=== juergh_ is now known as juergh [13:35] rharper: powersj Good morning guys. I just arrived in Seattle yesterday. I would be free for a coffee or any social event of the kind :) [13:36] otubo: i arrive tonight [14:50] otubo: great! I'm flying in tonight [16:22] * rharper glares at pylint tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_growpart.py:134: [E1101(no-member), TestConfig.test_handle_with_no_growpart_entry] Instance of 'AbstractContextManager' has no 'enter_context' member [16:55] rharper: I've pushed softlayer SRU for review https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/55 [16:55] ij [16:55] ok [16:55] I put up the OpenStack one [16:55] let me put up GCE too [16:55] reviewing thx [16:55] https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/54 [16:56] I've attached ec2, lxd/kvm ,azure results to sru bug [16:56] https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/56 [16:57] blackboxsw: I've sorted the MAAS QA jobs; bionic running, almost done, will queue the rest today as well [17:01] thx rharper, I'm only trying to re-activate my oracle account so I can test the upgrade path there too. CDO QA if giving a run on their infrastructure [17:01] so should be able to check the boxes [17:11] ok gce and openstack SRU validation merged. I'm attaching them to the SRU bug [17:12] I got "FAILED: Unit & Style Tests" on my pull reuquest[0], but the jenkins link is timing out [1]. I'm unable to see the problem on the style of code to fix it without the jenkins report [17:12] [0] https://code.launchpad.net/~otubo/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/372981 [17:12] [1] https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/1166/ [17:12] otubo: checking that now. it's stuck behind the firewall [17:12] sorry about that. we're trying to move to something public [17:13] blackboxsw: no problem, thanks for checking that :) [17:17] otubo: looks like [17:17] cloudinit/ssh_util.py:226:80: E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters) [17:17] cloudinit/ssh_util.py:235:80: E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters) [17:17] tox -e pycodestyle should show that set of errors to you [17:17] or just generally run 'tox' and it should cycle through most of the tests run by ci [17:18] blackboxsw: ah! good to know [17:22] rharper: ok softlayer, gce, openstack all attached the the SRU bug. so we'll work on the remaining MAAS, oracle and cdo qa verification. [17:42] blackboxsw: still regarding my pull request, on line 70, it means all the keys will be stores on auth_key_fns[0] which should be always %h/.ssh/authorized_keys, but if the configuration is switched like "AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/userkeys/%u .ssh/authorized_keys" then it breaks. [17:43] I guess the keys should be always be stored on %h/.ssh/authorized_keys, right? [17:46] nah, never mind, just ignore it [17:59] I'm trying to suss out how /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/80-smartos.cfg is generated in the Ubuntu certified image. Per a SmartOS user, it would be very handy if cloud_final_modules included package-update-upgrade-install. [17:59] https://smartos.topicbox.com/groups/smartos-discuss/T7d92768361787248-Mec61af626a11795ac0831d34 [18:03] FWIW, the complete file is: https://paste.ec/paste/poJLHkJD#hWAYwiZsNpbVT76bDWN9CsfHxYyPPx6EVC9RII4vR10 [18:17] mgerdts: if you want to file a bug against cloud-images with the details, I think that should get it to the right folks who can look at that https://launchpad.net/cloud-images/+filebug [18:18] thanks rharper [21:08] Does cloud-init provide any value in a bare metal pxe boot world?