[00:11] omg dohbee this makes the WORLD of difference; It was really unusable for me before scaling [00:11] accessibility fail :( [00:29] Guys, I need to do USB C port repair or replacement for my Pro 5. Has anyone any experience with this? [01:11] with the recent "flatten all windows" fix for Libertine - MyPaint is now working ok in UT [01:11] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/Vx0mc4Z4.png [01:14] pardon the bad rorschach scribble - lol [02:23] Submitted a reddit web app that has the old style of reddit. Mobile friendly. [02:57] @TotalSonic [with the recent "flatten all windows" fix for Libertine - MyPaint is now working …], Hmm ... I wonder if that would be a good test prog for my note 4 stylus [03:18] @Shakendo [Hmm ... I wonder if that would be a good test prog for my note 4 stylus], MyPaint and Xournal are the ones to try in Libertine, Pluma and Finger Painting are the UT native apps that should work as well [03:22] Thanks, Ill try MyPaint first [08:46] Max was added by: Max [08:50] @TotalSonic [with the recent "flatten all windows" fix for Libertine - MyPaint is now working …], Is that a recent fix? I thought it had been suggested just shortly after the Xenial jump. [09:46] is there a way to run ubports without the graphical ui ? [09:48] Prateek was added by: Prateek [09:48] but keep the touch input running ? [10:18] generic no, at least not out of the box. [10:53] aktaktaw was added by: aktaktaw [12:20] https://gitlab.com/myii/ut-tweak-tool/issues/35 [12:20] Are there any special steps required to access a memory card from devices which support them? [12:20] Or is it automatically available from the file manager? [12:25] If everything is ok then you can access with file manager. But if I'm coreect you have to do it unlocking [12:26] @j2g2rp [If everything is ok then you can access with file manager. But if I'm coreect yo …], Do you know how that unlocking is done? [12:26] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/ojVK5mDp.png [12:27] The green buton [12:27] OK, that's nice and simple. Thanks. [12:27] Do you know where it gets mounted to? [12:27] And after that go to places and click on your sd [12:28] `Places` > `SD` β€” thanks. [12:28] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/IpUT06J0.png [12:28] It should be here [12:28] OK, that's straightforward. [12:29] πŸ‘ [12:29] Thanks. [12:57] @dohbee [i'm not sure what would be required for the stylus to work exactly.], Do you think this would work for stylus (the last section for restoring) or would it break stuff? [14:30] bangiw4n was added by: bangiw4n [14:34] Is this available for asus max pro m1? [14:41] @TartanSpartan [Is that a recent fix? I thought it had been suggested just shortly after the Xen …], this temporart quick fix just made it to the rc channel about 2 weeks ago - it hasn't yet gone to stable - that will happen in ota-11 [14:41] @TartanSpartan [Is that a recent fix? I thought it had been suggested just shortly after the Xen …], [Edit] this temporary quick fix just made it to the rc channel about 2 weeks ago - it hasn't yet gone to stable - that will happen in ota-11 [15:23] Oh well you know most people who use Libertine would apply it manually but yeah useful to have it in the image for everyone. [15:41] @Shakendo [Do you think this would work for stylus (the last section for restoring) or woul …], i suppose you meant to include a link or something there, since i don't know what you're asking would work :) [15:41] *facepalm* hod, one sec [15:42] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/LatestDriver [15:45] @Shakendo [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/LatestDriver], since we don't use xorg, i suspect it is not useful and nothing would really happen. and, i don't think it would help by installing it under libertine either. most likely, proper wacom integration for mir/unity8 needs to be implemented [15:47] I was thinking intall it on rootfs rather than libertine, do you think any of that could be useful or is this a "start from scratch" type of thing [15:49] i don't think that is useful. i think the problem space is well known, so not entirely "start from scratch" but work needs to be done under the unity8 umbrella it seems. also, i'm not sure how much additional space in the rootfs would be required to enable such things [15:50] if it's only pulling in libwacom additionally, then it might be small enough [15:51] Hmm, that could be something there, is there a libwacom seperate from Xorg? [15:51] yes [15:52] Well I have my note 4 running the latest build, Ill give it a whirl if it might help [15:56] for basic stuff maybe we could implement some `QTabletEvent` stuff in qtmir [15:56] but that might not be possible either if that API only supports X11 [16:00] Hmm... I'm not good at coding this type of stuff, but I'm willing to test if someone is willing to either do the work or walk me through the process [16:41] Does not/unity 8 use libinput at all? I think that has support for Wacom devices [16:41] [Edit] Does Mir/unity 8 use libinput at all? I think that has support for Wacom devices [16:42] That I do not know, I imagine Marius or Dalton might know if no one else knows [16:43] Libinput is only for X [16:44] @Lyokanthrope [Does Mir/unity 8 use libinput at all? I think that has support for Wacom devices], yes [16:45] @samzn [Libinput is only for X], no, i'ts a low level library for reading input events from evdev [16:45] My newest build doesnt even see the stylus events in dmesg, so I gotta get my new code base to that point first [16:46] but tablet events are not the same as touch events and have to be handled explicitly [16:59] @dohbee [i guess it won't be listed on lineage web site any more, as they've been droppin …], The devices page has a toggle to view no longer supported devices. [17:03] @TotalSonic [with the recent "flatten all windows" fix for Libertine - MyPaint is now working …], Nice [19:07] we are live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfIzOLLl-DQ&feature=youtu.be [19:14] I'm in norway and stickers are interesting [19:14] The back of my nexus needs one [19:14] @mariogrip I would like some stickers please! [19:14] @FardaleM [@mariogrip I would like some stickers please!], from norway? :D [19:14] just pm me :) [19:18] marius is typing really hard to get that raspi booted [19:19] lol [19:19] @dohbee [marius is typing really hard to get that raspi booted], no lol, was just more people from norway wanted stickers then i expected lol [19:21] Norge hilser UBPorts :) [19:27] linux debian was added by: linux debian [19:27] Florian's stream is really pixelated. !!! His beard looks weird [19:27] @taiebot taiebot [Florian's stream is really pixelated. !!! His beard looks weird], Yeah... Blame Windows, probably [19:27] hello [19:27] hi to all [19:28] @linux debian [hello], hello debian :) [19:29] llegΓ³ la gente de SC [19:29] @mariogrip [hello debian :)], hello 😊 [19:29] Marius eating socks yet :p [19:31] nope, still procrastinating [19:31] πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ [19:32] IT'S HAPPENING [19:34] NOICE [19:36] i have tow questions … 1. where can i get the Linux ubuntu touch iso ? … 2. i have an old "but in very good codition" Samsung Galaxy Grand NEO Plus - GT-I9060I = that's a very long name for a phone [[ Dunno man Β―\(ツ)/Β―ο»Ώ ]] … anyway ,, i want to wipe that tiny linux android and install the ubuntu touch on it .. so >> how ? … the UB [19:36] ports is wonderful > BUT, it dose not support that device .. so .. any help ?? [19:37] @neothethird [IT'S HAPPENING], Some context for people not watching stream? [19:38] @bhushanshah [Some context for people not watching stream?], we had a joke that marius was going to eat a sock if he couldn't make the raspi work by the show, but he did [19:38] @linux debian [i have tow questions … 1. where can i get the Linux ubuntu touch iso ? … 2. i have …], there is no ISO for UT. That's not how phones work. If your phone isn't supported, it must first be ported. android phones are not like PCs, and you can't just make one build and have it installable/working everywhere [19:38] (Photo, 480x290) https://irc.ubports.com/eMeW1PT5.png [19:39] Someone should make phones act like computers [19:39] @neothethird [], yeah, i guess you can't really see anything on there... nvm :D [19:39] but too much proprietary muck [19:42] @dohbee [there is no ISO for UT. That's not how phones work. If your phone isn't supporte …], HMMM .. SOOO .. what to do πŸ˜• [19:45] @pjk2012 [The devices page has a toggle to view no longer supported devices.], i see no such toggle on https://download.lineageos.org/ [19:45] @Flohack Change the camera. [19:47] Is pine communicating on battery life for the pinephone? [19:49] I'm sort of concerned about this [19:49] biig screen, meh battery [19:51] ^^ [19:57] I forgive you Mr Durst [19:57] Good attempt! [19:57] when will i be on? [19:57] Donald Durst [20:01] Thanks gents [20:02] chat at: https://whereby.com/ubports-chat [20:02] [Edit] after show chat at: https://whereby.com/ubports-chat [20:05] @linux debian [HMMM .. SOOO .. what to do πŸ˜•], you'll need to port it [20:19] Hmm, does Morph support Flash Player? [20:22] @hacker12455 [Hmm, does Morph support Flash Player?], no, it does not. [20:23] @hacker12455 [Hmm, does Morph support Flash Player?], luckily Flash has gotten replaced with HTML5 in the vadt majority of websites these days [20:28] @dohbee [i see no such toggle on https://download.lineageos.org/], It's here: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/ [20:36] @MrFlyback [biig screen, meh battery], It's not a high end screen. It should be okay. [20:36] well backlight says nom nom [20:43] @Fuseteam [you'll need to port it], i see .. can u give a guide to start with ? [20:47] @hacker12455 [Hmm, does Morph support Flash Player?], we can't ship the plug-in, but if you can get an armhf build of the plug-in and put it in the right place, it should work, i think [21:54] likajuni was added by: likajuni [21:58] if anyone want to try to port the Linux ubuntu touch to their cell phones, i found this guide as a start .. … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nShXVDXM50A&t=5715s … i will try it [22:30] @neothethird [], Cool, instructions to follow? [22:31] @linux debian [i see .. can u give a guide to start with ?], http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html [22:42] @libremax [http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html], yeah .. that's what i shared and sent but as video to take the beginner hand, step by step [22:43] @libremax [http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html], but thank u 😊 [22:55] Sometimes, copy/paste need time to succeed in UT... [23:04] @libremax [Sometimes, copy/paste need time to succeed in UT...], ah .. and finding some "phone lineage.dependencies" also πŸ˜… [23:05] That video was done with Dalton and Marius a while ago, its a useful visual aid for the instructions [23:08] @Shakendo [That video was done with Dalton and Marius a while ago, its a useful visual aid …], yesπŸ‘ [23:10] Fwd from mariogrip: heres the images btw: https://ci.ubports.com/job/rootfs-rpi/ [23:16] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ze604G0b.webp [23:18] @mariogrip [heres the images btw: https://ci.ubports.com/job/rootfs-rpi/], πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ [23:20] i am doing the porting .. everything goes very smooth, but i stopped at the [[ Adding your device-specific source]] i can't find it 😒 [23:20] πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜• [23:22] mine is : … Samsung Galaxy Grand NEO Plus - GT-I9060I … so > based on the docs, it should be : … android device samsung i9060i lineage.dependencies [23:23] Well there could be a different codename for it, for example my galaxy note 4 is trltrvzw [23:24] [Edit] Well there could be a different codename for it, for example my galaxy note 4 is trltevzw [23:25] @Shakendo [Well there could be a different codename for it, for example my galaxy note 4 is …], AH .. 😑😑😑 … why samsung doing this [23:25] All devices do, N5 is hammerhead [23:26] then .. whats mine ???????????????????? [23:37] I dont know, google/duckduckgo it? [23:38] @Shakendo [I dont know, google/duckduckgo it?], i am duckduckgo it [23:41] (Photo, 1366x768) https://irc.ubports.com/vXaRGsfN.png [23:44] Once you find a repo that matches just continue where you left off with the instructions [23:44] Ask the bootloader