
jrwreni wonder what he means by mixing state and configuration. What is configuration if not state?14:22
cmaloneyI don't like his assertion about immutable etc14:55
cmaloneyetc is configuration. It's the literal embodiment of configuration14:56
jrwreni agree.14:56
jrwrenhow is that different than state?14:56
cmaloneyI'm going ot have to look at this later, because I don't think he's solving what he thinks he's solving14:58
jrwreni think he is, but I think he is accepting a whole great number of additional constraints which he isn't talking about.14:59
cmaloneyI just watched the first 5 minutes and my head tilted about 30 degrees14:59
cmaloneyI don't want it to come off15:00
jrwrenI hope he studies otehr systems /etc/passwd replacements like digital unix TCB ;)15:00
cmaloneyYes, becausse we're all clamoring for THAT.15:01
cmaloneyor ndis15:01
cmaloneyI look forward to lppasswd. ;)15:01
jrwrenugh... 21min in his "solution" to ssh logins, isn't a solution at all. it is a work around. I really wish he would state what problem he is solving. Thankfully, distros wont adopt this... i hope.15:12
brouschI think of the difference as configuration is what it is supposed to be, and state is how it really is15:25
brouschOr initial configuration compared to state while running15:26
cmaloneyI wish folks would stop with the idea that /etc is read-only15:27
jrwrenthe QA starts to make more sense.15:27
cmaloneyThat seems like the first stumbling block15:27
greg-ghello from Portland16:50
jrwrenIs it weird?16:55
jrwrenIs it true that the dream of the 90s is still alive there?16:55
greg-gyes and yes17:03
greg-ga guy with a long coat, black cane with a silver animal head, top hat, and glasses was on the light rail on my way in from the airport17:03
greg-gI watched an old pearl jam live performance of Alive last night to help keep it alive (see what I did there?)17:05
cmaloneywill you be doing this all week? :)17:08
* cmaloney wants to plan ahead.17:08
greg-glistening to pearl jam? probably :P17:08
cmaloney /ignore greg-g17:08
jrwrensince we talked about RO /etc... https://media.ccc.de/v/ASG2019-119-atomic-updates-and-configuration-files-in-etc19:48

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