
wonkotomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tQnJqYCQbq/ <-- ipmitool sel list00:22
tomreynwonko: broken fan, eh?00:26
tomreynapparently the log's not running full, though ;)00:27
wonkoWhich fan is broken? I haven't looked at the output yet.00:49
wonkoIt looks like all the fans go critical low at some point?00:52
tomreynhmm yes, either they're all past their lifetime and full of dirt or the firmware is just too dedicated to tracking their states00:56
wonkoI'll go for the latter01:01
wonkothey are all clean as of checking recently01:02
wonkook, getting ready to do a fresh install01:02
wonkoI'm done screwing with this.01:02
wonkoif the zpool will ever export. Sheesh!01:03
kinghatso this is talking about being on kubuntu but im talking about installing the backports while on ubuntu 19.10.01:12
kinghatvia: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports and apt install kubuntu-desktop01:12
tomreynoh you're asking about a flavour specific PPA. i guess you'd seek support with this in the flavor channel, so #kubuntu01:13
kinghatim just talking about getting most recent plasma on most recent ubuntu01:14
daxthe most recent ubuntu is 19.04. 19.10 comes out next month, it's not stable yet01:14
kinghattried 19.10 with kubuntu-ppa/backports but i got: https://paste.debian.net/1103328/01:15
kinghatright. i just figured i would test out the beta01:15
daxand yes, the kubuntu backports PPA only gets packages for versions supported by Kubuntu, so not the current devel release01:16
kinghatso maybe i have to do: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y instead.01:16
kinghatthough thats not backports so not sure it would work?01:17
daxpossibly. #kubuntu is more likely to know, since it's that team that maintains those PPAs01:17
kinghatalright thanks.01:18
daxthat /beta PPA does have eoan builds, at least01:18
kinghatya im just not sure how different that is from using the regular backports and doing: apt install kubuntu-desktop from it.01:19
OerHeksbackports from what? there is no 20.04 yet.02:06
kinghatit has to be a .04 release to get backports?02:13
valoriebackports generally means that the newest stuff is going into the next release, but some stuff will be "backported" to the present release02:14
valorieor to the last LTS02:14
valoriesecurity stuff always is02:14
kinghati just want to follow ubuntu .04/.10 release cycle for faster updates and bring the newest plasma to it.02:15
valorieand this time around, backports did that for you02:18
valorieand the beta ppa even got you the beta02:18
valoriesee kubuntu.org/news for more indepth info02:19
kinghati havent done anything yet. i installed 19.10 in a vm and tried to install the backports but got this error: https://paste.debian.net/1103328/02:19
kinghatso i figured id ask around02:20
valoriethere are no backports for 19.1002:26
valoriethere is nothing to backport02:26
valorie20.04 hasn't started yet02:26
valorieas dax said above02:27
valorie19.10 isn't even released02:27
valoriethere will be no backports or beta for that matter in it for maybe a month or two02:27
kinghatso as soon at 19.10 is released there wont be backports for it?02:31
lotuspsychjewhat are you trying to get exactly kinghat 02:31
valorie not until 20.04 is set up, and the toolchain is done02:32
kinghati just want to follow ubuntu .04/.10 release cycle for faster updates and bring the newest plasma to it.02:32
valoriewatch the website02:32
kinghatnewest ubuntu and newest plasma02:32
valoriewhen exciting stuff is in backports, we'll talk about it02:32
lotuspsychjekinghat: you want to be at edge and have the newest of the newest at all times? 02:32
kinghatim on neon right now, which is awesome, but id like to follow the faster ubuntu release cycle.02:33
lotuspsychjekinghat: if you are ok with system breakage, you could enable proposed?02:34
OerHeksoke, then enjoy the show with 19.10 beta02:34
lotuspsychjekinghat: testing is your purpose i hope?02:34
kinghatat this point im just trying to see it in a vm.02:35
lotuspsychjejust keep in mind, proposed is not very reccomended if you want stable02:36
kinghati wouldnt mind 19.04 with newest plasma via backports but when 19.04 upgrades to 19.10 i dont know what will happen to the plasma install?02:36
lotuspsychjekinghat: why do you keep mention backports, whats your benefit with it exactly?02:37
kinghatnothing other than this article: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-kde-plasma-5-7-ubuntu-16-04-ubuntu-16-1002:38
valorieI suggest sticking with Kubuntu.org/news and perhaps #kubuntu-devel in IRC02:40
valoriethe tut you cite is *not* supported by the neon team02:41
valorieor the kubuntu team02:41
valorieyou break something, you get to keep all the pieces02:42
lotuspsychjeand the backport line, mentions LTS with 19.10 is not02:42
kinghati know it says you should use backports then02:43
kinghatthats why i was saying backports02:43
lotuspsychjei would approach it the way valorie says02:44
lotuspsychjethe (k)ubuntu way02:44
valorieyou can run kubuntu (in a VM) that follows our CI which is even more bleeding edge than running proposed02:45
valoriebut really, testing when we ask for testing is the most useful02:45
valoriestuff in proposed often gets pulled and replaced, for instance02:45
kinghati dont need to be bleeding edge i just want to be on the non LTS cadence. the faster one, whatever thats called.02:45
valoriewhich is what I do02:46
valorieI'm on the beta Plasma right now02:46
valoriewhen it is released, I'll purge the beta02:46
valorieand upgrade to 19.10 probably02:47
kinghat19.04 would auto upgrade to 19.10?02:47
GargoyleHi all.07:02
GargoyleMy settings button has vanished from the main "top right" menu... Is this known? where's the best place to report it?07:05
GargoyleOK. NM!07:47
Gargoylegnome-control-center got removed. Apparently it has a dependency on mysql-common which I didn't spot when removing mysql07:48
Bashing-omGargoyle: Good spot ! :D07:49
bittin_Downloading the last 19.10 beta now08:23
bittin_done :)09:03
GargoyleIs 19.10 going to have a 5.4 kernel?12:43
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic12:44
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB12:44
lotuspsychjeGargoyle: we will see at final release what happens12:44
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
wonkoOk, let's see if I can replicate this train wreck in a VM16:40
wonkoBecause I'm very interested to know what happened16:40
wonkoand want to spare anyone else of this heartburn16:40
wonkothankfully I just re-installed ubuntu a couple weeks ago so all the gyrations I had to go through are fresh in my mind. :)16:41

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