
ubptgbotDavid Randall was added by: David Randall00:08
ubptgbot<David Randall> (Photo, 200x200) https://irc.ubports.com/MhGhw1fY.png00:09
ubptgbot<David Randall> (Photo, 1139x705) https://irc.ubports.com/4eqQ3dMA.png http://bit.ly/2YWK2cF?9512200:09
ubptgbotmihmandar was added by: mihmandar04:51
ubptgbot<Aury88> @mateosalta [aw, where did the raspi image go], On the sd card07:29
ubptgbot<Aury88> @mateosalta [aw, where did the raspi image go], [Edit] On the sd card...but I suspect I did not understand your question07:31
ubptgbot<Aury88> @mateosalta [aw, where did the raspi image go], [Edit] On the sd card...but I suspect I did not understand your question 😅07:31
ubptgbotanton_terentev was added by: anton_terentev10:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> the download link marius had for ubuntu touch on the raspberry pi.10:57
ubptgbot<mateosalta> he linked a jenkins build, but that disapeared10:57
ubptgbot<Aury88> I see it10:58
ubptgbot<Aury88> Try the link in the rpi4 thread10:59
ubptgbot<advocatux> @mateosalta [he linked a jenkins build, but that disapeared], https://ci.ubports.com/job/rootfs/job/rootfs-rpi/12:21
ubptgbotalefbr was added by: alefbr12:39
ubptgbotDaniel_Wood was added by: Daniel_Wood13:11
ubptgbot<mateosalta> awesome thank you13:21
ubptgbot<Sebastien Vienneau> Linux Kernel 5.3 is Here with Mostly Desktop-Centric Improvements - The New Stack … https://thenewstack.io/linux-kernel-5-3-is-here-with-mostly-desktop-centric-improvements/16:42
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Niss_e [That's sad to hear, was hoping for a way to be able to use my old phone on the f …], UT nexus 4 could still connect to the androids hotspot btw if that's what you need16:42
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Sebastien Vienneau [Linux Kernel 5.3 is Here with Mostly Desktop-Centric Improvements - The New Stac …], Not too relevant to Ubuntu Touch, but thank you16:43
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Sebastien Vienneau [Linux Kernel 5.3 is Here with Mostly Desktop-Centric Improvements - The New Stac …], This isn't exactly on topic16:43
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Desktop centric improvements sound like good news tho16:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Sebastien Vienneau [Linux Kernel 5.3 is Here with Mostly Desktop-Centric Improvements - The New Stac …], please stop posting these links in all these groups where it is not on topic17:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> I don't get what makes it desktop centric17:39
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [I don't get what makes it desktop centric], they were talking about what the improvements in the new version helps with17:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @TotalSonic [they were talking about what the improvements in the new version helps with], Such as? I must've missed it.....18:43
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [Such as? I must've missed it.....], the article linked earlier above details the changes in the 5.3 kernel20:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> there's https://t.me/UBportsOF to talk about upstream kernel things on PCs if you really want to ;)21:03
ubptgbotthousandclouds was added by: thousandclouds21:58
ubptgbot<alexcontrole> Does anyone know about the size of the source code? my internet is not these things I would like to have an idea of the size if it were possible23:32
ubptgbot<NotKit> hm, could you clarify which source code do you try to download?23:39
ubptgbot<alexcontrole> @NotKit [hm, could you clarify which source code do you try to download?], I think about downloading the whole ubport project but it depends on the size23:56
ubptgbot<alexcontrole> Last version23:57
ubptgbot<NotKit> there is a separate repo for each package, but what you need to download really depends on what do you plan to work on23:58

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