
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
nikolamI observer many bugs in Xubuntu 19.04 but this is the strangest bug thus far..06:09
nikolamI can not move icon to lower left part of the screen..06:09
nikolamBut on the lower right part of the screen it is ok..?06:09
nikolamalso the positions where I can not move icons are not limited by square area.. but more ireggular at the center...06:11
nikolamReally weird..06:11
nikolamAlso I have another monitor plugged in, but it is small CRT so I keep it as disabled/not user in Display properties..06:12
nikolamwhen I turn on the second screen, problem with icon placing is also visible there but ir also smaller area of the screen because it is smaller resolution monitor06:14
nikolamIt behaves like when moving an icon with the left mouse, suddenly icon gets dropped on last position in the grid and cursor keeps moving, like it is doing selection06:15
nikolame.g. problem with moving is problem with deselecting moving object and clicking on it's place on the blank screen.06:16
nikolamand in some parts of the screen06:16
nikolamAnyone can reproduce this (I am on Radeon 7850 and it's graphics drivers form ubuntu if that matters.06:17
GayathriAfter the latest update, dock is missing and also menus and dialogs look different08:23
GayathriCould you please me in getting the dock back and switching to the previous layout08:23
GusjHello there, I am new to linux, used it many years ago and now trying to come back to it.. I installed Ubuntustudio on a Toshiba Satellite laptop. The laptop keyboard and trackpad do not work, I am using a USB mouse that does work, but a USB keyboard only works sometimes, sometimes it recognizes it sometimes no.things I have tried:  uninstalled and reinstalled xserver-xorg-input-all, I have turned off autosuspend it is -1 now..  when it is booting I14:55
Gusjcan see: " i8042: can’t reactivate aux port" the USB KYBRD I could see showed up in the app 'Mouse and Trackpad' sometimes, it would disconnect by itself can somebody please help me? would really appreciate it…14:55
GusjIT recognizes the usb mouse right away, when I plug and unplug it but not the USB keyboard, I was advised to ask here form the #ubuntustudio channel since we share same desktop..15:09
GridCubeGusj: could you try something like: sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all --reinstall15:17
GridCubeaccording to this thread it might solve your problem https://askubuntu.com/questions/688445/laptop-keyboard-stopped-working15:18
Gusjyes very weired, works for a little bit, then does not.. in the app 'Mouse and Trackpad" in the GUI I can see it when it recognizes it and then when it is gone15:18
GusjLet me try your suggestion Gridcube now..15:18
Gusjok did your sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all --reinstall,  updating now and rebooting15:20
GusjTried it and the same result... the usb mouse works great, I unplug and plug it back in and I can see it in 'Mouse and Trackpad" but not the usb keyboard, the laptop keyboard has never worked, but the trackpad and laptop keyboard do work in the bios a15:26
GridCubemmm, maybe you need to purge the old version of the application as the thread suggests https://askubuntu.com/questions/688445/laptop-keyboard-stopped-working15:27
GusjYes I have already tried that before.. the uninstall and install.. I had seen that link before and tried it without resul :(15:29
Gusjlet me try it one more time to see..15:30
GridCubeis it possible that your touchpad/keyboard are blocking each other in the accesibility options? like for example i know that touchpads can block if you press letters so you don't accidentally move the cursor while typing15:31
GridCubeis it possible that your keyboard has a FN key that blocks itself?15:33
GusjThe laptop keyboard has an FN but the USB does not.. how can I check if they are blocking each other?15:33
Gusjthe laptop keyboard is like frozen, for example with the light on num lock permanently on... only happens inside os, not in bios..15:34
Gusjrebooted same result15:34
GridCubedoes it happen in ttys?15:34
GridCubelike can you type properly on a tty?15:34
Gusjin the terminal you mean? sry new here..15:34
GridCubetty1 to 6 are accesible if you press ctrl-alt-F1 to F615:35
GridCubectrl-alt-F7 will take you to the current xorg session15:35
GridCubeso if the usb keyboard works try pressing ctrl-alt-F1 and see if you can type properly in TTY115:36
Gusjit is not working at the moment can i do that with the onscreen keyboard?15:36
GridCubei never tried15:37
GridCubei don't know how you could go back to TTY7 if the keyboard doesnt work tho, because you have to type ctrl-alt-F7... wait you can just reboot15:37
Gusjcan't do it with the on board keyboard..15:38
GusjHow cna I try that while rebooting?15:38
GridCubejust press ctrl-alt-F115:39
Gusjwhile it is booting during the logo?15:39
GridCubeor choose recovery mode on grub15:39
GridCubethat would just take you to TTY1 and not load x15:39
Gusjahhh ok will try recovery mode on grub one sec..15:39
Gusjgot it will do it now thank you15:39
Gusjnow when I hit escape for the grub menu and select advanced options for ubuntu, nothing happens screen black with Grub Boot Menu on top and the commands at the bottom15:49
GusjOk i made it into the recovery menu (filesystem state: read-only), which option should I choose?15:56
Gusjthere is, resume, clean, dpkg, fsck, grub, network, root, system-summary15:56
Gusjcan't choose anything the cursor does not move at this point..15:58
Gusjstuck, what I have noticed is that while booting loading up it says: 'i8042: can’t reactivate aux port" I think this has to do with that16:20
Gusjwith the keyboard not working16:21
Gusjhow could I try to load it manually on the command line? I think that might be something to try but do not know how..16:25
GridCubeGusj: does the keyboard work on recovery mode?16:32
GridCubeif it does then your problem starts with xorg, if it doesn't then you have a different level problem16:32
GridCubeGusj: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=793348&sid=eabb3744d31bd214b2953400247a567d#p79334816:33
Gusjno, it did not work in recovery mode, i think it is related to "i8042: can’t reactivate aux port" that i see while loading?16:35
Gusjlet me check out your link, how can I include your nick here like you include mine? here in the channel chat I mean..16:35
GridCubeGusj: just type gr and press tab16:36
GusjGridCube: when you say a different level of problem, do you mean hardware? if keyboard does not work in recovery mode?17:28
GridCubeGusj: maybe, but you said BIOS does recognize the kb so that would discard the hardware level17:34
GridCubeso it's probably between the bios/efi level and the xorg level, which i think is level 6? don't quote me on that17:35
GusjGridCube: yes of course, it is crazy, the laptop keyboard and the touchpad BOTH WORK in the bios...17:35
GridCubethat last link i pasted shows how to configure grub to recognize the i8042 thingies17:36
GusjI tried booting on CSM and same thing happened, now tried another light distribution and in the install, LUBUNTU the same thing, laptop keyboard frozen17:36
GridCubeso i would think that grub is not loading the proper controllers for the devices?17:36
GusjGridCube: yes I understand.. will try that on the test distribution to see if it works, already wiped the harddrive to try and install lubuntu17:39
GridCubeif lubuntu is having the same problem try the same solution17:39
GridCubeat the level it is it wouldn't matter which desktop flavour you choose17:40
GridCubeunderneath all distros share the same infrastructure17:40
GridCubei meant ubuntu-flavors share the same infrastructure, not all distros17:41
GusjAhh got it...  yes, going to have to include in a txt file the commands needed to connect to wifi, and download the onscreen keyboard, lubuntu does not have it by default i have read17:41
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
uskiHi there. My xserver starts, but when I try to login, it crashes and I'm redirected back to the login screen. I tried turning off the lightdm service and running "startx" from the command line, but the same thing happens. Any idea where to look at ? The Xorg.0.log file does not show any error, it just says that the X server closed gracefully... but I don't know why it closed in the first place. Any idea ?23:03
Bashing-omuski: At the login screen can you activate a virtual terminal - key combo ctl+alt+F2 ?23:05
uskiBashing-om,  yes, that's where i tried starttx after shutting down lightdm23:12
uskiIt was an older 18.10 install (up to date), which I upgraded to the latest version after the problem appeared, but it did not help (do-release-upgrade)23:13
uskiI didn't do anything special so I was expecting to see a huge amount of people affected, but it turns out it does not seem to be such a common problem after a bit of research and I don't know where to look23:14
Bashing-omuski: Likely broken graphics driver - from the console what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?23:22
uskiBashing-om, it shows 2 adapters, both intel integrated graphics. It shows the second one (index 1) is unclaimed.23:25
uskiThere is 0: VGA compatible controller, and 1: Unclaimed : Display controller23:25
uskikernel is 5.0.0-29-generic from the xubuntu repos (not custom built)23:25
Bashing-omuski: Unclaimed - then no driver is loaded -  pastebin the ^ output and we see waht we are working with :)23:27
uskiHmmm there is a dmesg line about an ACPI issue related to the display driver. Let me try what is suggested on the dmesg line, BRB23:27
uski[Firmware Bug]: Duplicate ACPI video bus devices for the same VGA controller, please try module parameter "video.allow_duplicates=1"if the current driver doesn't work.23:28
uskiThis was the line. I added that to a file in modprobe.d directory but it did not solve the issue. Considering I can see the graphics login screen, I don't 100% think it's a graphic driver issue23:29
uskiHA! I added a new user and I can login... so something is wrong with my main user. Any idea as to what could cause a crash when logging into a specific user ?23:30
Bashing-omuski: Reset the desktop todefaults ?23:34
uskiYeah... I'd like to try to find the root cause to file a bug report if at all possible, if that happens to someone not so well versed he won't be able to recover. But yeah23:34
uskiThere is a weird line in my xsession-errors : "xfce4-session: Another session manager is already running"23:35
Bashing-omuski: I am all for finding the fault - will have to await one with greater skills than I :(23:36
uskiThanks for the pointer, it made me progress23:36
Bashing-omuski: :D ... At lease we have a sledge hammer means to resolve.23:38
uskiI'll be AFK for some time but if someone has an idea, please say so. Basically something somewhere is making xfce not start, possibly because it thinks another instance is running23:39

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