
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
nikolamI have fresh install of Xubuntu 19.04 , updated on SSD (Xeon E5420) and Thunar keeps dying for no apparent reason.06:37
nikolamI'd try to catch some useful info ,starting Thunar from the shell06:38
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diogenes_nikolam, how it's dying?06:48
Guest36979hi all , just booted XUBUNTU live from usb key and noticed it has a bug after session goes to standby ,screen is locked and i can only log in by killing process light-locker (via CTR+ALT+F..), how to find out if  Xubuntu devs are aware of this  issue  ...  also  issue posted on :06:56
Guest36979https://askubuntu.com/questions/1133341/xubuntu-18-10-light-locker-wrong-behavior  , top answer says developers of light-locker are informed  https://github.com/the-cavalry/light-locker/issues/13806:56
nikolamdiogenes_, it just closed it's window by itself. trying to reproduce. Last night I conldn't start Thunar after it was freezing it's windows. I'll report if I have any more specific info07:03
nikolam"normal" messages are (Thunar:8991): xfconf-WARNING **: 08:42:44.037: Failed to set property "thunar::/last-details-view-column-widths": Operation was cancelled07:05
nikolam(ghex:9898): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 08:42:44.095: g_dbus_proxy_new: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed07:05
diogenes_nikolam, it happens sometimes if you keep thunar opened and dowload or copy some movies and pics because it would trigger tumbler to create thumbnails, so that's one possibility it might freeze, another one is when you copile some stuff and you keep it open it sometimes might freez too.07:06
nikolamBut I don't know if it is related to freezing last night and exiting now07:06
nikolamdiogenes_, thanks for info, I'll see if I can have some more meaningfull report.07:07
diogenes_no problem.07:07
xubuntu47wanybody home? got a question about creating an openvpn connection - prolly easy - not getting a vpn tab, only a proxy one.12:53
xubuntu11whow do I get the sound on my computer? can I hook it up to a bluetooth speaker? If so how can I set up bluetooth?14:43
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