
amosbirdhello, why do I get Error, was given host, but we don't know about it. when doing dput ppa:amosbird/ppa <source.changes>00:39
amosbirdwhat's pdebuild?00:50
sarnold pdebuild is a wrapper for Debian Developers, to allow running00:51
sarnold pbuilder just like "debuild", as a normal user.00:51
sarnoldfrom apt-cache show pbuilder00:51
Unit193So, you'd run `pdebuild` in the packaging dir rather than dpkg-buildpackage -sa -S -d -tc && sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc00:59
amosbirdok, what's debuild?01:10
amosbirdis it better than pdebuild?01:10
sarnolddebuild does a build just "on your machine", with whatever packages you've got installed01:11
sarnoldpdebuild uses pbuilder to give some reproducable build, similar to sbuild01:11
amosbirdSo I have a bunch of local deb files. I'd like to quickly spin up a local repo serving those files for machines in the same LAN. what's the easiest way to achieve this?01:18
sarnoldapt-utils apt-ftparchive works okay01:21
sarnoldaptly if you want Something Better (I've not used this one myself, but it sure looks neat)01:21
Unit193mini-dinstall if you want something super cheap and easy. :>01:22
infinitydpkg-scanpackages is the easiest if you literally just have a directory with some debs.02:00
infinityOther stuff is massive overkill.02:00
amosbirdinfinity: hmm, dpkg-scanpackages can setup a repo for all machines in the same LAN?02:04
infinityamosbird: I mean, it can generate a Packages file. :P02:05
amosbirdnot sure what that means02:05
amosbirdhttps://www.aptly.info/ does look nice02:05
infinityamosbird: The "repo for all machine in the LAN" is left to you to decide how to serve.  http (apache, etc), smb, nfs, whatever.02:05
infinityaptly is ridiculous overkill (and broken in many fun ways) if you really have "a bunch of local debs" rather than something much larger.02:06
infinityOf course, another cheap and easy way to go is build everything in a PPA, mirror the PPA locally, and serve that via apache.02:06
amosbirdinfinity: hmm, that means I need to serve apache02:07
amosbirdis there a tool that can just do  ./serve <local_deb_dir> ?02:07
amosbirdand I'm good to go02:07
infinityCreating repositories and serving them are two distinct concepts.02:08
infinityBecause it's just a flat directory structure, there's no point writing a tool so serve it, when any httpd will do.02:08
amosbirdbut it shouldn't forbid a easy use case02:09
infinitys/so serve/to serve/02:09
amosbirdI don't understand02:09
infinityA repository of debs, at the simplest, is a single directory with debs and a Packages file.  More complex, a tree with pool, dists, etc.  Either way, it's just a directory structure.02:09
infinityCreating that locally and serving it are two different things.02:10
infinityServing it via any simple httpd takes seconds to set up, so why would someone write a different one to do the same thing?02:10
amosbirdinfinity: ok. after using httpd to serve that directory, how can clients use that?02:10
amosbirdyeah, centos user here02:11
infinityAnd this handholding has gone way beyond the help that #ubuntu-devel doesn't provide.02:11
infinityYou don't have to serve it from an Ubuntu system. :P02:11
infinityIf you have CentOS servers with apache on them, you win.02:11
infinity(or, apt-get install apache2, put your debs and Packages files in /var/www or whatever the default dir is, and go to town)02:12
amosbirdany one liner I can use to add that http server as an apt repo?02:12
infinityI'm not sure what you mean.02:13
infinityYou mean on the client machines?02:13
infinityIt'll depend on where you serve from relative to the root of the machine.02:13
amosbird"You mean on the client machines?"  yes02:13
amosbirdsuppose I put those debs and Packages files in /var/www02:14
infinityBut adding something like "deb http://my.server.local/ ./" to sources.list on a client, assuming /var/www if where you put your debs, will do the trick.02:14
infinityAfter you dpkg-scanpackages . > Packages in said root.02:14
amosbirdah, I see what's going on now02:14
amosbirdlemme try thta02:14
amosbirdinfinity: btw, my workflow has one additional jump02:16
amosbirdso my dev box generates deb files, I'll push them into a box serve the repo, then clients pull the packages from that serving box.02:17
mwhudsonrbalint, cpaelzer__: is the usd-importer stuck again?02:17
amosbirdmy question is, do I need to rerun dpkg-scanpackages after updating the old debs?02:17
amosbirdor can I just rsync them over02:18
infinitydpkg-scanpackages generates the Packages file, so you need to re-scan any time you add new ones.02:19
infinityAlso, that sources.list line should be "deb [trusted=yes] http://my.server.local/ ./" because it won't be signed (which is fine assuming it's a local network you trust)02:20
amosbird"so you need to re-scan any time you add new ones." If I don't add new ones, but replace old ones?02:34
amosbirdcan I use apt-add-repository command instead of deb command?02:52
amosbirdE: The repository ' ./ Release' does not have a Release file.02:56
infinityDoes apt really require Release files now?  That would be silly.03:00
infinitytrusted=yes shouldn't need one.03:00
infinityDid you use that?03:00
Unit193Apt maintainer actually was talking about dropping support for Release(,.gpg) and requiring InRelease, last I knew.03:01
amosbirdinfinity: I do03:01
amosbirdIgn:4 ./ InRelease03:02
amosbirdErr:5 ./ Release03:02
amosbird  404  Not Found [IP: 33992]03:02
amosbirdthere is an InRelease request too03:02
infinityamosbird: What's your sources.list line?03:03
amosbirdweird, it's  deb ./03:05
amosbirdbut I surely did sudo apt-add-repository 'deb [trusted=yes] ./'03:05
infinityapt-add-repository isn't really a useful tool for this.03:05
infinityYou could as easily have said "echo 'deb [trusted=yes] ./' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/my.list" for the same effect.03:06
infinityWithout wondering what the tool was doing.03:06
infinityOh, and as to your other question, "replacing" files in the repo *is* updating them. :P03:06
infinityUnless they're identical, your Packages file would be wrong (it contains sizes and hashes)03:07
amosbirdah, I see, so I need to update the Packages file too03:07
infinityBut it's also generally poor form to replace a package with the same version.03:07
amosbirdbtw, how can I make sure the update process won't break any in-progress apt install?03:08
amosbirdif any03:08
infinityapt locks.  You can't run it twice.03:08
amosbirdso I first do apt locks, then pull in the updates, then apt unlocks?03:08
infinityNo, I mean apt locks itself. :P03:09
infinityYou can't run two at the same time.03:09
amosbirdbut the update process is just scp03:09
infinityOh, you mean updating the repo.03:09
amosbird"apt-add-repository isn't really a useful tool for this."   what's  the right tool then?  echo seems ... not appropriate03:10
infinitySo, if you're pushing new versions (instead of trying to overwrite versions, which is evil and scary and undefined), then you push new debs, dpkg-scanpackages > Packages.new && gzip -c Packages.new > Packages.gz && mv Packages.new Packages, then remove the old versions $later.03:11
infinityWhy is echo inappropriate?03:11
infinityOne doesn't need a fancy tool to put a line in a text file.03:11
amosbirdinfinity: ok03:11
amosbirdso I need to relying the filesystems atomic mv03:11
infinityapt-add-repository was designed for the specific use-case of setting up hard-to-remember PPA URLs and fetching the signing keys for them.03:11
amosbirdah, ok03:11
infinityYou know your URL, and you have no key.  So... meh?03:12
infinityBasically, the only way to break an in-progress update (if you update Packages atomically) is to remove the old debs while someone's still trying to download them.03:13
infinityAnd, really, that's not world-ending.  The client just needs to apt-get update to get the new Packages file, and carry on with life getting shiny new debs instead.03:13
amosbirdafter a new Packages file uploaded, do clients need to run apt update? Or is apt install <package> just enough?03:15
infinityAnyhow, if you have tons of packages you want to do this sort of thing with, something like mini-dinstall will help with building the repos and deleting old versions, etc.03:15
infinityIt's just serious overkill if your repository is a few source packages and their binaries.03:15
infinityapt update fetches the new Packages file, yes.  That's literally its only function.03:15
amosbirdinfinity: so I have to do a apt update first03:16
infinityA bit confusing that yum conflated update and upgrade into one command.  That hurt my brain the first time I used it.03:16
infinityAnd I assume the same brain hurtiness happens the other direction.03:16
amosbirdheh, dpkg-scanpackages doesn't allow selecting debs03:19
amosbirdbut all debs in the directory03:20
infinityAnd apt-ftparchive in its simple mode does the same.03:21
infinityYou can use apt-ftparchive in the complex and super confusing mode we do for the primary archive, which takes config files and lets you feed in package lists, but again, massive overkill unless you're managing a huge repository.03:21
infinityBut only you know your limit for simple tooling versus complex infrastructure.03:22
infinityI'd recommend mini-dinstall when things get too complex.03:23
infinityOr, if none of your packages are secret/proprietary, it really is dirt simple to just let LP PPAs handle it, and then mirror the PPA structure locally so your clients don't all have to hit a remote.03:23
amosbirdso the /debian folder looks like this. How can I make debuild exclude clickhouse-common-static-dbg and clickhouse-test?03:38
amosbirdinfinity: hi, how can I apt update this repo only ?   deb [trusted=yes] ./03:49
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cpaelzermwhudson: yes I was missing imports of tonight06:44
cpaelzerI'll check if it has died06:44
cpaelzerand you probably meant rbasak instead of rbalint :-)06:45
cpaelzerhmm, it wasn't aborted - but maybe stuck06:47
cpaelzerExamining publishes in ubuntu since 2019-09-22 05:08:13 is quite old06:47
cpaelzeryeah something made it stuck on a futex and a socket it seems06:49
cpaelzermwhudson: thanks for the ping, I restarted the importer ...06:50
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, hello, what happened to filezilla upload?06:55
LocutusOfBorgfilezilla is now rc buggy06:55
ubottuDebian bug 941193 in libfilezilla0 "filezilla: Crash on startup: undefined symbol: _ZTIN2fz6threadE" [Grave,Open]06:58
LocutusOfBorgalso libfilezilla06:58
LocutusOfBorgAdri2000, ^^06:58
seb128vorlon, hey, do you plan to send debdiff back to Debian for those pylint changes?07:35
cpaelzermwhudson: FYI the git importer has fully catched up now08:04
Adri2000LocutusOfBorg: hello, yes just saw that :(08:35
Unit193LocutusOfBorg: Hmm?08:49
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, you sponsored it, right?08:52
Unit193I didn't do a filezilla upload though.08:55
Adri2000LocutusOfBorg: I'm asking upstream if they plan to fix the bug in libfilezilla itself... also I can't get filezilla to build with wxwidgets gtk3 (./configure fails, saying gtk3 is missing), so I'm asking upstream about that as well08:55
Adri2000I wanted to find a solution for the wxwidgets gtk3 build before uploading filezilla, that's why08:56
Unit193What error exactly, if I may?08:56
Adri2000checking for gtk+-3.0... no08:58
Adri2000configure: error: gtk+-3.0 was not found, even though the used version of wxWidgets depends on it. Are you missing the gtk+3.0 development files?08:58
Adri2000I just changed the build-dep from libwxgtk3.0-dev to libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev, as suggested in the bug report08:58
Adri2000so either I'm missing something, or the ./configure is buggy08:59
Unit193https://launchpadlibrarian.net/441494360/filezilla_3.39.0-2_3.39.0-2aegir1~19.04.diff.gz that's what I did.08:59
Adri2000oops, libgtk2.0, that was obvious :s sorry I didn't even see you did it in ubuntu!09:00
Unit193Not Ubuntu, a silly PPA. :P09:01
Adri2000ah :)09:01
Adri2000ok let me fix that and I'll ping you again to upload in debian... :)09:01
Unit193LocutusOfBorg: Symbols would really help avoid that bug.09:06
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: would the cluser-solutions need all to be updated to know about this new features?09:23
cpaelzeror do you from your testing think that the admin could to that09:23
cpaelzerwhat I'm wondering is if e.g. some cluster solutions set up those virtual ips/devices themselve dynamically09:23
cpaelzerthen an admin can't do that, which means all those cluster pkgs would need to know how/where to drop netplan config09:24
cpaelzerhence I'm asking about that in regard to your HA testing so far09:24
cpaelzercould this work with "just" systemd/netplan changes or will all those packages need updates as well?09:24
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: my thought is that .. if clusters are putting virtual aliases to interfaces, those should contain the "keep configuration" systemd-networkd flag (discussed in LP: #1815101)09:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1815101 in systemd (Ubuntu Eoan) "[master] Restarting systemd-networkd breaks keepalived, heartbeat, corosync, pacemaker (interface aliases are restarted)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181510109:25
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: so, usually HA clusters will have private interconnects and public nics, you have to set that flag in those receiving VIPs.09:26
rafaeldtinocofor keepalived, haproxy, ipvs, the same thing09:26
cpaelzerbackporting to 237 and modifying all those packages might be complex, but at least going forward that solution LGTM09:27
rafaeldtinoco    version: 209:28
rafaeldtinoco    renderer: networkd09:28
rafaeldtinoco    ethernets:09:28
rafaeldtinoco        eth1:09:28
rafaeldtinoco            dhcp4: no09:28
rafaeldtinoco            dhcp6: no09:28
rafaeldtinoco            addresses: []09:28
rafaeldtinoco            keepaliases: true09:28
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: netplan could be configured with something like this ^09:28
rafaeldtinocoand we would explain what keepaliases mean (or any other word)09:28
cpaelzeronce you did some doability checks and experiments on it be sure to pull in cyphermox for his opinion on the netplan portion of it09:28
rafaeldtinocothx for reviewing this, i'd appreciate constant review in next comments to come09:29
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: the value is more fine grained09:29
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: so if exposing in netplan expose the full set of values maybe09:29
rafaeldtinocomakes sense09:29
cpaelzerstatic/dhcp/dhcp-on-stop ...09:29
cpaelzerI've read the commits now and I don't have a better idea how to resolve this - which means between the two of us it is the best idea we have so I won#t stop you on it09:30
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: what about the "older" CriticalConnection attribute?09:30
cpaelzercould that be available in earlier systemd?09:31
rafaeldtinocoit does not prevent the issue09:31
rafaeldtinocothus the need to create a new feature09:31
cpaelzerok, thanks for checking that already09:32
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: -- topic switch -- did you see the  KVM acpi issue was resovled by just not passing acpi to the guest?09:33
cpaelzersometimes trivial solutions are the best09:33
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: err, i knew that would "solve" the issue09:33
rafaeldtinocobut he wanted to shutdown through acpi09:33
rafaeldtinocoi thought about checking why acpid was working in previous qemu version09:34
rafaeldtinocolikely acpi tables from the new qemu broke older kernels09:34
rafaeldtinoco(thats what I had in mind)09:34
rafaeldtinocobut I saw your comment on modes09:34
rafaeldtinocoI wasn't aware of that09:34
rafaeldtinocohopefully without acpi there is some other way for shutting down09:34
cpaelzerTBH he should go on with the non crashing case and resolve the shutdown in one of the "too many ways" to do it09:34
rafaeldtinocoguest being rhel does not give big incentive to continue =(09:34
cpaelzeranyway lets see what the bgu brings up, it seems ok for now09:34
cpaelzerwe are not a service-portal :-)09:35
rafaeldtinocoyep, its tricky to define where to stop09:35
rafaeldtinocoim learning =)09:35
xnoxbdmurray:  infinity: but also that grub-installer upload didn't fix server iso. I don't know if more things are needed in grub-installer, or something else is broke.10:59
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LocutusOfBorgseb128, can you please also merge gst-plugins-bad1.0?11:47
seb128LocutusOfBorg, I would share my corrently open editor if that was easier :p11:47
seb128on it atm11:47
seb128also there are a few from Debian where syncpackage tells me launchpad didn't pick the new version yet11:48
seb128which I will also sync11:48
LocutusOfBorgyes they have been uploaded half an hour ago, thanks for caring11:52
LocutusOfBorgon the gst-plugins-good1.0 merge some changelog entries have been lost... not sure if I made a mistake when updating git11:54
LocutusOfBorglooks like the changelog wasn't updated correctly?11:56
seb128LocutusOfBorg, what do you mean?11:57
seb128what changelog? how not correctly?11:57
LocutusOfBorglots of entries disappeared11:57
LocutusOfBorglook at the diff on the queue...11:57
seb128that's how I do merges11:58
seb128I don't keep the old entries11:58
seb128imagine we synced and added back some delta we dropped by error if that helps you :p)11:58
LocutusOfBorgactually I was going to do the same on some other package, just I never saw people doing it11:59
LocutusOfBorglots of packages have more delta in changelog than everything else11:59
seb128right, well for desktop packages I tend to do it this way11:59
seb128the vcs and launchpad have the uploads history anyway11:59
LocutusOfBorgok so the ubuntu/1.16.1-1ubuntu1 tagged differs from the uploaded package because of this pruning, right?12:00
LocutusOfBorgoh looks like git is updated12:01
LocutusOfBorgthanks, I'll do this on my merges from now on12:01
Laneyhow can you do that with git? a debian/changelog merge driver which takes the 'theirs' side?12:04
tumbleweedwith a /12:58
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: I remember seeing some discussions regarding rolling back the last systemd version in -proposed (242-6ubuntu1).13:14
rafaeldtinocou know anything about it ? wondering which version I should backport the feature to13:14
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: it already changed from 243 to 24213:14
cpaelzerrbalint: will know13:14
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bdmurrayxnox: I'm not seeing any indication that bug 1779767 is fixed in Eoan17:23
ubottubug 1779767 in cron (Ubuntu) "Default cron PATH does not include /snap/bin" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177976717:23
mwhudsoncpaelzer: thanks20:57

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