
lotuspsychjegood morning02:58
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lordievaderGood morning06:49
EoflaOEHello marcoagpinto08:39
marcoagpintohey hey08:39
marcoagpintoI have been working on the GB speller for ~2 hours08:39
marcoagpintowhat's up?08:39
EoflaOEEverything is fine marcoagpinto. How about you?08:40
marcoagpintowell, right now I am feeling fine and drinking my cola bottle08:40
EoflaOENice bottle. I have made changes to my blog. Sidebar and site wallpaper08:41
marcoagpintoyesterday, when I said that grey font was hard to read, I was referring to the site wallpaper08:43
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: Now, can you read gray text using the new wallpaper?08:45
marcoagpintolet me check08:45
marcoagpintoyes, but the previous wallpaper looked better08:46
marcoagpintothere were just the grey issue08:46
BluesKajHey folks10:52
marcoagpintoBluesKaj: Hello!!!! I was buying cola11:07
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto, of course you were ...11:07
fallenourSnaps are evil, and are breaking ubuntu, #prove me wrong11:54
lotuspsychjeits the users choice fallenour11:54
lotuspsychjeif you dont want snaps, dont use them?11:55
fallenourI cant choose, thats part of the issue lotuspsychje. The last LXD update for packages is 2.X, snap is 3.X11:55
ubot5Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:55
fallenourId upgrade instantly, melt the sun, freeze the North, whatever it took to make it work, but theres just not a solution it seems for 16.04LTS, and I havent seen one for 18.04LTS either.11:56
fallenourI mean latest stable, not latest latest, I rarely if ever install those.11:56
lotus|i5or consider moving up a higher ubuntu version11:57
fallenourif itll fix it, id move to 19.0411:57
fallenourI have images for 18.04 atm11:57
lotus|i5non-lts isnt really reccomended for server production11:57
fallenour18.04, or 19.04?11:57
lotus|i518.04 = lts  19.04 non-lts11:58
fallenourIm going to risk upgrading one of my ha primary storage controllers to test11:59
fallenourIll try literally anything11:59
lotus|i5upgrading what to what?12:00
fallenourill even try sysadmin cat, which would probably work best. 16.04LTS > 18.04LTS12:00
fallenourIm super paranoid about snaps because of all of the issues they cause, as demonstrated here.12:00
fallenourok now this is just... its saying theres no upgrade for 16.04 to 18.04, that just simply cant be right12:02
fallenourwhats everyones general experience with MaaS > Juju > <systems>12:02
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=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
akemhpMy USB Wifi dongle was google while the computer was not moving, but that i move it around a bit, it's not so good in fact.14:35
tomreynlooks like you have an imperfect auto correction which things that google is an inherently good thing there14:38
tomreyn*thinKs - apparently i don't have auto correction14:38
akemhpI didn't even notice.14:42
TJ-I thing when somethink is spult incorectly its moor entraining14:42
akemhpAnd i skipped the "now" too.14:42
TJ-Anyone got serious with SDN/Openflow and have opinions on hardware?14:43
tomreyni could repeat what i think i suggested last time you asked something that was above my pay grade: /join ##networking. but then you already did, just didn't ask *this* question there.14:47
tomreyni thnk the last network guy who i feel really knows what he does *and* liked SDN was happy with a mix of juniper and arista14:49
tomreyn*guy i met / knew14:50
TJ-I'm going lowbrow... looking at the NorthBound Zodiak GX all F/OSS and the earlier FX was a kickstarter project that worked in conjunction with a RasPi14:51
tomreynthose whose USP is "PRICE INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING!!111"14:53
tomreynlooks liek they're sold out?14:54
tomreyni guess you can build those yourself based on pcengines apu2, though14:56
TJ-possibly but it isn't urgent; I'm designing a BSc degree level apprenticeship course that has a large networking component and want to make SDN the core and give students real hardware to work with14:59
tomreynwhere can i register?15:00
tomreynlooks like development is complete. https://github.com/NorthboundNetworks/ZodiacGX15:01
TJ-for security it's all paper based :D15:02
TJ-write your encrypted packets on paper aeroplanes and throw them :p15:02
tomreynah, too, bad, i don't use paper anymore for ecological reasons. (i only buy ikea shelves).15:04
TJ-yes, folks have got their hands on GXs, presumably they're manufactured in batches15:06
TJ-more seriously... you've given me an idea. Maybe we can deliver some of the course using remote learning (if students can obtain the hardware themselves or we sell it) - only been thinking in terms of delivering this through employers (like us) who want to train people rapidly and with depth and quality15:07
tomreynit could certainly be nice to offer this to a brader audience, yes.15:12
TJ-It could make it more profitable for us for sure and it'd obvisouly scale well - though we'd have to think through how we'd manage demand for personal supervision to keep students on-track and motivated15:13
tomreyni can see how this instantly blows up the size of this project15:18
TJ-Well I was already planning on using ATutor/AContent to deliver and manage the courses and that purposed-designed for web delivery. I contributed some patches to those projects a few years ago. I recall relatively recently the retiring Professor appealing for a new maintainer but at the time didn't have a reason to volunteer... shall have to revisit that15:20
tomreyni never heard of those before, but i'm not really into this kind of software. by the looks (web design, urls) atutor must have been developed during php3 times originally.15:30
tomreynit's also full of XSS :-/15:33
tomreynand probably worse15:33
tomreynyes, sqli too15:33
tomreynthat'd be a lot of work15:33
TJ-yeah .... interia and technical debt. Patches are still flowing in from other devs to fix CVEs though. Probably better to choose Moodle since it has a much more active dev community15:43
TJ-Originally I didn't like it due to what it was based around, or language/framework. Cannot recall now what my precise objection was15:43
tomreynmoodle had the same issues, and apparently still has to a degree, but it's been under a lot more scrutiny already, due to the larger user base, i agree.15:49
tomreynthe other day i read someonthing about a newly done open source web conferencing with a focus on education, which looked good, and also had seemed to have more orginizing features. but i already forgot the name.15:50
TJ-I hope it was built around jitsi :)15:53
tomreyni don't really know, but that's what i was thinking of, too15:54
tomreynthe new jitsi thing looks great15:54
tomreynhmm i can't seem to find it anymore.15:56
TJ-It is... deploying it for a conference room and for remote health/doctor consultations15:58
=== gry_ is now known as gry

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