
TheSHAD0WGot this horrible video driver problem on this fscking laptop.  I've got a potential fix, but I can't apply it because the driver keeps spamming an error message to the console.  "ring 0 stalled for more than 9999999msec" - and I can't try fixes with it continually writing to stderr.  How can I shut this off?  X__X00:26
tomreyngambl0re: did you mean to ask an ubuntu support question? if so, please just do, and someone will usually respond if and when they can.00:26
tomreynTheSHAD0W: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27903915/how-can-i-show-printk-message-in-konsole00:31
tomreynsee the lower part of the first answer where it discusses how to set the loglevel via /proc/sys/kernel/printk00:32
=== DeafGoose_ is now known as DeafGoose
tomreynhttps://elinux.org/Debugging_by_printing#Log_Levels is much nicer00:36
TheSHAD0WOkay.  Neither of the two fixes I tried works.  Apparently it's a big problem.00:48
TheSHAD0WThis is an Acer Aspire One, Athlon II CPU.  Installed Xubuntu 18.04.  Worked fine until I did an update and everything asploded.00:49
TheSHAD0WKeeps spamming a message about the radeon not responding.00:50
OerHeksoh, if that gives ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4225.. not supported by the openradeon driver, iirc00:56
OerHeksathlon II neo00:56
TheSHAD0WBut the version on the installer worked.00:58
TheSHAD0WGuess I need to hold it back from updating...00:58
* TheSHAD0W is reinstalling the OS00:58
TheSHAD0WWhat pachage(s) should I hold back?01:00
TheSHAD0Wpackages *01:00
zenguyhey :) what do you folks think of eset security suite for linux specifically ubuntu?01:01
tomreynzenguy: we could discuss AV on ubuntu in #ubuntu-discuss01:05
tomreynor -offtopic01:05
zenguyoh ok np :)01:05
OerHeksnot ssure if the installer uses the 2d  xserver-xorg-video-radeon package, but ati 2xxx-4xxx are out of openradeon support01:07
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD01:07
* TheSHAD0W goes exploring01:08
FurretUberIs there a way to make Pulseaudio not grab/ignore a specific ALSA card? I'm having trouble with pulseaudio + tvtime01:08
FurretUberAfter the first time I open tvtime, pulseaudio grabs the ALSA card and subsequent tvtime runs have no sound as pulseaudio grabbed the device01:09
FurretUberThe card I want pulseaudio to ignore is the card 3: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cJybWyFHNQ/01:12
TheSHAD0WOkay, video driver appears to be xserver.org-video-amdgpu-hwe-101:14
TheSHAD0WAnd there's a wrapper, xserver.org-video-ati-hwe-18.0401:15
TheSHAD0WI figure I should hold both of those back?01:15
TheSHAD0WOh, and there's -hwe-1801:15
OerHeksno, it is not an amdgpu capable card...01:16
TheSHAD0WOkay, well, holding all of those back, we'll see if that fixes it...01:20
tomreynTheSHAD0W: can you show    lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999901:20
tomreynok, so radeon driver is in use, which it should be, i guess01:22
TheSHAD0WI've held back the "radeon" (and amdgpu and ati) driver packages...01:22
TheSHAD0WSo, gonna update now (crosses fingers)01:23
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nt0is it possible to install a barebones gnome version of the 19.10 daily?  i.e. no media players/etc?01:43
TheSHAD0WAndddd...  FAIL.  :(01:44
TheSHAD0WSo if it's not the driver...  What could be causing the problem?  New kernel?01:45
nt0what's yer issue?  just stopped in so can't see it above.01:46
TheSHAD0WInstalling 18.04 on an old laptop.01:46
TheSHAD0WInstalls fine.01:46
TheSHAD0WUpgrade packages, and kablooey.01:47
TheSHAD0WAppears to be video related.01:47
tomreynTheSHAD0W: can you still control the system now?01:47
TheSHAD0W"ring 0 stalled for more than 9999999msec"01:47
nt0can you boot to a TTY?01:47
TheSHAD0WI'm in one now...01:47
tomreynTheSHAD0W: do the printk, then run       journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999     and post the url01:48
TheSHAD0W<tomreyn> TheSHAD0W: can you show    lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999901:48
TheSHAD0W<TheSHAD0W> http://termbin.com/quvbr01:48
tomreynnt0: i guess the answer to your question is 'not easily', and moreover:01:49
ubottuEoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+101:49
TheSHAD0WNo network on this console.01:49
TheSHAD0WI can't seem to get on a console when it fully boots.01:50
TheSHAD0WAnything in particular you want me to look for?01:50
nt0tomreyn, got it, thanks.  wasn't planning on starting a long Q&A here, still good to know of that channel.  appreciate it.01:50
tomreynTheSHAD0W: oh, that's a bummer. maybe you can reboot to recovery, enable networking, then post the logs:  journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 999901:51
TheSHAD0WI just got a display.01:51
tomreynnt0: yw ;)01:51
TheSHAD0WIt's in recovery mode I think.  Very slow display.01:52
tomreynvesa mode01:52
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:52
tomreynbut you should rather focus on trying to solve the radeon issue01:53
tomreynthat's a recovery boot01:53
tomreynnot what i asked for :-/01:53
TheSHAD0WI can't get to a command prompt if I do a full boot.01:54
TheSHAD0WLet's see.01:55
tomreyni know, but the logs are still recorded then. and when you reboot then into recovery, you can access the logs from last boot as indicated01:55
TheSHAD0WI briefly get a greyed-out screen, see a ghost of a pointer, and then it dies.01:55
TheSHAD0W1 sec.01:56
tomreynbut you get the boot splash screen properly?01:56
tomreynsince there's no mouse pointer there01:56
tomreyncan you also check whether you have an "IOMMU" option in the bios, and enable it, if so?01:58
tomreynTheSHAD0W: well done!02:00
TheSHAD0WI don't think I have that in the bios, lemme look.02:01
tomreynyou ahve upgraded ram to 8 GB, is this right?02:01
TheSHAD0WI don't think so, no.02:01
TheSHAD0WI don't think this is capable of > 4gb.02:01
tomreynfree -m | nc termbin.com 999902:02
TheSHAD0WGonna have to do that in recovery...02:04
TheSHAD0WOkay, this does have 8 gb.  Free is 6966, available 715902:05
TheSHAD0WStill want me to termbin it?02:05
TheSHAD0WAlso 2 GB of swap.02:05
tomreynno need then, but i'm surpriserd it can have this much, too02:06
TheSHAD0WAnyway...  Should I do nomodeset?02:07
tomreynwhatever helps, i'm still reading the logs.02:08
tomreyndid you look for IOMMU yet?02:08
TheSHAD0WYes.  No such setting in BIOS.02:08
tomreynSep 21 19:55:27 powah kernel: AGP: Please enable the IOMMU option in the BIOS setup02:09
tomreynSep 21 19:55:27 powah kernel: AGP: This costs you 64MB of RAM02:09
tomreynthat's why02:09
TheSHAD0WI still don't understand why the un-updated 18.04 image installs and boots.02:10
Sven_vBhow can I detect when the disk that is still mounted in /mnt/foo has gone away on a hardware level? "ls /mnt/foo" produces kernel a message that ends in "error -5 reading directory inode" but ls still exits with 0 (success)02:11
Sven_vBinside a xenial initramfs shell02:12
tomreynTheSHAD0W: maybe it falls back to vesa as well? there can be other reasons. you can try some kernel parameters02:13
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters02:13
TheSHAD0WI added nomodeset to grub, and it booted.  It's in VESA mode though.02:13
tomreynnext time you reboot: remove "nomodeset", remove "quiet", remove "splash". add "mitigations=0".02:15
TheSHAD0WOkay, gimme a bit.02:15
tomreynthen, next time you reboot: remove "nomodeset", remove "quiet", remove "splash". add "dis_ucode_ldr"02:16
tomreynthen, next time you reboot: remove "nomodeset", remove "quiet", remove "splash". add "radeon.uvd=0".02:16
tomreynbefore you do all of this, you can, and maybe should, also try the newer HWE kernel02:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:22
tomreynTheSHAD0W: ^02:22
TheSHAD0Wmitigations=0 is also VESA, but it did come up okay.02:23
tomreyncan i see    cat /proc/cmdline02:24
TheSHAD0WLOL it says quiet, splash, nomodeset.02:25
TheSHAD0WI forgot to update grub lol.02:25
tomreynTheSHAD0W: you can edit grub from its menu, no need to edit /etc/default/grub and run update-grub all the time02:26
tomreynsee the !kernelparm wiki again (on temporary edit)02:26
TheSHAD0WOkay, with mitigations=0, it came up with full graphics.02:27
TheSHAD0WThough it says "system problem detected".02:27
jeffypyhello everybody!02:27
TheSHAD0WAh, okay.02:28
TheSHAD0WShould I try the other settings?02:28
tomreynTheSHAD0W: so fully graphics meaning proper acceleration?02:30
TheSHAD0WAnd display proportions.02:30
TheSHAD0WI'm trying one of the other settings you recommended.02:30
jeffypycan i ask you guys a question?  it is totally ubuntu related02:31
tomreynhmm, well mitigations is the 'newly' added mitigations against CPU bugs02:31
tomreynjeffypy: is it ubuntu *support* related? then just ask away02:31
TheSHAD0Wdis_ucode_ldr didn't work properly...02:31
jeffypyi guess either directly or indirectly02:31
jeffypyi got this laptop brand new ---- best buy saw me coming!02:32
jeffypysmall 128 gb sd and i immediately put an ubuntu partition on02:32
jeffypyand i love it!02:32
jeffypyi hate windows but i need my starcraft broodwars02:32
tomreynTheSHAD0W: yet another to test: remove "nomodeset", remove "quiet", remove "splash". add "si_support=0"02:33
lotuspsychjejeffypy: please focus on actual ubuntu issues02:33
jeffypyyes. will WinE work for me?02:33
* tomreyn looks for crystal ball under bed02:34
Sven_vBany ideas what could be wrong with my logind? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/0239479002:34
tomreyn!wine | jeffypy02:34
Sven_vBalso at start, systemd takes forever to start Account Services. same when I try to start graphical.target.02:34
ubottujeffypy: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:34
lotuspsychjejeffypy: ubuntu is about trying out stuff, live dangerous!02:34
Sven_vBagain in xenial02:35
jeffypyive been through this before and it worked great at first but my laptop ended up sounding like a lawn mower02:35
jeffypywindows crashed on me and ubuntu saved me... actually it was mint02:36
jeffypythanks ubottu02:36
tomreynSven_vB: does it say any more than this the first time logind fails?02:38
tomreynalso, what does this say?   systemctl status systemd-logind02:38
Sven_vBtomreyn, dunno. how can I find the first time it failed?02:38
tomreyn^ you scroll up on your log02:38
tomreynuntil it doesn't say    systemd-logind.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE02:39
Sven_vBI'll reboot so I know how far to scroll up, then check.02:39
tomreynor just run   journalctl -b02:40
Sven_vBwill do soon02:40
tomreynTheSHAD0W: i think this is really a regression, it'd be nice if you could file a bug on it, stating how you installed (iso file name) and that mitigations=0 works around it.02:41
TheSHAD0WOkay, well, I'm doing more experimenting, trying to narrow things down...02:41
TheSHAD0WAaand it's no longer coming up...02:44
tomreynwhere does it get stuck? no longer POSTing?02:44
TheSHAD0WSo, switching to "quiet splash mitigations=0" results in the gui not coming up again.02:45
tomreyninstead of what, where the gui came up with acceleration?02:46
TheSHAD0WInstead of just "mitigations=0".02:46
tomreynokay, that makes not so much sense to me02:46
tomreyni'm not saying you're doing anything wrong, i just don't understand why it does it this way.02:47
tomreynif you want to narrow things down even more you can try disabling the various mitigations one by one.02:48
tomreynthat's because "mitigations=off" is really a collection of settings. search https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html for "        mitigations=" (including the blank spaces) and under "off" look for "Equivalent to". you can then try all of those with "X86" one by one.02:50
TheSHAD0WKinda tired of messing with this already.02:51
tomreynyour choice ;)02:51
* TheSHAD0W nods02:51
TheSHAD0WMitigations is security?  Or other problematic bugs?02:52
tomreynyou have a workaround which works. it's insecure to run like this, but this system is so old, i assume you won't use it for very important things anyways02:52
* TheSHAD0W nods02:52
tomreynyes, it's about the CPU bugs you may have heard about during the last two years02:52
TheSHAD0WWhich...  Mostly don't affect AMD.02:53
tomreynyou have an AMD CPU so its fewer.02:53
tomreyncat /proc/cpuinfo  | grep -i bug02:54
tomreynTheSHAD0W: ^ lists the ones which apply to your CPU02:54
tomreynso it should really be only those which you'd need to disable one by one02:55
tomreyn...if you want to test more02:55
TheSHAD0WHeh.  A few.02:57
TheSHAD0WYeah, won't be doing much web browsing on it, and it won't be exposed to the net.02:57
tomreynit repeats. this is better: cat /proc/cpuinfo  | grep -m1 ^bugs02:58
tomreynyou still have the option of trying !hwe and not changing any options.02:58
TheSHAD0WSame list.02:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:59
TheSHAD0WI may play with it later.02:59
tomreynso:   sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.0402:59
tomreynand undo changes to /etc/default/grub and run update-grub02:59
tomreynmay already fix it.02:59
TheSHAD0WOkay.  Already in the middle of other things that've been waiting for me to finish.  :-)03:00
tomreynno rush, good luck.03:00
Sven_vBtomreyn, in this attempt, logind started w/o problems. I'll try to figure out when and what the first failure in the previous boot was.03:01
Sven_vBit seems to no longer have those logs :<03:02
Sven_vBmaybe in syslog03:03
tomreynSven_vB: no need then. also on ubuntu 16.04 (which i think you said you're using), the systemd journal does not persist across reboots.03:06
Sven_vBtomreyn, can I investigate it anyway or only when I can reproduce the problem again?03:07
john_ramboI want to be sure that weekly trim is running03:09
tomreynSven_vB: syslog should have previous boot logs, so you could look it up there. and then there's still the other command i told you, which you can use when you reproduce it again03:09
john_ramboDoes that look okay03:09
lotuspsychje!trim | john_rambo03:09
ubottujohn_rambo: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.03:09
tomreynjohn_rambo: according to this, it ran 11 minutes ago.03:10
tomreynjohn_rambo: systemctl -b may have more logs on this.03:10
john_rambotomreyn, I had changed it to daily from weekly then I changed it back to weekly03:10
john_rambotomreyn, I jsut was want to know if I broke it03:11
Sven_vBtomreyn, you'd need the first few logind messages after "kernel: [    0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:" right? that line looks like the boot has just begun03:12
tomreynjohn_rambo: well it was triggered 11 minutes ago, you can also inspect the timer: systemctl list-timers fstrim.timer03:12
tomreynah wait thats what you did03:12
john_rambotomreyn, So is it okay now ? Will it run weekly ?03:13
Sven_vBtomreyn, http://paste.debian.net/plainh/bd187f9903:15
tomreynjohn_rambo: hard to tell, it will trigger again in 15 hours, at Mon 2019-09-23 00:00:00 IST. But it's normal that it triggers during this night. so it can't be told whether it s a daily or weekly schedule based on this output.03:16
Sven_vBoh! maybe I just need to increase the service start timeout. that helped with lightdm as well.03:16
tomreynSven_vB: sorry, i'll have to leave it there, got to get some sleep. good luck.03:17
john_rambotomreyn, Okay I will check again tomorrow. Thanks03:18
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks anyway!03:18
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neildugancan anyone help with the 'preexec' samba config option... it doesn't appear to work at all03:34
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amosbirdhmm, why do I get E: Unable to locate package software-properties-common03:58
amosbirdah, need update first03:59
white_magichi, i just installed ubuntu 19.04 x64 and dropbox keeps crashing. Any tips on how to debug it?04:00
white_magicmy filesystem is ext4 and it should be supported by dropbox04:00
amosbirdE: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-toolchain-r/test/ubuntu disco Release' does not have a Release file.04:10
amosbirdwhat does it mean?04:10
Ben64repository isn't working04:11
EoflaOEamosbird: Go to the URL that you posted and look for "disco". Does it exist?04:11
Bashing-omamosbird: Yup - true - see: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-toolchain-r/test/ubuntu/dists/ that the last supported release is zesty.04:12
EoflaOEThanks Bashing-om04:12
amosbirddo I need that ubuntu-toolchain-r to get gcc-8?04:13
Bashing-om!info gcc disco04:14
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.181ubuntu3)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:8.3.0-1ubuntu3 (disco), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB04:14
amosbirdso gcc 8 is the default compiler now04:14
amosbirdapt-get install gcc-8 g++-8 cmake04:14
Bashing-omamosbird: :D04:14
amosbirdwill this work?04:15
amosbirdI'm building the docker image so I cannot try it now04:15
amosbirdand which cmake version would that be?04:15
Bashing-omamosbird: Never build docker - so take with a grain of salt ' sudo apt update ; sudo aptupgrade ; sudo apt install gcc ; sudo apt install build-essential <docker> ' .04:19
amosbirddebconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed04:21
amosbirdwhat does this mean?04:22
Bashing-omamosbird: what thinks from 'apt show apt-utils ; dpkg -l apt-utils ' ?04:24
amosbirdso I need to install apt-utils?04:24
Bashing-omamosbird: I can not imagine why it is not installed.04:26
amosbirddo I need to install software-properties-common ?04:26
Bashing-omamosbird: for <docker> or apt-utils ? if for apt-utils "apt show apt-utils" does not indicate a dependency on software-properties-common.04:29
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
PesI just installed the Ubuntu Windows 10 app, and I'm trying to get the printer to work. I installed lp and lpr but I'm getting this error: Make sure the remote host supports the LPD protocol04:57
Sven_vBI'm in my initramfs shell, my cryptsetup luksOpen seems to have succeeded, now I have a symlink "loki_pv -> ../dm-0" in /dev/mapper/ but still no /dev/mapper/loki_vg-loki_ubuntu as I had when I luksOpened it from a live session. how to debug?04:58
Sven_vBPes, the Ubuntu windows app does not have real hardware access. lots of that stuff won't work.04:58
Bashing-omPes: Is this a Windows Subsystem for Linux install ?04:59
PesWindows 10 > Windows Store > Ubuntu04:59
Pesthat makes sense thanks :d04:59
Bashing-om!wsl | Pes04:59
ubottuPes: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide04:59
neilduganI am trying to configure the samba -- the 'preexec' isn't working... I have tried several versions, both in the [global] section and in a share section... the "preexec = /bin/echo \"%u connected to %S from %m (%I)\" >> /tmp/log" is not creating an file ... there is no indication in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/auth or anything looking relevant in /var/log/samba/*05:00
Sven_vBneildugan, what are you trying to achieve?05:01
neilduganSven_vB, I want to know when a particular share is logged out, so I can remove it.05:02
Sven_vBneildugan, that doesn't make sense to me05:02
Sven_vBwith "logged out", do you mean "disconnected"? or "no longer in use by any remote user"?05:03
Sven_vBneildugan, as a first step, wrap your command in a shell script, so you can give the preexec as just a simple path with no scary characters.05:04
neilduganSven_vB, disconnected, but that is not important atm.  the postexec isn't being run...05:04
neilduganSven_vB, ok -- I will be back soon05:04
Sven_vBneildugan, also, to avoid permissions being the problem, create the logfile upfront and give it chmod 0666 so anyone can write.05:08
neilduganSven_vB, ok ... I generated a script just echoing some text to a file... tested the script.. and inserted the postexec ... it the file wasn't created.05:09
neilduganSven_vB, the file is being created in /tmp so permissions shouldn't be a problem05:10
Sven_vBneildugan, what makes you think it should have been executed? is there some tutorial that says so?05:10
neilduganSven_vB, yes... it is meantioned in the smb.conf online, and several places online05:11
Sven_vBneildugan, when stuff doesn't work, try to reduce the number of assumptions like "should" as low as you can. ;)05:11
Sven_vBshow us a link where it's mentioned05:11
Sven_vBanyway, I'll go sleep now. good luck!05:12
neilduganSven_vB, https://serverfault.com/questions/576136/how-to-force-samba-to-create-directory05:12
neorpheusi recently learned that i could create bootable debian flash drives simply by dd'ing the iso onto the flash drive. does this carry over to ubuntu isos as well05:17
neorpheussweet, thx05:19
Sven_vBneorpheus, you can even cp them. no need for dd05:21
neorpheuscp the iso or its contents?05:21
Sven_vBor pv > or cat > … any method you like, as long as you write to the entire device, not a partition or a filesystem inside it.05:22
Sven_vByou could also copy a recent supergrub GPT image onto it, then put bootable ISOs in the boot-isos partition and at start. select which of them to boot. :)05:23
neorpheusooh now that sounds interesting05:24
Sven_vBI'll be there in half a day again :)05:24
=== gry_ is now known as gry
DarwinElfit's been said "Debian's repository is China old."  The Ubuntu repository seems to be a little better-updated, but because of some maintainers significantly lagging behind, I've had to build several packages from source code.  Now how do I stop the Ubuntu update program from suggesting I update these packages?05:33
campitorhi there every one05:45
campitorI have just installed Ubuntu from the live iso file. unto my USB. It is obvious that it is better to do the install with an Internet connection. Now that I did not use an internet connection, what is it that I missed?05:46
campitoram I muted?05:47
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exportcampitor: you're not muted05:49
Bashing-omcampitor: Patience :) .. not having a connection then all that is missed is updates for the installed softwares.05:49
campitorBashing-om: so you mean I have not missed like any 'third party software?05:50
campitorare there any commands I should run after the installation is over?05:51
Bashing-omcampitor: You will have no 3rd party software installed - biggest hole if you bring that system on-line is security patches that have not been installed.05:53
campitorthank you05:56
Bashing-omcampitor: once you have internet - 1st things to do is get the system updated, Terminal way: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' ,05:58
campitorwhat is the difference between sudo apt dist-upgrade and sudo apt full-upgrade ?05:59
Bashing-omcampitor: "apt-get dist-upgrade" as opposed to apt see: https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ ; https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/ .06:01
asdfghtomreyn, hi! are you there?08:17
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: tomreyn is afk at this moment08:18
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: ask your question to the channel please08:18
asdfghlotuspsychje, ok the problem is with my internet connection, i do not understand why i can reach hiugh speed via torrent but not via single download08:30
asdfghto give you an exmaple downloading the ubuntu iso via wget i rech 180 kB,08:30
asdfghif i use torrent i reach 7.5 MB!!!08:31
asdfghhow is that possible?08:31
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: are you behind a router, firewall or proxy?08:31
lotuspsychjewifi or cable?08:32
asdfghpc --> (gigabit switch) --> (fritzbox 7530 modem)08:33
asdfghcable cat5e08:34
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: ubuntu version, kernel and eth chipset?08:34
asdfghit is a fresh 18.04.3 ubuntu 5.0.0-29-generic08:35
asdfgheth chipset? what do you mean?08:35
asdfghwhat command should i run ?08:35
lotuspsychjeethernetcard chipset: sudo lshw -C network08:35
asdfghlotuspsychje, for example i run wget ubuntu..iso again and the download seems "blocked"08:37
asdfgh16,71M  --.-KB/s   <--08:37
asdfghthere is no speed08:37
asdfghbut i can ping ...i can chat here08:38
asdfghso i do not know what happen08:38
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: what about normal http download via browser?08:38
asdfghlotuspsychje, same08:38
asdfghsame problem08:38
asdfghonly torrent is fast, very fast08:38
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: did you ttry other protocols, dcc send via irc or sftp/ftp ?08:39
__raven_i need firmware drivers on a z36xxx/z37xxx platform with celeron n2000 regarding power management, backlight control and such. is it still supported? where to find those drivers? running linux 4.15.0-64-generic ubuntu branch at the moment08:40
asdfghlotuspsychje, no08:41
asdfghcan i try downloading ubuntu via ftp?08:41
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: try any ftp download test08:43
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: maybe also doublecheck your fritz modem settings and direct connection to modem08:43
asdfghlotuspsychje, i have clicked on ftp://bw.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/bionic/ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso on chrome08:43
asdfghbut download speed is still slow08:44
asdfghblocked again08:44
asdfgh0 B/s - 5,5 MB di 1,9 GB08:44
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: if its not ubuntu related you might also visit ##networking08:44
asdfghlotuspsychje, yeah i tried...very slow channel too :D08:45
asdfghhowever the thing is... ISP related or not08:45
asdfghbecause via torrent i reach high speed08:45
elias_aDo older APC UPS units still work with present apcupsd on Ubuntu?08:45
asdfghso, is my ubuntu with some mistake or modem i do notknow08:45
lapionDoes anyone know of anything linux related in Europe ?08:45
elias_aI managed to revive an old APC Backups Pro 280 and I'd like to play a little with it. :)08:46
lotuspsychje!loco | lapion08:46
ubottulapion: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/08:46
=== spudz is now known as coffeemug
asdfghlotuspsychje, is there a way to undersatnd why the speed goes to zero? i mean something like "mtr" to let me understand what hop is blocking or losing packages08:48
lapionI have a huge linux userspace bug that can crash the heaviest of desktops/servers08:49
asdfghthen lotuspsychje i have a doubt....the speedtest goes very fast... how is that possible that downloading is very slow?08:52
asdfghi know it depends on servers etc...but speedtest says 152Mb in download now08:53
asdfghis very not possible to download at 160 Kb from the main ubuntu repos08:53
aLeSDhi all08:54
aLeSDwhy I can't access snap apps in wayland ?08:54
aLeSDI am in 18.0408:54
aLeSDok I had to add /snap/bin to PATH09:08
=== user__ is now known as mnassAn
amosbirdHi, how can I install libdrm.a ?09:13
amosbirdthere is only libdrm.so after installing libdrm-dev09:14
amosbirdcan I install libdrm 2.4.94 instead?09:17
nikolamHi. I did ' sudo setfacl -m "g:users:rw" /share ' but I still can't write to that folder, even the user is in 'users' group.09:39
nikolamIs it that Linux by default allow permissions according to ACL or not?09:41
nikolamI did chgrp users /share and now can write to folder, but I ask why it didn't take into account ACL?09:43
nikolamIt were Engrampa archive manager extracting .xz archive.09:44
=== solarliner_ is now known as solarliner
EriC^nikolam: have you recently added the user to the group? you'd need to logout and back in for it to take effect without chrgrp10:25
nikolamEric^ I did now changed back group to 'root' with chgrp (that is after logoff/logon) and again Permission denied when unpacking into it10:32
nikolamLet me logon/logoff again...10:32
nikolamEriC^, it's the same. still Permision denied until group is changed, even with ACL set for users to r/w10:34
EriC^nikolam: type "getfacl /path/to/your/dir" and "id" as your user and paste somewhere10:35
nikolamEriC^, https://pastebin.com/zcBpY28N10:38
EriC^nikolam: and the output of "id" ?10:39
EriC^nikolam: nevermind, the problem is the lack of +x on the dir10:40
nikolamYes, seems without "x" in acl, one can rw but can't create new files/folders. After ' sudo setfacl -m "g:users:rwx" /share ' it works10:43
nikolamthanks EriC^10:45
EriC^nikolam: no problem10:47
BluesKajHi folks11:55
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
gst568923Hi guys, I have a dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu, and I have the problem that by making the switch from Ubuntu to Windows, the BIOS time remains incorrect. Therefore I followed this guide to fix the problem from Ubuntu. My question is: is it more reliable to use `timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock` or fix the time problem from12:10
gst568923Windows 10? https://www.maketecheasier.com/fix-windows-linux-show-different-times/12:10
mousesgst568923: option #1 in that guide seems to be a much more sane solution.12:13
gst568923mouses yes, in fact I followed option 1 but I wanted your technical opinion about it12:14
mousesgst568923: nothing beyond 'that option seems much more simple'12:14
gst568923mouses choosing option 1 and executing the 'timedatectl status` command, the `System clock synchronized: yes` option has become` System clock synchronized: no`12:18
mousesgst568923: The real question is: does it all work normally now?12:18
mousesIf yes, then you're done :)12:18
gst568923mouses I live in a country where DST is present, I would like to know if changing the time zone will also change the BIOS time (RTC)12:20
nateI believe by default the BIOS stores UTC and lets the platform apply TZ offsets for display as far as it isn't windows12:23
gst568923Warning: The system is configured to read the RTC time in the local time zone.         This mode cannot be fully supported. It will create various problems         with time zone changes and daylight saving time adjustments. The RTC         time is never updated, it relies on external facilities to maintain it.         If at all possible, use RTC12:25
gst568923in UTC by calling         'timedatectl set-local-rtc 0'.12:25
gst568923Warning: The system is configured to read the RTC time in the local time zone. This mode cannot be fully supported. It will create various problems with time zone changes and daylight saving time adjustments. The RTC time is never updated, it relies on external facilities to maintain it. If at all possible, use RTC in UTC by calling 'timedatectl12:26
gst568923set-local-rtc 0'.12:26
gst568923Warning: The system is configured to read the RTC time in the local time zone. This mode cannot be fully supported. It will create various problems with time zone changes and daylight saving time adjustments. The RTC time is never updated, it relies on external facilities to maintain it. If at all possible, use RTC in UTC by calling 'timedatectl12:26
gst568923set-local-rtc 0'.12:26
kostkon!paste | gst56892312:27
ubottugst568923: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:27
GerasA question. Can these stuff be used on Ubuntu?: Gpa4win , i2p + i2p Firefox Browser Profile , Mozilla Thunderbird , Norton Internet Security , Pidgin , qtox , xchat , Retroshare , Tor Browser , adiirc irc client , WickrMe , skype12:28
martinda14Since last night after an update I get “Temporary failure in name resolution”. Networking with IP just works. I use dhcp to the router. The router has no problem resolving names12:29
martinda14I rebooted, restarted networking, still same error.12:29
GerasCan all these things be used on ubuntu?12:38
tomreynGeras: hi there12:51
Gerashi :D12:52
tomreyni'm reading up on your question.12:52
tomreynare you asking because you're considering to migrate to linux (from windows, i assume)?12:52
Geraswell i do have dualboot,so i got both windows 10 and ubuntu.. but yes the question is for ubuntu12:53
tomreyni'm not sure whether norton software is available for ubuntu. but you can certainly find equivalent commercial software from other vendors (if you really want / need to have such on ubuntu).12:54
Gerasi have norton internet security free from my internet provider12:54
Gerason windows 10 that is12:54
lenzeorHey there! I have a question about gnome 3... is there a config file for hotkeys?12:55
tomreyni don't know adiirc irc client, but there are others. xchat is dead and replaced by hexchat. i don't know "wickrme". skype is available.12:55
tomreyn!antivirus | Geras12:56
ubottuGeras: An "antivirus" is primarily a concept from the Windows ecosystem and usually a program like that is not needed on Linux because the threat model is different. Malware on Linux does exist, however. Google up "rkhunter" and "linux intrusion detection systems". Also look up !clamav12:56
Gerasso people are more safe on ubuntu even without antivirus?12:56
Gerasi mean so people dont HAVE to use an antivirus12:57
tomreynsomewhat, i'd say, yes. most people don't feel a need to use AV software on linux.12:57
lenzeor@Geras, as long as you install software via package management it is highly unlikely you will ever have a virus12:57
GerasWhat about the other stuff i mentioned?12:59
tomreyni commented on those i don't know. the others are available (not sure about "i2p Firefox Browser Profile" - whether that's a separate software)13:00
lenzeoris there a gnome 3 support channel?13:01
tomreynoh i think there is no immediate equivalent for Gpa4win. you'd either use enigmail in thunderbird or just gpg doirectly in the terminal13:01
tomreynGeras: ^13:01
Gerasso there's no gpg software for ubuntu without need to use terminal?13:03
tomreyn!alis | lenzeor13:03
ubottulenzeor: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"13:03
lenzeorthanks, tomreyn13:03
tomreynlenzeor: see also gnome.org, i thinkt hey have their own IRC network.13:04
tomreynGeras: i mentioned enigmail, enigmail.net13:04
Gerasyes,but thats with email. im talking about a own one where u can encrypt and decrypt plain text13:05
Geraswith pgp13:05
Geraswithout need to use terminal13:05
tomreynhmm, not sure. you can always search on https://packages.ubuntu.com13:06
tevatron[ Ubuntu – Ubuntu Packages Search ] - packages.ubuntu.com13:06
Gerassweet.. didnt know that one. thanks :D13:07
Geraswow, so many gpg stuff that idk which one i want :o13:08
lenzHey there. How do  I get rid off the default keyring feature that comes with chromium?13:14
jeremyblenz, disable auto login is one way13:18
martinda14Hi is anyone getting. ‘Temporary failure in name resolution” since their last update?13:26
rosganihi all13:55
Ubuntu4MeHey guys it's me again. So, now I would like to manually install (unless there is automatic way of doing it) nVIDIA drivers (430.50 from their website). Current latest version for Windows is 436.30 but for Linux x64 is 430.50. The current drivers installed on my Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x64 is 435.21 but it says Open-Source rather than proprietary. I13:56
Ubuntu4Mefollowed many links and it always fails during the driver install the current guide I followed is: https://medium.com/@antonioszeto/how-to-install-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-18-04-7b464bab43e613:56
tevatron[ How to install NVIDIA driver on Ubuntu 18.04 - Antonio Sze-To - Medium ] - medium.com13:56
Ubuntu4Mehi rosgani13:59
rosganihi Ubuntu4Me13:59
Ubuntu4MeAnyone can help plz?14:05
BluesKajUbuntu4Me, I missed your question14:06
BluesKajglad I did14:08
GerasHi all. as a new reinstalled ubuntu.. Is there anything I need to with ubuntu itself?14:16
Geras*need to do14:16
marcoagpintoGeras: yes, adjust the power settings and such, like the time to lock the screen14:17
Gerasi mean like security stuff14:17
marcoagpintoI don't know then14:18
BluesKajGeras, depends on your HW , if you have all the needed drivers installed etc14:19
Gerasi see14:19
rosganiHi Geras14:20
rosganiyou have to update and upgrade your system I think14:20
Geraswhich idk how to14:21
BluesKajif everything runs to your satisfaction then just keep your packages up to date periodically14:21
rosganisudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade14:21
Gerascan u check 1 thing for me? i tried to last time but it messed up then14:21
Gerasnvm. i better ask tve ones who use it. thanks anyway14:23
Sven_vBis there a way to test my initramfs without actually rebooting? it will fail to find the root device anway14:31
Sven_vBusing xenial14:31
jeremybSven_vB: do you know why it fails to find root device?14:34
Sven_vBjeremyb, yes, partially. however, before investigating that further, I want to improve the script that will help be debug.14:42
Sven_vBthe bugs are mostly due to me using options that are not available in busybox editions of commands, so testing them w/o reboot would speed up debugging a lot.14:43
=== coffeemug is now known as coffeeguy
GerasA question. its about pidgin on ubuntu. How do I actually get the account I have already and people I have added on pidgin (xmpp) on windows and transfer it to ubuntu? i dont want to make new account or re-add them14:47
Sven_vBGeras, copy accounts.xml, or go to the accounts list (Ctrl+a) and copy the account details14:48
Sven_vBGeras, it's always a good idea to make notes about your account credentials outside the messenger programs, e.g. in a text file.14:48
Geraswait. so the file can actually be used onn ubuntu too?14:49
Sven_vBthat way you have them in case your messenger forgets them14:49
Sven_vBI guess it should be compatible. have a look inside whether you see any OS-specific stuff.14:49
Sven_vBor ask #pidgin or #purple if those exist14:49
Gerasi can try thanks :)14:50
Sven_vBI'm in my initramfs shell, my cryptsetup luksOpen seems to have succeeded, now I have a symlink "loki_pv -> ../dm-0" in /dev/mapper/ but still no /dev/mapper/loki_vg-loki_ubuntu as I had when I luksOpened it from a live session. how to debug?15:16
Sven_vBthere's also no "lvs" and "pvs" commands, does it mean my initrd lacks LVM support?15:17
Sven_vBI'll just copy them from my xenial rescue system and try15:20
Sven_vBoh nice, the rescue system has the "Failed to start Login Service" again, so maybe we can debug that now15:22
Sven_vBor rather, once it finally decides it can offer console login w/o Login Service15:22
Sven_vBhow can I find the error reasons for the first two failed attempts "systemd-logind.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE"? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/a507004e15:26
apieningI want to install a custom MTA unter /opt and the install script checks for conflicting packages including postfix, nullmailer etc. That's why I remove these packages. However I want to setup AIDE on my server and the package aide-common depends on bsd-mailx, so it tries to pull in postfix when I try to install aide-common. Is there a way to mark the dependency bsd-mailx as fulfilled wven though no MTA providing bsd-mailx is in15:39
Sven_vBrather than that, I'd try "aptitude install aide-common postfix_ bsd-mailx_" which advises aptitude to not install them. that will cause a dependency conflict which you can then choose to leave unresolved.15:42
Sven_vBactually I'd probably just try to dockerize the conflicting stuff so it won't conflict anymore.15:43
Sven_vBif you mark it as installed, you probably get the same conflict as if you really install it.15:45
=== im0nde_ is now known as im0nde1
Sven_vBafter copying the rescue xenial's "lvs" program onto my xenial luks-lvm initramfs, I can now see LV loki_ubuntu in VG loki_vg, but still no /dev/mapper/loki_vg-loki_ubuntu. any ideas? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/57605d3e16:18
apieningThank you Scen_vB, leaving the dependencies unresolved would cause issues on upgrades in the long run or another admin would try to resolve the dependencies to get rid of the warning or error messages.16:23
apieningAs far as I can see bsd-mailx is not really a conflicting package by itself since it is only a MUA, the issue is that a MTA is pulled it which conflicts with the mail server.16:28
apieningAs far as I can see bsd-mailx is not really a conflicting package by itself since it is only a MUA, the issue is that a MTA is pulled in which conflicts with the mail server.16:28
apieningups sorry, double posted. I guess I'm looking for a way to install aide-common without the mailx depencency and let the system ignore this single dependency as if it were met. There is no way to do this?16:30
Sven_vByou could probably make a bogus package that claims to provide it. or maybe you can use nullmailer.16:34
Squarismwhat is the prefered "remote desktop" solution for ubuntu-2-ubuntu?16:36
Sven_vBI settled with remmina, although it has lots of bugs.16:37
apieningnullmailer is also in the list of conflicting packages, I tried that. The bogus package option would be an option I guess. I was hoping for something easier to manage like an entry in the meaning of "provided packages" and that's it.16:37
Sven_vBapiening, there might be easier ways, I just don't know them.16:38
apieningOk. Btw. regarding your remote desktop: Do you need to attach to an already running desktop (screen sharing), or are you fine with a virtual desktop launched just for the remote user to connect?16:40
ggmaxSquarism: remina here as well, its quite convenient16:40
SquarismSven_vB, ggmax : But what protocol do you use?16:40
apieningFrom what I heard RDP on linux is more responsive than VNC, haven't compared it by myself.16:41
apieningI find it easy to set up and it worked reliably: https://websiteforstudents.com/connect-to-ubuntu-16-04-17-10-18-04-desktop-via-remote-desktop-connection-rdp-with-xrdp/16:42
tevatron[ Connect to Ubuntu 16.04 | 17.10 | 18.04 Desktop via Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) with Xrdp | Website for Students ] - websiteforstudents.com16:42
Sven_vBSquarism, VNC16:43
SquarismSven_vB, you dont like RDP?16:43
Sven_vBSquarism, I've never tried it.16:44
iffraffhi, I have an external dpu on my laptop.  I think it gets confused about which driver to load depending on if the egpu is connected or not.  is there a way to explicitly tell it which one?16:46
apieningThe client coverage for RDP is pretty good (even android, ios etc.) so that's a plus. But it is headless so you can only connect remotely. VNC also provides shared screen options with some intergration in windows managers (at least KDE) but it seems to be slower compared to RDP.16:46
compdocI think what works best is x2go. fast and the clipboard works. but no android version16:47
compdocxrdp is ok16:48
iffraffis there a a file that specifies which display driver you are using? I feel like there is some xorg.config or something that does this16:51
madsurfmanI have a dvd usb ASUS  SDRW-08U7M-U on ubuntu 18.04, it is not recognized, what is the trick?16:54
vershanHi Just a quick one, I have bitlocker. What options do I have to mount the bitlocker drive on Ubuntu 18.0416:55
vershanI want to use dislocker but will I need to encrypt the windows drive again or everytime I boot up into windows. Its a dual boot16:57
Sven_vBmadsurfman, find its Vendor ID and Product ID from lsusb, then try to search for them, and/or the name reported by lsusb, on the web.17:29
GerasHi again. I have now installed pidgin and made an account. But normally on windows,I used something called tor.exe on windows.. But now im on ubuntu.. How do I get to use that as well as configure  it?17:31
GerasOr is it best to  use the tor browser's port 9150?17:31
Sven_vBGeras, I assume your tor.exe was Tor, the onion router. you can install it as "tor" in ubuntu.17:31
Gerasreally? but i need to configure torrc filetoo where its located which idk how to17:32
Sven_vBin /etc/torrc17:32
Gerasi see there17:32
Sven_vBmake sure to read the docs on the EFF website. they might have important hints, ignoring them might yield privacy problems.17:33
Gerasbeen awhile i dont know where to look cor the /etc17:36
Geraswhere do i find this /etc via ubuntu,not terminal?17:39
tatertotsthey need to make a snap or appliance for most users17:41
tatertotsis the term snap or flatpak or whatever17:41
Gerasseems i cant find the /etc thingy via ubuntu..17:42
Gerasplease help :(17:45
GerasHow do I install Tor expert bundle and Tor as well as how to configure the torrc?17:47
leftyfbGeras: which tutorial are you following?17:47
Gerasnone atm since i dont find any and i dont even know where in ubuntu (not terminal) to see the etc folder17:48
leftyfbGeras: you will be using a terminal17:48
Gerasdoesnt etc folder come with ubuntu?17:48
leftyfbGeras: yes, it does17:49
Gerasand idont find it17:49
leftyfbGeras: you will need to follow a tutorial and you will need to use a terminal. Forget about doing anything with the GUI for setting this up17:49
Gerasbut i really need to know how to find the  etc folder..17:50
leftyfbGeras: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/10/how-to-install-and-use-tor-as-proxy-in.html17:50
tevatron[ How To Install And Use Tor As A Proxy In Ubuntu Or Linux Mint - Linux Uprising Blog ] - www.linuxuprising.com17:50
leftyfbGeras: no, you need to follow a tutorial17:50
leftyfbtevatron: please turn that off17:51
tevatronleftyfb: join r/helpinglostpets too!17:51
leftyfb!ops | tevatron17:51
ubottutevatron: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax17:51
tevatronubottu: Clifside?17:51
ubottutevatron: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:51
tevatronubottu: This is one of my paintings. And this is the alternative one ["First Day of Winter, Chicago"] (https://imgur.com/FIpHmS2)17:51
Gerasso what do I do?17:51
leftyfbGeras: follow the tutorial I just posted to you17:51
Gerassorry.. abit sleepy,so i didnt see17:52
leftyfbdax: -ops?17:52
Gerascan u give me step by step please?17:53
daxleftyfb: yep17:53
Gerasso much to follow17:53
leftyfbGeras: I gave you a step by step tutorial. You literally read it and copy and paste the commands as it tells you to17:53
leftyfbGeras: I'm sorry, but if you cannot follow a step by step tutorial explaining with commands on how to accomplish your goal, then this isn't for you17:54
Gerasso u dont even want to help?17:55
leftyfbGeras: I did help. I gave you a step by step tutorial. You got 2 sentence into it and gave up.17:56
Sven_vBGeras, maybe your "a bit sleepy" is too sleepy and you should try another day.17:56
Gerasits just confusing17:56
leftyfbGeras: then spend the time to read up on it and learn so it's not confusing anymore17:57
Geraswait.. u mean i have to install this transport and all that?17:57
Gerasit confuse me.. and even when u wnat me to do it when it confuse me,it confuse me even more18:00
mousesGeras: It's a very straight forward guide.  You'd probably have better luck just following it and explaining where you are stuck/confused in specifc.18:01
Sven_vBanyone here who can help me debug my initrd so it mounts my ubuntu xenial partition from LUKS LVM? I copied some of the lvm programs onto my initramfs, so I can now see LV loki_ubuntu in VG loki_vg, from which I conclude that "cryptsetup luksOpen" had succeeded. in a live session, at this point /dev/mapper/loki_vg-loki_ubuntu would have appeared, so I can mount it on /target and chroot into it. but in the initramfs shell, the mapper18:01
Sven_vBdevices do not appear. any ideas? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/57605d3e18:01
mousesGeras: What's the end goal here?  Are you trying to set up tor as a system service or just for your web browser?18:02
Sven_vBGeras, have you tried the Tails Live CD? might be easier18:03
Gerasi want to configure torrc that is for tor expert bundle and have that running,so i can be connected to pidgin and .onion irc servers18:03
mousesGeras: So literally just follow that guide step by step and copy paste the commands.  It's really easy, if you get stuck on any specific part or have a specific question, I'm sure someone here can help you.18:04
Gerasim just asking if this transport and all has anything to do with tor expert bundle18:06
mousesGeras: Literally from the write up: "Start by installing apt-transport-https, needed in order to use https repositories, and curl, to download the repository key:"18:07
mousesYou need apt-transport-https to use, well, repos via https - just as the guide says18:07
Gerasok.. was just curious18:07
mousesNo problem.  Really though; take the time to actually read that guide carefully.  It's well written and will likely answer 99% of any question you have.  Good luck!18:09
ioriato be picky, apt-transport-https atm is just a transitional package18:13
GerasI just typed first this: sudo apt -y install tor , then I typed this: service tor start to start to be able to login to pidgin,then stop it by typing service tor stop18:19
leftyfbGeras: nowhere in the tutorial that I gave you does it tell you to do that18:23
leftyfbthe very first step tells you exactly why you shouldn't do what you just did18:23
leftyfbGeras: don't ask for help if you are just going to refuse the help you are given18:24
Geraslet me uninstall what i just did18:25
carpediembabyHi, i have an ssd disk that seems to have problems since some days. I get input/output errors on it and am not able to delete/format any partitions. I was on this channel a few days ago and was suggested to do smart test which detected no errors. I was also told to upgrade my bios (which i did) and the ssd firmware (which I couldn't because i am18:31
carpediembabynot able to make a bootable usb for it).18:31
carpediembabyCould someone suggest what else I can try?18:31
mousescarpediembaby: plug it into another system and see if you experience similar errors.  From what you describe though, sounds like hardware failure.18:31
carpediembabymouses its an internal disk and i don't have another system immediately available to try putting it or attaching it18:32
carpediembabyhere's the dmesg warning/error output https://termbin.com/7dok318:36
Sven_vBcarpediembaby, we could try help with the bootable USB thumb drive if you like.18:40
GerasAnyway. to another question. Im going to use 2 irc clients for ubuntu. 1 that has ssl,sasl,proxy etc so i can connect to .onion irc servers as well as clearnet if needed. and 2nd irc client is for i2p18:41
Gerasany suggestions for 2 irc clients like that for ubuntu?18:42
carpediembabySven_vB I followed this page: https://tojaj.com/lenovo-biosuefi-update-from-usb-stick-i-e-without-bootable-cd/ and tried to create a bootable usb downloaded from this https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/2874918:42
Sven_vBGeras, just use 2 instances of hexchat. or even just one. hexchat can connect to several IRC networks at the same time.18:42
carpediembabySven_vB but the disk does not boot. I created the boot usb for bios using the same process and it worked18:42
Sven_vBcarpediembaby, so your BIOS or firmware seems to run in BIOS mode. can the firmware upgrade not run in that mode?18:43
Sven_vBcarpediembaby, oh is it about the mainboard firmware? I thought it's about the SSD's firmware18:44
peter22222anyone familiar with samba? is it possible to have access to a samba folder with multiple anonymous users same time?18:44
carpediembabySven_vB I tried to upgrade the SSD firmware (downloaded from the second link)18:45
Sven_vBpeter22222, yes I did so a few years ago.18:45
peter22222it works fine with one.. just wondering if more than one are connected as "anonymous" would be ok too18:45
peter22222Sven_vB thank you18:45
Sven_vBpeter22222, in fact there are probably a thousand misconfigured machines out there right now where multiple anon users are sharing files. :)18:45
carpediembabySven_vB I also upgraded the bios firmware (successfully, i think) by creating the usb disk as described in the first link18:45
carpediembabySven_vB I tried following the same procedure for creating the USB disk for SSD firmware, but the usb didn't boot.18:46
Sven_vBcarpediembaby, i see. note to others: the 2nd link points to "Intel® SSD Firmware Update Tool", FirmwareUpdateTool_v3_0_7.zip, OS Independent, Language: English, Size: 76.41 MB, MD5: 412003532f365b95c70516227e8a054c18:48
Sven_vBcarpediembaby, what's inside that ZIP?18:48
Sven_vBlike, a folder, an ISO, an .exe file?18:48
Sven_vBoh ic "comes in the form of an ISO image and requires either a completely empty USB drive or a blank CD"18:48
carpediembabySven_vB inside it is an iso file and a PDF file with instructions. The pdf can also be found here: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/memory-and-storage/Intel_SSD_FUT_User_Guide.pdf18:49
Sven_vBwhat tool or command did you use for writing that ISO to your USB TD?18:49
Geras1 more question for now before i have to go to my other os.. How do i install otr for pidgin on ubuntu?18:50
carpediembabySven_vB I followed the same procedure as I did for creating the BIOS USB described here: https://tojaj.com/lenovo-biosuefi-update-from-usb-stick-i-e-without-bootable-cd/ replacing the iso of BIOS with the iso for SSD firmware18:50
Sven_vBok so they use dd if=iso of=disk18:51
Sven_vBI'd rather use /dev/disk/by-id/usb-… for such. it's much harder to mistype an entire manufacturer and model name, than to mistype the one character after /dev/sd. ;)18:52
carpediembabySven_vB I can try that format if you want, but I don't know how to find the id. Also, is there a way to test if a USB disk is bootable, other than booting with it?18:53
Sven_vBso it seems the set of boot methods provided by their ISO does not overlap with the boot methods supported by your BIOS. you could try supergrub to fill that gap. if you want that route, come to #sgrub because the easy (but new and mostly undocumented) procedure needs more off-topic explanation.18:54
Sven_vBI don't know other ways. with supergrub there was a bug where it wouldn't boot on some kinds of hardware even though it did in a virtual machine, so there will always be edge cases where you have to test for real.18:56
b247euHi there, anyone of you using or used restic backup utility?19:02
tomreyncertainly someone did, but that's not what you really wanted to know, right?19:04
b247eu@tomreyn, Is there a way to see/identify in the restic backup log the list of new or modified files added to the repo?19:04
tomreyni can't answer this from memory, but it's good that you asked your actual question. :)19:05
ioriab247eu, my contribute : "Restic supports incremental backup. If you backup the same directory as you backed up before, only the changes should be saved and a new snapshot id should be generated."19:08
b247eu@ioria, i know that, actually i want to switch from duplicity to restic due to his dedup capability and the incredible speed, my only requirement is to exclude some folders/files when doing home directory /home/myusername backup in a recurrent mode, eg every hour or so, in the restic response i can see that x files are new and x files are modified and that without doing special things on my laptop except some browsing.19:12
GerasWhats the command for ubuntu to find this etc via terminal?19:14
ioriathis etc19:14
ioriawhat's 'this etc' ?19:15
Gerasanyone knows?19:15
sneshello! i'm using the fractional-scaling feature in Wayland, and i was wondering if there was a way to tell it not to fractionally scale XWayland apps (because they get blurry fonts, but the Wayland ones are sharp)19:19
Gerasi have this file called accounts.xml file that is for pidgin.. how do I open that file and replace whats inside with something else?19:20
ioriab247eu, your issue is --exclude ?19:21
b247eu@ioria, i need to identify caches/tmp files/etc to exclude from the full ~/ backup19:22
ioriab247eu, --exclude-caches   ; https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/040_backup.html19:23
b247eu@ioria, i readthedocs :), and added --exclude-caches but it's not enough for me (eg everytime i run restic 10-20MiB of data are "adde")19:25
ioriaah, i see19:26
b247euand I suspect this is from .config folder where software may keep temporary/cached files19:26
ioriatemporary mv it19:27
b247eu@ioria, where19:27
ioriawhere yuo want19:27
b247eu@ioria, sorry, what to move? the .config folder, browser cache folder? I did't get it. I just whant to identify what this new/modified files are and exclude them from the backup19:29
ioriathe .config dir, if you think it's the culprit19:29
bostonmacosxI setup unbuntu with a home swap and root... however I'm thinking I want to setup a 4th partition for mysql databasees and my web pages nginx and such....but I've used the disk. Can I unmount and rresize home and then use the new free space to create the new parittion I need20:02
lenzeorHey there! So I want to dualboot ubuntu and windows 10.20:06
Bashing-ombostonmacosx: The method to re-partition depends on what the current partitioning scheme is. Pastebin for the channel ' sudo fdisk -lu ' .20:06
lenzeorthe recommended way of installing is still first installing windows, then ubuntu, right?20:06
akem__lenzeor, Yes.20:06
akem__lenzeor, Ubuntu will detect your Windows 10 and will create the multi boot accordingly.20:07
lenzeorakem, when I create a new partition table from the live system on the SSD I want to install both OSs on, does it also wipe any existing boot sector?20:07
lenzeorbecause I tried to install windows first, but after the installation I was thrown into grub rescue...20:08
akem__lenzeor, Well if you change the partition table, you need to update the boot sector too anyway.20:09
akem__lenzeor, That's strange.20:09
asdfghhello everyboy20:10
bostonmacosxI hadd win 10 and installed ubuntu and I had to "set" the boot to use grub and not the windows boot loader then it worked20:10
lenzeorakem__, I will now try to install Win10 again and make sure to format the SSD from the windows installer20:11
akem__lenzeor, You should try to reinstall grub from a live system, there is a Ubuntu boot system repair.20:11
lenzeorakem__, isn't it better if I completely wipe the SSD and then reinstall both OSs? Ubuntu will install grub anyway...20:12
bostonmacosxBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/cPyrtPD820:12
akem__lenzeor, If there is an issue with the partition table yes, it's better.20:14
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lenzeorakem, so I just used gparted to delete all partitions off the ssd. then used the win10 installer to format the ssd and make a new partition20:17
lenzeorwindows installation is at 64% now, so we will see how it goes20:17
asdfghguys how can i create a bootable usb with a windows 10 .iso from ubuntu ?20:18
lenzeorluckily it doesnt take as much time anymore as it used to20:18
lenzeorasdfgh, I just did that 10 minutes ago20:18
OerHeksasdfgh, fastest would be an other windows machine.20:18
lenzeori used the command line version on woeusb, nothing else worked20:18
OerHeksjups woe usb20:19
lenzeorGUI just crashed though20:19
lenzeorcommandline version worked fine20:19
OerHeksso, run to an other windows machine, 5 minutes, woe usb maybe 30 minutes :-D20:19
asdfghlenzeor, :) ehhe20:19
asdfghguys another question but, i have a doubt regarding distros based on ubuntu... mint for example, i read it is "based" on ubuntu, what does it really mean?20:20
lenzeorasdfgh, "sudo woeusb --device /path/to/your.iso /dev/sdX --target-filesystem NTFS"20:21
asdfghwhat does it "share"  with the official ubuntu?20:21
jeremybasdfgh: 90% of Mint is Ubuntu20:21
asdfghlenzeor, i try, ... UEFI Right ?20:21
OerHeksasdfgh, ask in the mint channels please20:21
asdfghjeremyb, so what does it change? tools/apps ?20:21
jeremybasdfgh: If you have used Ubuntu, Mint isn't much different20:22
lenzeorasdfgh, some of the apps and the desktop environment20:22
asdfghno no OerHeks i am using ubuntu and i want to continue using ubuntu, just curiosity20:22
asdfghlenzeor, ok20:22
jeremybasdfgh: might be better in #ubuntu-offtopic20:22
lenzeorit looks very different, most of the backend (packagemanager etc) is the same though20:22
asdfghlenzeor, bootable UEFI right ?20:22
OerHeksmint has its own issues20:22
lenzeoryes it does that20:23
jeremybasdfgh: Mint can boot UEFI with Secure Boot enabled because it uses Ubuntu grub20:23
OerHeksi think he asked about the windows iso?20:23
OerHeksmaybe it is uefi compatible, dunno20:24
asdfghyes i need windows20:24
asdfghjust curiosity about mint20:24
akemBut woeusb isn' packaged on Ubuntu is it?20:24
akemOr maybe you need ppa or something?20:25
OerHeksakem, correct, but that url gives the download20:25
Bashing-ombostonmacosx: GPT partitioning - sda7 looks to be the target to downsize - should be no problem then to make up that data partition :)20:25
akemOerHeks, Ha yes, i see it, thanks.20:26
bostonmacosxyup..I want to get the nginx web and mysql daatabbases off of the root partition20:26
bostonmacosxI just found the work around to allow mariadb to let it to use the /home partition20:27
bostonmacosxMy conf files are still on the root drive thouugh not surre what to do about thaat.20:27
lenzeorsoooo Windows still didnt install?20:28
Bashing-ombostonmacosx: Have yet to run mariadb; No ecperience here to say :(20:29
lenzeorit just boots into a black screen20:29
bostonmacosxnot aan issue I got the work around but I've been reading as you don't want stuff on your rooot partition so you can easy upgrade or replace OS20:29
lenzeorokay so I will be running the win10 installer for the third time now in hope it works20:35
B|ack0pmy wireless lan is hard blocked is there a way to unblock it?20:37
B|ack0pphy0: wireless lan softblocked: no hard blocked: yes20:37
lenzeorIs it possible to install ubuntu first and windows afterwards? or is that a major annoyance?20:38
SiamasterI'm trying to create partition /dev/sdd1 on my USB drive but I'm having problems20:38
noprotolenzeor, yes20:38
Siamastercurrently, there is only /dev/sdd20:38
noprotoB|ack0p, do you have a hardware switch for it?20:39
SiamasterI cannot delete or add a new partition to my USB using gparted. It's all greyed out20:39
lenzeorSiamaster, you can use a GUI tool like gparted or disks.20:39
SiamasterI've tried using both20:39
B|ack0pnoproto yes there is a physical switch to turn on off wifi and bluetooth20:39
B|ack0pbut it is on20:39
noprotoSiamaster, do you have any sensitive data on /dev/sdd?20:39
noprotoB|ack0p, try cycling the interface. theres some iwconfig black magic you can do too20:40
noprotoSiamaster, sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd20:40
noprotothen try using gparted20:40
noprotoonly do that if you KNOW sdd is the drive20:40
lenzeorSiamaster, you can use a GUI tool like gparted or disks. in the top menu, you will find peripheral -» create partition table20:40
noprotoyou can check by doing ls /dev/disk/by-id/20:41
lenzeorthen you can add partitions20:41
noprotoB|ack0p, ifconfig <interface> down; ifconfig <interface> up20:41
noprotowhen its down you can try iwconfig <interface> mode managed20:42
B|ack0pshould i do on terminal:20:42
noprotoquestion itc: why does the sysinfo() call return a long for the uptime? is uptime supposed to be negative in 120 years? there must be a reason20:43
B|ack0pwhat is interface?20:43
B|ack0pwhen i do ipconfig on terminal it says command not found20:43
noprotoipconfig is a windows command20:44
noprotoso thats expected20:44
noprototry running 'ip a'20:44
Siamastercool ! ip a20:45
noprotodo you see an interface that starts with 'en' or 'wl'20:45
SiamasterI'm still running that sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd command20:45
Siamasterwhat does this do?20:45
B|ack0p1: lo ..20:45
noprotoits writing a bunch of zeros to the drive20:45
B|ack0p2: enp0s25 no carrıer20:45
lenzeornoproto, anything I need to consider when I want to dualboot win10 and ubuntu? just make an empty ntfs partition for windows on the first install?20:45
B|ack0p3: wls2 broadcast. multicast..etc20:45
Siamasterwhat purpose does these zeros have?20:46
noprotolenzeor, yea thats a good idea20:46
noprotomake sure you have media for win10 and a license key20:46
noprotoSiamaster, to erase anything that might be causing an issue reading the partition table20:47
noprotoafterwords you can just go in and create a new partition table20:47
lenzeor@noproto and afterwards I will have some configuring to do to get GRUB to work, right?20:47
Siamastercool! thanks!20:47
Bashing-omSiamaster: Why pray tell- are you "zero'n out" the drive ?20:48
SiamasterIt's a USB drive I need to create partition 020:48
noprotoB|ack0p, so is wls2 your link?20:48
Siamasterso I can update my BIOS with it20:48
noprotoBashing-om, his partition table is fscked20:48
noprotoand who needs cdisks when you have dd20:49
Bashing-omnoproto: Siamaster :)20:49
B|ack0pnoproto: i am not sure20:49
noprotoB|ack0p, does wls2 say UP next to it?20:51
B|ack0pnoproto: it says DOWN20:51
noprotoyou probably dont care about enp0s25 though, thats your ethernet20:51
noprotook bring it up20:51
noprotoifconfig wls2 up20:51
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:52
B|ack0p3: wls2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 100020:52
jeremybB|ack0p: post URL from terminal for> rfkill list | nc termbin.com 999920:52
B|ack0plink/ether 18:3d:......20:52
B|ack0pjeremyb: it is on my other laptop and not connected to internet20:52
B|ack0plspci shows the wireless device as Intel Centrino Advanced N 620020:53
B|ack0pbut it s hard blocked20:53
TJ-B|ack0p: I'm following along here20:53
noprotorfkill list is a nice command20:53
jeremybB|ack0p: that is definitely a supported wifi device20:53
TJ-B|ack0p: does the PC have a wired connection so you can post logs etc. ?20:53
noprotoi mean20:54
noprotohe said it has enp0s2520:54
noprotothats an ethernet adapter20:54
B|ack0pTJ-: no ethernet connection possible at the moment20:54
B|ack0prouter is not next to me20:54
jeremybB|ack0p: tether to smart phone?20:54
B|ack0prfkill list shows20:54
B|ack0pphy0 wireless lan soft blocked: no hard blocked: yes20:55
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TJ-B|ack0p: OK, do this: "lspci -nnk -d ::280" tell is the vendor:device ID at the end of the first line ( [VVVV:DDDD] ) and which kernel driver is in use20:55
jeremybB|ack0p: what make/model computer?20:55
SiamasterDoes the command finish? I see I can already create a new partition with gparted20:55
B|ack0pjeremyb: thinkpad x6120:55
noprotoSiamaster, yep20:56
noprotohow big is the disk?20:56
Siamaster16 GB20:56
noprotoyea it wont take much longer20:56
B|ack0pTJ-: 8086:423920:56
TJ-B|ack0p: Am I correct that this same mini-PCIe wireless card works in the other mini-PCIe slot (It's currently in the WWAN slot though)20:56
noprotoif you want to go ahead and make the partition you can though20:56
Siamasterok ty!20:56
noprotojust ^C and format the drive through gparted20:56
B|ack0pTJ-: before i switched it was working yes20:56
jeremybB|ack0p: if the wifi switch doesn't change the hard block, you might need to tape a pin on the wifi card20:57
Bashing-omSiamaster: see ' man dd ' for directions on how to see the progress of "dd".20:57
Siamasterok. Will do that. ty20:57
B|ack0pjeremyb: as TJ- mentioned above i tested something20:57
B|ack0plaptop has 2 pcie slots20:57
noprotoSiamaster, that's kill -USR1 `pidof dd`20:57
noprotoif you dont want to go through the manpages20:57
B|ack0pwifi card was on 1st slot as default then i plugged the wifi card in 2nd pcie slot which made for wwan slot i guess20:58
TJ-B|ack0p: I'm wondering if the RFKILL signal aren't being brought out to the WWAN slot... in theory they should be to order the cellular modem radio to be disabled20:58
B|ack0pTJ-: i did sudo rfkill unblock all and didnt work20:58
SiamasterThanks for the help!20:58
noprotoits not soft blocked20:58
noprotoSiamaster, np man20:58
TJ-B|ack0p: it isn't expected to - software only controls Soft block, Hardare controls Hard block20:59
B|ack0pi see20:59
B|ack0pwhat could block it?20:59
noprotoso either its a driver problem or you pressed the button to disable it20:59
B|ack0pi didnt disable anything20:59
jeremybB|ack0p: hard block is a signal from BIOS in most cases20:59
noprotoyou can try pressing the button again and running rfkill list20:59
noprotojust to eliminate that possibility21:00
B|ack0phmm maybe i did something on bios21:00
B|ack0pif there is someone familiar with thinkpads i installed Middleton bios before21:00
B|ack0pand when i disassembled laptop i removed cmos battery for 1-2 mins21:01
B|ack0pmaybe it resetted something21:01
TJ-B|ack0p: long shot but... reboot it into the BIOS Setup, see if there's an option to enable/disable the WWAN slot (often is to save on power)21:02
B|ack0pTJ-: i already checked that WWAN is enabled21:02
noprotoso anyone able to answer why uptime is allowed to be negative?21:02
TJ-B|ack0p: quote: "On models with multiple MiniPCI (express) slots, the BIOS checks only the “WiFi-slot” for unauthorized WiFi cards. A neighboring WWAN slot is allowed to hold such a card. But there might be a catch: the WWAN slot’s “disable radio” signal could be active, so that the card will refuse from using the radio. The operating system can see this condition: on Linux it is reported as “hard21:03
TJ-blocked” by rfkill. (This actually depends on the driver: “b43” does notice that the card refuses to switch it’s radio on and reports it via the rfkill interface.)  "21:03
TJ-B|ack0p: see http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problem_with_unauthorized_MiniPCI_network_card#Use_another_MiniPCI_.28express.29_slot21:03
B|ack0pTJ-: thx21:04
jeremybB|ack0p: see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzAKcmlaH1M  a piece of tape can block the rfkill21:07
TJ-B|ack0p: also later in the "Problem with WifFi LED" section, "the MiniPCI standard leaves the implementation of the LED signals available on the MiniPCI connector to the card vendors. Therefore some newer WiFi cards use one of the signals originally meant for LEDs to implement the "radio kill" switch input."21:07
B|ack0pjeremyb: usually i should get a warning before booting to OS about unauthorised network card but i didnt get any warninng. i can still boot to OS21:07
B|ack0pTJ-: wifi LED is off now21:09
jeremybB|ack0p: you can still use any supported USB wifi device21:10
jeremybBut I would try the piece of tape on the internal wifi unless you want to buy an internal card certified for use on that model21:12
B|ack0pjeremyb: thx i better plug it to default pcie slot instead of wwan21:12
jeremybB|ack0p: will it even allow you to boot then?21:13
B|ack0pjeremyb: it was working before so why not21:14
B|ack0pi plugged same card to different slot that s why i am having this problem i think21:14
jeremybB|ack0p: I have a Lenovo with the BIOS whitelist on wifi, unsupported wifi card means no boot21:14
B|ack0pthere are 2 pcie slots21:14
B|ack0pjeremyb: i can boot now just wifi doesnt work21:15
B|ack0pi unblocked whitelist with Middleton BIOS21:15
B|ack0pbut i didnt know wwan slot wont work21:15
B|ack0pjeremyb: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Middleton%27s_BIOS21:15
Sven_vBif anyone else has the same Intel Firmware update problem as carpediembaby earlier: the website and docs were lying. the .iso file did not contain an ISO image, but instead a disk image with MBR+GPT and an EFI System Partition.21:16
B|ack0pjeremyb: come to ##ibmthinkpad21:18
Sven_vBalbeit in my hex editor it looks very much like an ISO image. even stranger.21:19
TJ-Sven_vB: so there's no El-Torito boot images?21:31
Sven_vBTJ-, not sure what that is.21:35
TJ-Sven_vB: it's the means by which an ISO-9660 image is made bootable21:35
Sven_vBTJ-, that might be. or just carpe's firmware has a bug and SGD has a bug and I trusted the "file" tool too much.21:36
TJ-Hybrid images are clever in that they map boot code into an El-torito boot image rather than duplicate it21:36
TJ-Sven_vB: do you have a link to the file I can use?21:36
Sven_vBTJ-, just the page two clicks before that, https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/2874921:38
Sven_vBTJ-, we extracted the ESP though and carpe currently tries to boot that directly21:38
Sven_vBin other news: can you help me debug my initrd so it mounts my ubuntu xenial partition from LUKS LVM? I copied some of the lvm programs onto my initramfs, so I can now see LV loki_ubuntu in VG loki_vg, from which I conclude that "cryptsetup luksOpen" had succeeded. in a live session, at this point /dev/mapper/loki_vg-loki_ubuntu would have appeared, so I can mount it on /target and chroot into it. but in the initramfs shell, the mapper21:39
Sven_vBdevices do not appear. any ideas? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/57605d3e21:39
doug16ka bootable EFI CD will have a FAT disk image as the boot program. i.e. that file that would have been loaded to 0x7C00 in legacy boot is a FAT partition on EFI el torito boot21:48
doug16kI have written a kernel with bootloader that works on disks and CD for both legacy and EFI21:49
TJ-Sven_vB: looks like a regular hybrid ISO image to me21:51
jeremybdoug16k: Are kernel changes needed?  My HDD will boot UEFI and legacy21:51
doug16kit is kernel implementation dependent but there is no need for a special kernel in general21:52
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doug16kthe bootloader should set things up roughly the same before starting the kernel. the loader needs to load enough of the kernel for it to bootstrap itself, and typically needs to load in an initial ramdisk somewhere. both legacy and efi bootloader would set those up and jump into kernel21:53
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TJ-Sven_vB: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5v5jdYfF3w/21:54
deegoIt seems hard to purge sensible-utils, as that will purge half the distro. Is there a way to make sensible-editor respect $EDITOR where i used to append options? Or, can sensible-editor allow one to append options such as --color=no whene selecting emacs?21:54
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks! maybe that will help debug SGD then.21:54
deegooh, heh, i figured it out: let it pick emacs, then just append the options in ~/.selected-editor21:56
doug16ksee here, it describes how EFI boot uses the boot file to hold the EFI boot partition image -> page 666 of https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/UEFI_Spec_2_7.pdf22:01
Sven_vBno-one any idea about my LVM? where else could I ask?22:06
jeremybSven_vB: ubuntuforums.org, askubuntu.com, linux.org22:08
Sven_vBthanks, yeah, maybe I should consider forums as well.22:09
TJ-Sven_vB: is loki_pv the cryptsetup DM name?22:17
Sven_vBnot sure what "DM" is here, I'll go read the man page22:18
TJ-Sven_vB: in which case, assuming lvm is installed in the initrd, you need to do "lvm vgchange -ay" to active the VG and LVs within it. DM == Device-Mapper22:18
TJ-Sven_vB: ^^^ this should usually happen automatically due to lvm's udev rules and initramfs-tools scripts copied into the initrd when the initrd is built22:19
Sven_vBI gues yes, at least man cryptsetup says "sets up a mapping <name> after successful verification of the supplied key". I'll try and find those udev rules and copy them onto my initramfs.22:20
Sven_vBTJ-, anyway, activating it helped. thanks a lot!22:25
bostonmacosxany reason to try to move etc files off of the root partition?22:33
Sven_vByeah, if you run out of disk space there. or want to use a versioning file system for etc but not most other stuff.22:34
Sven_vBor as an improvised "solution" to making your configs persist reinstalls.22:35
leftyfbthose would be very specific use-cases22:38
Sven_vBthe kernel panic was because I forgot to mount the root device.22:38
leftyfbnot something the typical person should be doing22:38
Sven_vBbostonmacosx, yeah, not "any reason" is a "good reason"22:39
bostonmacosxSven_vB: so how the hell do I do that?22:39
meygerjosubuntu noob here. why does `printenv MANPATH` give no output?22:39
Sven_vBhahahah, *now* systemd tries to mount the disks from crypttab… yeah.22:40
Sven_vBmeygerjos, probably that var is not set currently.22:41
Sven_vBmeygerjos, try "printenv USER" for compariosn22:41
meygerjosSven_vB, `printenv USER` works fine, it says the name of the user22:43
meygerjosWhat do you mean that var is not set?  Do you mean the /var directory?22:44
Sven_vBmeygerjos, nope, in this case with "var" I meant "environment variable".22:45
meygerjosbut man works fine, how is that possible without #MANBASH?22:46
Sven_vBshould I umount auxiliary devices at the end of my initramfs script, albeit systemd will probably mount them later anyway?22:46
OerHeksmaybe it is $MANPATH from /etc/manpath.config22:47
Sven_vBmeygerjos, env vars are one of many methods to configure a program. in this case, man probably has a default value that works for you.22:48
meygerjosoops i mean $MANPATH22:48
meygerjosi see22:48
meygerjosthanks OerHeks that's it!22:55
meygerjosi think you're supposed to interact with it through the manpath command22:56
meygerjosWhy does `manpath` return `/usr/local/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man23:21
meygerjosThe only one of these directories which is inhabited is /usr/share/man.  What are the others for?23:22
OerHeks /usr/local/man Man pages associated with locally installed programs ## and /usr/share/man Manual pages go here in subdirectories according to the  page sections.23:29
OerHeksthen /usr/local/share/man would be 'Local application data that can be shared among different architectures of the same OS.23:31
OerHeksand that is where i often find conflicting manpages when adding an archtecture23:32

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