
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
didrocksgood morning06:28
jibelSalut didrocks06:47
didrockssalut jibel06:48
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:51
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:23
didrocksclobrano: hey! It seems you didn't merge the new themes in master (nor changelog update), is it planned today so that we can push to eoan?07:24
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:24
* didrocks switches intellihide on again, let's see :)07:25
clobranohey everyone 0/07:26
clobranodidrocks, sure, doing it now07:27
didrocksthanks ;)07:27
oSoMoNhey clobrano07:28
clobranodidrocks, changelog updated too in the same branch07:29
seb128gooood morning desktopers07:29
seb128lut didrocks oSoMoN, bien rentrés ?07:29
clobranomornin oSoMoN, seb12807:29
seb128hey clobrano, how are you?07:29
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:29
oSoMoNbien rentré, et toi?07:29
didrocksseb128: ça va, sans problème particulier, et toi ? :)07:30
clobranovery well, seb128, yourself? Had a nice we?07:30
didrocksclobrano: tell me once merged in master07:30
seb128pareil, train à l'heure, ras :)07:30
seb128clobrano, yeah, w.e was good, though I was very tired on saturday, those team weeks are exausting, busy days and nice evening but which end up with have too more drink and one not enough sleep hour ;-)07:31
WimpressMorning o/07:31
seb128hey Wimpress! made it back without issue?07:31
seb128have one too more drink*07:32
WimpressMade it back. Brought Canoniflu with me 😔07:32
seb128I've been on an ongoing small cold since GUADEC, this week didn't help07:32
seb128also my stomach was a bit unhappy on saturday :/07:32
WimpressSorry to hear that.07:32
seb128I'm better so that's fine :)07:33
seb128I hope you get over the ubuflyu in not too long07:34
marcustomlinsonmorning didrocks jibel oSoMoN clobrano seb128 Wimpress07:37
didrockshey marcustomlinson07:37
didrocksmorning Wimpress07:37
jibelbonjour marcustomlinson07:38
seb128lut jibel07:38
seb128hey marcustomlinson07:38
jibelsalut seb12807:40
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson07:47
marcustomlinsonjibel: so I'm learning that finding Calvados Coquerel XO is not that easy here :( but I will prevail!07:48
jibelmarcustomlinson, I can always send you a couple of bottles07:52
jibelor crates ;)07:52
marcustomlinsonjibel: :D07:52
marcustomlinsonmorning willcooke07:56
willcookemorning marcustomlinson07:57
clobranodidrocks, merged!07:58
willcookeand Happy Autumn Equinox!07:58
didrocksclobrano: great, thanks! Will give a last round of testing and upload07:58
clobranodidrocks, 👍07:59
clobranohope everything's find :D08:00
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke08:00
willcookehi oSoMoN08:02
willcookenice one clobrano didrocks08:02
didrocksclobrano: gbp.conf was wrong, but fixed :)08:03
seb128hey willcooke, had a good return & w.e?08:03
willcookehey seb128, yeah all fine.  Was about an hour delayed leaving CDG (which was kinda OK otherwise I might have been a bit too late getting to the airport)08:04
seb128you still managed to get a train then in London?08:04
didrocksclobrano: some tip: gbp buildpackage -> you can see the lintian warnings (quite a lot due to manual editing of debian/changelog) ;) Fixing them, no worry08:05
tjaaltonseb128: could you chime in on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/184413208:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1844132 in mesa (Ubuntu Eoan) "FFe: Mesa 19.2.0" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:06
* didrocks logs out/in again08:07
clobranodidrocks, nice! I did't know gbp buildpackage. I'll add it to my notes 👍08:07
seb128tjaalton, I can comment but it looks like you didn't get pushback so that's probably not what you need/want?08:07
seb128tjaalton, I'm not in the release-team so can't +108:07
seb128Laney is off today, maybe try on #ubuntu-release?08:07
clobranothanks willcooke  :)08:08
tjaaltonseb128: right, but I recall getting a "desktop team +1" earlier :)08:08
willcookeseb128, I flew back to Luton and avoided all that business08:08
didrocksTrevinho: hey, btw, no crash so far with intellihide, should be fixed! Great :)08:08
seb128tjaalton, it would be useful to state in the bug some reason why we want the update, better performances/newer hardware support/..., not easy to give a +1 without context08:09
seb128willcooke, ah, nice :)08:09
tjaaltonseb128: added a note about ice lake08:10
tjaaltonwe've usually had the 1st/3rd release of the year08:11
seb128yeah, I know08:11
tjaaltonthis one is a bit late but should mean .0 is more stable08:11
seb128I think it's mostly a formaly from the r-t to give the ack08:11
tjaaltonsure, I'll wait08:12
tjaaltonbtw, how to get more packages on xorg.html list?08:13
seb128didrocks, Trevinho showed again that Italians take their time but get the job done :-)08:13
Trevinhodidrocks: cool 😊08:13
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you? enjoying Paris still?08:14
Trevinhomorning all!08:14
Trevinhoyeah, working from here today then tomorrow head back home08:14
didrocksseb128: yep ;)08:15
seb128tjaalton, on the versions page? give me the list of packages you want and I add them, the sources defintion include an optional tag08:15
seb128Trevinho, can you do a landing for https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/unity/+git/unity/+merge/372173 ?08:15
seb128Trevinho, I did land the other components but I didn't know if you had some other changes pending or whatever for unity08:15
tjaaltonseb128: okay08:16
seb128tjaalton, thx08:16
Trevinhoseb128: ok08:16
seb128Trevinho, thx!08:16
tjaaltonseb128: intel-gmmlib, intel-media-driver, intel-compute-runtime for a start08:20
seb128tjaalton, k08:21
willcookepopey, I think I might have just hit that gnome shell lock up you were talking about.  I think it might be related to something doing an apt update in the background, and the polkit auth not being displayed08:45
popeyhuh, interesting.08:46
popeyI don't think mine was polkit related08:46
popeyI think snap refresh triggers it, but I have "snap login" so I don't have to get the polkit dialog08:46
seb128willcooke, popey, I'm not sure what you are talking about but if you can reproduce please open a bug with the journal log (best to ubuntu-bug report against gnome-shell, the hook does that for you)08:46
seb128also having a gdb backtrace would be useful08:47
seb128if keyboard is locked the usual way is to ssh in08:47
willcookeseb128, sure, will try and work out how to reproduce my one.  popey yours could still be different08:47
popeyI have crash dumps going to errors.ubuntu.com, but unlike Unity, I no longer have a link in settings to get to my crashers on the website08:47
popeyi guess i could look at the source for unity settings to find how it makes the url08:48
seb128popey, $ x-www-browser 'http://errors.ubuntu.com/user/'$(printf $(sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) | sha512sum)08:50
willcookeI've pinged the two remaining wallpaper people again and said that if they dont send them to me before tomorrow morning, then its too late08:53
=== pesari_ is now known as pesari
popeythanks seb128 - it says no crashes uploaded, which is odd. So I triggered whoopsie-upload-all and that crashes :S09:18
popeywill see if I can get a crasher today.09:19
didrocksclobrano: all good and released/uploaded.09:28
didrockswillcooke: FYI ^09:28
willcookedidrocks, \m/ thanks!09:28
* willcooke upgrades09:28
didrockswillcooke: well, wait for it to build/publish :p09:29
willcookewait?!?!  Bah09:29
* willcooke finishes expenses09:29
clobranodidrocks, uhuh!09:35
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128jbicha, hey, did you plan to merge anjuta? (looks like it's mostly a change to revert the vala version back)10:59
jbichamaybe, you can do it first if you like. I guess we should do a ~ version (maybe ~build1) so it will still be syncable next cycle11:04
jbichasame for gnome-builder11:05
seb128yeah probably11:08
seb128jbicha, in fact I don't understand https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/anjuta/commit/d2e0d5d4 , what's the point of forcing a newer version of vala when the upstream code builds fine with older versions?11:38
jbichaseb128: it didn't work anyway:11:44
jbichachecking if vala support is disabled... no11:45
jbichachecking if libvala is available... no11:45
jbichatalk to you later11:45
seb128thx, ttyl!11:45
willcooketjaalton, (seb128)  I'm running that PPA and I just had an xwayland crash seemingly from nowhere.  Related?  bug #184500112:40
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1845001 could not be found12:40
willcookeI'll just make that public....12:40
seb128willcooke, can you mark the ..12:40
willcookedamn it launchpad, stop timing out12:41
tjaaltonwillcooke: I've been running it with xorg for a week without issues12:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1845001 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xwayland crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Undecided,New]12:44
willcookethere we go12:44
willcookeI'll try and recreate12:44
seb128willcooke,  CurrentDesktop: GNOME-Greeter:GNOME12:45
seb128so yes, was the greeter12:45
seb128let's wait for a retracing (and brb, changing location)12:47
tjaaltonseems to be duped now13:02
willcookeah yeah, so could be a GNOME Shell crash triggering it13:03
willcookeI cant reproduce anyway, still trying13:07
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
seb128willcooke, release bug post?15:02
willcookeseb128, man, that totally escaped me... thanks15:03
willcookeet voila15:06
seb128thx :)15:06
ginggstseliot: hi! do you have plans to update nvidia-settings in bionic? or should I open a bug?15:29
popeycorewillcooke: seb128: finally managed to trigger it again. Desktop locked up while running snapcraft with lxd15:44
willcookepopeycore, are you able to ssh in?15:45
popeycorei am15:45
willcookeanything interesting in the logs?15:45
* popeycore rummages15:45
popeycoremaybe https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/txsGG5dTQw15:47
popeycoreline 593 maybe?15:49
popeycorebetween there and 711 which is where I ssh'ed in15:49
popeycorethis feels like the kind of thing that would happen when a new device appears, like removable media15:50
popeycoreand the dock freaking out. given i've triggered this before with snap refesh, which causes mounts to appear/disappear15:50
tseliotginggs: maybe it should be part of this SRU? LP: #184412615:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1844126 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-435 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Update NVIDIA the 430 series and introduce the 435 series" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184412615:52
ograpopeycore, willcooke ... probably a datapoint ... since i'm still running unity on all my desktops ... when i get an lxd update a new device shows up in the launcher until i reboot ... that goes as far as having the launcher completely fulled with disk icons when i dont reboot for several weeks and lxd gets updated regulary15:53
ograso lxd seems to trigger something that makes the system think there is a new disk ... no other snap does that over here15:53
willcookeinteresting, thanks ogra15:55
ograi reported that to stephane a while back but in the light that unity got dropped both of us didnt really follow up on it15:55
ginggstseliot: thanks, I'll add a comment there15:55
willcookeI think it could be related to the fix that T_revinho did on Friday afternoon then, that was to fix issues with the dock changing15:56
willcookepopeycore, lemme see where that fix is, I don't think it's in the distro yet...15:56
willcookeif it isn't lets try that first15:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1845017 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Desktop hard lockup in 19.10" [Undecided,New]15:56
willcookethanks for the bug15:56
popeycoreogra: useful! thanks.15:57
popeycoredoing an update i have no shell or dock changes15:58
popeycoreonly yaru and other bits and bobs15:58
willcookelooks like I had a new mutter this morning15:59
popeycoreif we think lxd might be a suspect, i can try rebooting then just refreshing the lxd snap between channels and see if that triggers with no apps open15:59
* popeycore reboots it15:59
ginggstseliot: btw, I have G-SYNC working with the 430 driver in Bionic, after backporting nvidia-settings from Disco16:00
popeycoreginggs: nice!16:00
ginggsactually this is G-SYNC with a Dell FreeSync monitor, just needed to use a DisplayPort cable instead of HDMI16:02
tseliotginggs: oh, that's cool16:03
popeycorehm, that didn't trigger it16:04
willcookebon nuit17:40
Smaughey all.  anyone have experience installing Ubuntu  (16 or 18) on a Lenovo Thinkpad P1 (gen 2)?  I am considering getting such a laptop, but want it to work with ubuntu of course :)19:12
Smaugthe internet does not seem to have a lot of answers19:13
tomreynSmaug: see /topic - this is a development channel20:47
Smaugtomreyn: ty20:57

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