=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
xubiand | hi | 15:53 |
xubiand | can somebody please help me? since yesterday my boot partition is to small for an upgrade. i already deleted all the old kernels but it's still too small. next i tried to enlarge my boot partition. in order to do that i wanted to make my primary partition smaller - so i booted xubuntu 18.04 from a usb stick and installed kde partition manager. unfortunately i could not resize the main partition at all. | 15:55 |
xubiand | im using xubuntu 18.04 and my main partition is encrypted. of course i decrypted it in kde partition manager but in spite of this i could not resize it :/ | 15:57 |
genii | A temporary fix is to use a USB stick which is larger than the /boot partition, copy all files in your current one over to it, preserving permissions etc, then bindmount it to your existing /boot, do the upgrade,. When finished, unmount it and copy any files which are newer or changed back to the existing partition ( if they all fit ) | 16:04 |
xubiand | ok thanks, i'll give it a try | 16:12 |
nikolam | what xfce theme you use to make lower edge of windows "normal" to they could be widen with mouse cursor normally... | 20:04 |
nikolam | It is much irritating to have such stupid theme in Xubuntu for years, that disables easy resizing window form the bottom right edge | 20:05 |
brainwash | nikolam: there is a variant of Greybird with wider borders | 20:07 |
nikolam | oh, that would be nice. Also would be nice to be default | 20:09 |
nikolam | what greybird does the job https://www.xfce-look.org/search/projectSearchText/greybird | 20:13 |
brainwash | nikolam: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/issues/51 | 20:16 |
brainwash | it should be selectable via Xfce Settings > Window Manager | 20:16 |
brainwash | there may be a custom variant made also | 20:18 |
brainwash | unofficial one I mean | 20:19 |
nikolam | bah now on 19.04 I select Icons theme and every time it auto-selects last one on the list, "Ubuntu Mono Light" icon theme,, | 20:19 |
Spass | nikolam, Greybird-accessibility should be installed by default, about your second issue, do you have two Appearance settings window opened at the same time maybe? | 20:20 |
Spass | nikolam, also in case you didn't know that already, you can change the window size by holding Alt (by default) and clicking RMB on the window and drag it | 20:21 |
nikolam | https://mega.nz/#!yQZDWCJT!Qy1p9sGspVcG8WHyyI-0chydXTkr-s1MNp-qYCbZVew | 20:24 |
Spass | but I agree that the issue with resizing is kind of hard to deal with sometimes, I got used to it (I really like thin borders), plus, top corners are usually easier to "grab" and resize a window | 20:24 |
nikolam | I don't see what's there to like about thin brders, when they create an issue with resizing | 20:31 |
nikolam | I am using some sort of windowing system for almost 25 years and I never saw anyone use upper part of window to resize | 20:32 |
nikolam | Greybird-accessibility I think is not installed by default | 20:33 |
Spass | and you're looking in the Window Manager settings or in the Appearance settings? | 20:33 |
nikolam | Yes, it seems it is artefact of having 2 appearance windows opened at the same time, really strange bug | 20:34 |
nikolam | I still think it is insane to disable normal disk resizing by thin corners in all themes. I think many novel users to Linux or Ubuntu or non-MS windows desktop in general could be turned down from the platform with this. | 20:35 |
brainwash | luckily, you can easily switch to a different theme | 20:36 |
nikolam | yes, but all themes installed by default are aether damaged by the thin lower parts of windows or look rediculous | 20:38 |
nikolam | That defautl pretty much is useless | 20:38 |
nikolam | I can't imagine what it the real use of thin window border, but to create problems | 20:38 |
nikolam | we have 22 inch monitors these days and few pixels count?.. I don't get it | 20:38 |
brainwash | it looks nicer according to the creator | 20:39 |
genii | Probably to maximize usable screen real estate on motors with resolutions like 640x480, 1024x768, etc | 20:39 |
genii | motors/monitors | 20:39 |
nikolam | Creator were drunk. For years. And it creates a huge resize bug, that is more important. Ok, I will need to report a bug , not brag a bout it. | 20:39 |
* genii slaps autocorrect | 20:39 | |
Spass | I assume aesthetics play a big part here | 20:40 |
nikolam | As i remember, that thin default started appearing somewhere aroun 2014.. so.. no practical use | 20:40 |
brainwash | note that in Xfce 4.14 the default theme has 4px borders and also offers variants for hidpi | 20:40 |
Spass | you'll probably find an open bug report about that issue on the Bugzilla | 20:40 |
nikolam | Aestetics should be secondary to functionality. I think MS windows also have thin borders but don | 20:40 |
nikolam | t have trouble with resizing | 20:41 |
brainwash | yes, it uses invisible borders | 20:41 |
brainwash | same for gnome and kde I think | 20:41 |
Spass | not in the Bugzilla, Launchpad, since it's not in Xfce by default | 20:41 |
brainwash | Spass: maybe you should just link it | 20:42 |
nikolam | OK, I won't brag more about it, it is frustrating, thin borders are useless. | 20:42 |
Spass | I'll try to find it | 20:42 |
Spass | here for example - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/+bug/1056978 | 20:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1056978 in Xfwm4 "Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult" [Medium,Won't fix] | 20:44 |
Spass | but it has "Won't fix", so probably there's another one, about Xubuntu defaults specifically | 20:45 |
Spass | well… "The thin window borders are still a design decision which will not be changed." | 20:45 |
Spass | I guess this discussion will be reoccurring from time to time among the Xubuntu devs | 20:47 |
Spass | so for now, the simple solution is to change the theme | 20:47 |
Spass | upstream report - https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11808 | 20:50 |
ubottu | bugzilla.xfce.org bug 11808 in General "Xfwm: Increase the resize border of windows" [Normal,New] | 20:50 |
nikolam | I still think one that started shipping thin borders theme in Xubuntu was an Microsoft agent.. :) | 20:52 |
nikolam | Yes, change default theme, that might be the sane choice. | 20:52 |
Spass | thanks for your feedback, next time the Xubuntu Team will discuss that subject they'll definitely take all user feedback under consideration | 20:55 |
nikolam | Thanks | 20:56 |
nikolam | I am on Xubuntu since 07.04 hope that counts. | 20:56 |
Spass | long-time user, nice | 20:57 |
nikolam | still first to do is I install Synaptic.. of course :P | 20:58 |
Spass | heh, there's two of us then, I'm not a fan of GNOME Software, and I like to have a GUI to manage/search packages | 21:01 |
Spass | anyway, there should be a Xubuntu Team meeting in some time, so if I'll be around I'll try to mention that 1px border issue again | 21:03 |
Spass | (I'm not in the Team, but I'll try to suggest that topic to discuss) | 21:04 |
brainwash | Spass: don't waste your time | 21:16 |
nikolam | In Windows manager settings, Daloa seems to be fixing resize issue, not Greybird-accessibility. | 21:18 |
Spass | brainwash, I assume it was discussed recently / many times and there's no reason to talk about it? | 21:21 |
brainwash | yes | 21:22 |
remline | Alt + Right click is superior to window borders anyway ;) | 21:28 |
saor | ^ this guy xfce's | 21:29 |
saor | border-only wm theme and live that minimal life | 21:29 |
nikolam | remline, new users or even long time ones don't know that. they just know xubuntu has a bug for years. Thin border is not worth that. | 21:32 |
nikolam | Daloa seems ok | 21:32 |
remline | nikolam, indeed, I had to search around for that when I started with Xubuntu. | 21:41 |
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