k18e | Looks like avahi is running and configured. How can I make Chrome use it's name resolution? | 00:30 |
cgi | find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l -- this is empty for me - how can i fix this? | 00:46 |
k18e | What's the most straightforward way to forward localhost:443 to localhost:8000. Use iptables? | 00:47 |
cgi | k18e, man ssh might help? you just need port forwarding | 00:48 |
k18e | cgi: I don't want to do tunneling | 00:49 |
bilb_ono | Im having a problem with a find command. I want to find and tar files matching 3 possible names. Right now this: find /mnt/pool1/production/data/some-dir/PW15000/01 -name 'DarkShort01*' -o -name 'GrayLevel0[0-9]_Orange*' -o -name 'Saturation01_Orange*' -exec tar -rvf sequel-pw150 {} \; is only taring files that match the third name pattern | 00:51 |
bilb_ono | when I just do the find, it seems to find all of them | 00:52 |
frib | akem__, I believe I found out what was causing my firefox to lag in my fluxbox start up script -- it was ibus-daemon | 00:53 |
bilb_ono | oh wait. I needed backticks instead of -exect.. I think | 00:58 |
cgi | Has anyone done a pci passthru for a vm on ubuntu? | 01:00 |
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin | ||
tubal | Hello. Looking for help with weirdness. Running 18.04. X and Gnome are all messed up, even though I've changed *nothing*. GDM login is just a blank purple screen. Logged in via C-A-F2 term, ran startx and (after removing .Xauthority*) got into a unconfigured, plain -vanilla Gnome with a mousepad that isn't always obeyed. | 01:49 |
tubal | I'd like to get my configured Gnome back, and the GDM login would be nice too Any ideas? | 01:56 |
bane | Anyone here have any experience with Thinlinc? (basically a glorified vnc through ssh tunnel) | 01:57 |
tomreyn | tubal: were you running startx as root there? | 02:02 |
tubal | @tomreyn: No, as user. | 02:03 |
tomreyn | have you checked the logs to get a better idea as to why gdm doesn't start up porperly? | 02:04 |
tomreyn | have you checked which software updates (maybe something from a third party?) were recently installed? | 02:04 |
leftyfb | bane: sorry, it's not supported here. Try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux | 02:04 |
tomreyn | tubal: system logs, including gdm 's X: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 | 02:05 |
tubal | tomreyn: No, but only because I'm not sure what to look for, vis-a-vis logs. | 02:05 |
tomreyn | tubal: installed software updates: tail -n 100 /var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 9999 | 02:06 |
bane | leftyfb: sigh, figured that was the response i'd get *sadface | 02:07 |
tubal | tomreyn: Thanks, those particular commands are new to me. ... | 02:08 |
tomreyn | tubal: glad i could help. | 02:09 |
tubal | tomreyn: https://termbin.com/5av0 https://termbin.com/fwoa | 02:09 |
tomreyn | you have "acpi_osi= " set in /etc/default/grub, this will have no effect. | 02:10 |
Mibix | lol i finally got it all working tomreyn | 02:11 |
tubal | tomreyn: Yes, I know. Been there for quite some time. | 02:11 |
Mibix | had to buy bigger drives, clonezilla, then clonezilla put the tiniest partition right in the middle of my disk so i had to live boot gparted and expand it all out | 02:12 |
tomreyn | tubal: the first log is cut off, so i don't see the X init. you could repost it using pastebinit. | 02:14 |
tomreyn | !pastebinit | 02:14 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit | 02:14 |
tomreyn | tubal: a kernel and systemd update was installed today / yesterday (depending on where you are), | 02:16 |
tubal | tomreyn: But that ought not to upset X/GDM/Gnome ? | 02:17 |
tomreyn | Mibix: congratulations! :) | 02:17 |
tubal | tomreyn: pastebinit did not work. Timed out. So hang on... | 02:18 |
tomreyn | tubal: well graphics drivers are kernel modules, they get updated when the kernel does. | 02:18 |
tomreyn | systemd has a great impact on how things get loaded during boot | 02:18 |
tubal | Sure, but effing up tings? | 02:20 |
tubal | downstream things* | 02:20 |
tomreyn | not usually. | 02:21 |
tubal | tomreyn: hell. pastebin limit. | 02:21 |
tomreyn | journalctl -k is just kernel logs, less to paste | 02:22 |
tomreyn | but check the last lines of journalctl -eb since there could be recurring errors. | 02:22 |
tubal | -k http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/srF6dk9PDV/ | 02:23 |
tubal | tomreyn: Tis occurred yesterday, I should add. | 02:24 |
tomreyn | i see, was wondering this | 02:27 |
tubal | tomreyn: Wait... the 17th, in fact. | 02:28 |
tomreyn | so before you applied those upgrades | 02:29 |
tomreyn | there is a bios update available for your "NV47H" system at http://www.gateway.com/gw/en/AU/content/drivers-downloads | 02:29 |
tomreyn | you have BIOS V2.10 08/25/2011 | 02:30 |
tomreyn | there is v2.15 11.4 MB2012/01/16 | 02:30 |
tomreyn | (also a newer one but wiuth a lower version number, which i don't understand.) | 02:30 |
tomreyn | tubal: any last words? i need sleep | 02:31 |
tubal | tomreyn: Last word Thanks. | 02:31 |
tomreyn | direct download URLs for the firmware updates: http://www.gateway.com/wjws/ws/gdp/files/en/AU/-/latest/bios/3517/-?cross=false (near the bottom) | 02:33 |
tomreyn | good luck, see you. | 02:33 |
=== gry_ is now known as gry | ||
apteryx | hello, ubuntu's 'sudo' preserves HOME due to this custom patch: debian/patches/keep_home_by_default.patch. What's the rational for differing from upstream? Isn't there a valid reason for not preserving HOME out of the box (and allowing to do so by using the -E flag of sudo) ? Do you think I should open a ticket about it on launchpad? | 03:40 |
yelowfish | hi all, the backup icon (safetybox)is missing on system folder,but deja dup is installed,hmm? | 03:48 |
yelowfish | deja dup can be launched but settings are nowhere to edit.pls help | 03:48 |
ebisu | im using a ubuntu live usb, and theres packages that are listed as existing online in the repo that cannot be found. am i missing something? im trying to reflash coreboot right now and the absence of an easy way to install gnat is really tearing at me https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/gnat it says it exists here | 04:02 |
Bashing-om | !info gnat bionic | 04:05 |
ubottu | gnat (source: gnat): GNU Ada compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 7ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 9 kB | 04:05 |
Bashing-om | ebisu: ^^ in the Universe Repo; ensure that the universe repo is enabled. | 04:06 |
ebisu | what do i put in my sources.list | 04:06 |
ebisu | do i just append universe | 04:06 |
ebisu | to all the lines | 04:06 |
ebisu | sorry for my dumb questions, ive been using slackware for so long that i forget how to use easy distros | 04:07 |
ebisu | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 04:07 |
Bashing-om | ebisu: check ' /etc/apt/sources.list ' file to see if the universe repo is enabled. If bot there is the GUI or the terminal way to enable. | 04:17 |
ebisu | i got it | 04:21 |
ebisu | thank you Bashing-om | 04:22 |
Bashing-om | ebisu: For my info..what release is this and was universe not enabled by default ? | 04:24 |
ebisu | this is the current LTS | 04:26 |
ebisu | this is on the livecd | 04:27 |
ebisu | ubuntu is the only thing i can get to boot on this grub payload, im compiling coreboot again with seabios | 04:27 |
Bashing-om | ebisu: Sounds heavy duty - universe repo ? | 04:29 |
ebisu | its not enabled by default | 04:29 |
ebisu | it seems | 04:29 |
ebisu | i enabled it and i installed what i needed | 04:29 |
Bashing-om | ebisu: I kinda thought I recalled as such - nice to have the confirmation, thanks. | 04:30 |
yelowfish | can i request deja dup support here? | 05:43 |
elias_a | yelowfish: Ask - I use it. | 05:48 |
yelowfish | elias_a, i cant access the settings | 05:48 |
yelowfish | the safebox icon is nowhere | 05:49 |
yelowfish | it just loads then it says its done backuping | 05:49 |
elias_a | yelowfish: Which Ubuntu version? | 05:50 |
yelowfish | 16.04 | 05:50 |
elias_a | yelowfish: I don't recall how the desktop manager worked in 16.04 anymore. Is your problem that you can not start the program manually? | 05:52 |
yelowfish | yes,i have to start it using app grid | 05:53 |
yelowfish | when i type backup or deja in search your computer it wont show,but it shows when i open app grid | 05:54 |
yelowfish | will i conflict if kbackup is installed? | 05:55 |
yelowfish | will it conflict if kbackup is installed? | 05:55 |
elias_a | yelowfish: Could you try to start it using terminal? | 05:58 |
elias_a | yelowfish: Just type deja-dup. | 05:58 |
yelowfish | it just goes : preping backing up,verifying,done. after typing deja-dup --backup | 06:00 |
elias_a | yelowfish: The --backup switch starts the backup process. Start it without it with just deja-dup. | 06:03 |
yelowfish | if i only type deja-dup it will only show the options | 06:04 |
yelowfish | it says u must specify a mode | 06:04 |
amazoniantoad | I'm trying to ssh to my own computer using a keyfile and I get an error: Permission Denied (publickey) | 06:10 |
amazoniantoad | Can anyone help me figure out how to get this to work? I've tried suggestion online and nothing seems to be working. | 06:10 |
elias_a | yelowfish: I think it must be version dependent. Also - I have to go now. Sorry. | 06:11 |
yelowfish | tnx man! no prob | 06:12 |
amazoniantoad | ls | 06:13 |
amazoniantoad | oops lol. | 06:13 |
Triffid_Hunter | amazoniantoad: what's in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys? check your sshd log too, ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys need to be 700 and 600 respectively or sshd won't look at them | 06:16 |
amazoniantoad | Triffid_Hunter, Your right it is a permissions issue. authorized_keys is set to 644 | 06:23 |
amazoniantoad | Triffid_Hunter, log says it's a permissions file on authorized_keys still though | 06:23 |
Triffid_Hunter | amazoniantoad: if you're trying to ssh in as a different user, check *their* authorized_keys permissions | 06:24 |
amazoniantoad | Triffid_Hunter, I'm trying to ssh in as the same user | 06:24 |
amazoniantoad | wait | 06:25 |
amazoniantoad | hm...it just worked. I left user@ off by accident and it wasn't working because of that | 06:25 |
amazoniantoad | If you leave that off does it default to root? | 06:25 |
dax | it defaults to your local username | 06:26 |
Triffid_Hunter | amazoniantoad: no, it defaults to the username of the account you're sshing from | 06:26 |
=== im0nde_ is now known as im0nde1 | ||
k_sze | How do I get a list of my HDDs in a tree? I want to know which HDD is connected to which controller. | 07:07 |
Tuor | maybe lsblk can print this information. | 07:07 |
Triffid_Hunter | k_sze: lshw perhaps | 07:33 |
immu | lsblk should help get you the info | 07:41 |
export | lshw -class disk -class storage | 07:41 |
export | lshw's man page suggests this is how you list all controllers. | 07:42 |
export | that one-liner is copy-pasted from the man page so it could potentially have more features, i didn't read the whole thing. | 07:42 |
TvL2386 | when running `apt-get update` in which file is the result stored? Just curious | 08:05 |
geirha | TvL2386: /var/lib/apt/lists/ | 08:10 |
TheWild | hello | 08:51 |
lotuspsychje | welcome TheWild | 08:51 |
lotuspsychje | how can we help you today? | 08:51 |
TheWild | hey, I just noticed weird stuff on portable HDD I bought maybe two weeks ago? | 08:51 |
TheWild | on powering down (udisksctl power-off /dev/sdb) | 08:51 |
TheWild | [141374.249667] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronizing SCSI cache | 08:51 |
TheWild | [141374.494340] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR driverbyte=DRIVER_OK | 08:51 |
TheWild | is this something I should be afraid of or just little software bug? | 08:51 |
lotuspsychje | TheWild: could you start a: journalctl -f and plugin your portable HD and pastebin us the full output please? | 08:52 |
lotuspsychje | !paste | TheWild | 08:54 |
ubottu | TheWild: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 08:54 |
LACampbell | hi, I cant lock the function key in ubuntu. I can in windows with fn+lock. would this be a deiver issue? | 08:55 |
LACampbell | fn+esc, I mean | 08:55 |
TheWild | well... maybe later. I got pissed off and reading every sector of this HDD. It's 2 TB and at the moment it's at | 08:55 |
TheWild | sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/null status=progress | 08:55 |
TheWild | 782923842048 bytes (783 GB, 729 GiB) copied, 6609 s, 118 MB/s | 08:55 |
lotuspsychje | TheWild: its really important to know if the journal logs also spit out IO errors for example.. | 08:56 |
mystic | <mystic> does anyone use the 'parallel space' android app? i wondered if its secure or not | 08:56 |
lotuspsychje | mystic: this is ubuntu support see !alis to find proper channels you seek for | 08:57 |
mystic | ok thanks.. had problems finding an android room | 08:57 |
fallenour | Im so tired of seeing this error | 09:10 |
lotuspsychje | fallenour: start with the beginning & the details please? | 09:10 |
dreugeworst | hey, I'm trying to log in to launchpad, but haven't done so in years and with the change to Ubuntu One, it asks for personal data and then gives me an error. I sent an e-mail to login-support@canonical.com, but haven't got a reply for days.. anyone know if there's something else I could do? | 09:32 |
sarnold | dreugeworst: hey, you can pop into #canonical-sysadmin and ask whoever is in the topic for help; chances are good they'll want you to file an rt by emailing rt@ubuntu.com | 09:37 |
dreugeworst | sarnold: thanks, will do | 09:37 |
fallenour | Inside the LXD preseed yaml file, how do I configure LXD to use a previously existing Ceph Cluster? | 09:45 |
fallenour | whtas the proper way to use the lxc storage set command? | 09:46 |
fallenour | im getting a wide range of area of issues to the point to where Im at the point to ripping out over 60 ubuntu servers and just installing windows and azure, im starting to get really sick of this. | 09:46 |
fallenour | when its starting to telling me that the directory that im currently sitting in isnt a directory and it cant find it, thats when I really start to get fed up. | 09:47 |
fallenour | wow, im so mad right now I cant english | 09:47 |
lotuspsychje | fallenour: no reason to get mad, volunteers will try to help you, if you ask things systematicly..are you seeking support for ubuntud esktop or server? | 09:48 |
fallenour | at this point, I think angry is a little reasonable. Ive been working on this for 3 YEARS | 09:49 |
fallenour | 3 years ive had various issues with the same 7 technologies | 09:49 |
lotuspsychje | fallenour: but this isnt the complaints channel.. | 09:49 |
fallenour | oh I know, but its a lot better than punching a monitor, so points. | 09:49 |
fallenour | But yes, the issue is lxd is stating that a directory isnt a directory | 09:50 |
fallenour | while im sitting in said directory | 09:50 |
lotuspsychje | fallenour: are you on ubuntu desktop or server? | 09:50 |
fallenour | the other more complex issue, or at least I hope it is, is that I cant get lxd init to configure to use ceph, even after Ive manually transfered over teh ceph.client.admin.keyring to the server, and put it on the server, in the /etc/ceph directory, which it says doesnt exist. which it does. | 09:51 |
fallenour | ubuntu 16.04 LTS, lxd 3.0.X Snap, current install of ceph | 09:51 |
lotuspsychje | desktop or server? | 09:51 |
fallenour | server | 09:51 |
lotuspsychje | fallenour: come join to #ubuntu-server please, likeminded volunteers might be able to help there | 09:52 |
adrian_1908 | If I remove a PPA (that upgraded a package), shouldn't the package request to be downgraded after an `apt update`? | 09:57 |
sarnold | no | 09:57 |
sarnold | apt will only offer to upgrade it when there's a newer version available in your remaining sources | 09:57 |
sarnold | adrian_1908: the ppa-purge package provides a tool that will also remove packages provided by a ppa. I don't know if it will do a downgrade or just uninstall, but it's a good starting point | 09:58 |
adrian_1908 | I see. I assumed packages would try to revert when their origin repo is no longer taken into account. | 09:59 |
dollarWoman | hello, how can i know cpu on ubuntu? | 10:19 |
pomeha | hello, how to change locale on server ubuntu 18.04? I've tried `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales`, tried `sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8`. Even `cat /etc/default/locale` shows desired 'en_US.UTF-8', but `env | grep LC_` still shows 'ru_RU.UTF-8' for all of the locales even after restarting the shell | 10:21 |
sarnold | dollarWoman: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 10:22 |
dollarWoman | sarnold, thanks but how about cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu name" | 10:23 |
brendantcc | my Ubuntu 18.04.2 instance won't detect my DVD in my DVD drive on my desktop, does anyone know what might be wrong? | 10:23 |
brendantcc | it used to work, i know it | 10:23 |
geirha | pomeha: restarting the shell won't suffice, you need to log in again for it to take effect | 10:23 |
pomeha | geirha: that's what I did (the shell is over ssh) | 10:24 |
lotuspsychje | brendantcc: update your system to 18.04.3 first perhaps? | 10:24 |
pomeha | trying to reboot, to make sure | 10:24 |
lotuspsychje | !uptodate | brendantcc | 10:24 |
ubottu | brendantcc: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. | 10:24 |
brendantcc | funny, i just came out of an update haha | 10:24 |
brendantcc | neofetch shows that i'm on 18.04.3 | 10:25 |
lotuspsychje | brendantcc: why did you post .2 then? | 10:25 |
brendantcc | i didnt check the ver til just then | 10:25 |
brendantcc | sorry | 10:25 |
lotuspsychje | !dvd | brendantcc did you try this? | 10:25 |
ubottu | brendantcc did you try this?: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:25 |
pomeha | geirha: nope, still ru_RU | 10:25 |
geirha | pomeha: then perhaps your .profile or /etc/profile is overriding it | 10:25 |
brendantcc | launching web browser now | 10:26 |
pomeha | geirha: no and no | 10:26 |
geirha | pomeha: see what you get from ssh thehost env | grep -e LANG -e LC_ | 10:27 |
brendantcc | lotuspsychje: thing is, it's not even showing the icon on my desktop | 10:27 |
brendantcc | it definitely used to | 10:27 |
pomeha | geirha: I have no problem with LANG (it's en_US), but the rest is ru_RU | 10:27 |
geirha | pomeha: and do the LC_*=ru_RU* entries show up with that ssh|grep above? | 10:28 |
pomeha | yes | 10:28 |
brendantcc | it's already installed :/ | 10:28 |
geirha | pomeha: ok, then check /etc/environment and ~/.pam_environment | 10:29 |
fallenour | what command can I run as sudo to find out who owns a file? | 10:29 |
Habbie | fallenour, ls -al, stat | 10:29 |
pomeha | geirha: checked, it's clean, and the 2nd doesn't exist | 10:29 |
geirha | pomeha: oh hang on, ssh passes on LC_* variables from the client side | 10:30 |
pomeha | geirha: hol up | 10:30 |
pomeha | geirha: goddamit, you are right! | 10:31 |
pomeha | damn, should've installed gitlab from tty instead of ssh :/ | 10:31 |
brendantcc | whelp... at least i have windows dualbooted on this machine.. will have another look in the morning AEST. thanks anyway lotuspsychje! :) | 10:31 |
lotuspsychje | brendantcc: does 'eject' work from terminal? | 10:32 |
fallenour | whta comand can I run to make an entire directory completely open to anyone to use, and any account? | 10:33 |
Habbie | fallenour, use? read? write? remove files? | 10:33 |
fallenour | I want this folder so exposed a pidgeon from New York could access it if it landed on a cellphone | 10:33 |
fallenour | everything | 10:33 |
Habbie | fallenour, 777 is a good start; but it tends to be a bad idea | 10:33 |
geirha | chmod 1777 /the/dir | 10:33 |
geirha | same as /tmp | 10:33 |
fallenour | the whole folder, and all files | 10:33 |
brendantcc | lotuspsychje: ya just missed the chance... just booted into windows | 10:33 |
Habbie | geirha, 777 is more open :> | 10:34 |
fallenour | so chmod -R 1777 /the/dir ? | 10:34 |
geirha | fallenour: no, don't do that | 10:34 |
fallenour | will it make it completely readable? | 10:34 |
geirha | it will make it a disaster zone | 10:34 |
fallenour | well thats unfortunate | 10:34 |
fallenour | but at this point its all I can do because its built so poorly | 10:35 |
geirha | let users decide who gets write access to the files they create | 10:35 |
brendantcc | fallenour: it'll make it _too_ readable | 10:35 |
fallenour | obviously not readable enough | 10:37 |
fallenour | its still failing | 10:37 |
Habbie | fallenour, what is built so poorly? | 10:37 |
fallenour | At this point, Ubuntu server itself | 10:37 |
fallenour | it cant read a file or folders with 1777 -R set to the whole folder | 10:37 |
fallenour | at this point, im at a complete loss | 10:37 |
geirha | you never use 777 or 1777 with -R ... EVER | 10:37 |
fallenour | words cannot describe my disappointment | 10:38 |
robertparkerx | You never use 777 | 10:38 |
geirha | if the filesystem is fat or ntfs, chmod won't do anything, because they don't support unix permissions | 10:38 |
Habbie | fallenour, your disappointment is, most likely, a result of confusion, not of some failure of 'ubuntu server' | 10:38 |
Habbie | fallenour, can you tell us more about the issue? | 10:39 |
brendantcc | 777 == readable by literally everything == mega security risk | 10:39 |
fallenour | yea I know | 10:39 |
Habbie | brendantcc, writable is the worse part | 10:39 |
fallenour | to my entire ceph cluster stack | 10:39 |
fallenour | but Ive had repeated issues with being able to read, and quite frankly im tired of it | 10:39 |
brendantcc | Habbie: definitely | 10:39 |
fallenour | Im at the point to where im forced to take extreme risks to even begin to troubleshoot read/write permissions, something so basic its unfathomable that any OS would have issues with such a concept, and yet, even with the MOST DANGEROUS SETTING in the WORLD to a FS, it STILL cant read it. | 10:40 |
brendantcc | lotuspsychje: annoyed to report that I may have to open my machine up and check the connection between the optical drive & motherboard | 10:41 |
geirha | fallenour: so start by giving us some details we can work with. For example, what filesystem is it? | 10:41 |
Habbie | fallenour, please stop shouting; nothing you are saying makes sense; you are doing something wrong but you are not helping us figure out what it is | 10:41 |
fallenour | Its ubuntu 16.04 LTS, server, up to date with patches, installed with last nights image | 10:41 |
fallenour | all of my images pull from MaaS | 10:41 |
fallenour | LXD is snap, latest, installed yesterday. | 10:41 |
geirha | so it's a remote fs? | 10:42 |
fallenour | im running as Root | 10:42 |
fallenour | its sitting about 2 feet behind me | 10:42 |
brendantcc | Who wants to start betting .txt files that my laptop's optical drive will fail me as well :} | 10:42 |
brendantcc | s/}/p | 10:42 |
fallenour | Is it ubuntu? | 10:42 |
fallenour | server* | 10:42 |
brendantcc | My desktop? Laptop? | 10:42 |
fallenour | because Ill take that bet. I cant write lxc errors to txt file on this server in specific directories, even as root, so ill take that bet. | 10:43 |
xebra | hi, how can I flush the damn DNS cache of my Ubuntu 16.04? When I type "dig example.com", the server used is, and will keep on returning old cached info | 10:43 |
xebra | I even restarted the OS, nothing changes | 10:43 |
fallenour | deployment stack goes as follows: MaaS > Juju > Juju deployment of: Ceph-Mon, Ceph-OSD, LXD, 3 Ceph-Mon, HA Pair, Ceph-Mon 4 nodes, all synced, all green in Juju, network is pingable, and reachable, flat /24 network atm. | 10:44 |
fallenour | Juju controller itself is in HA mode. | 10:44 |
fallenour | servers are dell brand, 6 drive systems, 5 OSDs per system, controlled baremetal via physical interaction, MaaS, and iDrac. | 10:45 |
Habbie | xebra, i don't think the IP of example.com has changed in a while | 10:45 |
geirha | fallenour: some of that info might help later, but still doesn't tell us what filesystem that dir you need to make world writable is on | 10:46 |
ph88^ | hey guys, i added this repo but i can't install ukuu with apt. what could be wrong ? https://launchpad.net/~teejee2008/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 10:46 |
fallenour | its ubuntu 16.04LTS server, said that above | 10:46 |
geirha | that's the operating system | 10:46 |
fallenour | The rest describes everything else about the environment. | 10:46 |
fallenour | yes | 10:46 |
fallenour | its a completely standard default kernel, default install from MaaS | 10:47 |
geirha | ok, can't help you then. Not familiar with those technologies | 10:47 |
fallenour | its as if you downloaded Ubuntu 16.04LTS server right now directly from Canonical | 10:47 |
fallenour | Thats how its set up. | 10:47 |
Habbie | fallenour, what is, according to 'mount', the filesystem for the directory that is giving you trouble? | 10:48 |
xebra | Habbie, that was an example, I actually need to look up milfsfuckwithhorses.com, but it's not appropriate to write it here | 10:48 |
Habbie | xebra, sigh | 10:48 |
xebra | the problem is the cache, not the domain of course | 10:48 |
fallenour | http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V5V4shMYC2/ | 10:48 |
Habbie | fallenour, so, which line? | 10:49 |
specon | does anyone know how to disable the windows OS bootmanager at startup ? because when i want to use ubuntu i always have to press Escape button to go into the boot options and then i have to select F9 ubuntu and after that i get the grub bootloader.... | 10:49 |
specon | windows isn't installed anymore i have installed ubuntu on the full hardisk | 10:49 |
specon | also in the bios i already changed the boot priority but that doesn't help | 10:50 |
fallenour | depends on which one you are asking about, which is why I provided them all. Sysfs, lxcfs, etc, all have their own settings | 10:50 |
specon | my laptop is HP envy | 10:50 |
brendantcc | Good news: turns out it was only a SATA cable that I unplugged and forgot to reconnect last time I opened it up | 10:50 |
brendantcc | Bad news: I hauled my PC over to my bed to deal with it, and it's heavy as hell... let's hope i don't drop it putting it back into its spot on my desk | 10:51 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 10:52 |
xebra | Habbie, anyway, I just solved the problem with: sudo service network-manager restart | 10:52 |
xebra | it's weird that even after a reboot, the problem was still there | 10:53 |
gst568923 | Hi, I have installed the package `vlc-plugin-bittorrent` and I would like to know which port range I have to open with iptables | 10:53 |
Habbie | xebra, all of this sounds like you wanted fresh data while the old data had not in fact expired yet | 10:54 |
Habbie | xebra, but it's hard to tell | 10:54 |
fallenour | how do I install lxd without snap? | 10:56 |
fallenour | I want to rip snap entirely out of my system and out of all of my processes | 10:56 |
TheWild | lotuspsychje: plugging in, doing 'udisksctl power-off', unplugging: https://kopy.io/hh0bF | 11:02 |
TheWild | all sectors are fine | 11:03 |
de-facto | Is it possible to deny any other programs to adjust pulse audio volume than the gnome volume slider? | 11:03 |
de-facto | my volume slider wildly dances around causing pulse audio to crackle | 11:05 |
brendantcc | I think my hard drive may have died on me | 11:06 |
tomreyn | fallenour: which ubuntu version are you running there? | 11:06 |
tomreyn | and which desktop | 11:06 |
brendantcc | Or the bios decided to play funny buggers and prioritize the optical drive over the HDD partitiond | 11:07 |
brendantcc | *partitions | 11:07 |
tomreyn | brendantcc: smartctl (package smartmontools) can give you a (sometimes rough) estimate of your disk health | 11:08 |
brendantcc | It's alright tomreyn, I checked the bios on the second boot haha | 11:09 |
brendantcc | I tend to freak out over nothing.. sorry about that :/ | 11:10 |
brendantcc | BTW curious, is there a command I can send in the shell to close the drive? | 11:11 |
tomreyn | "close the drive"? is it a cdrom? | 11:13 |
tomreyn | or do you mean "cloNe"? | 11:13 |
brendantcc | CloSe | 11:14 |
TheWild | I had one bad 500 HDD with migrating bad sectors. It started about two years ago. One day bad area is somewhere at the end of disk, month later its fine but bad area is now somewhere in the middle of the disk. Another day it works fine in continuous read, but random accesses barely go above 1 MB/s. Did zeroing all the sectors - it started playing 'nails on blackboard' around 265th GB, but worked fine past that. | 11:14 |
TheWild | Saved 200 GB on it - no errors reported. Compared with the source and again found out that some files cannot be read. | 11:14 |
TheWild | Killed it with a strong magnet and a fist. | 11:14 |
TheWild | it was already 7 years old so waaay past the warranty | 11:15 |
tomreyn | brendantcc: i haven't read what you discussed here before, so maybe that's why i'm lacking context. i don't see a way to "close" a disk drive, like a HDD or SSD, since they will break when physically opened. | 11:17 |
tomreyn | maybe what you're referring to is mounting file systems? | 11:17 |
fallenour | ok | 11:25 |
fallenour | ok | 11:26 |
fallenour | Im cool | 11:26 |
fallenour | today is a great day, and all my people in #ubuntu are awesome peps | 11:26 |
fallenour | Not gonna let ubuntu rain on my day. | 11:26 |
fallenour | Ive stopped apparmor, Ive set Chmod -R 1777 to the folder | 11:26 |
fallenour | I can create ceph pools with the same user permissions or lower user permissions of that of what im running /snap/bin/init with | 11:27 |
fallenour | I can confirm the pool is there | 11:27 |
fallenour | but I cant get lxc to see it | 11:27 |
fallenour | how do I just force lxc to use it, bypassing init entirely | 11:27 |
de-facto | brendantcc, maybe you want to "sync" then "unmount /path/to/mountpoint" and spindown/standby with "hdparm -y /dev/sdX" disk X=a,b,c... as root? | 11:28 |
de-facto | *umount | 11:31 |
gst568923 | `libpam-usb` has it been replaced by the `libpam-u2f` package? | 11:39 |
tomreyn | gst568923: it doesn't seem like it was directly replaced by it, no. but pamusb has been dropped for lack of maintenance. | 11:47 |
fallenour | ./join #lxd | 11:48 |
apteryx | fallenour: fail, but I can relate. | 11:51 |
fallenour | tahts just been my whole day so far it seems | 11:51 |
fallenour | I just cant get this to work, nobody can it seems | 11:52 |
fallenour | Ive even tried primary nodes | 11:52 |
fallenour | its just not working | 11:52 |
fallenour | I really wish ubuntu would stop trying to force snaps. I dont like them, and they cause so many outages and failures. | 11:52 |
tomreyn | !discuss | fallenour | 11:53 |
ubottu | fallenour: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 11:53 |
fallenour | wait, you can pipe things here o.O | 11:53 |
fallenour | that didnt work 8( | 11:53 |
fallenour | !discuss | 11:53 |
ubottu | Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 11:53 |
fallenour | mmm | 11:54 |
gst568923 | tomreyn to replace the password entry, for example for the sudo command, with the physical token to use the `libpam-u2f` package? | 11:54 |
lotuspsychje | fallenour: you need to divide ubuntu support, server support and discussions into the right channels | 11:54 |
tomreyn | gst568923: it may be an effective replacement (i actually don't know either package, so don't expect much help from me there), i'm just saying it's not set up as a migration target. | 11:55 |
CQ | hello, I just moved my root/boot partition from sdb1 to sda1, and everything seems to work OK, but for some reason Ping does not: ping: socket: Operation not permitted | 11:55 |
tomreyn | that is structurally, with a transitional package, from ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 | 11:56 |
CQ | I checked on the sdb1 installation, and it has the same perms there as on the sda1 (I replicated with rsync --archive) | 11:56 |
tomreyn | CQ: how did you move your data? | 11:57 |
CQ | tomreyn, booted into a live distro, mounted on /drive1 and /drive2, and then rsync'ed over | 11:57 |
CQ | Then grub update as in https://askubuntu.com/questions/3402/how-to-move-boot-and-root-partitions-to-another-drive | 11:58 |
tomreyn | compare the output of ls -l /bin/ping on both source and destination | 11:58 |
CQ | both are 755 | 11:58 |
tomreyn | are both +s, too? | 11:58 |
CQ | where do i see the +s? I see rwxr-xr-x ... | 11:59 |
tomreyn | -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 64424 Jun 28 13:05 /bin/ping | 11:59 |
tomreyn | i'm on 18.04 LTS, where the ping command is suid root | 11:59 |
tomreyn | what are you running there? | 12:00 |
CQ | 19.04 updated from 18.04 LTS | 12:00 |
tomreyn | and it's not suid root on either source or destination? | 12:00 |
CQ | nope | 12:01 |
tomreyn | oh right, looks like it changed between 18.04 and 19.04, nice. | 12:01 |
CQ | this is /bin/ping, I just reinstalled iputils-ping, no change | 12:01 |
tomreyn | i confirmed that i's not +s on 19.04 by booting into a 19.04 VM, so your system is fine there. | 12:03 |
tomreyn | but on this 19.04 system i can run ping as a restricted user account fine | 12:03 |
tomreyn | CQ: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37512291/how-is-ping-for-non-root-user-implemented-on-linux-distros/37518095#37518095 | 12:05 |
CQ | tomreyn, on the old system it worked as well... I would way its a group issue or something like that, but since I rsynced everything over, nothing should have changed | 12:05 |
tomreyn | i assume those extended file attrributes were lost when you were rsync'ing | 12:05 |
tomreyn | compare command output on source and destination: getcap /bin/ping | 12:07 |
tomreyn | did you rsync with -X ? | 12:08 |
Ascavasaion | tomreyn, How the heck do you kniw this stuff? | 12:08 |
tomreyn | did you rsync as root? | 12:08 |
Ascavasaion | kniw=know | 12:08 |
CQ | /mnt/drive1//bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep (old installation) | 12:08 |
tomreyn | Ascavasaion: ik don't, i just looked it up on the internet | 12:08 |
CQ | /bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep (new) | 12:08 |
tomreyn | CQ: hmm, i guess that's not it then. | 12:09 |
Ascavasaion | tomreyn, I mean in general. | 12:09 |
CQ | I wouldn't mind just suid rooting it, I#m just worried that there are other gotchas waiting. | 12:10 |
Ascavasaion | I have been comig here a long time and you have helped me on numerous occasions. | 12:10 |
CQ | Ascavasaion, helping people for a long time, learning bit by bit | 12:10 |
tomreyn | Ascavasaion: i appreciate your appreciation, let's talk more in -offtopic if you want to? | 12:11 |
tomreyn | CQ: i think it should be working on the destination, i don't see why it doesn't, that's what we need to determine now. | 12:11 |
gst568923 | libpam-u2f only works with the FIDO2 usb devices or also with a simple usb pendrive? | 12:11 |
CQ | tomreyn, agreed | 12:12 |
tomreyn | CQ: which means we need ot understand how those extended capabilities are setup | 12:12 |
brendantcc | tomreyn: i meant optical drive | 12:13 |
CQ | tomreyn, wtf? now it Just Works ... I did a $ /mnt/drive1//bin/ping ...which worked, now the /bin/ping works too | 12:13 |
CQ | this is just weird | 12:14 |
tomreyn | brendantcc: eject -t | 12:15 |
tomreyn | CQ: hmm, yes, i don't understand this either. | 12:16 |
CQ | rsync -avxHAX ...should have probably used more than just --archive | 12:16 |
lenzeor | Hey there! I am having some trouble creating a bootable flash drive. Anyone who can help? | 12:17 |
CQ | lenzeor, tried unetbootin? | 12:18 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: which iso and what have you tried? | 12:18 |
lenzeor | The flash drive I am using only has 1,8GB. So I guess I have to go for a netinstall? | 12:18 |
brendantcc | 1.8gb? | 12:18 |
CQ | xubuntu or kubuntu may fit on 1.8 | 12:19 |
brendantcc | that.. that's _way_ too small, iirc.. | 12:19 |
brendantcc | if you want mainstream ubuntu.. | 12:19 |
brendantcc | s/mainstream ubuntu/ubuntu desktop | 12:19 |
lenzeor | Website says 2GB for a graphical installer and 512MB for a netinstall | 12:20 |
lenzeor | I have downloaded the boot.img from the website and instructions say I can just cp it onto the stick via command line. | 12:22 |
lenzeor | I did that but the stick does not show up in my computer's boot options. | 12:22 |
lenzeor | Do I need to format to a specific filesystem before? | 12:23 |
Mathisen | nope | 12:23 |
brendantcc | tomreyn: now i feel like an idiot haha... thanks :) | 12:24 |
Mathisen | lenzeor, but you should grab the mini.iso instead and jusr cp or dd it | 12:24 |
lenzeor | @Mathison: will do, what is the difference between those images? | 12:25 |
tomreyn | brendantcc: i didn't mean to cause this. | 12:27 |
brendantcc | tomreyn: it's okay, calm down... i think i might've exaggerated a little | 12:27 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: mini iso doesnt have uefi support | 12:27 |
lenzeor | @Eric^^: the desktop's BIOS has a legacy+uefi option, so it doesnt matter | 12:29 |
lenzeor | again, does it matter which filesystem the stick is formatted to? | 12:29 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: i'd guess not, what were the instructions of the site? | 12:31 |
EriC^^ | you mentioned boot.img | 12:31 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: nevermind i just reread | 12:31 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: try a different usb port | 12:31 |
tomreyn | brendantcc: i was hopeing you were ;) | 12:33 |
fallenour | what is the preferred method for watch -c color pattern? | 12:33 |
lenzeor | @EriC^^: I tried most of them already. I now cp'd the mini.iso to /dev/sdc after having formatted the stick to ntfs with gparted | 12:34 |
lenzeor | ill try this one now... | 12:34 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: it doesnt matter, if you cp it you're overwriting the partition table anyways | 12:35 |
EriC^^ | anyways give it a go mini iso should work | 12:35 |
lenzeor | @EriC^^: I thought only dd overwrites tables? | 12:35 |
tomreyn | fallenour: i don't understand your question, can you rephrase it? | 12:36 |
lenzeor | heeeeey it worked | 12:36 |
fallenour | when you use watch -c for continually monitoring a command, it strips the colors typically included. Im curious to see what others think about resetting teh color schema, and what color patterns they prefer. | 12:37 |
fallenour | not sure if its a technical, a discussion, or both | 12:37 |
tomreyn | fallenour: you must have a different implementation of the "watch" command then, here: -c, --color Interpret ANSI color and style sequences. | 12:38 |
fallenour | mine is typically watch -c color=auto | 12:38 |
lenzeor | What DE do you guys recommend these days? Last time I used Gnome 3 was 5 years ago. | 12:40 |
leftyfb | lenzeor: we don't, this is a support channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for suggestions. | 12:40 |
tomreyn | fallenour: i may just lacking understanding of how to control ansi color schemes, if there's a way to do such with the "color" variable you pointed out. | 12:41 |
lenzeor | I am writing from a debian machine that is connected to the same router as the desktop I want to install ubuntu on. | 12:47 |
EriC^^ | lenzeor: same thing really, since you're giving cp the main drive /dev/sdx and not a partition like /dev/sdxY | 12:47 |
lenzeor | @EriC^^: ah alright, thanks! | 12:48 |
lenzeor | any way to connect to my wifi from the net installer? | 12:48 |
lenzeor | it says DHCP failed. | 12:49 |
lenzeor | or do i need to connect with ethernet cable? | 12:50 |
glitchd | hello all, trying to wrap my head around reinstalling grub in uefi or efi mode, and having both windows 10 and my linux install in the menu | 12:51 |
glitchd | any help would be appreciated. | 12:51 |
* tomreyn looks for EriC^^ | 12:52 | |
brendantcc | Ubuntu was first released in the days of Vista, right? Or Win XP? | 12:54 |
fallenour | i got it working, upgraded to 18.04, stopped using snaps, works fine now | 12:54 |
brendantcc | Curious as to whether it was originally designed to look like the windows counterpart... | 12:54 |
glitchd | can anyone give me a hand in reinstalling grub? | 12:55 |
glitchd | or maybe just some insight? | 12:55 |
tomreyn | glitchd: generally, you'd install windows first, then linux, since linux knows what windows but windows thinks it is meant to be the only god that is to exist and to be worshipped. | 12:55 |
glitchd | tomreyn, yes you are correct about al that | 12:56 |
glitchd | all* | 12:56 |
tomreyn | if you have already installed this way, and both in uefi mode, then what is the issue yoyou're trying to solve now? | 12:56 |
glitchd | i dont think i install ubuntu in uefi mode | 12:56 |
tomreyn | hmm, usually i think we recommend a fresh installation then, since you may want to repartition as well. | 12:57 |
glitchd | and i also cant seem to find a straight forward answer online as to weather i can have grub list both os's if one is in legacy mode and the other is in uefi/efi mode | 12:57 |
vasely | hello | 12:57 |
vasely | need help to remote access from wan to my linux | 12:58 |
glitchd | tomreyn, yea im trying to avoid reinstalling if at all possible. | 12:58 |
tomreyn | glitchd: although, actually you'll have an efi system partition already and maybe you don't need to repartition at all. can you show lsblk | 12:58 |
glitchd | tomreyn, yes i do have an efi partition already | 12:58 |
glitchd | tomreyn, there are 4 drives in this computer and lsblk is telling me that my windows drive is /dev/sde, and the efi partition is 2 (/dev/sdb2) | 12:59 |
tomreyn | glitchd: the task is not so much about making grub list both Os, it's more about having grub boot in the right mode from the right place already. you can only boot in either uefi or legacy bios mode , not both | 12:59 |
tomreyn | (not at the same time anyways) | 12:59 |
akem__ | vasely, you can do that using ssh or vnc in which case you probably need to open associated ports, or teamviewer. | 13:00 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: are you in ubuntu now? | 13:00 |
glitchd | tomreyn, hmmm well, shit. | 13:00 |
glitchd | EriC^^, yes i am | 13:00 |
vasely | i was working with anydesk untill now suddenly it's not working so i'm trying x11vnc but it's not easy to work on it so any help !? | 13:01 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" | 13:01 |
akem__ | vasely, What's not easy with x11vnc? | 13:01 |
vasely | 1st time to use it | 13:01 |
glitchd | EriC^^, https://termbin.com/rc1e9 | 13:02 |
glitchd | the first drive listed there is a flash drive, so just ignore it | 13:02 |
akem__ | vasely, You need to open port 5900 if it's not done already. | 13:02 |
tomreyn | glitchd: i haven't actually converted a bios booting ubuntu installtion into a uefi booting one, yet. i guess if i had to, i'd boot off a live usb system in uefi mode and chroot to the existing installation and do it that way, but maybe EriC^^ got a better idea, he's definitely better in this area than i am. | 13:02 |
vasely | open from linux or r outer !? | 13:02 |
akem__ | vasely, On your router. | 13:03 |
glitchd | tomreyn, youre all better in/at this than i am. thank you for you help anyways. | 13:03 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: looks like windows is in uefi mode and ubuntu is in legacy mode | 13:03 |
tomreyn | akem__: since vnc is an insecure (non encrypteD) protocol, would it not be better to recommend tunneling through ssh? | 13:03 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: you could convert ubuntu to uefi mode, you'd need an efi partition, you could have it use window's efi but then ubuntu would depend on the windows disk to boot, if it's not there it won't boot on its own | 13:04 |
akem__ | vasely, then you can run it like: "x11vnc -scale 0.8 -passwd yourpassword -noxdamage -verbose -noxrecord", and try to connect on the otherside with "vncviewer IP". | 13:04 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: your other option if you dont want to reinstall ubuntu would be to shrink the ext4 partition so you have some mb's for an efi partition | 13:05 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: what do you think? | 13:05 |
glitchd | EriC^^, i think i can spare a bit of space on this ssd to make an efi partition | 13:05 |
akem__ | tomreyn, Well i don't know about it, so maybe yes. | 13:05 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: alright, well first i'd backup any important info you have on it cause you never know with partitions and resizing | 13:05 |
glitchd | EriC^^, i havent partitioned this entire disk just yet, i have around 100gb available to use for this | 13:05 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ah sorry didnt see the size, you're right | 13:06 |
glitchd | EriC^^, i dont think there is anything on here that can be replaced honestly | 13:06 |
glitchd | EriC^^, i just really dont want to reinstall if i dont have to | 13:06 |
glitchd | EriC^^, and i wont have to unless this doesnt work and borks the system/disk | 13:07 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, so i guess if you havent decided on the space yet, i'd create the efi partition in the last 300mb of the disk so you can easily make your main partition bigger later if you want | 13:08 |
tomreyn | vasely: here's how you can ensure that (a) only you can access your VNC desktop and (b) the VNC data transfers over the Internet encrypted https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC#SSH_port-forwarding | 13:08 |
tomreyn | akem__: hope you don't mind then, thanks. | 13:10 |
glitchd | EriC^^, what type of filesystem do i make it? | 13:10 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: fat32 around 300mb is good | 13:10 |
akem__ | tomreyn, Np. | 13:10 |
glitchd | EriC^^, done. | 13:11 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, try "blkid /dev/sdd2" | 13:11 |
akem__ | It's just a bit more complicated. I would try the simple unencrypted connection just to see it works then go to your tunnel ssh solution. | 13:12 |
akem__ | Here i use vnc on my lan only, so encryption is not absolutly needed to me. | 13:12 |
glitchd | EriC^^, wait...i thought you meant to make a 300mb partition on my linux drive, not the windows drive? | 13:13 |
glitchd | EriC^^, ignore that | 13:13 |
glitchd | EriC^^, im over here confusing myself lol | 13:13 |
glitchd | EriC^^, here is the output https://pastebin.com/Y9E84299 | 13:14 |
tomreyn | akem__ / vasely: yes, i agree: if you can test just vnc without ssh on your lan first, be sure to do so | 13:14 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, type "sudo mkdir /boot/efi" | 13:16 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: then type "sudo nano /etc/fstab" and add the line | 13:16 |
EriC^^ | UUID=FD9D-A57F /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 | 13:17 |
glitchd | done | 13:18 |
lenzeor | so it seems my wificard needs drivers that are not delivered in the image | 13:19 |
lenzeor | I am aware I can put them on the /firmware partition but how do I know which ones to get an where do i get them from? | 13:20 |
glitchd | lenzeor, can you connect with cable at all? | 13:20 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, type "sudo mount /boot/efi" then check "lsblk" and see if mounted | 13:20 |
lenzeor | @glitchd not realistically, no | 13:20 |
glitchd | EriC^^, yes it mounted | 13:21 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: great, type "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999" | 13:21 |
glitchd | lenzeor, do you know what wifi card you have? | 13:21 |
glitchd | EriC^^, https://termbin.com/jgbt | 13:21 |
lenzeor | @glitched can I read that via lshw or similar? or open the PC and read off the card? :D | 13:22 |
glitchd | lenzeor, is it an internal wifi card, or is it a wifi usb? | 13:22 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok type "sudo apt-get purge grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub-gfxpayload-lists grub-efi-amd64-signed+" | 13:23 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: note the + at the end there | 13:23 |
lenzeor | @glitched it's a dual antenna internal wifi card | 13:23 |
glitchd | EriC^^, ok it removed grub, but i think it errored after that. https://pastebin.com/8REpQiZx | 13:24 |
glitchd | lenzeor, you need to know the card manufacturer or the model of the card. | 13:25 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: hmm, what does dpkg -l | grep -v "^ii" | nc termbin.com 9999 give? | 13:26 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 9999 | 13:27 |
glitchd | EriC^^, https://termbin.com/8v7d | 13:27 |
vasely | akem i make 5900 , 5901 ports open in both router and load balance and try to connect but still can't able to access my pc | 13:27 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: oh wait you have no network there, sorry. just run lspci -knn then and look for a "Network" line | 13:27 |
lenzeor | tomreyn, it says Network Controller: Intel Corporation Device [8086;24fd] | 13:29 |
lenzeor | are those vendor and device ID? | 13:29 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: thoise numbers in square brackets can tell you which one it is exactly | 13:29 |
tomreyn | yes | 13:29 |
glitchd | EriC^^, also, not sure if it matters, but i cant open the efi partition we just created. it just spits out an error in thunar | 13:29 |
glitchd | EriC^^, permission denied | 13:29 |
akem__ | vasely, You ran the x11vnc command on the machin you want to connect to? | 13:30 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn, thanks so much! what kin | 13:30 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn, thanks so much! what kind of format would I have to put on the /firmware partition? | 13:30 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: depends :) on what the driver (the iwlwifi kernel module) expects. | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: yeah that's normal | 13:32 |
glitchd | EriC^^, ok good to know | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, looks like apt is clean, try "ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999" and also "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999" | 13:33 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: it's usually easy, though, since there will be just one format and just newer and older firmwares which you can install. you may need to copy the file from the kernel.org git if there's no package providing it in your ubuntu version | 13:33 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: make sure you have those iwlwifi-8265*.ucode files from https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/ in /lib/firmware | 13:36 |
akem__ | vasely, first, try to ping the machine you want to connect to, so you know it's up, then try to connect to it using ssh. | 13:36 |
glitchd | EriC^^, https://termbin.com/iblx the second command gave this-- "EFI variables are not supported on this system." | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: hmm, seems like the files didnt install | 13:38 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn, alright I was gonna download the drivers off Intel's website and copy them to the firmware partition | 13:38 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64{,-bin,-signed} | 13:39 |
glitchd | EriC^^, yea i think youre right, the last 4 lines of the output are all ucfr errors and aborting | 13:39 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: yeah those are odd never seen them before | 13:39 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: you mean https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/_media/en/users/drivers/iwlwifi-8265-ucode-22.361476.0.tgz ? this could also work, but this file contains a single firmware version only, and not the latest. | 13:39 |
EriC^^ | it kinda looks like it was purging grub-pc and ran into errors since those files are needed for grub-efi-amd64 | 13:40 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: i think we should be good this time though | 13:40 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: and as you can see this download actually comes from kernel.org even though https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/iwlwifi#firmware points to it | 13:40 |
glitchd | EriC^^, you could be right, but i have no honest idea here. this is out of my scope of things i can do lol | 13:41 |
glitchd | EriC^^, if i run the command again i get this. https://pastebin.com/b0WVUrMW | 13:42 |
=== gry_ is now known as gry | ||
EriC^^ | glitchd: no i meant try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64{,-bin,-signed}" | 13:42 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn aah I get it now. when i ran dmesg from the installer's shell, I can see that the system was trying to grap the correct driver from git.kernel.org | 13:43 |
glitchd | EriC^^, i honestly didnt see that reply for some reason.. | 13:43 |
EriC^^ | no worries | 13:43 |
lenzeor | *grab | 13:43 |
glitchd | EriC^^, should i run that just from a normal command prompt, or do i need to be in the newly created efi folder/partition? | 13:44 |
glitchd | */grub partition | 13:44 |
rebab | Hello I can't boot-repair. What's my problem? Here is some data: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2WJ6KYQPJ5/ | 13:45 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: it doesn't matter really | 13:45 |
glitchd | EriC^^, ok thats done, do you need the output of all that? | 13:45 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: so you're running an ubuntu installer there, not a readily installed system, yet? | 13:45 |
EriC^^ | rebab: what happens when you try to boot? | 13:46 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: nah, just try "ls -lR /boot/efi" and see if you get any files | 13:46 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: if so, what's the name of the .iso file you've downloaded and are now trying to install from? | 13:46 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn ubuntu netinstall yes | 13:46 |
glitchd | EriC^^, nope, no files | 13:46 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn it is the mini.iso because the other ones did not work | 13:47 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: oh, yes, the widespread "did not work" error, i see. ;-) | 13:47 |
glitchd | tomreyn, rofl | 13:47 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: odd, what was the output of the apt install --reinstall command? | 13:48 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: well if it works with the mini.iso, that's good, i guess, but you won't have the software installed to use the wireless after installation, i think. | 13:48 |
glitchd | EriC^^, https://pastebin.com/mCtsL5iq | 13:48 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: looks nice, try "sudo grub-install" let's see what happens | 13:49 |
lenzeor | @hahaha tomreyn: "did not work": did not show up in my target PC's bootable devices | 13:49 |
glitchd | EriC^^, do i need to specify a device to install grub to? sda/sdb/sdd/sde? | 13:50 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn do you suggest using another image then? | 13:50 |
rebab | EriC^^ It says "press any key" but it freezes. | 13:50 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: nope no need for uefi | 13:50 |
rebab | EriC^^ "error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'Press any key to continue..." It is an error something like this. | 13:50 |
glitchd | EriC^^, just "sudo grub-install"? | 13:50 |
EriC^^ | rebab: oh | 13:50 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: hmm, that's weird. okay, i'd say keep going with what you're doing now, and if you want to give it up later you can still come back here and get help doing a standard desktop installation. | 13:50 |
EriC^^ | rebab: do you have an ubuntu live usb you can use | 13:51 |
glitchd | EriC^^, no dice. sudo grub-install | 13:51 |
glitchd | grub-install: error: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory. | 13:51 |
rebab | EriC^^ I can't boot but I can see my personal files while "Try Ubuntu". | 13:51 |
rebab | EriC^^ Yes I am using right now. | 13:51 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn: foreshadowing :D | 13:51 |
EriC^^ | rebab: ok, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" | 13:51 |
glitchd | EriC^^, damn, youre busy this morning lol +1 | 13:52 |
rebab | EriC^^ https://termbin.com/ygh5n | 13:52 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: you can make the mini.iso installation work, but you'll probably need to download .deb apckages matching this ubuntu release you're installing on another computer, write them to a mobile storage,a nd attach that storage to the system you're trying to set up, so that you can use the wireless there. | 13:53 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: try "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi" | 13:53 |
rebab | EriC^^ Do I need more space to repair boot? I have 5.9 GB free space. | 13:54 |
glitchd | EriC^^, https://pastebin.com/rMLvpF08 | 13:54 |
EriC^^ | rebab: it looks like it has the boot files far enough that grub can't reach them or something, according to boot-repair log and some stuff i found on google | 13:55 |
EriC^^ | rebab: one solution is to make a boot partition at the start so the /boot files are always there where grub can reach them, let's try first to reinstall grub as per usual and see what happens | 13:56 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn, what kind of packages do I need to make the wifi card work? | 13:56 |
EriC^^ | rebab: type "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" | 13:57 |
rebab | EriC^^ Okay. | 13:57 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: network-manager and its dependencies, i'd say. | 13:57 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, any files in /boot/efi ? | 13:57 |
deanc | how i can get my ubuntu terminal to send a notification (doesnt matter what it says) when there is a terminal beep | 13:57 |
deanc | (as iterm2 does on osx) | 13:57 |
lenzeor | tomreyn, those are not on the mini.iso? are they on another image? | 13:58 |
glitchd | EriC^^, yes! https://pastebin.com/Ds1gsJ3L | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | rebab: then type "for i in /dev /proc /sys; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done" | 13:58 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: i'm not certain that they are not on the mini.iso (i assume they are not, or not all of them, or not in a way that the installer can install them to the target) | 13:59 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: great, ok, so now type "sudo mkdir -p /boot/efi/microsoft/boot/" | 13:59 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: the standard desktop installer comes with those packages and installs them, too. | 13:59 |
glitchd | EriC^^, done. | 14:00 |
rebab | EriC^^ okay. | 14:00 |
lenzeor | tomreyn, sounds ridiculous, but the usb drive i am using has 1,8GB | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: crap, sorry typo | 14:01 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: that's enough for the installation source, not for the installation target. but i assume oyu mean the source, i.e. where you write the installer to. | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: type "sudo mkdir -p /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot && sudo rmdir /boot/efi/microsoft/boot" | 14:02 |
EriC^^ | rebab: type "sudo chroot /mnt" | 14:02 |
glitchd | EriC^^, done | 14:02 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: it is well possible that i'm just mixing up mini.iso with the alternative server installer, though,a nd maybe mini.iso actually supports wwireless installations. after all, you said you saw on dmesg that iwlwifi was looking for firmware, so the driver is there and is loaded. | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: type "sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi" | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: also "sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/" | 14:03 |
glitchd | EriC^^, done | 14:03 |
rebab | EriC^^ "chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: Input/output error" | 14:03 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: that's why i was saying: just keep going with what you'Re doing, and come back if it doesn't work out. | 14:03 |
lenzeor | tomreyn, yes exactly. the standard desktop installer is too big for that drive though... target it an ssd | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | rebab: that looks kinda bad, type "dmesg | grep -C4 sdb | nc termbin.com 9999" | 14:03 |
glitchd | looks like the output of a dying hard drive | 14:04 |
rebab | EriC^^ https://termbin.com/y365 | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | rebab: input output error usually means bad harddisk or maybe the wires/connections | 14:04 |
lenzeor | tomreyn, I am stuck at "configure network" step of installation. | 14:05 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: oh right the standard ubuntu desktop installer has grown to 2 GB. you could try a different flavor, though, those are a little smallere.g. xubuntu is 1.5 GB. | 14:05 |
glitchd | xubuntu ftw | 14:05 |
EriC^^ | rebab: try "sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb | nc termbin.com 9999" | 14:05 |
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
EriC^^ | glitchd: ok, so the deal is now that uefi usually has a list in the motherboard of which files to boot, unfortunately we cant access it in legacy mode, i put the default locations of the files that windows uses in case the bios picks it up, then once ubuntu is booted in uefi mode you can run grub-install again and efibootmgr should add the entries for you automatically | 14:07 |
rebab | EriC^^ https://termbin.com/wf1k | 14:07 |
glitchd | EriC^^, so i need to reboot and see what happens then? | 14:07 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: try to restart and try selecting ubuntu's hdd from any menu you can access, if you can't and it's very easy to unplug or turn off the windows disk, that might do it to boot ubuntu for now | 14:07 |
EriC^^ | glitchd: yeah basically, try to select the ubuntu disk if possible though from a menu | 14:08 |
EriC^^ | something like UEFI.... blabla disk | 14:08 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: 2GB is 18.04.2, 18.04.3 seems to be more like 1.9 GB, so maybe you could massage that into place. | 14:08 |
glitchd | EriC^^, ok ill give it a try and ill be back in a few minutes depending on what happens when i reboot | 14:08 |
EriC^^ | in case it offers 2 options UEFI and no uefi | 14:08 |
EriC^^ | alright | 14:08 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: you don't have a larger usb stick or external hdd though? | 14:09 |
tomreyn | or a rooted mobile phone? | 14:09 |
EriC^^ | rebab: seems like the disk is on it's way out, there are 47 pending bad sectors but it doesnt seem to be able to relocate them yet | 14:09 |
lenzeor | I do have a very large external HDD but I really need the data on there | 14:09 |
tomreyn | i see, don't tough that then | 14:10 |
tomreyn | *don't touch | 14:10 |
vasely | the pc i'm on it now and try to connect it via my mobile | 14:10 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn let me see if I can find something | 14:10 |
lotuspsychje | can we help you vasely ? | 14:11 |
rebab | EriC^^ what should I do? | 14:12 |
EriC^^ | rebab: do you have important data on it? | 14:12 |
EriC^^ | that you dont have backed up somewhere else? | 14:12 |
vasely | yea please | 14:13 |
lotuspsychje | vasely: and your question please? | 14:13 |
lenzeor | @tomreyn, maybe ill just grab a 4GB USB from a supermarket... seems way easier even though I enjoy dabbling with ubuntu to see how it works. | 14:14 |
vasely | still tring to find what happen to anydesk program & also need to know how i can run vnc in my linux and view it from my mobile | 14:14 |
lotuspsychje | vasely: and the relation to ubuntu please? | 14:14 |
vasely | anydesk was working will till 3 days ago and now i can see it online from mobile and if i try to connect i got error time out | 14:15 |
vasely | so i'm thinking to work with vnc but sa 1st time i don't know what i should do | 14:15 |
rebab | EriC^^ Actually yes. I have lots of data on it. I always reach those datas with a usb stick. | 14:17 |
EriC^ | rebab: do you have important data on it? | 14:18 |
EriC^ | that you dont have backed up somewhere else? | 14:18 |
vasely | now i'm in linux machine ubuntu 19 and need to access via my mobile | 14:19 |
rebab | EriC^^ I don't have an external hard drive right now. | 14:19 |
vasely | my mobile have vnc viewer | 14:19 |
vasely | pc have x11vnc | 14:19 |
glitchd | EriC^, yea that did not work, i can only get windwos to boot from the grub list now | 14:20 |
akemhp | vasely, run "x11vnc -speeds dsl -scale 0.8 -passwd yourpassword -noxdamage -verbose -noxrecord" on your linux machine, it should starts, print info and wait for connections. | 14:20 |
akemhp | vasely, then try to connect to it from your mobile. | 14:21 |
glitchd | EriC^, im booted on a live usb right now | 14:21 |
akemhp | vasely, If you run the command via ssh you need to add the option "-display :0.0" or whatever the display ID is. | 14:21 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright | 14:22 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999" | 14:22 |
EriC^ | rebab: the disk is on its way out, it's not reliable anymore | 14:22 |
glitchd | EriC^, will that work from a live usb? | 14:24 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/r3ovq | 14:24 |
vasely | i did as u say and still can't access | 14:24 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: please choose your preferred way to spend your time freely! | 14:24 |
vasely | i got msg. The connection attempt time out. | 14:25 |
akemhp | vasely, What does it says when you try to connect? and does it prints something on the linux machine where you entered the x11vnc command? | 14:25 |
akemhp | vasely, There is probably something wrong with your connection, can you connect to the machine using ssh? | 14:26 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" | 14:26 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/34zn | 14:27 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 2 -d /dev/sdd" | 14:27 |
vasely | i got this from machine ( the VNC desktop is: elkhateib:1 | 14:28 |
vasely | PORT=5901 | 14:28 |
vasely | ****************************************************************************** | 14:28 |
vasely | Have you tried the x11vnc '-ncache' VNC client-side pixel caching feature yet? | 14:28 |
vasely | The scheme stores pixel data offscreen on the VNC viewer side for faster | 14:28 |
vasely | retrieval. It should work with any VNC viewer. Try it by running: | 14:28 |
EriC^ | glitchd: then "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999" | 14:28 |
tomreyn | !paste | vasely | 14:28 |
ubottu | vasely: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:28 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/ebx7 | 14:30 |
EriC^ | glitchd: looks good, try rebooting | 14:32 |
glitchd | EriC^, ok ill give it a try | 14:33 |
glitchd | EriC^ nope that didnt work either, same results, only windows will boot from the gurb list now | 14:44 |
glitchd | EriC^im almost ready to just say screw it and try to put it back how it was before | 14:44 |
glitchd | EriC^? | 14:49 |
EriC^ | glitchd: i think it's still booting it in legacy mode | 14:51 |
EriC^ | glitchd: make sure to select uefi mode in the bios and disable csm legacy | 14:51 |
vasely | https://pastebin.com/tnAQ8PZm | 14:51 |
EriC^ | glitchd: if it boots ubutu in uefi mode, typing "ls /sys/firmware/efi" should give you some files | 14:51 |
glitchd | and what if it is in uefi mode already | 14:51 |
EriC^ | glitchd: i doubt, but try "ls /sys/firmware/efi" | 14:52 |
glitchd | try that now, from the live session? | 14:52 |
EriC^ | from the installed ubuntu | 14:52 |
glitchd | or only if it boots after i check the bios? | 14:52 |
glitchd | ok i got it, ill be back either way | 14:52 |
vasely | is there any other way to remote access my linux insted of x11vnc | 15:03 |
vasely | easy way | 15:03 |
akemhp | Teamviewer vasely | 15:03 |
vasely | :-) i need to access more than 15 pc and teamviewer if fell that blocked me | 15:04 |
vasely | in da past i was using it | 15:04 |
woenx | Hi. I don't know if this question is out of topic in this channel, but I'll try anyway. I want to install a VNC server so I can share my desktop with another user. I tried installing tightvnc, but instead of my current desktop, I could only see a grey background. I guess it was trying to start another session. | 15:04 |
woenx | the problem is that the machine where I want to install the vnc server is a virtual machine. | 15:04 |
vasely | so this is why i try anydesk but look like also blocked don't know how to make it run again | 15:04 |
vasely | # woenx also i need a way to access my linux remotely | 15:05 |
tim167_ | hello, my computer crashed while it was copying files to a directory on an external harddisk.(I had to forcefully shut down the computer by pressing the power button) now that directory says "input/output error" when I try to read it. Is there a way to fix this? | 15:05 |
woenx | Hi, vasely, fellow remote desktop user in need for help :) | 15:06 |
tomreyn | vasely: how comes you run a load balancer and router but don't know how to setup a port forwardsing to a system behind it? | 15:06 |
woenx | vasely: have you tried with realVNC? | 15:06 |
akemhp | tim167_, unmount the disk and try fsck /dev/sd? | 15:07 |
vasely | # tomreyn all my router and load balance open port 5900 , 5901 | 15:07 |
akemhp | sd* | 15:07 |
akemhp | The one matching your disk/partition actually :) | 15:07 |
tomreyn | vasely: if you r organization has a need to run a load balancer then your organization also has staff who are abele to setup a VPN (maybe you already have one) and then you could and should most likely use that to access the VNC from abroad, through the internet. | 15:10 |
vasely | tomreyn: i don't have vpn | 15:10 |
tim167_ | akemhp, thanks, I'll try that | 15:12 |
DArqueBishop | I'd be very surprised that any router/firewall system capable of load balancing isn't also capable of VPN access. | 15:12 |
vasely | there is an option of vpn but i never use it (new guy) | 15:13 |
woenx | Ok, I did it. Using x11vnc it worked at the first try. | 15:14 |
vasely | this is why asking for support as i don't know even what i should search for | 15:14 |
tomreyn | vasely: which size (amount of staff) is this organization? | 15:14 |
tim167_ | akemhp, I get "ext2fs_open2: Bad magic number in super-block" | 15:14 |
vasely | 15 | 15:14 |
vasely | not all in same place | 15:14 |
DArqueBishop | If you're accessing your system remotely, I'd STRONGLY suggest you set up a VPN as opposed to simply port forwarding 5900 and 5901. Without encryption, you're sending your session data in the clear (including passwords). | 15:14 |
tomreyn | vasely: oh, that's not a lot. but especially with "not all in the same place" you need to have a VPN. | 15:15 |
akemhp | tim167_, What command did you typed? | 15:15 |
vasely | 10 in 1st place ,3 in 2nd and 2 in 3rd | 15:15 |
akemhp | tim167_, Double check, that it's actually the partition, not the disk. | 15:15 |
tim167_ | akemhp, might it be because it's a dos partition? ("Found a dos partition table in /dev/sdb"). I did "sudo fsck /dev/sdb" | 15:15 |
tomreyn | vasely: so i'd say: set this up first, then look into the VNC | 15:15 |
tomreyn | vasely: if you need the VNC earlier, open ssh port, do what https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC discusses | 15:16 |
akemhp | tim167_, type "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999" | 15:17 |
tim167_ | akemhp, it gives "fsck from util-linux 2.31.1" when I do "sudo fsck /dev/sdb1" | 15:18 |
tim167_ | akemhp, ok... trying | 15:18 |
lenzeor | Hello, where can I find a good introduction into the unix shell and it's most common commands? | 15:19 |
tim167_ | https://termbin.com/m4hf | 15:19 |
tomreyn | !terminal | lenzeor | 15:19 |
ubottu | lenzeor: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 15:19 |
akemhp | If it's a NTFS partition you'll need ntfsfix instead. | 15:19 |
tim167_ | akemhp, i think its a dos partition | 15:20 |
tim167_ | akemhp, https://termbin.com/m4hf | 15:20 |
akemhp | tim167_, try "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1" | 15:20 |
akemhp | tim167_, Yeah. | 15:20 |
tomreyn | tim167_: to identify the file system you can use: sudo file -s /dev/sdb1 | 15:21 |
tim167_ | akemhp, tomreyn , sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1 gives "Mounting volume... OK | 15:22 |
tim167_ | Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully. | 15:22 |
tim167_ | Checking the alternate boot sector... OK | 15:22 |
tim167_ | NTFS volume version is 3.1. | 15:22 |
tim167_ | NTFS partition /dev/sdb1 was processed successfully." | 15:22 |
tomreyn | !paste | tim167_ | 15:22 |
ubottu | tim167_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:22 |
tim167_ | tomreyn, oops sorry :) | 15:22 |
lenzeor | the Desktop installer is stuck at the first line "ISOLINUX... Peter Anvin et al" | 15:23 |
akemhp | tim167_, Once ntfsfix has completed try to unplug, and plug back your hard drive, and go to that directory. | 15:23 |
lenzeor | What did I do wrong? | 15:23 |
tim167_ | akemhp, ok thanks... | 15:23 |
glitchd | EriC^ hey im back finally, but the system still isnt working correctly | 15:23 |
tim167_ | akemhp, fixed! many thanks :) | 15:24 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: you did not verify that your download matches the checksum, and/or that the download was properly written to the installer media | 15:25 |
glitchd | EriC^this is what info i gathered tho, csm is disabled, the bios said its in uefi mode, and there was something else, but i cant seem to remember it now....ugh i hate having such a bad memory. should of written it down. | 15:25 |
glitchd | EriC^is there any way to just get it back to how it was and ill live with having to select a specific hard drive to boot from when i boot the computer? | 15:26 |
TJ- | glitchd: that suggests that when the Ubuntu installer added itself to the UEFI's boot manager, the PC decided it doesn't trust the entry and isn't offering it. We see quite a few PCs like that which require operators to jump through some hoops to 'trust' the Linux boot loader | 15:27 |
TJ- | glitchd: Usually it is possible to solve this but it has to be done through the PC's own firmware setup pages. For us to help you we need to know the exact make/model of the PC. If you're using the LiveISO boot then in a terminal "journalctl -k | grep DMI:" | 15:28 |
glitchd | TJ- yes im currenty on a live usb because while trying to get windows to boot from grub, it made my system unable to boot linux from grub. ill run the command and pastebin you the output. | 15:29 |
glitchd | TJ-https://pastebin.com/wcwYkykD | 15:30 |
glitchd | TJ- https://pastebin.com/wcwYkykD | 15:30 |
glitchd | TJ- windows is sde and linux is sdd | 15:32 |
glitchd | TJ- the windows efi partition is sde2 | 15:33 |
TJ- | glitchd: Lenovo are generally well-behaved; can you show us "pastebinit <( efibootmgr -v )" | 15:34 |
glitchd | TJ- EriC^ was helping me and we made a second boot partition of 300,b and put it on the same disk as my linux install (sdd2) | 15:35 |
glitchd | TJ- im not on a lenovo, i custom built this machine in the last couple of weeks | 15:35 |
glitchd | TJ- and part of my confusion now is that there are 2 partitions with efi folders in them. sdd2 is one, and linux is installed on sdd, and there is an efi folder on sde2 and windows is installed on sde. | 15:38 |
glitchd | EriC^ thank you for all your help, much appreciated. | 15:38 |
ioria | glitchd, why do you have an efi partition on a ms-dos PT ? | 15:39 |
EriC^ | glitchd: hey i was away for a while | 15:40 |
glitchd | EriC^ no worries | 15:40 |
EriC^ | glitchd: so right now the grub that's appearing is the legacy one? or ? | 15:40 |
glitchd | @loria im not sure tbh | 15:40 |
ioria | glitchd, i'am saying it's not even possible,but quite odd | 15:40 |
ioria | EriC^, don't you think ? | 15:41 |
EriC^ | ioria: he had legacy and converted to uefi | 15:41 |
EriC^ | yeah it's not a daily sight to see | 15:41 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok so csm is disabled, and boot mode is uefi, i think in lenovo the button to press is F12 that gives a boot menu | 15:42 |
glitchd | EriC^i think its the legacy one, imnot entirely sure tho | 15:42 |
glitchd | EriC^ im not on a lenovo.. | 15:42 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, well you mentioned a boot menu you can choose the disks in, do you have a UEFI - ubuntu disk here entry? | 15:42 |
glitchd | EriC^ not sure why you think im on a lenovo, but youve mentioned that twice already.. | 15:42 |
EriC^ | glitchd: thought i saw TJ- telling you something about lenovo, nevermind :) | 15:43 |
glitchd | EriC^ no that was someone else he was talking to | 15:43 |
glitchd | EriC^ i just built this pc in the last week or so | 15:43 |
EriC^ | i see | 15:43 |
glitchd | yepyep | 15:43 |
EriC^ | glitchd: do you get any UEFI options in the boot menu you were talking about? | 15:44 |
glitchd | EriC^ i think im gonna have to reboot again and go check the bios and take pictures of the info because my memory sux and im not sure what i saw now.. | 15:44 |
EriC^ | glitchd: 1 sec | 15:44 |
TJ- | glitchd: haha sorry, my eyes mis-scanned the DMI and picked up the OSI being offered by the kernel | 15:44 |
EriC^ | glitchd: which motherboard are you using? | 15:44 |
TJ- | glitchd: can you show us "pastebinit <( efibootmgr -v )" | 15:45 |
glitchd | EriC^ an asrock mobo | 15:45 |
glitchd | TJ-http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P6T5SY643k/ | 15:45 |
TJ- | EriC^: let's see if there is a boot menu entry first | 15:45 |
glitchd | TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P6T5SY643k/ | 15:46 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, so what about that menu you were talking about? the one where you used to select windows or ubuntu from? | 15:46 |
glitchd | TJ- this web irc client sux. | 15:46 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
glitchd | EriC^ before we started on this i had a normal grub menu, ubuntu booted fine from it but the windows entry would not boot. i would have to select the windows hard drive from the bios boot menu in order to get into windows. | 15:47 |
glitchd | EriC^ thats why i wanted to fix it | 15:48 |
glitchd | EriC^ but now its worse than it was before lol | 15:48 |
TJ- | glitchd: EriC^ hmmm, so it's on an msdos disk label (MBR) with an EFI-SP in the 2nd partition? | 15:48 |
glitchd | EriC^ honestly at this point, id rather just go back to what i had. | 15:48 |
TJ- | glitchd: don't worry too much we can follow :) EriC^ looks like Ubuntu is set as the default in the boot order | 15:49 |
asdfgh | hello everybody | 15:50 |
asdfgh | guys i need your help...i have problem with repositories and downloading files in general | 15:51 |
asdfgh | i do not know what happen... | 15:51 |
EriC^ | glitchd: you're 99% there | 15:51 |
asdfgh | i cannot run apt dist-upgrade | 15:51 |
asdfgh | the download is slooooow | 15:51 |
glitchd | EriC^ alrighty then, ill stick with it | 15:51 |
TJ- | glitchd: EriC^ there are multiple devices? both Windows and Ubuntu point to the same device for their respective boot loaders. EriC^ do you know if that is what is expected? | 15:51 |
asdfgh | but i think there is not a problem with dsl because i have just downloaded a file from google of mb in 2 seconds | 15:52 |
EriC^ | TJ-: the real windows one is 0004 | 15:52 |
glitchd | TJ- EriC^ is there any other info i can get for you guys? | 15:53 |
EriC^ | glitchd: if you boot up the pc then press F11 do you get a boot menu? | 15:53 |
glitchd | eric | 15:54 |
glitchd | EriC^yes | 15:54 |
newdimension | I'm trying to understand version management in Ubuntu. So running apt policy postgres gets me different results locally VS a digital ocean VM https://dpaste.de/EkPQ. Does the installed version affect what major version this command returns? i.e. the digitalocean VM already has V10 installed. | 15:54 |
TJ- | EriC^: glitchd so the solution looks to be twofold: 1) remove the MBR and the boot menu entries referencing it and 2) apply correct GPT entries? | 15:54 |
EriC^ | is there a UEFI <ubuntu hdd here> entry? | 15:54 |
TJ- | EriC^: not sure what has gone before in working on this so I'd best defer to your knowledge | 15:54 |
glitchd | EriC^ no there is not | 15:55 |
EriC^ | TJ-: he had ubuntu in legacy mode, windows in uefi mode, we converted ubuntu to uefi mode with its own efi partition and added the entry using efibootmgr | 15:55 |
asdfgh | i read a problem that could be to ip ipvv | 15:55 |
EriC^ | glitchd: is there a secureboot option? | 15:55 |
asdfgh | i read a problem that could be to ip ipv6 | 15:56 |
asdfgh | ipv4 ipv6 | 15:56 |
glitchd | EriC^ i believe its disabled | 15:56 |
EriC^ | glitchd: if there is a secureboot option you want it disabled, actually try 'mokutil --sb-state' | 15:56 |
glitchd | ill get a picture of the current grub screen, 1 second | 15:56 |
EriC^ | aha | 15:56 |
glitchd | EriC^mokutil --sb-stateSecureBoot disabledPlatform is in Setup Mode | 15:57 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, so right now you're getting grub then | 15:57 |
EriC^ | glitchd: when you choose ubuntu and it boots, does typing "ls /sys/firmware/efi" give you anything? | 15:57 |
disi | is it a bad idea to have random/arbitrary things log to /var/log? (asking because i just noticed default perms dont allow non-privileged creation of dirs in there) | 15:58 |
tomreyn | newdimension: you're comparing different ubuntu releases first of all, bionic (18.04 LTS) vs disco (19.04). | 15:58 |
EriC^ | cause if it doesn't that means your motherboard isnt booting in uefi mode, cause if it were just ignoring the ubuntu entry it would have booted windows for you, but it seems like it's stuck booting in legacy mode and using the old mbr | 15:58 |
glitchd | EriC^ im booted onto a live usb so i dont know | 15:58 |
TJ- | EriC^: note: might be good to extend the Timeout using efibootmgr so glitchd gets chance to review and use the boot manager meny | 15:58 |
newdimension | tomreyn: True. Things it makes sense that there is a setting somewhere that tells apt to not upgrade to the next major version. I'm wondering where it is | 15:59 |
newdimension | *Thing is | 15:59 |
EriC^ | TJ-: never done that before, open to trying it | 15:59 |
tomreyn | newdimension: the available version is set based on information retrieved from the apt archive mirror server (when you run "apt(-get) update") you see listed there | 15:59 |
tomreyn | !latest | newdimension | 15:59 |
ubottu | newdimension: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 15:59 |
EriC^ | glitchd: you're literally 99% done it's just a matter of booting ubuntu using the efi file and not the legacy mbr | 16:00 |
glitchd | welp its no use, i cant install the grub-emu package in a live environment | 16:00 |
asdfgh | guys anyone has problem with repositories? | 16:00 |
newdimension | tomreyn: Postgres V11 is available for 18.04 though, so that's not it | 16:00 |
glitchd | EriC^ im not quitting, just getting agitated with it is all | 16:01 |
tomreyn | newdimension: not in ubuntu, no https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?exact=1&keywords=postgresql | 16:01 |
tomreyn | newdimension: when i say this i mean "not from the official ubuntu repositories" (but yes, most likely from postgresql.org's apt repositories) | 16:02 |
newdimension | I see. Is there a package setting that lets apt know to not upgrade to the next major version? | 16:02 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright, try "sudo efibootmgr -o 0000,000B,0004,0007,0008,0009,000A,000C,000D" just in case it helps | 16:03 |
tomreyn | newdimension: yes, that's the release codename. | 16:03 |
glitchd | EriC^https://pastebin.com/N18ApnMG | 16:03 |
tomreyn | newdimension: when a new version of ubuntu is about to be released, an upstream (postgrsql.org) version is picked to be available in this ubuntu release, and this upstream version will always remain the same (it just gets security patches and major bug fixes backported) during this ubuntu release. | 16:04 |
tomreyn | newdimension: that's one of the major benefits of non-rolling linux distributions. you get version stability | 16:05 |
newdimension | Are you saying that an Ubuntu LTS picks a latest version of a package, and keeps it for the lifetime of the Ubuntu LTS ? | 16:05 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, try to reboot, when you get grub, boot ubuntu and type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" and see if you get any files, also type "sudo update-grub" | 16:05 |
OerHeks | newdimension, and those packages get security updates, just no new features | 16:06 |
OerHeks | * backported | 16:06 |
tomreyn | newdimension: that's what i'm saying, and what ubottu was saying, yes. there is an exception to this rule, which applies to snaps and to select packages such as firefox. | 16:06 |
glitchd | but when i try to boot the ubuntu in the grub list, it sends me to grub rescue | 16:06 |
glitchd | EriC^^^^ | 16:06 |
glitchd | EriC^ thats why i have to use this usb to boot from | 16:06 |
EriC^ | glitchd: that's pretty odd | 16:07 |
newdimension | huh, what's the rational of that decision? Sticking to the postgres example. Why would the ubuntu release team care of a user uses V11 or the upcoming V12? | 16:07 |
tomreyn | newdimension: they don't. you choose which linux dustribution you install (and thus which policies you can rely on), and which third party repositories (which may provide different software versions at different upgrade policies) | 16:09 |
glitchd | EriC^ ill give it another try tho, brb | 16:10 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type sudo mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt | 16:10 |
EriC^ | glitchd: it's ok let's just take a look at the grub files and stuff | 16:10 |
glitchd | ok | 16:10 |
glitchd | i did the command | 16:10 |
glitchd | you were aware that you had me make a second boot partition, right? | 16:11 |
EriC^ | yeah | 16:11 |
glitchd | ok just checking | 16:11 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "ls -l /mnt/boot/grub/x86_64-efi" | 16:12 |
EriC^ | do you see files there? | 16:12 |
tomreyn | newdimension: from point of view of a system administrator managing larger environments version (and software / package dependency) stability is a benefit since you have a stable foundation you can rely on, fixed versions you can look after. | 16:12 |
glitchd | EriC^ls -l /mnt/boot/grub/x86_64-efils: cannot access '/mnt/boot/grub/x86_64-efi': No such file or directory | 16:13 |
EriC^ | glitchd: it's kind of odd to get grub rescue> after getting a menu in grub, usually if grub cant find its files and load the menu it'll give a grub rescue> | 16:13 |
EriC^ | aha | 16:13 |
EriC^ | i thought it might be missing some modules or something and that's why it's giving a grub rescue> | 16:13 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok great | 16:13 |
asdfgh | hey guys do you read my messages? | 16:13 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: we can read you | 16:14 |
asdfgh | oh ok | 16:14 |
asdfgh | this internet problem is driving me crazy | 16:14 |
newdimension | tomreyn: Let me ask this another way. Let's say you add postgres' official repo as a source, so now apt update will always get the latest version. How do you tell your system to not update to a new major version? | 16:14 |
EriC^ | glitchd: let's try to chroot and get the files there | 16:14 |
tomreyn | !details | asdfgh | 16:14 |
ubottu | asdfgh: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 16:14 |
asdfgh | do you read that could be a problem with ipv4/ipv6 a conflict because they are using the port 53 both | 16:15 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done" | 16:15 |
tomreyn | !pinning | newdimension | 16:15 |
ubottu | newdimension: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 16:15 |
EriC^ | glitchd: then 'sudo chroot /mnt' then 'mount -a' | 16:15 |
asdfgh | tomreyn my problem is that...i have a good internet connection if i run a speed test i have 90 Mb / download and 20 Mb in upload...but.... i cannot donwload the packages from the repositories | 16:15 |
tomreyn | newdimension: but you shouldn't really do this since you'll end up with unsupported and unpatched package versions. | 16:15 |
asdfgh | i do not know, maybe can i do a traceroute or something like this? | 16:16 |
asdfgh | E: Impossibile recuperare http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-hwe/linux-headers-5.0.0-29-generic_5.0.0-29.31~18.04.1_amd64.deb Connessione non riuscita [IP: 80] | 16:16 |
asdfgh | cannot connect to that ip..... | 16:16 |
asdfgh | please.. anyone can test it for me ? | 16:16 |
glitchd | EriC^for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; donemount: /mnt/dev: mount point does not exist.mount: /mnt/proc: mount point does not exist.mount: /mnt/sys: mount point does not exist.mount: /mnt/run: mount point does not exist.ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ | 16:16 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: works from here. can you ping it? | 16:17 |
EriC^ | glitchd: hmm type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" | 16:17 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i cannot ping it | 16:17 |
asdfgh | root@desktop:/home/damiano/Scaricati# ping 80PING 80 ( 56(124) bytes of data. | 16:17 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ah crap, i think sdd2 was actually the efi partition not the root partition | 16:18 |
glitchd | https://termbin.com/jno8 | 16:18 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: don't provide the port number (80) when you ping. | 16:18 |
glitchd | yep | 16:18 |
EriC^ | glitchd: sorry about that, type "sudo umount /mnt && sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt" | 16:18 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: ping -c 10 2>&1 | nc 9999 | 16:18 |
asdfgh | ooh i did not noticed it | 16:18 |
asdfgh | right | 16:18 |
asdfgh | i can ping it | 16:18 |
asdfgh | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=41.0 ms <---- this is the result tomreyn | 16:18 |
glitchd | EriC^ done | 16:19 |
tomreyn | newdimension: actually the postgresql.org apt repository is special in that they don't just provide their latest version but also provide updates for major releases, i.e. you can choose the major release to follow. | 16:19 |
asdfgh | as i told you before i have downloaded google chrome (around 59 MB) in just 2/3 seconds.... but i do not know what happen with repositories | 16:19 |
tomreyn | newdimension: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt see the notes on supported major releases there. | 16:19 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "ls /mnt/boot/grub/x86_64-efi" | 16:19 |
EriC^ | are the modules there? | 16:20 |
OerHeks | asdfgh, maybe changing mirror helps ?? | 16:20 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: could you run the command i posted and üpost the url it returns here? | 16:20 |
asdfgh | OerHeks i do not know, i have selected the official repos | 16:20 |
asdfgh | it is a fresh ubuntu 18.04.3 installation | 16:20 |
glitchd | EriC^ https://pastebin.com/e3W2c2JL | 16:21 |
EriC^ | glitchd: that looks right | 16:21 |
asdfgh | what can i do? pray? :) | 16:21 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done" | 16:21 |
=== jhutchins_wk1 is now known as jhutchins_wk | ||
asdfgh | maybe a conflict with ipv4/6 ?idk | 16:21 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: ok, you're not working with me, then i can't work with you. | 16:22 |
tomreyn | good luck! | 16:22 |
glitchd | EriC^done | 16:22 |
asdfgh | tomreyn pardon, you are right...let me read your message i missed it | 16:22 |
=== Hobadee_ is now known as Hobadee | ||
newdimension | tomreyn: I'm missing something. Ubuntu releases an LTS every two years. How can it be standard practice to ignore major upgrades of packages during those two years? Is the choice at hand whether one relies on the piece of mind of a Ubuntu maintained versions. Or the alternative of subscribing to package's repository? | 16:23 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://termbin.com/e8diu | 16:23 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok great | 16:23 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "sudo chroot /mnt" then "mount -a" | 16:23 |
CarlFK | how do I do both a static IP and dhcp (so the nic gets 2 IPs) using /etc/networking/interfaces (because that's what others in the group are comfy with) | 16:24 |
CarlFK | i've done it with netplan - that's great and I'm kinda grumpy that I can't do it that way :p | 16:25 |
glitchd | EriC^sudo chroot /mnt" then "mount -achroot: cannot change root directory to '/mnt then mount': No such file or directory | 16:25 |
tomreyn | newdimension: yes, that's roughly the choice. if some software you want to use provides apt repositories like postgresql does, where they provide both security updates and bug fixes for their major releases for a certain time. which you almost never see with other software. | 16:25 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "sudo chroot /mnt" | 16:25 |
asdfgh | tomreyn as you can see i can ping it | 16:25 |
glitchd | EriC^then type the other one? | 16:26 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: okay, so you can reach the destination fine via icmp. now let's see an apt update: sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog | 16:26 |
glitchd | EriC^ oh god i see what i did... | 16:26 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i am running it | 16:27 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: ok, this should again return a url. | 16:27 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes: https://termbin.com/f97i | 16:27 |
glitchd | EriC^ im ready for the next after mount -a | 16:27 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright, try "sudo update-grub" let's hope it picks up windows | 16:27 |
EriC^ | it didnt before right? | 16:28 |
newdimension | I'm getting the impression that in most cases people develope software for Linux. Then the teams of the different flavors port them to the flavor they maintain? That might make sense for big projects, but why would maintainers spend the time on a random software. | 16:28 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: there wer eno errors this time. can you show the errors you get when you try to run "sudo apt update", on a pastebin? | 16:28 |
tomreyn | !paste | asdfgh | 16:28 |
ubottu | asdfgh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:28 |
glitchd | EriC^ i believe it did this time https://pastebin.com/CcpUgcyE | 16:28 |
asdfgh | tomreyn at the moment i have not getting an error....it is "blocked" on apt dist-upgrade --fix-missing | 16:28 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://pastebin.com/mjct3ubc | 16:29 |
TomyWork | tomreyn, virtualbox also provides apt repos | 16:30 |
TomyWork | and so does puppet | 16:30 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" | 16:30 |
* TomyWork goes home | 16:31 | |
EriC^ | glitchd: nope it didnt, it should say found windows bootloader blabla | 16:31 |
EriC^ | glitchd: it's booted in uefi mode right? you get the files from the ls command? (no need to paste) | 16:31 |
glitchd | EriC^ well dam https://pastebin.com/pWhv4wB6 | 16:32 |
glitchd | yes | 16:32 |
glitchd | its lists files with that last command | 16:32 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: so i translated this,i think "In attesa degli header" is italian for "waiting for headers". i assume the remote server may have some issues, it had similar issues yesterday. | 16:32 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, let's first try to determine for sure what's actually booting, the ubuntu mbr or efi file | 16:33 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i suggest you use a different miirror server for the while being. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors | 16:33 |
EriC^ | glitchd: once we're certain the uefi ubuntu grub is booting, we can see why it's giving a grub rescue> and troubleshoot that | 16:33 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes the translation is correct... ok but.... why? i mean, is it possible that the official repos are having problem? | 16:33 |
asdfgh | tomreyn where should i set them ? | 16:33 |
EriC^ | glitchd: how about we zero out the bootloader from the mbr, that way we know for sure any grub you're getting is the ubuntu efi grub | 16:33 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: an easy way to switch to new mirror servers is to change the country you're getting your packages from when you run: software-properties-gtk | 16:34 |
EriC^ | glitchd: let's backup the mbr though first, just in case, type "sudo mount /dev/sde4 /cdrom" | 16:35 |
EriC^ | we'll back it up on the windows partition so it's not on the same disk | 16:35 |
asdfgh | tomreyn why can i not see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu.mirror.garr.it | 16:35 |
asdfgh | ? | 16:35 |
asdfgh | i have selected the country...italy...but i do not see that repo | 16:36 |
EriC^ | glitchd: did you get my msgs after EriC^> glitchd: ok, let's first try to det.... ? | 16:36 |
EriC^ | nevermind, thought you got d/c | 16:36 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ hey i got disconnected, then it wouldnt let me have the same name | 16:38 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: it just occurred to me, you're getting the grub rescue> after pressing ubuntu cause its looking for the i386-pc modules (legacy ones) which are now removed | 16:38 |
EriC^ | so i guess it's booting in legacy mode still | 16:38 |
glitchd52 | EriC^that makes sense i suppose | 16:38 |
EriC^ | yeah | 16:38 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: on this graphical interface, you can only choose mirrors by country. | 16:38 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: anyways let me repeat the stuff i said | 16:39 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, let's first try to determine for sure what's actually booting, the ubuntu mbr or efi file | 16:39 |
glitchd52 | thank you | 16:39 |
asdfgh | tomreyn ok i manually change them in sounrces.list | 16:39 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i sugegst you choose a neighbouring country until tuesday, then switch it back to italy. | 16:39 |
EriC^ | glitchd: how about we zero out the bootloader from the mbr, that way we know for sure any grub you're getting is the ubuntu efi grub | 16:39 |
EriC^ | glitchd: let's backup the mbr though first, just in case, type "sudo mount /dev/sde4 /cdrom" | 16:39 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: manually editing the archive url in sources.list is the other option, right | 16:39 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ done | 16:40 |
Th3Mafia | What is the easiest way to determin the coordinates needed for the -crop command within convert? | 16:40 |
asdfgh | ok i will change them with | 16:40 |
asdfgh | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de-archive | 16:40 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: if you manually edit sources.list you can choose any of the italian mirror servers which seem up to date for your ubuntu release | 16:41 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes | 16:41 |
asdfgh | but i only see | 16:41 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ wasnt sde4 my windows partition? | 16:41 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: ok, type "sudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/cdrom/mbr.backup bs=512 count=1 " | 16:41 |
asdfgh | deb http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu/ bionic main deb-src http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu/ bionic main | 16:41 |
asdfgh | from (germany) however... just to understand.... why in my sources.list i also see : | 16:42 |
asdfgh | deb http://ubuntu.connesi.it/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted | 16:42 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: yeah i thought we'd back it up there instead in case something goes wrong | 16:42 |
asdfgh | etc | 16:42 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i've forwarded your report about the mirro server issues to the mirror managers in #ubuntu-mirrors | 16:42 |
asdfgh | i only need those two lines ? | 16:42 |
tomreyn | !enter | asdfgh | 16:42 |
ubottu | asdfgh: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. | 16:42 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ this computer doesnt have a disc drive.. | 16:42 |
asdfgh | tomreyn oh thank you!! | 16:42 |
asdfgh | ubottu ok, pardon. | 16:42 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: yeah i know we mounted the windows partition at /cdrom | 16:42 |
glitchd52 | EriC^oh so it doesnt get wipped with the dd command? | 16:43 |
EriC^ | nope we're just copying the first 512bytes of sde to a file there called mbr.backup | 16:43 |
glitchd52 | oh ok | 16:43 |
EriC^ | that's the whole mbr, after we have a backup, we'll zero out just the bootloader, leaving the partition table and stuff | 16:43 |
glitchd52 | is the space after the 1 intentional? | 16:44 |
glitchd52 | at the end of the command i mean | 16:44 |
EriC^ | it's sort of redundant now that it seems more that it's booting the legacy ubuntu, but i guess maybe if the bios doesnt find anything it'll give the uefi files a shot | 16:44 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: nope it doesnt matter | 16:44 |
glitchd52 | ok | 16:45 |
asdfgh | tomreyn this is my sources.list currently: https://pastebin.com/3xd2UJZk | 16:45 |
glitchd52 | ok that command is done | 16:45 |
asdfgh | i am going to change all of those with the germany servers | 16:45 |
glitchd52 | instantly i might add | 16:45 |
tomreyn | newdimension: sorry, i missed your response (which you did not indicate was directed to me, but i assume it was): software versions amongst ubuntu flavors (if that's what you mean, not (releases of) linux distributions) are the same for the same release version. | 16:45 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: ok great, type "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=440 count=1" | 16:47 |
newdimension | tomreyn: Felt I was mentioning you too much :) I guess what I'm not grasping is why do Ubuntu maintainers need to support software. Why doesn't this fall on the software developer? | 16:47 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ done | 16:47 |
asdfgh | i do not know if it is a repository problem i am changing with the germany servers then apt update....and i am waiting a lot of time...i do not if it is "normal" | 16:48 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: ok, now the mbr should be gone, can you be in the bios/grub and here at the same time? from a cellphone or another pc? | 16:48 |
asdfgh | i am blocked here: https://pastebin.com/ci1zZaXw | 16:48 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ill see if i can pull something up on my phone for this | 16:49 |
EriC^ | ok cool | 16:49 |
asdfgh | not started again with 72 kB speed :ooo | 16:49 |
tomreyn | newdimension: it'd be a heavy burden on software developers supporting their past releases. some do, but not necessarily provide the results as an apt repository, or one that is compatible with specific ubuntu versions, or for the full 10 years an LTS release is supported. | 16:49 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: ok, type "exit" to get out of the chroot, then try to reboot, see what happens, now there's no more grub in the mbr so we have to get the motherboard to boot the efi file | 16:50 |
asdfgh | tomreyn can it not be related to DNS or other things like the ipv4/ipv6 conflict? i read about this problem that coul dhappen | 16:50 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ i want to get this convo up on my phone before i do anything | 16:50 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: some motherboards give more option when you set an administrator password, so try setting one for the bios, and see if you get any more boot options about uefi, trusting efi files, etc | 16:50 |
EriC^ | TJ-: do you know of any peculiarities about asrock + uefi/ubuntu ? | 16:51 |
tomreyn | newdimension: the ubuntu security team oversees which software in the ubuntu repositories require security patches, and (not only, btut at the very least) for the 'main' and 'restricted' repositories, they make sure those are applied for important fixes by the package maintainers (or other ubuntu developers). this is a service Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) provides to its paying customers and the greater community for free (for 5 years, | 16:51 |
tomreyn | 10 years of support are not necessarily free). | 16:51 |
EriC^ | i know acer wants the administrator password to work, it might be similar, ill be googling in the meantime glitchd52 | 16:51 |
asdfgh | tomreyn before i said that i do not think it is a problem with my internet connection....because for example i did a test here: http://test.kpnqwest.it/ i can download that file with 5 MB/s | 16:52 |
asdfgh | megabytes not Mb | 16:52 |
lordcirth_ | asdfgh, You have tried different mirrors? | 16:53 |
tomreyn | newdimension: you'Re not mentioning me too much, please keep doing it at least while this channel is busy and we're in a conversation. ;) | 16:53 |
asdfgh | so i do not think it is a problem with DSL at all, or maybe my fritzbox is blocking the connection to the repositories? but it sounds strange, because now it is download at very sloow speed but it is running | 16:53 |
eigenlicht | Hi, how do I start gui with startx, like I would via gdm. The problem is that by default settings, startx starts gnome-seesion and not gdm-x-session. What should I put in .xinitrc so that I would get the same result like I would start gui via gdm. | 16:54 |
asdfgh | lordcirth_ i was using italian repos, now repos from germany..but it seems the same problem | 16:54 |
asdfgh | very very slow speed and something .....like now....the downloading is blocked | 16:54 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: can you try to install the "mtr" software? | 16:54 |
newdimension | tomreyn: Will do :), thanks for the help! Doing some reading repositories to see if I can fill my knowledge gaps | 16:55 |
asdfgh | mtr how? i do not think i can do it via repos | 16:55 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: try: just apt install mtr | 16:55 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: try: just sudo apt install mtr | 16:55 |
tomreyn | it's small, so it may work | 16:55 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i already have that command | 16:55 |
asdfgh | i can run it, what test coul di do ? | 16:56 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: okay, then run this: mtr -4 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 16:57 |
asdfgh | ok | 16:58 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: after that, run this ("-6" instead of "-4"): mtr -6 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 16:58 |
asdfgh | tomreyn wait i ran that command but there was no url | 16:58 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: it will remain black for like 30 seconds, then should print the url | 16:59 |
asdfgh | ah ok, i wait | 16:59 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: actually i was wrong there, just a minute, you can cancel | 16:59 |
glitchd | Eric^ hey im on my phone now | 17:00 |
EriC^ | glitchd: great | 17:00 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright, try to reboot | 17:00 |
asdfgh | tomreyn ok, but after 30 seconds there is no output | 17:00 |
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL | ||
asdfgh | ok | 17:00 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ so i need to reboot into the bios now? | 17:00 |
becool | if i run 'apt dist-upgrade' will it upgrade my php 7.2.x to 7.2.y or to 7.3? | 17:00 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: yeah reboot and make sure uefi is on, csm legacy is disabled and let it do its thing | 17:01 |
EriC^ | see what you get | 17:01 |
glitchd52 | EriC^is it possible that windows itself isnt installed in uefi mode? | 17:01 |
javaJake | I installed microk8s via snapd on a CentOS VM and it seems like it configures iptables to block its own ports because its own services, like DNS, apparently have no endpoints. It's very bizzare. | 17:01 |
EriC^ | glitchd52: nope impossible, windows has a gpt partition table and windows doesnt allow gpt + legacy | 17:01 |
glitchd52 | EriC^ ok just checking, ill reboot now | 17:01 |
OerHeks | becool, i assume you are on 18.04; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.2 | 17:02 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: mtr -4 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 2>&1 >/tmp/mtr; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 2>&1 >>/tmp/mtr; mtr -4 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 >/tmp/mtr; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 >/tmp/mtr; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; cat /tmp/mtr | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:03 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: this will run for about 3 minutes and then produce a single URL | 17:04 |
asdfgh | tomreyn wow ok, i am running it | 17:06 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i have the url | 17:06 |
asdfgh | but before the url i see: mtr: udp socket connect failed: Network is unreachable | 17:06 |
asdfgh | https://termbin.com/3og0 <-- this is the url | 17:07 |
asdfgh | not output in that file | 17:07 |
SJr | How do I hadd an ipv6 address to the loop back address. | 17:07 |
asdfgh | tomreyn there is only *** | 17:07 |
SJr | `ip addr add ::1/128 dev lo` does not work | 17:07 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: okay, now this, it's slightly different: mtr -4 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de >/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; mtr -4 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; cat /tmp/mtr | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:09 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: and then also this (can run in parallel): systemd-resolve --statistics 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:10 |
tomreyn | point proven | 17:10 |
tomreyn | newdimension: you'Re welcome. are you a developer then? | 17:11 |
cxeq | hey, I am following this guide step by step , but when I login it is just a blank blue screen | 17:16 |
cxeq | https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-xrdp-on-ubuntu-18-04/ | 17:16 |
glitchd | ive been up for nearly 24 hours and i cant remember who i was just talking to in here. | 17:25 |
glitchd | someone was helping me with grub and windows 10 | 17:25 |
glitchd | if you see this, please chime in | 17:25 |
genii | glitchd: According to my backscroll, it was EriC^ | 17:27 |
asdfgh | tomreyn | 17:27 |
glitchd | genii, thank you very much | 17:27 |
asdfgh | i miss messages? | 17:27 |
asdfgh | i got disconnected... :( | 17:27 |
glitchd | EriC^, hey im back | 17:27 |
asdfgh | tomreyn are you still there? | 17:27 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i had given you a modified list of commands to run, but then you got disconnected with this message "Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)" - which, combined with the other findings we made so far, suggests that your internet connection is not reliable. | 17:28 |
glitchd | asdfgh, you didnt miss my messages, i blocked you on my phone so you just wouldnt see them at all. | 17:28 |
EriC^ | glitchd: wb | 17:28 |
EriC^ | glitchd: so what happened | 17:29 |
glitchd | asdfgh, i was trying to troubleshoot a problem and you kept talking and messing up my convo. nothing against you. | 17:29 |
glitchd | EriC^, so we're right back where we started | 17:29 |
EriC^ | glitchd: what did you get when the pc started | 17:29 |
glitchd | i can boot windows if i choose the windows hdd from the boot manager at boot, but it still doesnt work from grub. | 17:29 |
glitchd | i got a grub screen | 17:30 |
EriC^ | glitchd: hmm, ok | 17:30 |
tomreyn | glitchd: no worries. while you could block yourself from seeing soemones' messages, you could not block others from seeing any messages. | 17:30 |
EriC^ | glitchd: in the grub screen did you try pressing on ubuntu? | 17:30 |
glitchd | i took a picture of the error | 17:30 |
glitchd | EriC^, yes i did, and it did boot without a problem | 17:30 |
EriC^ | great! | 17:30 |
EriC^ | ok so you're in it right now? | 17:31 |
asdfgh | tomreyn what? my interenet connection? modem? | 17:31 |
glitchd | EriC^, yep! | 17:31 |
asdfgh | glitchd why?? | 17:31 |
EriC^ | glitchd: awesome, type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" does it return stuff? | 17:31 |
asdfgh | tomreyn could you give me the commands again ? | 17:31 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: so i'd say check your network connection on your own, r with support from your internet service provider, since it's not a problem wiht the servers if you're not receiving half of those packets. and whether or not you could do single fast downloads in between doesn't matter there. dropped packets are a separate issue. | 17:32 |
tomreyn | <tomreyn> asdfgh: okay, now this, it's slightly different: mtr -4 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de >/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; mtr -4 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; cat /tmp/mtr | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:32 |
tomreyn | <tomreyn> asdfgh: and then also this (can run in parallel): systemd-resolve --statistics 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:32 |
glitchd | EriC^, im gonna pm you so i dont have to use pastebin right this second | 17:32 |
EriC^ | glitchd: it's ok no need to paste anything | 17:32 |
glitchd | EriC^, unless you dont want that | 17:32 |
EriC^ | just see if it gives you no file found or lists stuff | 17:32 |
glitchd | EriC^, there are 9 items in there | 17:33 |
EriC^ | ok great! | 17:33 |
glitchd | EriC^, not sure what is a file and what is a folder tho | 17:33 |
EriC^ | so you've booted in ubuntu in uefi mode now, all is good | 17:33 |
EriC^ | glitchd: now you just have to add windows to grub and you'll be good | 17:33 |
asdfgh | ok | 17:33 |
asdfgh | i will run those commands and i will let you know (have dinner now) thank you so much | 17:33 |
glitchd | EriC^, at this point, i almost dont even want to mess with it anymore | 17:34 |
glitchd | lol | 17:34 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "sudo update-grub" and see if windows shows up there | 17:34 |
EriC^ | when it gives output | 17:34 |
TJ- | EriC^: just got back; great you solved glitchd's problem :) | 17:34 |
B|ack0p | what is thermald ? | 17:35 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://pastebin.com/JtWGP9e5 | 17:35 |
EriC^ | TJ-: :) | 17:35 |
glitchd | TJ-, yea he got it going for me again, but were right back where we started lol | 17:35 |
EriC^ | glitchd: is os-prober installed? | 17:36 |
tomreyn | javaJake: in case you wondered why no one replied, aside from people being busy at the time, another possible explanation is that you didn't ask an ubuntu question | 17:36 |
glitchd | EriC^, i do believe so | 17:36 |
EriC^ | glitchd: try "sudo os-prober" | 17:36 |
EriC^ | glitchd: worst case scenario we can manually add an entry in grub for windows | 17:36 |
glitchd | ok | 17:37 |
glitchd | EriC^, sudo os-prober | 17:37 |
glitchd | grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda1. Check your device.map. | 17:37 |
tomreyn | B|ack0p: apt search thermald | 17:39 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, let's just add a menu for windows manually | 17:39 |
glitchd | EriC^, and technically, it autobooted ubuntu i had to hit esc to unhide grub | 17:39 |
glitchd | EriC^, 41-custom right? | 17:40 |
B|ack0p | tomreyn: thx | 17:40 |
becool | so after checking syslog, here's the events that happened just before the server restarted itself: https://pastebin.com/F5b0ZwVi | 17:40 |
EriC^ | glitchd: yeah i wonder what the name will be though, for hdX | 17:40 |
becool | i don't even have rsyslog installed on the server. what could be causing the crash based on the info in the paste? | 17:40 |
EriC^ | glitchd: what was that grub-emu you mentioned before? does it let you run grub from ubuntu as an emulation? | 17:41 |
EriC^ | glitchd: nevermind, dont install it | 17:41 |
glitchd | EriC^, wouldnt it be hd3,2? | 17:41 |
glitchd | EriC^, yea fk it | 17:42 |
glitchd | lol | 17:42 |
EriC^ | glitchd: there were 3 disks then the windows one? | 17:42 |
glitchd | EriC^, ill figure it out the next time i reinstall | 17:42 |
becool | oh wait rsyslog is installed but i'm still getting that error | 17:42 |
EriC^ | glitchd: nah i dont mean that, we can do it another way | 17:42 |
glitchd | EriC^, well when you reboot with a usb connected, the usb shifts all the drives by 1. and according to lsblk the windows drive is sde | 17:43 |
OerHeks | becool, you are crossposting, i stopped reading | 17:43 |
EriC^ | glitchd: yeah, what's the output of "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" right now? | 17:43 |
glitchd | EriC^, if i remove the usb and reboot im pretty sure itll come out as sdd | 17:43 |
EriC^ | glitchd: also, type "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" so we set grub's menu to always show | 17:43 |
EriC^ | glitchd: oh ok | 17:43 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok no worries | 17:44 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/cm87 | 17:44 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" | 17:44 |
glitchd | what do i replace hidden with? | 17:45 |
EriC^ | glitchd: put a "#" at the start of the line that says GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 | 17:45 |
glitchd | EriC^, oh duh lol | 17:45 |
tomreyn | becool: these lines were clearly logged by a process identifying itself as "rsyslogd", which usually only rsyslog would. | 17:45 |
glitchd | EriC^, its already set to 0 but its not commented out | 17:46 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright, comment it out then save and exit | 17:46 |
glitchd | EriC^, but it also has GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden | 17:46 |
tomreyn | oh becool is cross posting, i'll stop here, too. | 17:46 |
EriC^ | hmmm | 17:46 |
glitchd | EriC^, wait i understand it! | 17:47 |
EriC^ | glitchd: comment out the grub_timeout_style=hidden as well | 17:47 |
glitchd | EriC^, grub timout out is set to 0 so it activates immediately, grub_timeout_style is hidden, so its immediately hidden at boot. | 17:48 |
glitchd | EriC^, at least thats how i understand it | 17:48 |
glitchd | EriC^, maybe im wrong tho.. | 17:49 |
EriC^ | glitchd: yeah you're right | 17:49 |
EriC^ | alright, set the timeout=10 | 17:49 |
glitchd | im good with 5 actually | 17:49 |
EriC^ | alright, great | 17:50 |
glitchd | now exit and sudo update-grub? | 17:50 |
EriC^ | glitchd: yup | 17:50 |
glitchd | mmk | 17:50 |
glitchd | EriC^, its giving an error for the usb drive thats plugged in. im thinking that i should unplug it and reboot and run update-grub again? | 17:51 |
EriC^ | glitchd: nah it's ok, its just a warning | 17:53 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright, type "sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom" | 17:53 |
EriC^ | glitchd: add these stuff there https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/b7xJcB4TZm/ | 17:53 |
EriC^ | (at the bottom of the file) | 17:53 |
glitchd | EriC^, its also saying this when i update grub "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration | 17:54 |
glitchd | done" | 17:54 |
EriC^ | glitchd: yeah that's the option that gives the bios options | 17:54 |
glitchd | i tried to do it this was the other day, and my system didnt have a 40_custom, it had a 41_custom. think that makes a difference? | 17:55 |
EriC^ | i dont think so | 17:55 |
glitchd | mmk | 17:56 |
glitchd | its still giving an error | 17:56 |
EriC^ | what error, the usb? | 17:57 |
lenzeor | How do I bind something to my Windows key in Gnome 3? preferably the global search | 17:58 |
glitchd | im using grub-emu to check it before i reboot. and maybe its giving that error because im booted. but at the same time, its the same error that is been giving previously | 17:58 |
EriC^ | glitchd: nah dont use grub-emu | 17:58 |
hays_ | hey it looks like netplan will configure network interfaces, which is nice.. and systemd can handle the hostname. what about /etc/hosts? | 17:59 |
EriC^ | glitchd: hold on, did you add the stuff to 41_custom? | 17:59 |
glitchd | mmk | 17:59 |
glitchd | yep | 17:59 |
hays_ | is that file still in need of manual editing? | 17:59 |
EriC^ | glitchd: did you type "sudo update-grub" ? | 17:59 |
hays_ | right now changing the hostname requires systemd and editing /etc/hosts | 17:59 |
glitchd | no wait, i added the stuff to 40_custom | 17:59 |
glitchd | 41 custom has stuff in it already | 18:00 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: so your installation succeeded in the end? | 18:00 |
glitchd | that i did not put htere | 18:00 |
EriC^ | glitchd: what stuff? | 18:00 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "cat /etc/grub.d/41_custom | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:00 |
glitchd | EriC^, | 18:01 |
glitchd | * fallenour has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 18:01 |
lenzeor | tomreyn, yes it did. I re-downloaded the latest image onto a bigger stick and it all worked flawlessly | 18:01 |
glitchd | EriC^, dammit | 18:01 |
tomreyn | lenzeor: nice! | 18:01 |
tomreyn | hays_: hostnamectl helps setting the hostname | 18:02 |
lenzeor | everything worked out of the box (all hardware, peripherals, etc)! great job, everyone involve | 18:02 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ? | 18:02 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/78jn | 18:02 |
lenzeor | also installation took like 7mins :D | 18:02 |
glitchd | EriC^, thats 41_custom | 18:02 |
hays_ | why does it look like I said that to myself | 18:03 |
hays_ | hostnamectl does not update /etc/hosts | 18:03 |
hays_ | at least it didnt when I tried it | 18:03 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, make a file called "40_custom" and put in it this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q38JQtrjWw/ | 18:03 |
glitchd | is that the same stuff you pasted earlier? | 18:03 |
EriC^ | glitchd: yeah | 18:04 |
lenzeor | also what is snap? | 18:04 |
glitchd | EriC^, then i already did it | 18:04 |
glitchd | EriC^, i have a 40_custom and a 41_custom | 18:04 |
EriC^ | glitchd: with the #!/bin/sh and exec tail stuff? | 18:04 |
tomreyn | hays_: hmm yes i think you're right, hostnamectl doesn't seem to update /etc/hosts | 18:04 |
glitchd | EriC^, this is my 40_custom https://termbin.com/31xj | 18:05 |
tomreyn | !who | hays | 18:05 |
ubottu | hays: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:05 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok add the stuff at the top too | 18:05 |
tomreyn | !snap | lenzeor | 18:05 |
ubottu | lenzeor: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io | 18:05 |
glitchd | EriC^, this is my 41_custom https://termbin.com/pxju | 18:05 |
EriC^ | glitchd: then type "sudo update-grub" and "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:05 |
glitchd | EriC^, add this to the 40 custom file? #!/bin/sh | 18:06 |
glitchd | cat <<EOF | 18:06 |
hays_ | tomreyn: thanks. whoever talked to me, it came through on this client as coming from myself so I wasn't sure who said it | 18:06 |
glitchd | EriC^, and EOF at the end? | 18:07 |
EriC^ | glitchd: nope, copy the whole thing as it is | 18:07 |
EriC^ | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q38JQtrjWw/ | 18:07 |
glitchd | put that whole thing in 40_custom? | 18:08 |
glitchd | or 41_custom? | 18:08 |
EriC^ | 40_custom | 18:09 |
glitchd | ok | 18:09 |
tomreyn | hays_: the webchat isnt so great, maybe you should install a proper irc client | 18:09 |
glitchd | alright all of that is in 40_custom now | 18:09 |
EriC^ | glitchd: alright, type "sudo update-grub" | 18:10 |
EriC^ | then type "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:10 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/dz4v | 18:11 |
EriC^ | glitchd: doesnt seem to be there | 18:13 |
glitchd | EriC^, that cant be right | 18:13 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "chmod -x /etc/grub.d/40_custom_proxy" | 18:13 |
glitchd | EriC^, there is no way that windows is on hd0,1 | 18:13 |
glitchd | thats what its been and it hasnt worked | 18:14 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "chmod -x /etc/grub.d/40_custom_proxy /etc/grub.d/41_custom | 18:15 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "chmod -x /etc/grub.d/40_custom_proxy /etc/grub.d/41_custom" | 18:15 |
EriC^ | sorry, forgot to put sudo there | 18:15 |
glitchd | EriC^, done | 18:16 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok | 18:16 |
EriC^ | glitchd: type "sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/40_custom" | 18:16 |
glitchd | EriC^, done | 18:17 |
EriC^ | glitchd: then "cat /etc/grub.d/40_custom | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:17 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/n2pj | 18:17 |
glitchd | EriC^, that looks right | 18:18 |
EriC^ | yeah | 18:18 |
glitchd | EriC^, or better at least | 18:18 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, so now "sudo update-grub" | 18:18 |
EriC^ | glitchd: then type "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:18 |
Bundestrojaner | Good evening. How can I install the nvidia 418-driver on (k)ubuntu 18 LTS? I've tried the ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa, but apt search says: | 18:19 |
Bundestrojaner | xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-418/bionic 430.50-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64: Transitional package for xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-430 | 18:19 |
Bundestrojaner | I've installed it anyway, but it really is 430.50... | 18:19 |
glitchd | EriC^, https://termbin.com/mtqu | 18:20 |
EriC^ | finally | 18:20 |
glitchd | rofl | 18:20 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, type "cat /boot/grub/custom.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:20 |
EriC^ | i want to make sure there's no custom.cfg added, that doesnt show up in grub.cfg but is used by grub | 18:21 |
glitchd | EriC^, cat: /boot/grub/custom.cfg: No such file or directory | 18:22 |
vershan | Hi I've started using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I can connect to enterprise Onedrive. Just 2 items outstanding for now. I need to use skype for business and an email client to connect to O365. If I can get this right then I'm trashing Windows. | 18:22 |
TJ- | vershan: Mozilla Thunderbird using IMAPv4 protocol can connect to Outlook/Office365 online mail accounts | 18:24 |
EriC^ | glitchd: ok, great, try to reboot, try to remove the usb as well, and if you dont get grub, just reboot and hold shift it should appear, then if windows doesnt work press "c" you'll get a prompt, type "ls" and look for the hdX name that has gpt in it and remember it and press esc and boot into ubuntu again and come back so we can modify it | 18:24 |
vershan | TJ-: thank you, any idea for skype for business? | 18:25 |
glitchd | EriC^, ok | 18:25 |
glitchd | EriC^, you cheeky son of a very nice lady it finally works. fuckin A. | 18:29 |
TJ- | vershan: no... I stay away from proprietary stuff | 18:30 |
EriC^ | glitchd: great! | 18:30 |
TJ- | !cookie | EriC^ | 18:30 |
ubottu | EriC^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 18:30 |
glitchd | EriC^, thank you so much for all your effort and time, i truly appreciate it | 18:30 |
vershan | TJ-: thanks I thought I could use something like pidgin for skype for business | 18:31 |
EriC^ | glitchd: no problem | 18:31 |
glitchd | EriC^, and also thank you for not letting me give up on it. | 18:31 |
EriC^ | glitchd: sure no problem | 18:31 |
glitchd | EriC^, im going to bed lmao have a great rest of your day! | 18:32 |
TJ- | vershan: I use jitsi (host the server and web client for everyone) | 18:32 |
tomreyn | vershan: you can vote with your dollar bills here https://www.skypefeedback.com/forums/299913-generally-available/suggestions/9182558-linux-desktop-client-for-skype-for-business | 18:32 |
EriC^ | glitchd: thanks, you too! | 18:32 |
vershan | TJ-: Ahhh I see what you getting at. Just that my employer uses SFB. Wanted to stick on using Ubuntu - its as awsome OS | 18:34 |
TJ- | vershan: maybe it works on WINE/PlayOnLinux, or else in a minimal Windows virtual machine? | 18:36 |
vershan | tomreyn: thank you | 18:38 |
vershan | TJ-: yeah I see. http://skype4businessinsider.com/skype-for-business/how-to-access-skype-for-business-and-teams-services-on-linux-computers/ - I'll give this a try | 18:40 |
EriC^^ | hmm i think i messed up | 18:41 |
EriC^^ | oops wrong channel | 18:41 |
Jsurf | Hi ppl | 19:07 |
Jsurf | Have a problem installing ubuntu with gtx 760 mars gpu | 19:08 |
Jsurf | Anyone got any ideas? | 19:08 |
doug16k | didn't meet jsurf's 1 minute response deadline :P | 19:18 |
doug16k | come on guys, pick up the pace :D | 19:19 |
newdimension | tomreyn: Sorry, was away. Not a developer by profession. But I do full-stack for a webapp that I'm hoping to build into a business | 19:27 |
fallenour | is there a way to keep my ubuntu instance active even when I close my keyboard, like how you would with windows on a laptop if you had a docking station with monitors and an external keyboard/mouse? | 19:50 |
lordcirth_ | fallenour, you should be able to disable sleep in the power settings. | 19:52 |
newdimension | What does "main" mean in the contexto "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ buster-pgdg main" For PPAs it means officially supported by Canonical. | 19:53 |
lordcirth_ | newdimension, it's an arbitrary string, and you have to put something there. | 19:54 |
newdimension | lordcirth_, Look at that repository, they do have a folder called "main". Does this mean if I replace "main" with "11" (also a folder that exists) I would subscribing to version 11 releases? | 19:55 |
newdimension | *Looking at that | 19:55 |
rexwin_ | I am running the following commands | 19:59 |
rexwin_ | sudo dpkg --get-selections | 19:59 |
rexwin_ | I see maria-db server and client mentioned as deinstall, does that mean it is uninstalled or what? | 19:59 |
TJ- | rexwin_: I *think* it means those were removed but not purged (config files may remain) check with "dpkg -l maria-db-server" ... if the status column shows "rc" it means removed but still configured | 20:06 |
lordcirth_ | newdimension, yes. | 20:36 |
andai | What's the deal with the standard folders in ~ like Documents, Music, Desktop? They have their own icons, how does that work? And if I want to rename Documents to Docs, will that mess anything up? | 20:49 |
andai | alright, I just made a symlink :) but I'm still curious how the standard folders are set up, and if certain apps (eg music, image editing, photo apps) expect certain directories to be there | 20:51 |
lordcirth_ | andai, generally the desktop environment creates them, and assigns them icons. | 20:51 |
lordcirth_ | Many apps will default to pointing to them, but nothing should break. | 20:51 |
andai | lordcirth_: thanks | 20:55 |
becool | how does ubuntu determine this? *** System restart required *** | 21:25 |
systemd0wn | Question: How do I get a snap to use the common view of my /tmp drive? | 21:29 |
tomreyn | becool: based on whether the file /var/run/reboot-required exists. this file is created during apt upgrades if any of a list of packages (which i cannot seem to find) is upgraded. this list includes kernel images, systemd, libcg and some others. | 21:30 |
asdfgh | hello | 21:34 |
asdfgh | tomreyn still there? | 21:34 |
nikolam | I wonder, why Whole (x)ubuntu freezes when I either plug in HDMI->VGA adapter in AMD 7850 or unplug it. Either time, screen freezes keyboard freezes and I need to reboot. | 21:36 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: depends ;) | 21:38 |
tomreyn | nikolam: check your systemd journal. here's how to look at that of your previous boot (scrolled ot th eend of the log, 'q' to quit): journalctl -eb -1 | 21:39 |
asdfgh | tomreyn ahahah, however i really really do not know...it is a very strange situation... i did a speed test right now, 151 Mb/download 20 Mb/upload.... how is it possible ? i mean...if i have DSL problem i should not reach such speed.. my modem (fritzbox) is saying that the connection is from 150 / 163 MB in download and 20 upload | 21:39 |
asdfgh | so... i really do not know | 21:39 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: bandwidth and packet loss are separate topics. you can have a very high throughput on a single connection without packet loss, but have a lot of trouble setting up new connections due to packet loss.. the tests i suggested you'd run were meant to inspect your route, it could have indicated where there is packet loss, and where. | 21:41 |
tomreyn | this is the last thing i got to see from you before you timed out again. <asdfgh> i will run those commands and i will let you know (have dinner now) thank you so much | 21:43 |
OerHeks | tomreyn, asdfgh maybe contact your provider, let them have a look/test | 21:45 |
OerHeks | i had to do this once, to get full 50/5 mbit for a certain timeframe, it dropped too after 30-40 seconds | 21:46 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes | 21:46 |
asdfgh | i did it | 21:46 |
asdfgh | they said "all ok"....................grrr | 21:46 |
asdfgh | however i am running the command | 21:46 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://termbin.com/m5zs | 21:46 |
asdfgh | mtr -4 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de >/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; mtr -4 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -6 -wbzc10 archive.ubuntu.com >> /tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; cat /tmp/mtr | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:47 |
asdfgh | now i am running the second command you told me | 21:47 |
asdfgh | https://termbin.com/x2lj <---- command: systemd-resolve --statistics 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:49 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: hmm so this doesn't look entirely happy but it also doesnt look entirely wrong. is your computer connected over ethernet or wireless? | 21:49 |
nikolam | tomreyn, I think I didn't find anyting in journal, looks to me like it's some sort of hard halt in driver that freezes kernel, with hdmi/vga adapter plugged in. | 21:49 |
asdfgh | ethernet tomreyn | 21:49 |
asdfgh | to a gigabit switch and this switch is connected to my fritzbox | 21:50 |
OerHeks | how many active users on that switch? | 21:51 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: you have a resolver issue there apparently. Cache Hits + Cache Misses should add up to Total Transactions, but do not at all. | 21:51 |
asdfgh | OerHeks 8 ports but other devices are off so just mine | 21:51 |
tomreyn | nikolam: feel free to post it, though, maybe i can spot some other issue during boot. | 21:52 |
asdfgh | tomreyn hmm right, very weird | 21:53 |
tomreyn | nikolam: journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:53 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: have you checked whether there are firmware updates available for your fritzbox, or is it configured to instll those uatomatically? | 21:53 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: which nameservers is your computer using? | 21:53 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes i have checked it... i am using fritzbox 7530 and i have installed the last firmware -> 7.12 | 21:54 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: systemd-resolve --status 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:55 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://pastebin.com/jR1tTr71 | 21:55 |
asdfgh | ok i ran that command | 21:55 |
asdfgh | https://termbin.com/5bqi | 21:55 |
asdfgh | tomreyn however i am using a fresh 18.04.3 | 21:58 |
OerHeks | some switches can be managed, and need updates too | 21:58 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: have you rebooted both the switch and router, yet? | 21:59 |
OerHeks | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/resolvconf/+bug/1817903 | 21:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1817903 in resolvconf (Ubuntu Disco) "systemd-resolve appends "options edns0" to resolv.conf" [Critical,Fix released] | 21:59 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i just have installed the switch.... i mean, the previous test i was using a FAST ETHERNET switch... i bought a gigabit switch (TPLINK TL-SG108) but same problems | 22:00 |
asdfgh | the modem uhh a lot of times | 22:00 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: login to fritzbox, click on "internet", tell us what are the "dns servers"? | 22:01 |
asdfgh | ok one moment.... OerHeks could be related to my issue? | 22:01 |
OerHeks | i am further reading, i found this for disco.. | 22:02 |
asdfgh | tomreyn | 22:03 |
asdfgh | | 22:03 |
OerHeks | DNS query packets with EDNS0 extension is not compatible with non-EDNS0 DNS servers. | 22:03 |
OerHeks | so, what if you commented that option | 22:03 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: ok, now click on "dsl infomation" on the left hand menu | 22:03 |
asdfgh | yrd | 22:04 |
asdfgh | yes | 22:04 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: below this green line it should say a number and "m", what's the numbner? | 22:04 |
asdfgh | 300 | 22:04 |
tomreyn | alsom, whats the last but one line above "Line-ID"? | 22:04 |
tomreyn | *also | 22:05 |
asdfgh | OerHeks https://pastebin.com/P8qzVQpM | 22:06 |
asdfgh | just comment that option ? | 22:06 |
asdfgh | should i restart something ? | 22:06 |
tomreyn | now click on the "DSL" tab, and copy all of this to https://paste.ubuntu.com (there ar eno secrets in there) | 22:07 |
spaceghost | Hello. | 22:08 |
akemhp | Hi. | 22:08 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i am creating an imae because of the format | 22:09 |
asdfgh | hard to read for you | 22:09 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: dont worry about the formatting | 22:10 |
tomreyn | but an image is fine, too, sure | 22:10 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://i.imgur.com/Cvwh7V0.png | 22:10 |
asdfgh | can you read it | 22:10 |
asdfgh | ? | 22:10 |
=== veegee_ is now known as veegee | ||
tomreyn | pretty small, but i got a magnifier | 22:11 |
tomreyn | your dsl connection seems fine. | 22:13 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes that's the problem..... that is driving me crazy....the dsl seems fine...the isp said the same thing.... | 22:13 |
asdfgh | :( | 22:13 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: let's do another test to your resolvers: mtr -4 -wbzc20 >/tmp/mtr 2>&1; echo '***'>> /tmp/mtr; mtr -wbzc20 >>/tmp/mtr 2>&1; cat /tmp/mtr | nc termbin.com 9999 | 22:15 |
asdfgh | ok | 22:15 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://termbin.com/dik4 | 22:17 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: hmm that looks ok, too. | 22:19 |
tomreyn | this however, doe snot. | 22:20 |
WaV | lol | 22:20 |
syddel | bcbcvbvc | 22:23 |
tomreyn | syddel: this is not the place to spam | 22:23 |
asdfgh | tomreyn got disconnected again.. | 22:23 |
asdfgh | https://termbin.com/dik4 <-- | 22:23 |
asdfgh | did you read this ? | 22:23 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i did. <tomreyn> asdfgh: hmm that looks ok, too. | 22:24 |
asdfgh | maybe i got disconnected because i have restarted the networking | 22:24 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: yes, this would likely get you disconnected. why did you restart networking? | 22:24 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i do not know it is a desperate move | 22:24 |
asdfgh | :D | 22:25 |
tomreyn | have you been restarting netwokring those past times when you got disconnected as well? | 22:25 |
asdfgh | yes it is not the first time i restart the networking | 22:25 |
asdfgh | so i think yes, the previos time too | 22:25 |
asdfgh | *previous | 22:26 |
tomreyn | that's good to know. when you login to fritzbox now, what does it say on the summary for internet: how long has it been connected? | 22:26 |
=== gry_ is now known as gry | ||
asdfgh | tomreyn da 20.09.2019, 09:26 ore, TIM ADSL-VDSL (FTTC) | 22:27 |
asdfgh | it does not lose the dsl connection | 22:28 |
asdfgh | i just have got disconnected from fritz.box panel | 22:28 |
tomreyn | ok | 22:28 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i suggest you post a system log, maybe i can see something there: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 | 22:29 |
asdfgh | ok | 22:30 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://termbin.com/m38y | 22:31 |
asdfgh | tomreyn something weird? | 22:38 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i haven't looked, yet, will do now. here's another test for oyu to run: sudo apt install dnsutils; dig rs.dns-oarc.net @ TXT +short > /tmp/dig 2>&1; dig rs.dns-oarc.net @ TXT +short >> /tmp/dig 2>&1; dig rs.dns-oarc.net @ TXT +short >> /tmp/dig 2>&1; cat /tmp/dig | nc termbin.com 9999 | 22:40 |
asdfgh | ok | 22:43 |
tomreyn | hmm maybe there's an issue with your usb ethernet dingle | 22:43 |
tomreyn | *dongle | 22:43 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://termbin.com/khxo | 22:44 |
tomreyn | look for "usb 1-1: rtl8192eu_parse_efuse: dumping efuse (0x200 bytes):" in what you posted, i have not seen this before, and it's unusually verbose. it doesn't say that an error occurred, but it's unusual. | 22:44 |
spaceghost | Hello. | 22:44 |
spaceghost | My audio is not working, any idea how to fix it? | 22:45 |
asdfgh | tomreyn what could it be ? | 22:45 |
asdfgh | yes i have a wifi key here | 22:45 |
asdfgh | but it is off | 22:45 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i'm not saying a wifi key. i'm referring to your Realtek chipset USB <-> Ethernet adapter. | 22:48 |
asdfgh | ethernet adapter....hmmm what is this ? | 22:49 |
tomreyn | something like this https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51b9JszEqnL._SL1000_.jpg | 22:51 |
asdfgh | tomreyn should i try with a different OS ? | 22:51 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i'll need a couple minutes to understand whether there is an issue, i have no preference on what you do in this time. | 22:52 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i do not have that device... i only have a wifi card (off) | 22:53 |
tomreyn | oh thats actually a wifi dongle, sorry | 22:53 |
tomreyn | well no, it's not off | 22:53 |
asdfgh | i see off on the right up corner | 22:53 |
asdfgh | however i have tried to remove it...but same problem | 22:53 |
asdfgh | i mean, i have removed it, but.... same problem | 22:54 |
asdfgh | tomreyn idk maybe a problem with ssl dont know | 22:56 |
asdfgh | tomreyn when i try to download a giant file like an iso, i get error connection, can we not test the problem with a single download ? | 23:05 |
asdfgh | i mean, to investigate what happen during the downloading of the file? | 23:06 |
doug16k | wow, 28 hrs of smart self test and it is only 30% done (4TB @ 5400rpm). hopefully it is just really thorough and not having trouble. smart data looks perfect otherwise. thx again for -d sat,16 tip tomreyn | 23:06 |
doug16k | wd ain't kidding about "long" self test :D | 23:07 |
asdfgh | tomreyn sometimes i refresh the chat page because i think i got disconnected | 23:08 |
asdfgh | :D | 23:08 |
asdfgh | i do not know if it happened | 23:08 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: yo could install a proper irc client, such as hexchat. | 23:09 |
asdfgh | however i asked can we understand what problem is going on during the downloading of a single file ? | 23:09 |
asdfgh | i was trying to download an iso file | 23:09 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: is see several of these on your system logs : "gnome-shell: Object NM.ActiveConnection (), has been already deallocated" | 23:09 |
asdfgh | via chrome and after 1 minute i got the error | 23:09 |
tomreyn | those could indicate an issue., NM would be "network manager" | 23:09 |
asdfgh | hmmm | 23:10 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: what is "the error"? | 23:10 |
asdfgh | connection error | 23:10 |
asdfgh | so the download speed is 0 | 23:10 |
tomreyn | try to download the big file using wget | 23:10 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes same thing, i tried to donwload the ubuntu iso | 23:11 |
tomreyn | also this: ethtool -S enp0s31f6 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 23:11 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: please show full output for wget when it happens. | 23:11 |
asdfgh | ok | 23:11 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: and do this beforehand: export LANG=C | 23:11 |
tomreyn | so that we can have english language output | 23:12 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://termbin.com/o7h1 | 23:12 |
tomreyn | doug16k: that's unusually long. did you run a short or long self test? | 23:12 |
tomreyn | oh long, you said | 23:13 |
asdfgh | tomreyn it is the output of your command | 23:13 |
asdfgh | tomreyn https://imgur.com/mrxM9dK | 23:16 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: yes the ethtool output looks mostly fine, too, just 3 CRC errors and 6 receive errors, nothing relevant. | 23:16 |
asdfgh | ok | 23:16 |
asdfgh | look at the image....as you can see there is not speed | 23:16 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: right. do you have another computer or smartphone you could cross test with? | 23:17 |
OerHeks | rx_csum_offload_good: 3254342 rx_csum_offload_errors: 0 are oke | 23:17 |
OerHeks | i blame the switch.. | 23:17 |
asdfgh | smartphone maybe | 23:18 |
asdfgh | i have started the download of the iso from my smartphone | 23:19 |
tomreyn | the dns test https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc/services/replysizetest results https://termbin.com/khxo showed much smaller packet sizes than there could be. but i don't know for sure whether this indicates a problem, or which. | 23:19 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: i assume the smartphone is using a wireless lan connection directly to fritzbox? | 23:20 |
asdfgh | tomreyn yes | 23:21 |
asdfgh | i am connected to fritzbox | 23:22 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i am in another room, and i have downloaded 90 MB | 23:22 |
asdfgh | 2 hours left | 23:23 |
asdfgh | however is going slow i think | 23:24 |
asdfgh | 105MB now | 23:24 |
cyberspectre | Hi everyone | 23:25 |
asdfgh | still 105 tomreyn hmmmm | 23:25 |
asdfgh | ......still 105 hmmm i am done...so the problem is the fritzbox...... | 23:27 |
asdfgh | but the modem i saying big speed | 23:27 |
asdfgh | i really do not know what to do | 23:27 |
cyberspectre | I'm trying to monitor the logs of a running program in real time using tail -f. But the program keeps making new text files for logs after they exceed a certain number of lines. I keep having to stop the tail, do ls, find the most recent log file, and tail that. The log files are named incrementally. How can I run one command to monitor the tail of the *latest* file? | 23:28 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: it doesn't have to be that the problem is fritzbox, but it can be, yes. maybe backup your settings and do a vendor reset of it. | 23:29 |
asdfgh | tomreyn i did it too yesterday | 23:29 |
akemhp | cyberspectre, You need a script that will check for new files every X seconds for example, and tail that most recent file. | 23:30 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: maybe you can get a replacement router? | 23:30 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: this is really ##networking for the most part, though (you could ask for help there, too, and they may be better at helping you debug this) | 23:31 |
cyberspectre | akemhp, any idea where I could find a script like that? Also, maybe if could be done with a combination of watch, tail, and grep? | 23:31 |
asdfgh | ok tomreyn.... how can i thank you? really appreciated | 23:32 |
asdfgh | thank you so much for your time | 23:32 |
akemhp | cyberspectre, I don't know, you'd have to write it yourself probably, maybe some python or ruby would be good for that. | 23:33 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: no need. one more thing you should try is whether this also happens from an ubuntu live usb. if it doesn't, then it's more likely somethign is misconfigured on your ubuntu installation. if it also happens there, then there's some issue with the networking outside your computer most likely. so either the router or something within the isp's network. | 23:34 |
cyberspectre | akemhp, thanks! | 23:35 |
doug16k | tomreyn, ran long self test | 23:36 |
asdfgh | tomreyn but this is a fresh ubuntu installation... | 23:36 |
asdfgh | so i think live usb should be the same | 23:36 |
akemhp | cyberspectre, i got a script for you that should do it. | 23:38 |
cyberspectre | akemhp, | 23:38 |
cyberspectre | thanks but I think I got it | 23:39 |
cyberspectre | tail -f "$(ls -t | head -n 1)" | 23:39 |
asdfgh | have to go now, thank you so much tomreyn | 23:39 |
asdfgh | see you see...with good news....i hope :) | 23:39 |
asdfgh | bye | 23:40 |
tomreyn | cyberspectre: try this: tail -F /path/where/logs/are/*.log | 23:40 |
asdfgh | see you soon | 23:40 |
asdfgh | grr too late here :D | 23:40 |
tomreyn | asdfgh: see you, good luck! | 23:40 |
tomreyn | doug16k: and? | 23:40 |
tomreyn | doug16k: oh i assume you're still running it. | 23:40 |
akemhp | cyberspectre, ok, good :) | 23:40 |
doug16k | yes: https://gist.github.com/doug65536/8c3c7e2de884be0c6067597e9821ffb0 | 23:42 |
tomreyn | doug16k: if it's still running, what does the smartctl -x /dev/XXX header say about how much is done and how much time is left? | 23:42 |
tomreyn | ah ok Please wait 297 minutes for test to complete. | 23:42 |
tomreyn | your date seems wrong | 23:43 |
doug16k | it has been way more than that. the % complete is going down though | 23:43 |
tomreyn | i.e system clock is not synched | 23:43 |
doug16k | my clock matches https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ | 23:44 |
doug16k | 7:44 pm EDT | 23:44 |
tomreyn | the smartctl output you just posted states "Local Time is: Thu Sep 19 15:24:12 2019 EDT" | 23:45 |
doug16k | that was when it started | 23:45 |
doug16k | been > 24 hrs since | 23:45 |
tomreyn | i see | 23:45 |
tomreyn | so i guess the estimate was't correct. and what does it say now? | 23:45 |
doug16k | all it tells me is 70% remaining | 23:46 |
tomreyn | ah i just failed to read your output properly, sorry | 23:46 |
doug16k | 93 hrs seems awfully long though eh? (got that from 28 / 0.3) 28 hrs elapsed, 30% done | 23:48 |
asdfgh | thank you! see you soon | 23:48 |
doug16k | percent seems to be in increments of 10 so that may be highly approximate | 23:48 |
tomreyn | doug16k: yes it's highly approximate and often wrong. but it's not unusual for a long self test to run 24 hours. | 23:49 |
doug16k | ok thanks. | 23:50 |
doug16k | one of the most perfect smart data reports I've ever seen though. only power on hours and load cycle count are a hair below flawless. I hope it is honest :D | 23:57 |
cpare | Can someone help me get a partition table on my new 4TB WD Red drives - I keep trying to use fdisk to create a GPT Partition table, but it's not saving .... | 23:59 |
tomreyn | the disk is not in this smartctl versions' drive database (drivefb.h). | 23:59 |
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