an email address and we can work to get this it great shape. | 12:36 |
thedac | Skuggen: That link was broken. This is correct: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SN8B78bG39/ | 12:37 |
Skuggen | Ah, yeah will need network access of course | 12:45 |
Skuggen | Building from source would be better, yeah. It shouldn't be all that complicated, but will need to check the exact dependencies. I'll take a look at adding the socket support and getting that working, plus setting this up in git | 12:48 |
Skuggen | Also, we only test upstream for amd64, i386 and arm64 builds, so possible we'll run into some issues with other archs | 12:49 |
thedac | OK, good to know. Sounds like a plan. I'll touch base next week. | 12:58 |
LocutusOfBorg | Unit193, your fix in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/335155209/bzr-fastimport_0.13.0+bzr361-1_0.13.0+bzr361-1ubuntu1.diff.gz will disappear post eoan... | 19:22 |
LocutusOfBorg | do you have any idea? | 19:22 |
Unit193 | LocutusOfBorg: So I saw, at least that brz didn't have the fix. I'm just presuming nobody cares about bzr/brz enough at this point, a lot of Ubuntu stuff moved to git. | 21:09 |
cjwatson | Unit193: jelmer is being pretty active in maintaining brz. Did you ever send the patch their way? Might be worth a resend if so. | 21:21 |
cjwatson | (fastimport has always been pretty hairy of course ...) | 21:22 |
Unit193 | cjwatson: The patch was picked out of three bug reports, I did create a MR back in '15 which he commented on though. | 21:55 |
cjwatson | Just saying that what I'm seeing at the moment doesn't suggest that a presumption of nobody caring is valid. | 22:06 |
Unit193 | Fair, perhaps fastimport is somewhat neglected instead. | 22:38 |
jelmer | Unit193: we do care about fastimport bugs in breezy; I'm not aware of any open merge requests or bug reports related to it | 23:42 |
Unit193 | jelmer: There's not one in brz, just an old one in bzr. Good to know! I haven't used brz (yet), but I don't use bzr much. | 23:44 |
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