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didrocksgood morning06:10
jibelHi everyone06:10
didrockssalut jibel06:12
jibelBonjour didrocks06:22
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:23
pieqSalut tout le monde !06:23
pieqjibel, is 19.10 beta out yet? Is it the same image as in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/406/builds ?06:24
didrockshey oSoMoN, salut pieq06:24
jibelpieq, yeah but it's broken, we need a new gnome-shell06:42
jibelpieq, bonjour :)06:42
pieqjibel, so should we wait to start testing?06:43
jibelpieq, actually latest image with the fix of ubiquity seems to be working so you can start testing.06:47
jibelpieq, it's build 20190926 on the tracker06:47
jibel(id 406)06:47
oSoMoNsalut pieq, didrocks, jibel06:50
pieqjibel, merci ! downloading now06:51
dupondjeAny idea's why a Qt software (keepassxc) resolution is broken on a HiDPi screen since 2-3 days (not many updates last days)06:56
pieqdupondje, on what version of Ubuntu?06:56
pieqand what version of keepassxc?06:56
dupondjeOn Wayland btw, if that matters06:57
pieqdupondje, that's a lot of new software there :)06:58
pieqand Eoan is not even released yet, so it's moving a lot I assume06:58
dupondjeits not moving that much anymore :)06:59
dupondjeQT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 keepassxc07:01
dupondjefixes it btw. weird07:01
dupondjeaha found the cause :) nvm07:04
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pieqdupondje, what was it?07:09
dupondjepieq: I had export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 in my .profile, but some script created .bash_profile 2 days ago... which causes .profile not to be rread07:12
dupondjeah well :)07:12
pieqwhoo, kernel panic on latest Eoan image07:15
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers07:26
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson07:27
didrockshey marcustomlinson07:29
seb128gooood morning desktopers07:31
didrockssalut seb12807:31
marcustomlinsonhey seb12807:31
seb128lut didrocks, hey marcustomlinson, how are you today?07:32
marcustomlinsongood thanks, it's friday :)07:32
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:33
didrocksseb128: I'm fine, yourself?07:33
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?07:34
seb128didrocks, I'm good, as marcustomlinson said it's sort of friday for me too :)07:34
oSoMoNla nuit fut courte, mais ça va plutôt bien07:35
seb128short night, long day, right? good luck!07:35
oSoMoNnah, days are always too short07:36
seb128they can also feel long when you lack sleep, but yeah07:37
oSoMoNI'm not feeling so badly sleep-deprived, fortunately07:38
seb128hey willcooke, how are you?07:53
willcookehey seb128, feeling good that Trevinho found that lock up bug :)07:53
willcookegood work!07:53
seb128he's the man!07:53
seb128he and Laney rocked the fixes this week07:53
willcooke\m/  what a team07:54
didrockshey willcooke07:54
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke07:54
oSoMoNI second this, great work by Trevinho and Laney07:55
oSoMoNchrisccoulson, thanks for publishing the firefox update!08:00
oSoMoNand a reminder that the chromium-browser update for xenial and bionic is ready for publication08:00
oSoMoNhi Laney08:01
Laneyhey oSoMoN08:09
Laneyyou well?08:09
oSoMoNyeah, all good on this side of the Pyrenees08:09
seb128hey Laney, how is it going?08:09
Laneyhey seb128, you good too?08:10
Laneynice here, it is kind of sunny today for a change :>08:10
seb128Laney, I'm good :-)08:10
seb128still raining here, going to be that way for a while apparently...08:11
seb128Laney, thx for ubiquity & gdm fixes you worked on this week, with the Trevinho fixes it feels like you are on top of the issues mostly atm :)08:12
Laneyit's been a good one for fixing bugs that we introduced ;-)08:14
LaneyI asked for ftp access to the gnome server, going to have to make upstream releases for gdm and stuff08:14
seb128ah, nice08:15
seb128halfline is on paternity leave I think (if I remember correctly what I read on IRC some days ago)08:15
Laneyso we sort of take over his stuff08:16
seb128(changing location, brb)08:19
seb128oSoMoN, what's the issue with the jsunit tests? it's not listed red on anything on update_excuses08:53
seb128why do we need to retry them?08:54
oSoMoNseb128, only the enigmail tests, not the jsunit ones08:56
oSoMoNbut the trigger for the retry needs to be jsunit08:56
seb128oh, right, I read that the wrong way for some reason, sorry08:57
seb128oSoMoN, should that automatically happen as a reaction of the new version upload though?08:58
seb128ah, but the new jsunit is only in proposed08:59
seb128ignore that, doing the trigger :p08:59
seb128done now08:59
* Laney nods Trevinho 09:36
TrevinhoLaney: hhhhheeeeyy09:38
Laneywhat is up09:39
TrevinhoLaney: good, happy to be able to find the cause for the lockup... thanks to your broken setup :-).09:42
Trevinhoon that, do we have time to prepare salsa + ubuntu?09:42
TrevinhoI quickly did a ppa but I can shape if we want in now09:42
Laneynot for the beta I don't think09:43
Laneythe iso works anyway, can wait for first reviews09:43
Laneygood work on that09:44
Trevinhoyeah ir does not reliably but should mostly do. up to you guys09:45
Laneygo ping Carlos or someone ;-)09:45
oSoMoNTrevinho, I confirmed that packages in the silo fix the grab for me09:46
oSoMoN(and good morning, too!)09:46
TrevinhooSoMoN: buen día!09:47
Trevinhoand good to hear09:47
Laneylaney@nightingale> ssh iainl@master.gnome.org10:01
LaneyCreating home directory for iainl.10:01
Laneygot the elite access now10:01
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you? well done on figuring out the issue!10:17
seb128Trevinho, did you check if it also fix the 'dialog not responding' case from L_aney?10:17
TrevinhoLaney: yeah it's nice... sometimes I would like to use it for doing releases that are waiting maintainers for ages, but I never risked 😅10:19
seb128Laney, welcome in the club :-)10:20
Trevinhoseb128: nope, but hardly can be the same.10:20
seb128Trevinho, right...10:20
Laneyand it means I'm 10€ down ;-)10:27
jibelin 19.10 we removed the snap of gnome-system-monitor but in previous release the upgrader was installing the snap and removing the deb. What do we do now?10:53
jibelremove it from the list of snaps to transition and reinstall the deb is the snap is installed?10:55
Laneydoes the normal release upgrade install the .deb?10:55
Laneyit has a static list?10:56
jibelyes, and we have no way to know if the snap have been installed during an upgrade or manually and intentionally10:56
seb128if the deb and the snap are installed the deb is first in the path right?10:57
jibellet me check on a default installation10:58
Laneythe code in ubuntu-release-upgrader checks if it is tracking the stable/ubuntu-XX.YY channel10:59
Laneywhich is good enough for 'was installed automatically'10:59
Laney(at least from a quick reading of it)11:00
jibelseb128, /snap/bin is last in $PATH; so the deb should be launched first11:00
seb128ignore me, Laney's reply is more useful :)11:02
Laneywell it doesn't have support for removing snaps11:02
Laneybut I think it could do that if it was decided that is work worth doing11:03
jibelor we keep the snap, just remove the package from the list.11:03
Laneyyes of course11:03
jibelmuch simpler11:03
jibeland safe11:04
Laneyhalf arsed11:04
Laneybut sure11:04
jibelseb128, willcooke ^ WDYT ?11:04
jibelI'll file a bug anyway11:05
seb128kenvandine, ^ since you are the one who triggered the change :p11:07
seb128as long as we install the deb the users at least get the right experience11:07
seb128I don't have a strong opinion on snap clean, if we can do it without too much work that would be nice, it's probably not important enough to make it a priority though11:08
willcookeI think making the upgrader remove the snap is better, but feels too late to make that work reliably?11:08
willcookejust seems like a big change at this point11:10
willcookebut if you think its doable...11:10
Laneyfor snap in remove list: if snap installed, if snap tracking ubuntu/..., remove snap11:10
Laneydunno, might turn out to eb harder, but it doesn't *feel* like it would be to me11:10
willcookeI thought it would be harder than that :)11:10
Laneythat's basically what it is for upgrades11:11
Laneyone second11:11
seb128jibel, do you feel like having a go at doing the change to remove it?11:12
jibelplease add your conclusion to bug 184548511:14
ubot5bug 1845485 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Remove gnome-system-monitor from deb to snap transition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184548511:14
jibelseb128, yeah after beta11:14
Laneydo we have a comment in the seeds to sync that list in there btw?11:14
Laneynot sure I knew about it before now11:14
seb128jibel, thx11:14
jibelin the seed it's just snap:<package>11:15
seb128jibel, thx for fixing the emoji font in minimal btw, I think it makes sense to have those even in 'corporate' installs nowadays11:15
Laneyyeh, I was just wondering if the seed told you to update the upgrader as well11:16
Laneyand it does :>11:16
Laneymaybe every snap line should have a comment on it :p11:17
jibeland a git hook to send you a reminder when one changed a line with snap:11:18
Laneyyes, now we're thinking smart11:19
jibelwell, in a few month AI will fix it for us11:19
Laneygit hook to trigger a sentient robot to copy the text over11:20
seb128Laney, do you mind if I re-purpose your pango ffe bug as a version-blocker-ff one? (and if it's fine can you just unsubscribe release team so they don't get spammed)11:22
seb128I can open a new one if you prefer11:22
Laneyyes sure, can you give me the number so I can unsubscribe the team?11:23
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango1.0/+bug/184264311:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1842643 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "[ffe] Update to 1.44.6" [Wishlist,Won't fix]11:23
seb128excellent! :)11:23
Wimpressdidrocks jibel Is ZFS support going to feature in the beta?12:25
jibelWimpress, no, not in the beta12:28
jibelLaney, did you have time to start reviewing the MP for zfs in ubiqutiy?12:28
Wimpressjibel: Thanks. Will it make final?12:33
jibelI hope so12:47
GunnarHjHello seb128, Great that ubiquity is in shape again. :)13:00
GunnarHjBut I'm still bothered by this attempt to add a language:13:00
GunnarHjIt doesn't show up. Probably there is more into it. Do you possibly know what that would be?13:00
seb128GunnarHj, sorry but I don't, maybe check with #ubuntu-installer, or look to the /var/log/install/dm log? (there are some wsarnings there about languages iirc)13:02
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, I'll try those ways. Thanks.13:03
Laneyjibel: not yet, been fixing other things, likely to be tomorrow13:24
willcookehi kenvandine!13:32
kenvandinehey willcooke13:32
marcustomlinsonhey kenvandine, why the sigh?13:33
kenvandinethe deb to snap to deb transition issue13:33
marcustomlinsonah right13:36
GunnarHjseb128: I was wrong: "Ślůnski" does show up in Ubiquity, and I could "Try Ubuntu" with it. :)13:39
GunnarHjAs you said there are indeed a couple of complaints in /var/log/installer/debug, and AFAICT that's the usual Python complaints about certain locales. In this case it complains about bn_BD and szl_PL, and it's bug #1646260.13:39
ubot5bug 1646260 in localechooser (Ubuntu) "Locale names should always include the codeset component" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164626013:39
seb128on that note I drop offline for some hours for travelling, see you later13:42
hellsworthgood morning btw14:32
didrockshey hellsworth14:33
hellsworthhow are things didrocks?14:35
didrockshellsworth: things are going well, yourself? :)14:45
hellsworthquite good. enjoying my mornnig coffee :)14:46
hellsworthmy laptop is on 19.10. It's plugged into the power and I can tell that at least physically the power is recognized since the led next to the power port on the laptop is lit up. However, the battery icon in the top bar doesn't indicate that it's charging at all. Shouldn't there be some indication?15:26
Laneydoes upower know it is (upower -d)?15:27
hellsworthnope. it says state: discharging15:27
hellsworthi have a meeting in 3 min and i think the battery will be fine either way for the 45 min duration15:28
Laney/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status ?15:29
mgedminhellsworth: what does upower -d say about when the status was last updated?15:29
mgedminI once had a scare when upower showed me low battery for about 60 seconds right after resuming my laptop from suspend (it was plugged in while suspended and was actually charged to 100%)15:30
oSoMoNI'm calling it a day, back for more tomorrow, those of you who are out tomorrow have a great week-end!15:47
hellsworthLaney, mgedmin here's the output of upower -d16:07
hellsworthso during my hangouts meeting, the battery icon didn't change and still says 97%. so i know that it IS charging.16:08
hellsworthotherwise the percentage would have dropped16:08
hellsworthLaney, $ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status16:10
ograencrypted battery !16:21
hellswortha reboot with power plugged in, shows that the battery is at 100% and charging. if I unplug the power, the charging icon goes away and it says the battery is at 97%16:22
hellsworthplugging the power back in, shows the battery is at 100% and charging again.16:22
hellsworthrebooting without the power plugged in reproduces the situation where there is no change if you plug in the power16:23
hellsworthi'm going to file a bug16:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1845532 in upower (Ubuntu) "power icon does not indicate charging if booted without power connected" [Undecided,New]16:32
LaneyI'd say to start with the kernel if the kernel's state is not right16:35
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hellsworthLaney, I found lots of logs in journalctl that look like they could point to the root cause and attached them to the bug. Indeed many of them are kernel logs.17:16
hellsworthcan i not edit my comments in launchpad?17:37
sarnoldhellsworth: I don't think so, just the description and title. there's a 'hide' button but I've heard that it might only hide your posts from you. I've not been brave enough to click it on a 'real bug' to find out what happpens..17:46
* kenvandine just filled a warranty claim on the SSD. So annoying18:20
hellsworthsarnold, it looks like if i hide one of my comments, then that comment alone is just not displayed to others. i still see my hidden comment but it's grey'd out19:12
sarnoldhellsworth: aha! thanks for testing :D19:17
hellsworthmy pleasure! if i can't edit my comments, I want to at least be able to hide the ones that turn out to not be as helpful as I once thought it was :)19:25
hellsworthkenvandine, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/quadrapassel/merge_requests/1521:32
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 15 in quadrapassel "snap: Update yaml to use GNOME extension" [Opened]21:32
kenvandinehellsworth: needs rebasing21:38
willcookeThe new desktop beta iso is ready for testing if anyone has a mo21:51
hellsworthooh i'd like to give it a whirl21:52
willcookeace, thanks hellsworth21:52
willcookego here:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/406/builds/200088/testcases21:52
willcookedownload the ISo from the link on that page to make sure you get the right one21:53
willcookethen pick a test from the list21:53
willcookeyou can click on the test for instructions, and to see if anyone else is already doing it21:53
willcookeif you pick one, mark it as in progress, so we dont dupe too much21:53
hellsworthsounds good!21:54
hellsworthtesting in qemu is ok?21:56
hellsworthor do all of these need to be on baremetal?21:56
willcookevm is fine21:57
willcookeits good to get a mi21:57
willcookeI'd doing it on metal though21:57
hellsworthhow do you mark a line item as being in progress?22:00
willcookeclick on the test and then at the bottom should be a form to fill in22:02
willcookeits possible that we need to add you to some more groups before that will work22:02
willcookee.g. http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/406/builds/200088/testcases/1305/results22:02
willcookescroll to the bottom, what do you see22:02
hellsworthoh i see. i was able to mark one as in progress22:02
willcookeoops, alt f4 the wrong keyboard :)22:04
willcookehmmmm, either my USB stick is hosed, or something is very wrong22:15
hellsworthyeah i got a failed to boot from device22:15
hellsworthbut this is in virt-manager22:15
hellsworthi *just* setup qemu and virt-manager so i'm downloading 19.04 iso now to make sure that the vm setup is good, to be sure22:16
hellsworthno i had made a silly mistake pointing to the wrong iso. the build 200088 you pointed me to seems to boot22:19
willcookehmm, well that wasnt good either.  My session crashed22:21
sarnoldwillcooke: you missed this while you were crashing < hellsworth> no i had made a silly mistake pointing to the wrong iso. the build 200088 you pointed me to seems to boot22:21
willcookesarnold, ah!  nice one, thanks22:21
hellsworthwillcooke, i'm trying http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/406/builds/200088/testcases/1307/results but when i boot the image i am booted to the "try ubuntu" or "install ubuntu" screen. F6 does nothing if i go down either path so i feel like i'm missing something here..22:31
willcookehellsworth, ah, that's probably because you have or don't have secure boot enabled22:32
hellsworthdo i need secure boot?22:32
willcookeI think that menu will only show up in non secure boot mode22:32
willcookes'fine, let me test it on read hardware, it's probably easier22:33
hellsworthhmm ok i'll go look for another test case then22:33
hellsworthactually, i didn't realize the time. i need to go pick up my daughter from daycare. but i'll gladly pick up a test case tomorrow22:34
willcookenp, cheers hellsworth22:34
hellsworth"Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition) in Ubuntu Desktop amd64 in Eoan Daily " seems like a good one for non-secure boot vms :)22:35
willcookeyeah ,good plan22:36
hellsworthwait willcooke i'm off tomorrow (swap day)22:37
hellsworthi over volunteered myself22:37
hellsworthsorry about that22:37
willcookenp hellsworth, have a good one22:38
sarnoldwoot long weekend :D22:38
hellsworthin general though, i'm happy to test beta isos :)22:38
willcookeyou say that now22:38
hellsworthi enjoy testing. girl scouts honor :)22:39
willcookewait 'til it's the day before release at 4am22:39
hellsworthseriously though, next week i can help test the isos if you still need additional hands22:39
willcookecool, thanks22:39
hellsworthok cheers!22:39
willcookejibel, is the casper crash I just got when trying to use luks the one you mentioned earlier?22:46
* willcooke 's house echos with the sound of "screenreader on"22:55
willcookejibel, correction, the FDE does seem to work, it's "free software only" that shits the bed22:56
willcookeI give up, I can't think straight anymore.23:51
willcookeThanks for testing Wimpress23:51
willcookeI think it's good enough for beta23:51
willcookeprobably going to start late tomorrow23:51

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