[03:24] cool. installed 19.10. its going to ship with plasma 5.17? [04:15] kinghat: that's the plan, yes [04:15] not out yet, so it's nip and tuck [06:08] valorie kinghat: no we cna't ship 5.17 [06:08] Can't [06:09] it will be in backports or other PPA though [06:21] ah, boo on me for not checking first [06:22] valorie: np. 5.17.0 is released in 15th Oct. Eoan is release on 17th Oct [06:23] so no-can-do [06:23] we also wouldn't ship a .0 anyway [06:23] ha, yes [06:23] true [06:24] kinghat: ^^^ [10:55] Howdy all [15:44] https://about.gitlab.com/press/releases/2019-09-17-gitlab-adopted-by-KDE.html [16:30] will the backports for 5.17.0 be there right after Eoan release? also, which other PPAs are you referring to? [16:31] RikMills ^^^ [16:32] kinghat: the answer I gave here explains: https://twitter.com/YamiYukiSenpai/status/1178212250240335872 [16:34] thanks RikMills. ill give ya a twitter follow as well. [16:34] 👍 [16:37] eventually going to move from neon, which i love having the most up2date plasma, and following the fast ubuntu cycle(non LTS). so i guess back to kubuntu i go. still wondering if its better to go that route or somehow just put the up2date plasma DE on top of ubuntu non LTS release to be able to switch between them. [19:36] good evening everyone [19:37] RikMills: I need to poke you about kirigami-gallery again :| [19:41] in addition to the fact it's still in the new queue, I have just realized that we have an empty binary package in src:kirigami2 from frameworks [19:43] I got this error in my latest test rebuild: [19:43] Error: trying to put version '5.62.0-0ubuntu1+tritemio5' of 'kirigami-gallery' in 'ubuntu-exp3|main|amd64', [19:43] while there already is the stricly newer '19.04.3-1+tritemio1' in there. [19:43] s [19:44] so to fix this, in addition to upload the package we must delete first the kirigami-gallery bin package from src:kirigami2 [19:45] otherwise I guess the kirigami-gallery upload would be rejected by LP [19:55] s/the kirigami-gallery upload/future kirigami2 uploads/ [22:40] Right. Let me look later in the week