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lotuspsychjegood morning03:16
marcoagpinto[10:29] <marcoagpinto> I spoke with my boss and she "offered" the two weekends left of this month until I go to the doctor09:32
EoflaOEHello marcoagpinto10:26
EoflaOEHow are you marcoagpinto?10:34
marcoagpintoI am depressed... what else is new?10:35
marcoagpintoand you?10:35
EoflaOEI am excited to see that I have fixed the chat function so it works properly, like in text-based messages.10:36
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: I have to study and come back.10:43
BluesKajHowdy folks11:50
marcoagpintoBluesKaj! Hello!11:55
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto11:56
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EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: I am back15:20
EoflaOEAnd hello BluesKaj15:20
marcoagpintoEoflaOE: !!!!15:23
EoflaOEHow are you?15:26
marcoagpintowell, I am here15:27
marcoagpintoI tried to lie down a bit but can't sleep15:27
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: Do you know that I have fixed the chat function taking turns?15:30
marcoagpintothe what?15:30
EoflaOEThe chat program that runs server-side on KS (networked debugger)15:31
EoflaOEHowever, I am releasing it now. After few minutes, you should be able to install the new version.15:33
marcoagpintoin Ubuntu?15:33
marcoagpintoI have the other laptop in the closet since I should be at work on the weekend15:33
EoflaOEIf you are going to install it through Ubuntu, install Mono Runtime and the dependencies listed on KS's README.md on GitHub.15:34
marcoagpintomy VMs are in the other laptop, inside the closet15:35
EoflaOEAfter it, navigate to the directory that has "Kernel Simulator.exe" in it, and run mono "Kernel Simulator.exe".15:35
OerHekshi marco15:43
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EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: The new version is now published.16:16
marcoagpintogood to know16:24
OerHeksawesome game, popey https://snapcraft.io/bombsquad16:32
EoflaOEOerHeks I know it for a very long time16:38
popeyIt is awesome16:39
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: Ubuntu 19.10 beta will be out for a few days. Do you want to try the beta out when it's out?16:40
marcoagpintosorry... I was bathing, then I tried to reply and got disconnected17:14
marcoagpintoEoflaOE: I only use Ubuntu for Proofing Tool GUI (compile + test)17:14
marcoagpintoand I have a VM just for Tor to use in xhamster17:14
daftykinsthat's... not appropriate17:15
marcoagpintoI know17:15
marcoagpintoit is the truth17:15
marcoagpintosorry for telling you17:15
daftykinshave a read of the channel topic again17:18
marcoagpintoI am sorry17:18
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:19
marcoagpintohello lordievader17:19
EoflaOEGood evening lotuspsychje17:21
lotuspsychjehey EoflaOE17:21
EoflaOEHow are you?17:21
lotuspsychjeall good on this side of the world17:21
marcoagpintoWhat is ZSTD?17:34
marcoagpinto"NEW! Experience better Zipx Compression17:34
marcoagpinto    Compress your Zipx files smaller and faster. WinZip’s new compression method for Zipx format is based on ZSTD. That means you can use it to compress and decompress many file types faster, while achieving compression rates better than DEFLATE and DEFLATE64."17:34
marcoagpintoI tried v24 and I got the same filesize?17:34
marcoagpintowhat does Ubuntu use?17:34
daftykinsnobody uses winzip :D17:43
marcoagpintoyes, but "ZSTD"?17:44
JanCZSTD is more commonly used for compressed filesystems & such18:13
marcoagpintoJanC: ohhhhhh... what is the highest compression available?18:13
JanCI'm not sure Ubuntu uses ZSTD for .deb packages now (it was proposed some years ago)18:15
JanCmarcoagpinto: compression like xz will get you better compression, but it's also much slower18:15
marcoagpintoshould I suggest to WinZip developers?18:16
marcoagpintoI had a .zipx of my homepage with V23, then installed V24 and compressed and they are identical in size18:17
marcoagpintotomreyn!!!! Let me check!!!!18:17
tomreyni'm not sure how useful those benchmarks are, not really into compression.18:18
EoflaOEI have to sleep marcoagpinto. Good night18:18
marcoagpintotake care EoflaOE!18:19
marcoagpintosleep tight18:19
marcoagpintotomreyn: pxz is the best18:22
marcoagpintobelow it is the zstd18:22
tomreynfor which use case?18:22
marcoagpintothe tables were too many, so I looked at the bottom graphic18:23
marcoagpintotime vs compression18:23
OerHeksi 'd like a fair compression with some recovery features18:23
marcoagpintoOerHeks: isn't recovery "codable"?18:23
marcoagpintobut the WinZip said that it now uses the ZSTD blah blah and it gets the same filesize?18:24
OerHekssure, but at cost of lower compression level18:24
marcoagpintoohhhhhhhhh :(((((((((18:25
OerHeks"same filesizes".. i wonder if that is true for all formats.18:25
OerHeksvideo, audio, just code, text, ..18:25
marcoagpintoOerHeks: I only tried for my homepage18:26
marcoagpintothe .zipx is around 86 MB18:26
marcoagpintoI tried creating a new one with V24 and was exactly the same byes18:26
OerHeksi did some compression for my old homepage too, from 1.7 mb https://www.dropbox.com/s/dw4bsbl16gtzxtd/Moon_Hypersaturated.jpg?dl=018:27
OerHeksto 102 kb, without distortion https://www.dropbox.com/s/7xquh7dk8z1l3vv/Moonn.jpg?dl=018:27
marcoagpintoOerHeks: I too noticed that my cellular makes photos 2MB (or is it 4MB) big, while Iphones make it 200-300 kB?18:29
tomreynyou need to take into account all of time, cpu, memory used to compress to a certain compression ratio, and also to decompress. for something like .deb distribution you could possibly accept somewhat higher time, CPU, RAM usage while compressing (centrally, on well equipped servers) while you'd need low resource consumption while decompressing on some (possibly badly equipped) client. 1 GB RAM is already way too much on the decompressing18:29
marcoagpintomaybe they have a better codec?18:29
marcoagpintoand if iPhones have an enhanced codec, why doesn't Android uses it too?18:30
JanCmarcoagpinto: photo file size depends on resolution & quality19:08
JanCcodec also, but much less so19:08
akemhpNow on linux i don't know why they always came with crazy names like rc.local instead of autoexec or something like that. Or textmode instead of multi-user.target, it's stuff you can't remember easly because it's not obvious.19:13
akemhpLike why do we have /etc it could be /config lots of weird linux naming.19:13
marcoagpintoJanC: just like photoshop, it reduces MBs long photos into a few kB without noticeable quality loss?19:20
marcoagpintothere must be a special codec... I just don't know why it is not available to all software?19:21
daftykinsthere is no way iPhones are doing that19:23
JanCnot if we are talking about converting JPEG to JPEG at the same resolution & quality19:23
marcoagpintohow?! why?! a few years ago a supermarket customer took a photo from me and it was very small?19:24
marcoagpintoJanC: yes, same resolution and not visible quality loss19:24
JanCdude, I have used Photoshop in the past and that's bullshit19:24
marcoagpintothe space background in my homepage... it was MB big and Robert used Photoshop to make it 150 kB or so19:25
marcoagpintoI compared both images many years ago and I couldn't see a difference19:25
daftykinsthat's 100% rubbish19:25
marcoagpintoI tried to reduce it myself with PaintShopPro and at 150 kB it looked all damaged19:26
marcoagpintohow was he able to make it then?19:26
daftykinsi don't believe the story being told19:28
marcoagpintodaftykins: what part don't you believe?19:28
marcoagpintosorry for the grammar errors :)19:28
JanCwell, the only possibility is if the original JPEG was pixel-perfect compared to the raw photo19:28
marcoagpintoJanC: ahhh... I didn't check pixel by pixel... I just opened both with paintshoppro and toggled between them... no differences19:29
marcoagpintoI didn't see pixel by pixel19:29
OerHeksgimp does this pretty good, it gives an example when you drag the compression ratio19:29
marcoagpintoOerHeks: ahhhh... GIMP... I have been using it too for some tasks...19:30
OerHeksand had some options in a plugin, best for web ( format and ratio), best for publish ..19:30
tomreynmaybe there was some 25 MB PDF embedded in the JPEG header19:30
OerHeksor use darktable, my favo.. not sure what that can do about compression19:30
JanCmost likely the resolution was changed19:30
OerHeksJanC, on my pic the colour depth changed, iirc19:31
JanCif you compare zoomed out they would still look the same19:31
daftykins^ +119:31
marcoagpintoJanC: yes, it is what I did, I didn't zoom... I just toggled between both19:31
marcoagpintosince I saw no differences, I used his image instead of mine19:31
marcoagpinto150 kB to several MB19:32
marcoagpintoI chose 150 kB19:32
JanCsure, that makes sense for that purpose19:32
JanCyou probably don't want to use that 150kB version for printing an A0 poster though19:32
marcoagpintoof course19:32
marcoagpintoI only used it in my site19:33
OerHeksfast homepage, rest of the site may take more time19:33
marcoagpintoyes... because the other pictures were compressed by me :p19:34
marcoagpintoso, they are a lot larger19:34
marcoagpintoI don't know how to compress like Robert19:34
marcoagpintoI use both GIMP and PaintShopPro because each one has features that I need... for example, GIMP allows SVG files while PSP 2019 has a bug and doesn't open them...19:39
marcoagpintoI reported the bug to Corel and they said "what is the best time to use TeamView with you blah blah"19:40
marcoagpintoand I replied: "I will wait for PSP 2020"19:40
daftykinssounds like they wanted to help show how it's done19:40
marcoagpintowell, a double-click or drag'n'drop?19:41
marcoagpintono big magic19:41
marcoagpintojust like when PSP 2018 crashed while trying to print a second time?19:41
marcoagpinto"we will TeamView blah blah to check"19:41
marcoagpintoand I waited for a new version and it fixed the issue19:42
daftykinsmy Dad always liked getting PC magazine coverdiscs back in the day with old PSP versions free19:42
daftykinsi think sometimes he ordered their software solely because it came with a free mouse too, and boy was it rubbish :D19:43
marcoagpintocoverdiscs or coverdisks?19:43
marcoagpintoI am from the time of covertapes19:43
marcoagpintothen disks and then discs19:43
daftykinsdiskettes then discs i suppose really19:44
marcoagpintodo you remember the ZX Spectrum days?!19:44
marcoagpintothe magazines would later bring tapes19:44
daftykinsnope, before my time - don't think i'd have had an interest... but i suppose we'll never know19:45
marcoagpintoahhhh... good old days... :)19:45
marcoagpintoI coded a bit in Z80 Assembly in those days19:45
marcoagpintoBASIC + Assembly19:45
marcoagpintothe compression algorithm: 1,1,1,1,1,2 = 1,1,5,219:47
marcoagpintothat was the most common one19:47
marcoagpintotwo equal numbers and the counter19:47
marcoagpinto(for images)19:48
* daftykins prefers to live in the present19:48
marcoagpintodaftykins: Wait until I finish my course and I will remake Spectrum games again19:49
marcoagpintomy old hobby!!!!19:49
marcoagpintoremaking spectrum games19:49
marcoagpintoI have a dream... a vision... a highly technologic advanced civilization with space travelling :)19:51
marcoagpintoI hope to be alive when it happens19:51
marcoagpintodo you know understand why am I always referring to 512-bit storage in Ubuntu?19:53
marcoagpintoI am thinking about the future, when the world will use Petabytes storage19:53
marcoagpintoSSD PB storage19:54
marcoagpintodo you now*19:54
marcoagpintosorry for the grammar19:54
daftykinsif i'm 100% honest i've just made the connection that you don't have too deep an understanding of things is all19:56
marcoagpintodaftykins! :((((((((((((20:03
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