
tomreyndoug16k: ^ so take interpreted values with a grain of salt.00:00
tomreyncpare: anything in dmesg about it?00:01
tomreyn!paste | cpare00:01
ubottucpare: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:01
cyberspectreakemhp_, on second thought, could you show me that script?00:01
cyberspectrethe solution above doesn't actually work00:01
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akemhp_cyberspectre, https://pastebin.com/b3FFnv4P00:03
akemhp_It's ruby, you can change all Dir["./*"] to Dir["./*.log"] for .log files for example, it should work fine, you need to place the script in the directory with the files and run it from there.00:04
cyberspectreakemhp_, trying this now00:05
akemhp_cyberspectre, you can set the name of the first log as "filename", or it will start only at first new file found.00:05
cpare@tomreyn - just walked it again, no new messages there00:05
cpare@tomreyn - I am not sure how long it should take with 4TB, but I expect immediate00:08
tomreyncpare: try creating the partition table using parted, without actually entering it, i.e. do   sudo aprted /dev/DISK mkpart gpt00:08
cparebefore I wrote the config it said - /dev/sda1   2048 7814037134 7814035087  3.7T Linux RAID00:08
tomreyncpare: creating a partition table should be immediate and does not dpend on the storage capacity, yes.00:08
tomreyncpare: i don't know which disks you have installed, and which is which00:09
doug16kcpare, not in a qemu vm right?00:09
tomreyni don't think you have WD Red drives in a qemu VM normally00:10
doug16kdepending on how you specified the drive, qemu prevents modifying the beginning of the disk. the old option did this, newer option with -drive and -device won't00:10
doug16kcould be pass thru00:10
doug16ki.e. specifying whole device00:10
tomreynhmm yes could be usb pass through00:11
cpare@doug16k - nope, this is not a VM00:11
doug16kthought not00:11
doug16kwould be obscure reason for problem writing partition table though, so I gave it a shot00:12
cpare@ tomreyn - working on the formatting for that command, please hang in there00:13
tomreynit should re3ally be quick00:14
tomreyndoug16k: be aware that this disk doesn't have a sata connector, so if you ever have difficulties to access it, just removing the enclosure wont work.00:19
doug16kya I suspected that. there are also tons of horror stories online. that's partly why I am doing extensive testing on it00:21
tomreynif you're into soldering https://forum.hddguru.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3825700:21
cpare@tomreyn - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RfppYCxgYQ/00:21
tomreyncpare: so you're saying you have exactly one disk installed, and tried to create a partition table on that, and that failed? then what did you boot from?00:23
cpare@tomreyn - I have a 120GB SSD for the OS - this was going to be a mirrored set for data00:25
tomreyncpare: and you'e right about mklabel, not mkpart, sorry00:25
tomreyncpare: so i assume you edited the output of what you posted, since parted -l would show all disks00:25
cpare@tomreyn - Yup, I can add it all if that helps00:26
tomreynwhich ubuntu version, kernel version is this?00:26
tomreynno need00:26
cpare@tomreyn - This is on 19.0400:26
cpare@tomreyn - clean install today to get ready for a migration from an old 2GB Raid1 to this00:27
tomreynjust to make sure: you're aware that 19.04 is not LTS, right?00:28
cpare@tomreyn - those disks are on a eSATA device thats not connected yet00:28
tomreynLTS=long term support, 19.04 has 9 months support (short support cycle)00:29
tomreyn18.04 is the latest LTS00:29
cpare@tomreyn - Yeah, I am ok with that, this data also lives in the cloud00:30
chris349How do I restart the Ubuntu GUI?00:30
chris349Right now the screen is locked, I click my name, and then the password box pops up for 1/4 second and says authentication error, does not give me a chance to even type the password00:31
tomreynchris349: if you're running Xorg (default): Alt-F2 + "r" + Enter00:31
cpare@tomreyn - I always start on LTS and then get new Ubuntu envy a year or so later...00:31
tomreynchris349: oh this wont work on a locked screen00:32
chris349tomreyn, Is there a command to do this from ssh?00:32
chris349Does the old init 3 + init 5 still work?00:32
tomreynchris349: gnome-shell --replace00:32
chris349Window manager warning: Unsupported session type00:32
tomreyninit 3 and init 5 might still work, not sure.00:33
tomreynchris349: knowing more about the system might help:   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)00:34
chris349Default Ubuntu install...00:35
tomreyncpare: i see. have you tried smartctl against the disk?00:35
tomreynchris349: default ubuntu 1version .2?00:35
chris349Also I get this message after I login: System program problem detected Do you want to report this problem now?00:36
chris349No I do not want to report this, but how can I view the details about this problem?00:36
tomreynchris349: so which ubuntu release is it?00:36
cpare@tomreyn - All my disks in the event that helps https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dYZFKFY2YF/  I have not tried smartctl, let me look that up00:36
tomreyn!smart | cpare00:36
ubottucpare: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools00:36
chris349Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS00:37
tomreyncpare: i'd be more interested in the output of     sudo smartctl -x /dev/sda      and     sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda     and sudo hdparm -i /dev/hda    and generally    journalctl -b00:38
cpare@tomreyn - not part of the default repo?00:38
tomreyncpare: the package name is smartmontools00:38
tomreynchris349: see if you have a crash log in /var/crash00:39
tomreynchris349: also review your systemd journal for the currently running kernel session - it may have hints on what's failing, too:    journalctl -b00:40
tomreyncpare: hdparm *should* report similar output for -i and -I, if -i reports an error this would be good to know. the same goes for smartctl.00:42
tomreyn(i.e. point out errors for smartctl too)00:43
chris349Im getting this message:  gdm-password][13222]: AccountsService: Failed to monitor logind session changes: No space left on device00:49
chris349But I dont actually see any real disk thats full00:50
cpare@tomreyn - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B3fmBD8Rrh/00:50
chris349I see some such as /dev/loop0 (/snap/core/7270) that are 100% full but that seems normal00:50
cpare@tomreyn - thats the journal up to where my session started00:50
cpareand the other stuff00:50
tomreynchris349: so "df -h" and "df -hi" don't have "IUse%" anywhere except for /dev/loop... ?00:52
chris349tomreyn, all the /dev/sda... have free space00:52
hayswhy is the ubuntu server default runlevel 5 and not 300:53
tomreyncpare: wow, i've never seen disks with smart disabled. can you     sudo smartctl -s on /dev/sda && sudo smartctl -x /dev/sda00:55
tomreyn'on' is a value to pass to smartctl, an argument to -s00:55
tomreynhays: there are no init-v runlevels anymore, just an emulation of them.00:57
cpare@tomreyn - sure, but for what it's worth these came up just fine when I first installed them, I was able to mount the default volume without issue and drop files there00:57
cpareThis all started when I removed the partition to build the RAID set00:57
tomreyncpare: and you did so how?00:58
haystomreyn: ok, graphical.target00:58
tomreynhays: servers run no GUI anyways, so that's not an issue.00:58
cpare@tomreyn - I used the "Disks" GUI00:59
haysif one installs X its very likely you'd want to start it manually--not have it come up every reboot00:59
cpareBut since then I have been in a number of tools to see if anythign works01:00
tomreyndid you power cycle the system since?01:00
tomreyncpare: ^01:00
cpare@tomreyn - unfortunately, yes01:00
tomreyncpare: i would have asked you to do it now if you hadn't ;)01:00
tomreyncpare: so really power cycled, not just rebooted (warm reboot)?01:00
cparegood point, It may have been a soft reboot - let me do a full cycle now01:01
cpareback in 501:01
tomreynchris349: sorry, i missed your reply. hmm, that's peculiar. did you do a web search on "Failed to monitor logind session changes: No space left on device" yet?01:03
tomreynchris349: and did you actually run "df -hi" AND "df -h"? since they output different information?01:04
tomreynhays: i can think of good reasons to expect the opposite of what you expect. this said, changing the default target isn't exactly difficult.01:06
cpare@tomreyn - back again01:07
haystomreyn: hmm. what are they? most sysadmins i know wouldn't want KDE burning off cycles calculating a screen sasvef01:08
cpare@tomreyn - when trying to create a partition using the disks UI, I get the message "Don't know how to create partitions this partition table of type `atari` "01:08
tomreyncpare: don't use the gui if you want to make things work01:08
cpare@hays - most of us sysadmins use the SETI app or mine bitcoins with the extra CPU01:09
cpare@tomreyn - gotcha, let me try fdisk again01:09
tomreyncpare: i alsmot feel like asking you to cycle again but on the other hand we should still be able to make it work now.01:09
tomreyncpare: i don't know exactly which commands the "disks" GUI runs and which side effects it may have, that's why i'd prevent using it when diagnosing such issues.01:11
cpare@tomreyn - gotcha01:12
tomreyncpare: whether or not you'll succeed with fdisk now, it'd be nice to know whether smartctl -x now considersSMART to be enabled (or whether you can enable it with smartctl -s on) and whether hdparm -I now  notices a "current" "Configuration".01:13
cpare@tomreyn - same problem - gathering a pastebin01:14
cpare@tomreyn - yeah, it's reporting now01:15
cpare@tomreyn - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mBgb5PDYdj/01:19
tomreyncpare: i just noticed i missed this earlier while looking at your syslog:  limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable01:19
tomreynyou have those for sda and sdb01:20
cpare@tomreyn - I am not sure what that means...01:21
tomreyncpare: sata cables can carry 80 wires, but those you have attached to sda and sdb seem to only carry 40, which limits the available throughput, and *may* be a cause for the issues we see here, too.01:24
cpare@tomreyn - so move them to another SATA port on the mobo?  They are standard SATA cables as far as I can tell01:27
tomreyncpare: if you have other sata cables, please try using those other sata cables on sda and sdb. if not, please cross test the sata cable at sda (or sdb) with sdc or sdd01:29
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cpare@tomreyn - shutting down to swap cables and give it a try again...01:29
tomreynhays: you might want to run automated GUI tests, you might want to have a temrinal server running etc.01:35
tomreynhays: and then X would only start up if both X was installed and there was any application installed calling it. and on a default server installation you wouldn't have such anyways.01:37
tomreyni would think that kde (and its screensaver) wouldn't start unless you had a login manager and that started it, or if you somehow ran startx manually.01:38
cpare@tomreyn - Resolved!  Not a bad cable, but moving to another SATA port got them both working01:44
tomreyncpare: great. andd sorry, i was confed there, too. 40 and 80 wire cables are PATA, those old wide grey things01:45
tomreynbut apparently the controller is doing nonsense there01:45
tomreynmight need a bios upgrade?01:46
cpare@tomreyn - checked earlier while doing the rebuild, they let it drop off the supported list with only one new BIOS01:47
cpare@tomreyn - but that's fine - now I can make this raid and move on01:47
tomreynleft side: 7 connectors sata cable, right side: 40-pin PATA (IDE) cable  https://s3.amazonaws.com/hs-wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/13125605/27_02_new1.jpg01:47
cpare@tomreyn - appreciate the help01:47
cpare@tomreyn - in 375 mins I will have a clean array :)01:48
cpare@tomreyn - last question - turn off the SMART to get closer to OEM?01:51
cpare@tomreyn - I am thinking they must turn it off for a reason :)01:52
tomreynchris349: this is what i find about "AccountsService: Failed to monitor logind session changes: No space left on device": https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/172699601:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1726996 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3 will not unlock session (or switch to a PTY) when out of inotify watches ["No space left on device"]" [Medium,Won't fix]01:53
tomreynchris349: do you also happen to run crashplan or a nother software which uses inotify watches?01:54
tomreyncpare: i really don't know, it's the first time i've seen it disabled. but i never bought WD drives with "NAS-ready" firmware either.01:55
tomreynalso it's possible that smartctl just assumed it was disabled due to the bus issues, not sure.01:55
aleksandrdvorkinhi guys02:05
aleksandrdvorkini have question i reinstalled Ubuntu and my laptop was connected to the network with cable but i want to use it through wireless connection how do i enable Wireless adapter02:09
aleksandrdvorkinand no wireless adapter are currently listed02:11
aleksandrdvorkinbut i used it via Wireless adapter before the installation02:11
aleksandrdvorkincan anyone tell me how to enable the Wireless Lan adapter in Ubuntu i installed while computer was connected to the network with a wire02:53
aleksandrdvorkinso now wireless adapter is currently detected02:54
x1carbonGotcha - I'm a first time user of this chat but a long time user of Ubuntu04:48
x1carbonthank you for the tip04:48
EoflaOEx1carbon: You are welcome. Any problems with Ubuntu?04:50
x1carbonI have one minor issue - but its not the reason why seek to join this channel04:51
gogetax1carbon: what04:52
x1carbonThe issue is on the 6th gen carbon. Reboot doesnt reboot it just powers down. Not a big deal04:52
x1carbonI just figured its a funny bug04:52
gogetax1carbon: sounds like a power manager issue04:53
x1carbonI'm googling power manager for ubuntu04:54
x1carbonI'm quite tired, so ill do some research tomorrow.04:56
x1carbonThank you so much to the Ubuntu team! I'm a big Gnome user/enthusiast and everytime I decide to distro hop I always come back to Gnome especially for web development. Thanks a lot peeps!!!04:58
x1carbonGood night04:58
funabashihi guys anyone know any nice solution for sending a command to my X ubuntu servers ? likee ./script "seervers" uptime05:50
_KaszpiR_python fabric, ansible06:06
vijuHow do I move the controls - max/min/close from right to left?06:10
_KaszpiR_switch to xbuntu or just install xfce4 ;D06:11
vijuThey are on the right there as well06:11
akemhp_viju, Maybe with gnome-tweaks06:12
_KaszpiR_Window Manager06:14
_KaszpiR_in Style tab, there is button layout editor06:14
_KaszpiR_at least under xfce06:14
vijuSo these are specific to desktop environments? I changed click behaviour in ubuntu DE and it worked in xfce and mate as well.06:18
EriC^viju: in unity?07:51
vijuWhatever is used in matey, but I need it work across every desktop environment.07:56
vijudconf-editor shows a setting for button layout, it didn't change anything. Not sure if I have to restart07:57
EriC^viju: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198554507:57
vijuubuntu mate*07:57
vijuI tried something else because mateconftool wasn't available - mate-control. And it worked08:00
vijumate tweak. I guess I'll have to use gnome tweak as someone suggested above for it to work in the other desktop environment08:01
EriC^viju: no problem08:07
nikolamHi, anyone knows if Ubuntu 19.04 now supports "zstd" compression for root dataset (@) under BTRFS ?09:55
nikolamI were using lzo for / and /home on 18.10 so I wonder if I can enable zstd09:59
nikolamI think zstd BTRFS support in GRUB was added before GRUB version 2.02+dfsg1-12ubuntu2 in Ubuntu 19.04.. https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git/commit/?id=386128648606a3aa6ae7108d1c9af5225820227910:12
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nikolamI got response from btrfs people that "GRUB 2.04 is needed for zstd" and Ubuntu 19.04 has 2.02 GRUB, I don't see anything related in Debian patches, so.. I guess no support in Ubuntu 19.04 for zstd compressed BTRFS root.10:48
SimonNLif you feel comfortable doing it you could download nikolam https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git/tag/?h=grub-2.0410:59
Bundestrojanerhello. How do i get nvidia-418.56 installed on (k)ubuntu 18 LTS? It's not listed in the driver menu11:03
BundestrojanerI've added ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa, but apt search says:11:04
Bundestrojanerxserver-xorg-video-nvidia-418/bionic 430.50-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64: Transitional package for xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-43011:04
nikolamBundestrojaner, I see grub 2.04 is in both Debian testing and Ubuntu+1 so I guess it will land. I don't think me maintaining my own GRUB is in line with Ubuntu support policies.11:05
nikolamsorry Bundestrojaner11:05
nikolamit was for SimonNL11:05
Bundestrojanernikolam: ^^11:05
nikolamBundestrojaner, I always use 'synaptic' to search throug packages. Try installing it first. As I understand only official in-distribution nvidi adrivers are supported, other then that, one can also get nvidia driver from Nvidia web site.11:07
nikolamI used to check on Nvidia site what driver were supported for my card and then choose official Nvidia driver distribution from ubuntu, with the same version number11:08
Bundestrojanernikolam: i've always installed nvidia drivers from their web site when i used Gentoo, but i always read this is strongly not recommended in (K)ubuntu11:08
SimonNLBundestrojaner: doesn't driver manager offer that package11:09
vaselygood morning every one11:09
vaselyabout my case x11vnc i have fix it11:09
SimonNLgood news11:10
vaselyit was wrong ip, firewall rule (linux)11:10
BundestrojanerI need exactly 418.56 for DCS World in Proton, no idea why but it crashes all the time with other versions11:10
BundestrojanerSimonNL: 16LTS offered 418.56 in driver manager, 18LTS does not :(11:10
vaselysp. thanks for <tomreyn> ,<akemhp>,<lotuspsychje>11:11
SimonNLhttps://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa  <= it's there so it should be available in synaptic11:12
nikolamBundestrojaner, I am on AMD graphics now, they are supposed to have performant open source drivers included, but I didn't manage to make Steam work fine yet11:12
SimonNLBundestrojaner: ^11:12
nikolamBundestrojaner, where do you chack for manuals about Steam/gaming on Ubuntu?11:13
Bundestrojanernikolam:  what is your problem with steam? the linux-client of steam itself or running windows games with proton?11:13
nikolamI think running games with proton..11:14
vaselyi just wonder if there is a way to control linux by voice such as windows speech or google assistance in mobiles etc..11:15
nikolamvasely, Linux is a kernel part. Distributions are supposed to answer that, sure.11:16
kappa1what's the best password manager for ubuntu?11:17
nikolamkappa1, I use password-protected Firefox to remember passwords. It's multiplatform and works. (Even real protection is if you encrypt your home DIR by default).11:18
BundestrojanerSimonNL: what's the correct packet name for the driver itself? your link says nvidia-graphics-drivers-418 but i can't find it in apt search.11:19
nikolamBundestrojaner, I wonder if this is useful for protom/Steam on Ubuntu: https://www.protondb.com/11:19
Bundestrojanernikolam: https://www.protondb.com/ is like winehq for proton11:19
nikolamI also woudl like to see Steam installed somewhere else but in /home user folder11:20
Bundestrojanerwhy? you can install the games somewhere else, just tell steam do so in the install menu11:20
nikolamat least bunch of it's files (even I moved storage to some mounted dataset on other drive)11:21
nikolamI were doing backup of user folder yesterday and I was not happy of space it uses unde home dir, when it has separate volume mounted just for Steam already11:21
SimonNLBundestrojaner: search for any nvidia then see if it show up11:23
nikolamBundestrojaner, I think also Ubuntu kept 32-bit packages, just to comply with Steam requirements.. when Steam said it would quit supporting Ubuntu11:23
Bundestrojanernikolam: I'm playing around with wine since ~2005, when it was rare to get anything working at all. The progress wine made in the last ~4 years is really awesome. Most things just work out of the box these days and same goes for steam.11:25
BundestrojanerYou also should install protontricks which is winetricks for steam proton - you can install needed libs with it11:25
nikolamBundestrojaner, ^^ D11:26
nikolamprotontricks github says it's not maintained anymore11:27
BundestrojanerSimonNL: that's what i said at the beginning:11:28
Bundestrojanernvidia-driver-418/bionic 430.50-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64  Transitional package for nvidia-driver-43011:28
BundestrojanerThe name says 418, the description says 430 and if you install it, you get 43011:28
Bundestrojanernikolam: there's also a link to a maintained fork if i remember correctly ;)11:28
Bundestrojanernikolam: https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks11:28
nikolamthanks Bundestrojaner11:29
Bundestrojanernikolam: i only needed protontricks for DCS world, even things like TES: Skyrim work out of the box in steam these days...11:30
nikolamBundestrojaner, I would report a bug to proton11:31
Bundestrojanernikolam: what exactly is the problem? slow? crashes?11:34
nikolamBundestrojaner, I got fresh ssd install of everything so would try again. I was under impression it was something about graphics drivers, e.g. older game not recognizing graphics nicely in proton11:35
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jeffrey04just out of curiosity, how do i install root certificate for letsencrypt?11:43
jeffrey04i cant curl https sites that are signed by letsencrypt11:43
jeffrey04am getting some 509 errors11:43
jeffrey04jeffrey04@NOBITA-UBUNTU:~$ curl https://coolsilon.comcurl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificateMore details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.htmlcurl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could notestablish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation andhow to fix it,11:44
jeffrey04please visit the web page mentioned above.11:44
jeffrey04and i am getting a lot of errors with snapd while trying to install packages11:44
BluesKajHowdy folks11:50
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Journeymanjeffrey04: https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/12:16
tomreynjeffrey04: looks like you worked it out?12:29
asdfghhello everybody is there another tool instead of iperf to check and analyze the connection/speed error etc of a file transfer from my pc and my server ?12:55
asdfghthe server has very high bandwidth12:55
asdfghthe mine is unstable, ask tomreyn for details ahah ;)12:55
DeafGooseHi, can I ask for iptables help here?12:57
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vershanHi, im using disklocker to mount a windows bitlocker drive. Does this actually decrypt the drive? Do I have to encrypt the drive again when I get back into windows (dual boot) windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04?13:00
DeafGooseI have a server (ie: and another server connected to it using microsocks (https://github.com/rofl0r/microsocks) with  a estabilished  remote port forwarding to
DeafGooseIf I set firefox browser on the server with proxy config to I can use the connection provided by one device running microsocks.13:02
DeafGooseNow what I need is a iptables rule where I can set firefox on my computer  to and use the connection from the device, but I wasnt able to create a correct rule for this scenario, can anyone help? FYI, ip forwarding is set to 1 on server and firewall rule open to connect to 1200013:02
akemhpHey, for some reason i have no sound on speakers until i plug my headset; then unplug it...i tried to check nothing was muted and volume level but it didn't worked, any idea?13:06
vadiquehow to install qt5? not zillions of qts13:06
vadiquewith headers for sure13:07
akemhp(checked with alsamixer)13:07
vershanHi, im using disklocker to mount a windows bitlocker drive. Does this actually decrypt the drive? Do I have to encrypt the drive again when I get back into windows (dual boot) windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04?13:18
tomreynvadique: which ubuntu version are you running, what's your goal in installing qt5?13:31
vadiquetomreyn, to build some stuff, 19.0413:31
tomreyn"to build some stuff", you may need C headers?13:32
vadique<vadique> with headers for sure13:35
akemhpvadique, https://vitux.com/compiling-your-first-qt-program-in-ubuntu/ This should help you.13:36
tomreynyes, this looks good. you'll want qt5-default13:37
tomreyni dont think you strictly need qtcreator13:38
tomreyn(nor strictly the docs and examples packages)13:38
akemhpI think qtcreator has qtdesigner inside or is it another package? Anyway it is a very usefull tool to create UIs visually.13:39
tomreynit's certainly useful if you want to design a GUI or want an IDE.13:40
coz_akemhp, came in late to the conversation,  Yes you really only need qtcreator13:42
badpixelmorning. im working in upgrade a system (zimbra) from ubuntu 10 ---> to ubuntu 16. and need to install some packages but i got https://pastebin.com/MtExE8Au. any help to fix this?13:47
tomreynbadpixel: ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx? are you aware how old this is? you really should just reinstall13:48
badpixeli cant reinstall. this mi client server mail. need to move to new one.13:48
badpixelbut need some packages to move, and cant install packages. and i know how old this, 10 years....13:49
badpixeli need to be able to install packages then move to 14, then upgrade and new move to 1613:50
tomreyndo other packages download fine?13:51
tomreynusing apt, that is13:51
DeafGooseI have a server (ie: and another server connected to it using microsocks (https://github.com/rofl0r/microsocks) with  a estabilished  remote port forwarding to
DeafGooseIf I set firefox browser on the server with proxy config to I can use the connection provided by one device running microsocks.13:52
DeafGooseNow what I need is a iptables rule where I can set firefox on my computer  to and use the connection from the device, but I wasnt able to create a correct rule for this scenario, can anyone help? FYI, ip forwarding is set to 1 on server and firewall rule open to connect to 1200013:52
tomreynDeafGoose: it's not clear what you mean by "set firefox on my computer  to"13:53
tomreynyou can configure firefox to use a socks proxy in preferences13:53
DeafGoosetom, I want to forward all incoming requests to -> device connected via microsocks13:53
tomreynall requests incoming from where to where?13:54
DeafGooseso I set proxy config on my browser, it will go to my server, but forward to the device connected via microsocks13:54
tomreynand where do you want to filter?13:54
DeafGooseincoming to server13:54
DeafGoosemyself (firefox) -> -> (iptables) -> device connected to server via microsocks13:54
badpixeltomreyn: is fine. but ims till stuck here https://pastebin.com/yiuLBZWR13:55
DeafGoosefyi this device is connected to server on 1200013:55
DeafGooseon server, I can do a curl --socks5 http://luminati.io/myip.json13:55
DeafGooseand it will give me the device ip13:55
tomreynDeafGoose: maybe draw some ascii art, i'm not getting the architecture, yet, and thius may be the same for others. and make sure this is actually an ubuntu support question.13:56
tomreynDeafGoose: networking can also be discussed in ##networking13:56
DeafGooseyea, I asked if anyone had iptables knowledge, I have looked everywhere but cant find13:56
tomreynbadpixel: please use paste.ubuntu.com or termbin.com or paste.linux.community or paste.debian.net in the future, thanks.13:58
tomreynbadpixel: and    apt-get -f install    returns what?14:00
tomreynbadpixel: maybe let's start with this:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog14:01
tomreynand this:   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)14:01
vadiqueI got that qt5, thanks14:10
vaselyhello , i have strange issue as x11vnc now working well but there is strange ip trying all time to access14:13
vaselythe ip is
vaselyand i can only stop him if i make waiting for accept option ( this is not useful for me )14:14
tomreynbasically what i brought up yesterday: you don't expose vnc to the internet14:15
vaselyas i need to access my pc while i'm not in same location so will not be able to press accept connection so what i should do ?14:15
tomreynagain, tunnel through ssh or, better, vpn14:15
tomreynat the very least, use a non standard port, but even then you're still doing it unencrypted and will still get the occasional prompts.14:18
tomreynalso don't allow FROM ANY but just the potential source ip addresses.14:19
vaselytomreyn: super thanks <tomreyn>14:21
badpixeltomreyn: here we go https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Sv4Wx6BRsy/14:22
Bundestrojanerhello. I must have damaged something X-related while trying several nvidia-drivers including manual installation of one downloaded from nvidia page.14:23
BundestrojanerI've now removed anything nvidia-related (apt purge nvidia* nvidia-settings) and use the nuveau-driver14:23
BundestrojanerI land at Terminal1 when i boot the system, startx starts kde.14:23
tomreynbadpixel: what about the other outputs?14:23
badpixelpasting, 1 min14:24
BundestrojanerIf i use the driver manager to install an nvidia-driver, i also land in terminal1 and startx also fails.14:24
BundestrojanerI don't see anything usefull in xorg0.log and syslog, so i have no idea where to begin.14:24
tomreynBundestrojaner: begin with the output of lsb_release -ds14:28
Bundestrojanertomreyn: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS14:28
Bundestrojaner(it's Kubuntu btw)14:28
tomreynBundestrojaner: where is this xorg0.log you were looking at?14:29
Bundestrojanertomreyn: /var/log14:29
badpixeltomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kh5Rs8Y5YB/14:29
tomreynBundestrojaner: that's probably not the one X is logging to now14:30
tomreynBundestrojaner: the real one should be in your home directory. as well as in your systemd journal14:30
tomreynBundestrojaner: journalctl -eb14:30
tomreynbadpixel: hmm, nothing returned? i guess your system is too old for those commands to work then. can you manually post the output of these?14:31
tomreynBundestrojaner: were you manually typing these commands, can you not just copy and paste?14:32
tomreyn(i'm asking because there's a typo in what you posted)14:33
Bundestrojanertomreyn: i'm usually copying, i've typed /var/log14:34
tomreynBundestrojaner: please do *not* run and report the output manually if you have no way to copy and paste. that's too much effort to be worth it.14:34
tomreynhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kh5Rs8Y5YB/ says "apt-cachepolicy" which is missing a space character. which makes me think you were not able to copy and paste this.14:35
Bundestrojanertomreyn: copy/past currently works since startx got kde running with nuveau.14:35
BundestrojanerNeeding to Reboot might change that14:35
tomreynbadpixel: sorry, i mixed you up with badpixel there14:36
Bundestrojanertomreyn: i don't understand the output of journalctl -eb. The only paths there are:14:37
BundestrojanerSep 21 16:29:51 Pinguin org.kde.ActivityManager[1810]: Creating the cache for:  "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"14:37
BundestrojanerSep 21 16:29:51 Pinguin org.kde.ActivityManager[1810]: ResourceScoreUpdated: "6bacee3c-411d-44c3-9d20-a5605a2cdf36" "org.kde.kate" "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"14:37
tomreynBundestrojaner: please ignore what i said about copy/paste and manually typing commands.14:37
tomreynbadpixel: were you manually typing these commands, can you not just copy and paste? please do *not* run and report the output manually if you have no way to copy and paste. that's too much effort to be worth it. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kh5Rs8Y5YB/ says "apt-cachepolicy" which is missing a space character. which makes me think you were not able to copy and paste this?14:38
tomreynBundestrojaner: and "16:29:51" was "just now"?14:38
tomreynBundestrojaner: note i don't know your time zone, though i guess your nickname suggestes UTC+0214:39
Bundestrojanertomreyn: this was 10 min ago14:40
tomreynBundestrojaner: okay, so you last started X 10 minutes ago?14:40
tomreyni suggest you install "kubuntu-desktop" (or at least check which relevant packages you are missing there and manually install those)14:41
Bundestrojanertomreyn: not possible, i've entered here at 16:1414:41
cluelesspersonSo, when VLC pops up a configuration window14:41
cluelesspersonwhen I drag the configuration window, it's causing the main window in the background to be dragged around with it?14:41
tomreynBundestrojaner: also make sure there is no leftover xorg.conf anywhere below (so also in subdirectories of) /etc/X11/14:42
Bundestrojanertomreyn:  "apt install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop" ?14:42
tomreynBundestrojaner: you can do so, yes.14:42
tomreynBundestrojaner: sudo find /etc -iname 'xorg.conf' 2>/dev/null14:43
Bundestrojanertomreyn: there's only xorg.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original, shall i delete it?14:43
tomreynBundestrojaner: no need, no.14:44
tomreynBundestrojaner: after reinstalling kubuntu-desktop, reboot and come back here if the issue persists, sharing  journalctl -b14:45
Bundestrojanertomreyn: thx for your help, i'll try it14:46
tomreynbadpixel: did you give up, yet?14:54
Bundestrojanertomreyn:  again in tty1 after reboot. first time startx printed "timeout in locking authority file /home/tux/.Xauthority", than the screen went black for minutes.15:02
BundestrojanerAfter a long time, "no protocol specified" was written all over the screen, followed by "xinit:giving up", xinit: unable to connect to X server: ressource temporarely unavailable"15:02
Bundestrojanersecond startx worked15:02
badpixeltomreyn: no sir. sorry. im still working on it. but i "fix" this installing packages manually. i have time to finish, before company open again.... about manually copy, yes, since ptpb has ended i dont know how to output my shell to paste bin os similar service. sorry my english sir... not that good lmao15:15
Bundestrojanertomreyn: in journalctl -b, nothing happened around the first (not working) startx...15:17
tomreynBundestrojaner: you mention startx, is this how you're used to starting kubuntu? do you not have sddm installed?15:34
pushEjectso im running elementry no ubunutu but was wonering a good widget manager to try15:36
tomreyn!elementary | pushEject15:37
ubottupushEject: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.15:37
pushEjectlinux ppl are so damn tribal15:37
tomreynbadpixel: what is "ptpb"? usually, one of the easiest way to share output is using    echo 'hello world' | nc termbin.com 9999     (replace "echo 'hello world'" by the commands whose output you want to show)15:37
tomreynpushEject: there is also ##linux if you're looking for a non distribution specific channel.15:39
Bundestrojanertomreyn: no, i use startx because i get to tty1 after booting. Before I've messed something up while trying different nvidia drivers, the system booted to kde login15:39
x1carbonGood morning/afternoon, I have a question about tracker-miner-fs in Ubuntu 19.04 that i cant seem to answer with googling.15:39
tomreynother than that, unless you have ubuntu specific questions, please pushEject15:39
tomreynBundestrojaner: okay, feel free to share journalctl -b, or keep looking for a cause on your own.15:40
tomreynbadpixel: run all apt-get commands with -o 'Debug::Acquire::http=1' -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' -o 'Debug::Acquire::ftp=1' to identify the cause for those error message you see15:41
Bundestrojanertomreyn: all of it? a specific sequence?15:41
tomreynyou can make it an alias, like so: alias aptdebug="apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::http=1' -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' -o 'Debug::Acquire::ftp=1'"15:42
tomreynBundestrojaner: i'm fine with all of it.15:43
SiamasterI'm trying to update my BIOS for Gigabyte ga-970a-ds3 rev 1.1. I've formatted my USB with FAT32 in ubuntu and placed the update files in it. When I run Q-flash the USB is found as floppy A but there are no files in it.15:44
tomreynSiamaster: /join ##hardware15:44
tomreynyou can share "lsblk" here, though, if you want to have  soeone check whether you did partitioning the way you wanted.15:45
x1carbonGood morning/afternoon, I have a question about tracker-miner-fs in Ubuntu 19.04 that i cant seem to answer with googling. -How can i stop this from running 100% of the time? I'm trying to extend my battery life and I would like to index only once on startup15:46
tomreynx1carbon: it's a daemon, an an indexer, the process is probably meant to be kept running and work autonomously (according to its configuration)15:49
Bundestrojanertomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CyNwXHmtQd/15:49
tomreyn*and an indexer15:49
tomreynBundestrojaner: looking, this will take some minutes.15:50
Siamastertomreyn what option should I run lsblk with?15:50
Bundestrojanertomreyn: thx!15:50
x1carbonGotcha tomreyn - sounds like I'm stuck with it eh?15:50
Siamasterwhen I run it without any options there doesn't seem to be enough info15:50
tomreynx1carbon: i don't really know this software, maybe try to get help from the developers as well. if it provides a systemd service, you can also manually control it that way.15:51
SiamasterSomeone with a different Gigabyte model had reported that he needed to format with FAT16. But I was not able to format with FAT16 since I have a 16 Gb USB15:52
x1carbonThank you tomreyn, I appreciate your help15:52
tomreynSiamaster: no option should be fine, just make sure the storage you placed the update on is connected and the file system you created on it is mounted15:52
Bundestrojanertomreyn: around 16:48 was the first failed startx. at 16:55 was the second, successful one.15:53
tomreynSiamaster: what you just said sounds like you created a file system on the raw storage device (e.g. /dev/sdx instead of /dev/sdx1).15:53
SiamasterThis is the info I get for my USB drive. is this enough? sdd      8:48   1  14,9G  0 disk /media/siamaster/BIOS15:53
Siamasteryes it sounds familiar15:54
Siamasterbut how do I that?15:54
Siamasterbut how do I do that*15:54
tomreynSiamaster: yes, this confirms what i just said. most mainbaord firmwares which allow you to install bios upgrades form a usb storage will be looking for a FAT32 or FAT16 file system on the first partition of an MBR (or GPT if UEFI booting) partitioned USB connected storage device.15:55
Siamasteraha ok. I will see if I can figure out how to do it with gparted15:56
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tomreynSiamaster: roughly this: be very careful about the device name!! umount /dev/sdd; sudo parted /dev/sdd mktable msdos; sudo parted /dev/sdd mkpart primary 1 1G && mkfs.vfat -F16 /dev/sdd115:59
tomreynBundestrojaner: while it can be unrelated, those ACPI errors don't look nice. did you look for a bios upgrade, yet?16:01
Bundestrojanertomreyn: I'll check if there's an update available16:03
Bundestrojanertomreyn: also Gigabyte bios-updates are only available for windows...16:08
tomreynBundestrojaner: that's not something i can fix16:10
Bundestrojanertomreyn: the bios-problem or the desktopmanager-problem?16:11
OerHeksmaybe not true: https://askubuntu.com/questions/950210/update-gigabyte-motherboard-bios-with-ubuntu16:11
OerHeksfreedos is maybe your solution too16:12
tomreynBundestrojaner: those you may be able to do what Siamaster also does, if they support installing bios upgrades from a usb storage. those firmwares suppoorting it will be looking for a FAT32 or FAT16 file system on the first partition of an MBR (or GPT if UEFI booting) partitioned USB connected storage device.16:12
tomreynBundestrojaner: i can't extend hardware support to linux. either the hardware vendor you a acquired your hardware from supports more than one OS or not. ;)16:13
tomreynBundestrojaner: sddm doesn't seem to be starting really. i suggest you ensure it's installed, and fully so16:14
tomreynalso look for its log file if it writes one (i'm not so experienced with sddm)16:15
Bundestrojanertomreyn: i think you were right, sddm was not installed, but i don't understand how it disappeared...16:16
Bundestrojanerit's installed now, do i have to configure anything?16:17
tomreynBundestrojaner: /var/log/apt/history.log should be able to hint on how it vanished16:17
tomreynBundestrojaner: you may want to    sudo dpkg-reconfguire sddm    but i guess it's already done.16:18
tomreynBundestrojaner: you may want to    sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm    but i guess it's already done.16:18
tomreyn^ typo fixed16:18
Bundestrojanertomreyn: "apt install build-essential xserver-xorg-dev linux-headers-generic" removed sddm, but i have no idea why...16:20
tomreynBundestrojaner: me neither. if history.log doesn't, terminal.log* may tell.16:24
tomreynBundestrojaner: other than that, apt-forktracer may hint on packages which are causing apt dependency resolver conflicts.16:25
gpgq4uHello there. I have a question about the ubuntu keyserver located at https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/16:25
Bundestrojanertomreyn: i did "apt install build-essential xserver-xorg-dev linux-headers-generic" because the ubuntu wiki listed this as requirements to manually install nvidia drivers. but i have no idea why installation of those packages would lead to removal of sddm16:25
gpgq4uI'm trying to send a key to the keyserver16:26
gpgq4uI revoked the key and resent it to the server however the server isn't showing that the key is revoked16:27
gpgq4uis there an update period?16:27
tomreynBundestrojaner: hmm, chances are this wiki page you looked at is no longer up to date. i would suggest you use the nvidia drivers provided as ubuntu packages only.16:27
Bundestrojanertomreyn: i need exactly 418.56, this is how it all started...16:28
tomreyngpgq4u: i suspect that this keyserver may not accept key updates this way. if your intention is to distribute your updated key to the WoT, I suggest using a different keyserver, or keyserver pool, such as those listed on https://sks-keyservers.net and / or https://keys.openpgp.org16:29
tomreynBundestrojaner: if this is not available in your distributions' package repository, then look for it on the graphics-drivers !ppa16:30
Bundestrojanertomreyn: 418 is in ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa, but it installs 430...16:31
gpgq4uCan you confirm that " gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys keyidhere " is the command to send the key after I've imported a revocation certificate for the key onto my keyring?16:31
Bundestrojanerapt search nvidia-driver-41816:31
Bundestrojanernvidia-driver-418/bionic-updates 430.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 amd6416:31
Bundestrojaner  Transitional package for nvidia-driver-43016:31
gpgq4uor rather16:31
tomreynBundestrojaner: and from the release repository, what's available there?16:31
tomreynBundestrojaner: ah apparently it's the same there.16:32
tomreynBundestrojaner:  so 430 does not work for your hardware?16:33
Bundestrojanertomreyn: it does. i want to run DCS world with steam proton and it only works with 418.56 for me16:33
tomreyngpgq4u: yes, this should be the correct command16:34
tomreynBundestrojaner: so what hapüpened when you had nvidia-driver-430 installed?16:34
Bundestrojanertomreyn: i just don't understand why nvidia-driver-418 installs 430...16:35
Bundestrojanertomreyn: the simulation freezes when explosions are to render, for example impact of missiles or bombs16:36
tomreynBundestrojaner: it's an upgrade mechanism, -418 is a transitional package, enabling systems which used to have this package installed (when it was available, in earlier ubuntu releases) to transition to the -430 package.16:36
tomreynBundestrojaner: hmm okay, i don't think i can help with this, maybe sum up the situation again here for someone else to help out who is more familiar with pain, i mean with nvidia.16:37
gpgq4utomreyn PM when you get a chance16:37
tomreyn!pm | gpgq4u16:38
ubottugpgq4u: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.16:38
tomreynalso i drop those by default.16:38
gpgq4u"gpg: sending key [key] to hkp://keys.openpgp.org" but the key still doesn't appear on the keyserver, and if I remember correctly GPG is supposed to report a "200 OK" if it worked.16:39
gpgq4uI also used kleopatra's "Send to keyserver" command. I just need the revocation added in the WoT16:39
tomreyngpgq4u: keys.openpgp.org is a new keyserver which works differently from classic SKS keyservers, use its web interface to upload your key, and confirm it by e-mail later.16:39
gpgq4uHow do I revoke a key after it's uploaded then?16:40
gpgq4uAnd does it update the other WoT keyservers of the revocation, like SKS keyservers?16:40
tomreyngpgq4u: for sending ot to the WoT, send to hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net16:41
Bundestrojanertomreyn: anyway, thx for help! I think the missing sddm was the problem. i'll reboot to find out16:41
tomreyngpgq4u: note there is also #gnupg here16:41
tomreyngpgq4u: first revoke your key, then upload it.16:41
tomreynBundestrojaner: you're welcome, good luck.16:41
Bundestrojanerif this fixes the problem, i'll try to manually install 418.56 again16:42
gpgq4uIt doesn't say if it's revoked or not but the key itself doesn't match the pre-revoked key that I had saved. Can you confirm http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5A2266E013DACDCC is revoked?16:43
gpgq4uthanks tomreyn16:43
gijoe3kSpeaking of Nvidia....Hey Friends, I got a Thinkpad P71 Nvidia Quadro P5000M running Ubuntu 18.10. For the life of me  I cannot get HDMI out to work at all running the official NVIDIA drivers from the PPA. If I run xrandr it only sees the display of the Thinkpad. If I run the Nouveau driver it works for the most part...It sees the TV connected via HDMI and it works. Any suggestion or input would be greatly appreciated! :D16:44
tomreyngpgq4u: sorry, can't do this for you, i'm not able to use SKS keyservers at this time due to bug 184405916:45
ubottubug 1844059 in gnupg2 (Ubuntu) "Please apply mitigations for CVE-2019-13050" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184405916:45
svendreI'm interested in trying out the daily iso build of 19.10 for it's ZFS installation capabilities.  My question is, at a later date would it be trivial to replace the OS (if installed vs boot from live) with a newer (or even an older) version of Ubuntu but keep the ZFS infrastructure intact without much risk of any problems?16:50
svendreclarification: *if I install the OS to the ZFS filesystem instead of just using the liveboot version16:51
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | svendre16:52
ubottusvendre: Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+116:52
svendreoh sorry, I'll head over there, thanks16:52
tomreyn!18.10 | gijoe3k16:52
ubottugijoe3k: Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html16:52
gijoe3kdoh...i mean im using 19.0416:54
gijoe3ki haven't had my coffee yet....apologizes.16:54
gpgq4uIm beginning to think it's time to switch to linux17:00
gpgq4uI like automatically updating software17:00
Ubuntu4MeCould anyone that is online plz help me?17:02
gpgq4uWhats your question17:02
Ubuntu4MeI added an app Brightness Controller to a startup apps.17:03
Ubuntu4MeIt loads at start but it also opens itself...is there a way to start it up hidden/background?17:03
gpgq4uIm sure there is I just dont know what that might be :P17:04
gpgq4uIf you wait a sec someone else will get to your question17:04
Ubuntu4MeOh I will wait17:04
tomreynUbuntu4Me: it will certainly help others help you if you'll discuss your ubuntu version and graphical desktop / Ubuntu !flavor (unless it's the default)17:06
Ubuntu4MeI am using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x64 GNOME (default) with all the updates + nvidia proparatery drivers.17:07
gpgq4ugpgq4u, ubuntu4me <--- why do I have mimics, copycats, these people always following me around and appearing everywhere I am. In public, and elsewhere. Right after my communications go silent.17:08
gpgq4uSorry that17:08
gpgq4us off topic.17:08
gpgq4ue.g. channel with over 1k people in it and two people saying anything. They went silent like this a while back and haven't really returned back to normal for the most part17:09
* gpgq4u shrugs17:09
gpgq4uyou're hiding17:09
Ubuntu4MeOh and I have use Minimal Install instead of Normal Install (if it matters)17:09
ioriaUbuntu4Me, what kind of brightness controller are we talking about ? like this : https://github.com/LordAmit/Brightness17:10
Ubuntu4MeYeah it looks like that is the one but I used PPA instead of download17:11
ioriaUbuntu4Me, iirc, that is a smple phyton script; it does nothing  in bg17:12
Ubuntu4MeYeah that is the one17:12
ioriaUbuntu4Me, it would do nothing  in bg17:13
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Ubuntu4MeWell, is there a way to close that window when it opens up after reboot since it is set to auto start?17:13
ioriaUbuntu4Me, remove it from autostart17:14
Ubuntu4MeIf I remove it from auto start then my brightness settings will not be loaded and it would defeat the purpose of installing it17:14
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Ubuntu4MeOn Ubuntu Budgie it had that app that allowed to change the brightness and it was loaded into shell. But that app it not available on regular ubuntu because it was one of those Budgie Applets.17:16
ioriaUbuntu4Me, why not ?17:16
ioriaUbuntu4Me, why not loaded, i mean ?17:17
Ubuntu4MeWell, I do not know why not. I made the settings and set them to default17:17
Ubuntu4MeOnce I reboot and do not load the app it will not adjust my screen brightness.17:17
Ubuntu4MeI will try it one more time and see...sec17:17
Ubuntu4MeYeah app needs to load in order to work17:19
Ubuntu4MeI have tried few other extentions and they did not work whatsoever17:20
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Ubuntu4MeUnless you know any other app that might/will work let me know17:21
Ubuntu4MeYeah it did not work. I am retyping since looks like many got kicked from channel. Also, if you know an app that might work let me know.17:22
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tomreyn!netsplit | Ubuntu4Me17:24
ubottuUbuntu4Me: A netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:24
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tomreynUbuntu4Me: this doesn't actually work for me on 18.03, but maybe it does for you? https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/display-brightness.html.en17:29
tomreyn"does not work" as in i have no screen brightness slider there.17:30
Ubuntu4MeYeag, this is a desktop with regular monitors so I do not see the option for the slider.17:30
Ubuntu4MeAs for "does not work" if asking me....if I set the brightness as low as it can get and reboot my system without loading brightness controller it will not be "saved/loaded" on boot up but as soon as I load the app manually or let it.load using startup apps...it will work fine and my screen will become very dark.17:32
Ubuntu4MeHowever, the manual loading and automatic startupnalso opens the app but does not auto "minimize" it like in Windows 10 for example.17:34
Ubuntu4Me*startup also17:34
Ubuntu4MeIf the app had an option to minimize non start it would be fine.17:35
tomreynwe can't support software from PPAs here. but you can see at https://github.com/LordAmit/Brightness/blob/master/src/init.py#L218 how this application calls to the "xrandr" application to actually set what you have selected on the GUI it provides. so you can just call xrandr yourself providing the relevant options.17:39
Ubuntu4MeHow to Inload that xrandr thing?17:40
Ubuntu4MeI am new to Linux..just switched today from Windows 10. Never used Linux before.17:40
Ubuntu4Me*I load17:41
elias_aUbuntu4Me: Oh - welcome to the jolly club! :)17:42
lotuspsychjeUbuntu4Me: thats what this channel is for, ubuntu support questions17:42
Ubuntu4MeHeh ty17:42
Ubuntu4MeIf you guys know another app/extention that would work I could use that instead of this?17:44
lotuspsychjeUbuntu4Me: to do what?17:44
Ubuntu4MeControll brightness17:44
elias_aUbuntu4Me: Some things are a bit dodgy in the beginning but I find community support and ability to read the source (which I am poor at) and do whatever you want with the sw very useful.17:44
lotuspsychjeUbuntu4Me: whats wrong with your brightness?17:45
elias_aUbuntu4Me: What hw are you using?17:45
Ubuntu4MeI am using an app called Brightness Controller it is working fine but it has to be loaded manually or automatically on every reboot. So, when it gets loaded it also opens the app and I am trying to get it to auto minimize like in Windows so I do not see it.17:46
Ubuntu4MeI use 18.04.3 x64 with latest drivers + property nvidia drivers17:47
Ubuntu4MeAlso,nit is a regular desktop and not a laptop17:47
lotuspsychjeUbuntu4Me: what was wrong with your brightness in the first place like Fn + F keys?17:47
elias_aUbuntu4Me: No I mean what hardware you are using. Oh now I get it!17:47
Ubuntu4MeI wanted to set my monitor brightness using an app rather than doing it manually using the monitors options. I have the night light slider too but this app does also brightness only rather than blue light17:48
elias_aUbuntu4Me: The brightess control should work out of the box after install at least with GUI, mostly with keyboard s well if you are not using a very exotic keyboard layout.17:48
elias_aIt is time for a Finn (me) to go to sauna (Saturday evening). see ya!17:49
Ubuntu4MeThe Brightness does work its just that appnopens up and I have to manually close it on every boot up. I wanted to minimize it or load that thing that was mentioned before but I do not know how to. Have a good one.17:50
ioriaUbuntu4Me, if you want an app  minimized, you can use 'xdotool search --onlyvisible --classname --sync myapp   windowminimize' right after the main command17:52
Ubuntu4MeIs this what you are talking about and is this the right tutorial.....?17:54
ioriathat is a bit alaborated, but yes sorta17:55
Ubuntu4MeIs there a tutorial you could suggest for someone who never used linux before.... switched from 20 today.17:56
iorialet me try with 'xdotool windowminimize $(xdotool getactivewindow)'17:57
OerHeksUbuntu4Me, you surely have used linux before..17:58
Ubuntu4MeI have not. Tested many distros for past week (6 days to be exact) to see what would be the best for me. Also, spent lots of time reading + used to be IT in Best Buy not dealing with anything other than17:59
Ubuntu4MeSo, I might know thing or two but I am new to Linux. Knowing how to look/search for answers is one thing but does not make me Linux expert or experienced user.18:01
Ubuntu4MeWell, I guess I will have to live with it for now. I am sure will be able to find something. Insm off...my cell battery is almost dead. Thanks guys. I appreciate it.18:03
Ubuntu4Me*I am off18:03
gpgq4ucan anyone confirm for me that the keys http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5A2266E013DACDCC and http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x93807D0F20C5710C have been revoked?18:04
gpgq4unot getting much help in the gnupg channel18:04
OerHeksgpgq4u, how is that related to ubuntu support? we do not use that keyserver though18:05
gpgq4uthis started with a problem with the ubuntu keyserver18:05
gpgq4uI was advised to use pool.sks-keyservers.net but im having the same problem18:05
gpgq4uso im back to using the ubuntu keyserver18:05
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gpgq4uthose two keys *should* be the same on both keyservers, however.18:06
gpgq4uim hoping for a little bit of gpg support since im using the ubuntu keyservers and someone here surely knows :P18:06
gpgq4uOerHeks I would like it if you would help18:10
tomreyngpgq4u: anything beyond the use of this keyserver (or other keyservers) *on Ubuntu* would be outside the scope of this channel.18:10
gpgq4uWould someone able to help join #gnupg please?18:11
gpgq4ufigured not18:11
tomreynalso note that we're all just volunteers here (the same applies to #gnupg), no one is obliged to help you out.18:11
gpgq4uwell obviously18:11
gpgq4uim not demanding anything18:11
gpgq4ujust asking kindly18:11
gpgq4ubrb switching to linux. I thik I would have a better time of it18:12
mosswhy would netplan completely ignore the entry i have for a static IP in my config18:26
mossand instead  keep grabbing an IP address from dhcp18:26
OerHekspastebin your netplan, you probably used dhcp4: true18:29
mossno, im not18:31
mossOerHeks: https://dpaste.de/ahCL18:32
mosswell, the formatting got fubard18:32
ioriamoss, maybe you need some Indentations18:34
dva5912Im looking for an alternative option here. Im looking to sync a session between two devices. One device would have the session, and then the other device would be able to pick up that sesssion and continue. And be able to switch back again continuing where the prior left off. My wife has a desktop and a laptop, and id like for her to have her18:35
dva5912session continue on the desktop when she gets home, and then continue on the laptop when she leaves.. I was thinking of having to use a virtual machine system hosted seperatly and just have the guest os remote into it to sync, but there would be a lot of bugs. Does anyone have a better idea for something like this (maybe even a turn key solution18:35
OerHekseasiest way would be nextcloud or the like, for sharing work between machines. transferring a session is a bit harder, i have no example for that, "desktop anywhere"18:42
tomreynwhich bugs would you expect with the VM-with-just-viewers scenario?18:43
dva5912tomreyn lack of internet connetion for laptop while she is remote18:44
tomreynso you really want a synchronization approach then.18:44
tomreynsince network file systems will also not work18:45
dva5912tomreyn Would be much preferable.I just cant think of any terms to google-fu with18:45
dva5912I was thinking tomreyn that i might need to build a script to capture everything she has running, and to execute those programs on the other device. But im not sure how to go about getting what files shes got open in those programs18:47
tomreyn'rsync' :) i'm not aware of a method which allows for live migration of application states, and something like VM live migration would still require a common (networked) storage backend and low  latency during live migration18:48
tomreynalthough you can pause and resume. but still network connections would time out and you'd have different ip addresses etc.18:48
OerHeksi think nextcloud/dropbox stored work locally, but that requires saving work and sync over the network at home before use18:50
dva5912tomreyn your right on that. I was thinking if she was home she could just remote into the desktop from her laptop.18:50
dva5912But then when shes leaving she could use a script to save/close her programs on her desktop, and open them on her laptop where she left off. and vise versa. But it would require (Like OerHeks mentions) a nextcloud/google drive/ drop box implementation to sync those files better18:51
tomreynif only one of the two is a mobile computer and only one of them is used at a time then you could have the stationary always connect to the mobile one, and keep the data & state there (plus reomte backups, of course)18:55
tomreynbut that's really similar to a docking system scenario then.18:56
dva5912tomreyn i never really thought of that. then all that she would need is just a dummy client for her "desktop" that would just startup with the remote desktop system.. It may be very close to a docking system, but it is a very likely solution. Thanks for the heads up there! need to research some more19:00
jordilaHi, I am a High School teacher... what do you recommend for having my Ubuntu-in-my-pocket that may allow me to work seamlessly and make me feel like at home ?19:00
yeatsjordila: can you explain what "Ubuntu-in-my-pocket" means? :-)19:01
jordilayeah, sure.. yeats ;-) . I've heard about the possibility of bringing it into me USB - penddrive or something like ?19:02
JPSmanPardon me good sirs: On the recent thermald (1.7.0-5ubuntu5) update, the reason given is "* No change, just a rebuild upload"  -- What does that mean?19:03
JPSmanWhat is a rebuild upload?19:03
jordilaOr maybe on an external SSD disk ?19:03
jordilaSo that i could seamlessly boot it on the classroom or at home PC ?19:04
tomreyndva5912: there's also this community (not canonical, not 'official' ubuntu) supported "Convergence" approach: https://ubuntu-touch.io/features/convergence19:04
tomreynJPSman: a new build of the package was triggered (manually, such as because it turned out that some configurations of the build environment were not right, but this did not make the build fail on the first run) and uploaded / released then.19:07
JPSmantomreyn, neat!  Thank you for answering.  Curious, where could I find out that information?19:08
JPSmanor is that a canonical only sekret information? :P19:08
tomreynjordila: a portable SSD with USB 3.1 would work there (if the computers in both locations support these USB versions), yes19:09
tomreynJPSman: most likely on launchpad if the package was built there.19:10
yeats!liveusb | jordila - this may help19:10
ubottujordila - this may help: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:10
tomreynjordila: but don't use USB flash storage, use a proper SSD (which doesn't randomly loose data, lasts muuuuch longer, is much faster for writes and reads, too)19:12
JPSmantomreyn, when you said "(manually, such as because it turned out"  Was that just an example of why a new build package would be triggered?19:15
JPSmanI assumed that that was the reason for the update, but I can't find out any more information at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thermald/1.7.0-5ubuntu519:15
tomreynthis was meant to be an example, yes, but i've never actually built a package on launchpad, so i'm really guessing there.19:16
tomreynJPSman: seatch for thermald here https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2019/09/19/%23ubuntu-release.html19:24
JPSmantomreyn, huh ... "due to block request by freeze"19:38
tomreynright, that's what it says.19:39
JPSmanany idea what that means?19:42
JPSmanagain, I am just curious - there is no big deal.19:43
xubianhi people. i'd like to delete some old kernels in order to be able to make an upgrade (ubuntu 18.04). ls -l -h /boot shows me: https://pastebin.com/uDd2YLKL ; can i delete initrd.img-4.15.0-29-generic, initrd.img-4.15.0-30-generic and initrd.img-4.15.0-58-generic? or do i need them? please help =)19:48
ioriaJPSman, what you mean ? why has been blocked ?19:48
JPSmanioria, what I mean is - the recent update changelog says " * No change, just a rebuild upload"19:49
JPSmanand I am curious what that means, or where I could find out what that means19:50
JPSmanThere is no major issure, I am just curious about the workings of ubuntu updates19:50
ioriaJPSman, that the new pkg build it's not yet ready, probsbly (BLOCKED: Rejected/violates migration policy/introduces a regression)19:50
JPSmanbut, it is ready? because my system did the new update19:51
ioriawhat ?19:51
JPSmanexactly lol19:51
ioriaidt so19:51
JPSmanlike - what is a rebuild upload19:51
remlinexubian, are the corresponding kernel packages still installed? I thought that the initrd files were deleted when the corresponding kernel package was removed.19:52
JPSmanand how is there no change because of it19:52
ioriaJPSman, if you run 'rmadison thermald' you'll see proposed is the same version19:52
JPSmanwhat is rmadison?19:53
xubianremline, sorry i'm quite a newb. how to i know if the corresponding kernel packages are installed?19:55
remlinexubian, you can run this command: apt list --installed19:57
xubianremline, the output is: https://pastebin.com/BhaDPR1e20:04
xubianquite a lot20:04
remlinexubian, take a look at the lines starting with "linux-image-". I see that you have five distinct kernels installed. You should be able to remove the extras via command "apt autoremove".20:08
xubianremline, ok I see.. hmm, unfortunately it doesn't remove anything: https://pastebin.com/j9cpXkqC ; what else can I try?20:10
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remlinexubian, my mistake. Evidently the three oldest kernels are not marked as "automatically" installed. Therefore, "apt autoremove" does not care to remove them. Any idea why the old kernels are not "automatic"?20:15
xubianremline, no not really to be honest. I'm already getting some help in this forum, you can look: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2427326&page=2 <-- maybe you know why if you read through it20:17
remlinexubian, thanks, I see that the forum suggested "autoremove" as well. Do you have your data backed up?20:20
tomreynthe reason those kernels would not be marked as automatically installed (which can be changed using sudo apt-mark auto <packagename>) would be that there is no linux meta package installed20:23
octetIn the Details>About settings, it says Graphics: Intel: Sandybridge Mobile. How can I make my laptop use the Radeon graphics driver instead for retroarch and other games20:23
tomreyni take this back, linux-generic is installed.20:24
xubianhi again20:25
xubiansorry remline, here i am again. did you write something after i posted the forum link?20:25
remlinexubian, thanks, I see that the forum suggested "autoremove" as well. Do you have your data backed up?20:26
remlineAlso, tomreyn advised that "the reason those kernels would not be marked as automatically installed (which can be changed using sudo apt-mark auto <packagename>) would be that there is no linux meta package installed"20:26
xubianok alright. no i havent backuped yet. im doind the 4 commands advised in the last forum-post20:27
tomreynxubian: sudo apt-mark auto linux-*-generic20:28
remlinexubian, that sounds like a good plan. If that doesn't help, we can manually remove the old kernels (e.g., "apt remove linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic"). Of course, a backup would be prudent.20:28
xubianok, did it tomreyn. thanks20:28
xubianneed to reboot. brb20:28
tomreynxubian: now    sudo apt update && sudo apt autoremove20:28
tomreynoctet: compare "glxinfo | grep OpenGL" to "DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep OpenGL"20:41
tomreynthis assumes that both graphics chipsets are detected and drivers loaded and initialized: xrandr --listproviders20:45
octetIt shows two providers. It showed OpenGL settings for both, but with DRI_PRIME I got "the kernel rejected CS, see dmesg for more info." In dmesg I am getting Error UVD not responding, trying to reset the VCPU!!! Guess I will research this error code now20:47
tomreynif the second chip set (DRI_PRIME=1) is faster than the first (DRI_PRIMA=0) then you should make xrandr aware that it can use the second to do graphics acceleration: xrandr --setprovideroffloadsink 1 020:48
tomreynoctet: which ubuntu version is this, which kernel version?20:49
tomreynand which amd graphics chipset20:49
octet18.04, latest kernel. Unsure which AMD chipset. I am going to fix the dmesg error first and see if that resolves it20:52
tomreynlspci -nn | grep AMD20:53
tomreynthere are multiple 'latest kernel' in 18.04, which is why i was asking20:55
xubianhi there. everything is fine. I could upgrade at last! thanks a lot for your help remline and tomreyn20:56
octet5.0.0-29-generic, Radeon 6400M/7400M series20:56
tomreynxubian: you're welcome.20:56
remlinexubian, glad to hear it!20:58
BundestrojanerI've added http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu21:00
Bundestrojanerhttps://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=bionic shows a package "nvidia-graphics-drivers-418" (418.56-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.1) but i can't find it in apt?21:00
xubianhave a nice time =) bb21:02
tomreynBundestrojaner: thats a source package, it depends on nvidia-driver-41821:08
octetReading up on my dmesg error, it appears to be a hardware error. Guess my card is faulty21:08
bug_sniperWhenever I try to boot on my hard drive, my computer goes into a black screen. Can someone please help me?21:09
tomreynoctet: i don't think it is, no. it's just a somewhat dated generation (CAICOS) which may not support UVD21:10
bug_sniperI tried boot-repair and it doesn't solve my problem. Here's the pastebin it makes. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NNFbdFFjdd/21:10
octetAh ok. I was just going to use this old laptop for retroarch anyways so I guess I don't need top of the line dedicated graphics :P thanks anyways21:10
tomreynoctet: i'm guessing, though, you didn't show the output of "lspci -nn | grep AMD", yet21:11
Bundestrojanertomreyn: thx, so my only chance is the driver from nvidia...21:12
octetYeah it says VGA compatible controller AMD Radeon 6400M/7400M series [1002:6760]21:12
bug_snipershould I just use the advanced option of "Repair file system"?21:14
octetBut DRI prime hangs for 10s then throws that kernel rejected CS error21:14
akemhp_bug_sniper, It should be fixed with the boot repair you pasted.21:15
akemhp_bug_sniper, So you get the grub menu when you boot then black screen after that?21:15
bug_sniperno, I don't even get the grub menu. Even if I hold doen shift, it just goes into a black screen21:16
akemhp_I see, sometimes it can be F2 or F9 also to get the boot menu. But i guess it usually works with Shift on your machine?21:17
bug_sniperI'm using ubuntu 18.04.321:20
bug_sniperit should be the default key21:20
tomreynoctet: can you post dmesg after attempting to switch graphics?21:20
giacoI've downloaded the official ubuntu server iso, I've created a kvm instance with 5GB disk, I'm into the installer: can't "use an entire disk" because the only one is grayed out21:21
giacoI can manually part it, but what's wrong with you, ubuntu?21:23
akemhp_bug_sniper, May only be because of the very last message of your paste - The boot files too far on the disk and to create a /boot partition... but i never got into this issue before.21:23
tomreyngiaco: /j #ubuntu-server and provide the name and sha256 hash of your iso file.21:25
giacotomreyn: thanks21:25
tomreyn+ repeat your question21:25
akemhp_bug_sniper, I would backup the my home directory and do a clean reinstall - since it may be complicated to create a partition in the start of the disk...but maybe someone else may help better with your boot issue.21:25
octetafter doing DRI_PRIME21:26
tomreynincomplete output again21:27
tomreyn!kernelparm | you can try radeon.uvd=021:29
ubottuyou can try radeon.uvd=0: To add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters21:29
jilocasinafternoon everyone.21:33
jilocasinI've come across a rather strange thing involving a pdf document and was wondering if anyone else has, and more importantly if they know of a solution.21:34
usbguy1What is it?21:34
jilocasinI've got a 26Mb pdf that's 200+ pages when viewed in Windows, but only *1* page when viewed in Unbuntu 18.04?21:34
usbguy1Using the default documents viewer?21:35
jilocasinUsing _any_ viewer?21:35
jilocasinChrome, FireFox, Evince, Xpdf, even Foxit.21:36
usbguy1Did you check the hashes of the file on windows and the one on linux to make sure it's the same file and not corrupt or anything?21:36
jilocasinI am opening the exact same file (vmWare Windows guest opening the exact file on Linux Host).21:37
James_Eppusbguy1's question still stands. Are you 100% sure the hashes match?21:38
jilocasinIn Adobe reader it shows the first page, and 10 PDF documents that corrospond to links on the first page.21:38
jilocasinJames_Epp: it's a tautaulogy, but I'll check if it makes you happy.21:39
usbguy1Is that over a VMWare shared folder you're opening it on the Windows guest?21:39
jilocasinLinux Host with (sorry Virtual Box not vmWare) Windows guest.  Linux folder mapped into Windows Guest.  Opening the EXACT same file in the exact same folder in both places.21:40
James_Eppjilocasin, thanks for the clarification.21:40
jilocasinJames_Epp: as expected, they hashes match.21:40
usbguy1I would try halting the VM...occasionally windows and Linux can generate semaphore locks on files when they're opened21:41
usbguy1See if releasing that shared folder and file allow you to open it properly in Linux21:42
jilocasinEven if it was corrupt, it would have been with Windows reader (with the corrupt file) that would have been missing pages not the original Linux file21:42
James_EppYes, this is odd.21:42
jilocasinDoesn't matter where I copy it to, same behaviour.21:42
jilocasinIt looks like this PDF is actually 10 pdfs packaged in a single file with internal links from the first page.21:42
James_EppYou would first (naturally) assume that it's an application rendering problem but that seems very unlikely given that the same file renders differently in web browsers.21:43
usbguy1Right, it wouldn't matter if you copied to another folder while the VM is running, one of the OS's may have a lock on the file21:43
jilocasinnone of the Linux readers can see beyond the container pdf.21:43
jilocasinI can copy/rename/close Virtual Box, same behavior21:43
James_Eppjilocasin, this is a really round-about troubleshooting step but is it possible to install adobe reader under wine on the linux host?21:44
jilocasinNot without installing wine21:44
tomreynis there a chance you can share the pdf file?21:44
James_EppIt's just an idea to rule out a host problem.21:44
jilocasininstalling wine now.21:45
* jilocasin thinks that there are a bucket load of problems.21:46
tomreyncan you share the output of running pdfinfo against it?21:46
usbguy1jilcocasin: but is the VM still running in the background?21:46
jilocasinTitle:          Softshare Delta & Softshare ECS Product Documentation21:47
jilocasinAuthor:         Softshare21:47
jilocasinCreator:        Adobe Acrobat 8.1 Combine Files21:47
jilocasinProducer:       Adobe Acrobat 8.121:47
jilocasinCreationDate:   Thu Aug 27 20:18:01 2009 EDT21:47
jilocasinModDate:        Wed Jul 21 12:35:37 2010 EDT21:47
James_Epplol good bot21:47
* jilocasin !@#%$!#%$!21:48
tomreyn!paste | jilocasin21:49
ubottujilocasin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:49
jilocasinnice to know .... now.21:49
jilocasinWell there's your output21:50
tomreynplease post again, to pastebin, since our output wasnt cmoplete21:50
tomreynso that's a tagged PDF (form) with enabled javascript processing, PDF format version 1.621:53
tomreyn"pdfinfo -struct" may hnit on those other documents / pages21:54
tomreynalso -dests ?21:55
tomreyn-js would output javascript code (Javascript interpreter is probably, hopefully, disabled on all softwares you tried on ubuntu by default)21:56
jilocasinout of -struct == Syntax Error: Invalid object stream21:58
jilocasin-dest == Page  Destination                 Name21:58
bug_sniperyeah, that's what I was thinking too22:00
tomreynthis is most likely how this was created: http://www.simpopdf.com/resource/combine-files-into-a-single-pdf-with-adobe-acrobat.html22:00
bug_sniperhow do you find your hard drive files while trying ubuntu from a usb?22:01
tomreynwith a file browser22:02
bug_sniperno, where are they22:03
tomreynyou *may* need to manually mount them, open additional block device layers to access them, depending on how they're stored on your hard disk.22:03
bpromptbug_sniper:   they'll will show up in the file manager, you can always just drop to a shell and type -> lsblk22:03
bug_sniperbprompt, I still can't find the files22:08
bpromptbug_sniper:   maybe they aren't there, what are you looking for anyway?22:09
bug_sniperI'm looking for the hard drive files while I'm trying ubuntu from a usb drive22:09
bug_sniperspecifically, there was a folder in the home directory with the name bugsniper in it22:10
akemhp_bug_sniper, try: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt22:12
akemhp_Then go with Nautilus or Nemo to computer /mnt you should see the home folder.22:12
jilocasinFinally got Adobe reader DC installed under Wine in Linux and opened the file.  All the pages are there.22:13
tomreyn"Congratulations on completing this free training course on why proprietary software sucks."22:14
bug_sniperyou should have just told me to do what it says here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/499914/can-i-access-hard-drive-files-from-ubuntu22:16
tomreynbug_sniper: you should also be able to mount it by clicking, on the left pane of the file browser, on "other locations"22:16
jilocasintomreyn: which is why I don't usually do it.  Unfortunately it looks like *none* of the Linux pdf readers, can read this pdf.  When most/all can under windows.22:16
tomreynjilocasin: maybe it is really just a matter of enabling javascript?22:17
akemhp_bug_sniper, Whatever works, of it's not automounted you can still use the mount command manually. But yeah it should be mounted usually.22:18
bpromptjilocasin:   most webbrowsers also can read PDFs these days, the issue sometimes I've noticed is when the pdf has some signature feature Adobe-specific22:18
jilocasintomreyn: I would, but none of the linux readers seem to have that setting.22:19
OerHeksjavascript enabled?22:19
OerHeksi think indeed that this is not compliant to the pdf 1.7 specs22:20
jilocasinbprompt: then it's a seven year old Adobe-specific feature.22:20
jilocasinit's a 1.6 pdf22:20
bpromptwhich takes us on a full-circle back to proprietary material22:21
bpromptjilocasin:   I open and also make 1.6 pdfs in linux22:21
bpromptjilocasin  so must be something else, I use Okular and Qpdfview, which use the libpoppler libraries22:21
jilocasinbprompt: perhaps, but do you make any that are a container for 10 other pdfs?22:22
bpromptthen again, I can also open the pdfs in google chrome22:22
jilocasinbprompt: as can I, just not this type apparently.22:22
bpromptjilocasin:  I recall about hmmm 6 years or so ago, a pdf from Adobe which had some encryption key and wouldn't open other than ONLY in Adobe Reader, even in other MS Windows readers wouldn't open22:23
jilocasinNope, not encrypted22:24
bpromptjilocasin:    well, can't be the JavaScript either, is barely ever an issue even if off, but is ON by default I think on most apps22:24
bpromptjilocasin:   on the other hand, I hope that's CancerCure.pdf, otherwise it may not be worth the hassle =)22:26
jilocasinbprompt: according to acrobat reader; it was created with Adobe Acrobat 8.1, there is no security, the type of pdf is a 'Portfolio'22:27
jilocasinbprompt: manual for enterprise software that needs to be reinstalled, without original media on new server, and this is the only documentation.22:28
jilocasinbprompt: I guess I'll just have to use Windows 10 to read it in Adobe Acrobat reader22:29
* jilocasin and then take a scrubbing shower in borax.22:29
* jilocasin shivers22:29
jilocasinSo it looks like none of the linux pdf readers can read 'Portfolio' pdfs.22:30
* jilocasin goes to scrub the Wine stain off my install.22:30
bpromptjilocasin:   hehehh, surely you can always just recompile the pdf to an older pdf I'd think, it has to be some Adobe specific feature though22:30
jilocasinbprompt: from what I see, it was a way to package a bunch of separate pdfs into a single file with a title page that let you jump between them.22:32
bpromptas I said, a few years back I did run into that, a pdf that wouldn't open but only in Adobe Reader, that was in windows7, and when I checked it had some proprietary encrypted signature22:32
jilocasinbprompt: doesn't look like an encrypted feature, just a non standard one.  Reader 10 has an option to save each bundled pdf as a separate document.22:33
bpromptjilocasin:   I can see that, to the credit of Adobe, proprietary features are always "potential standards", but not everything that glitters is gold22:34
tomreynjilocasin: try okular (kde's) or https://code-industry.net/free-pdf-editor/22:37
bpromptjilocasin:   might also like Qpefview, uses the same libraries as Okular, but is a tabbed viewer, so you can open many pdfs at once, even many copies of the same in different tabs, right now I have 7 open, so 7 tabs22:39
bprompterk, Qpdfview even22:39
jilocasinbprompt:  Thanks. I just might.22:49
jilocasinThanks again for all the insight everyone.22:49
jilocasinnight now.22:49
bug_sniperok, reinstalling ubuntu now22:51
bug_sniperthanks for all your help everyone22:51
tomreynjilocasin: http://dev.datalogics.com/cookbook/portfolios/portfolio-sample.pdf works in firefox. click on the paper clip twice to access the attached documents.23:00
tomreynevince also works. click on the "thumbnails" drop down and select "attachments"23:02
=== gry_ is now known as gry
cluelessperson_is there a way I can intercept various events with say, python?23:20
cluelessperson_or rather, redirect them to a script of my choosing that determines the logic of how they're handled?23:20
neorpheushey, is there no wine in 19?23:26
Bashing-om!wine disco23:29
Bashing-om!info wine disco23:29
ubottuwine (source: wine): Windows API implementation - standard suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0-1 (disco), package size 50 kB, installed size 189 kB23:29
TheSHAD0WStupid question...  If I try installing ubuntu x64 on a laptop that may not support x64, will it fail to start installing?23:30
Bashing-omneorpheus: ^^ Is the Universe repo enabled in your sources ?23:30
* TheSHAD0W decides not to chance it23:30
kostkonTheSHAD0W, more or less23:30
TheSHAD0WI told it to abort install, and it went to the desktop, so I'm gonna assume it will work.  :-P23:31
kostkonTheSHAD0W, that's a good sign yep23:32
* TheSHAD0W is happy this Athlon II laptop will have a new purpose23:34
TheSHAD0WThanks folks.23:34

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