[14:57] Eickmeyer: I don't know if you watch the mailing lists or not, but it may be a good deal to switch the upstream for a2jmidid to https://github.com/linuxaudio/a2jmidid [15:00] There has been a new release there. In particular it has been ported to python3 [17:12] OvenWerks: Ok, well, we can do that for 20.04. I can get on packaging that. [17:12] Probably not today, but I can do that relatively soon. [17:42] yeah at this point you're too late in the cycle to switch ;) [17:42] so you have to wait for 20.04 [17:46] @teward001 Obviously. [17:46] But, yeah. Could even bug Ross to get it in Debian and then sync. [17:55] I'll be out for a few hours. [22:03] Eickmeyer, teward: changing a2jmidid is not urgent, merely so as to be done before python2 goes away. The original upstream it seems has gone away and the new one has taken over/forked it so as to keep it from dying. [22:04] OvenWerks: Then it needs to happen during the next cycle. Python2 is going away prior to 20.04's release. [22:04] It's already being actively removed from Debian. [22:04] so if we want to keep it (until the same code finally gets wrapped into jackd2) we need to use the new upstream [22:04] Agreed. [22:11] Heres a question... [22:12] Its a fork but does it officially replace it? If jot then perhaps it should be considered the ‘next gen’ version with a separate package name.