
naribiaim installing ubuntu, and im not sure if I should make the boot partition of type "efi" or just ext4 ?00:05
Bashing-omnaribia: IF this is a EFI system then that ESP needs to be a FAT32 partition.00:07
naribiawould this be dependent on the motherboard?00:08
scientesno, EFI or BIOS, that's it for x8600:08
naribiaoh, like uefi00:08
scienteswell, there is also coreboot, but that is a hack at this point cause intel is no nasty00:08
naribiai know its not bios00:08
naribiawell it shows ESP and FAT32 as different options00:09
Bashing-om!uefi | naribia00:09
ubottunaribia: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:09
TjowersUbuntu makes me feel like I've been locked out of heaven00:29
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tomreyn!discuss | Tjowers00:30
ubottuTjowers: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!00:30
kinghatso there are only kubuntu backports for 19.04 and not 19.10 yet?00:59
OerHeksno, 19.10 is under development, and 20.04 does not exist.01:02
OerHeksso, nothing to backport01:02
scienteskinghat, is it october, 2019 yet?01:02
kinghati didnt know since there was a beta out that maybe there was something..01:03
Bashing-omkinghat: Might investigate Kubuntu's PPA for interest. See: https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-16-90-plasma-5-17-beta-available-for-testing/ for the link.01:06
kinghatso if you installed via the beta  repo what happens when you move out of beta into the full 19.10 release?01:09
kinghati guess im asking how that transition happens?01:09
ubottuEoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+101:09
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[rg]what is the name of the ubuntu installer?02:48
tomreynubiquity for the desktop installer02:49
tomreynyou're welcome.02:51
[rg]is it still developed on bazzar/launchpad?02:51
tomreynon launchpad, i'm not sure whether in bzr or git02:51
[rg]ok, thanks02:52
tomreyngit according to https://code.launchpad.net/ubiquity02:52
[rg]do you follow snap development?02:56
[rg]I wonder if the snap directory will ever be moved to another location02:57
[rg]it'd be nice to hide loopback devices as well02:58
kenperkinswhat's the diff between snap and apt02:58
OerHeksdifferent package, different source, different update model02:59
[rg]snap gets packages from a non central reveiwed repo? it has more features too03:00
Bashing-omkenperkins: ^^ different package management systems.03:00
OerHekssnaps are like PPA's: one must trust the owner03:01
gogetaeven m,ore so03:01
gogetabeing snaps have like no checks03:02
OerHekssnaps do get checked03:02
[rg]are there signed snaps?03:02
gogetayea may wanna check that fact conocal admitted they dont check them03:03
OerHekswhere is that 'fact' ?03:03
[rg]shouldnt be too much of an issue since snapd handles permissons too right?03:04
OerHekswhat do you mean with signed snaps?03:04
OerHeksany snap has its own key, iirc03:05
OerHeksgogeta, oh one failure, noticed within 2 days, yay...03:05
gogetaOerHeks: well the mailware was due due to the fact they do not check03:08
gogetaomg ubuntu has more details03:09
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt03:09
gogetathats relly not fud if it happned03:09
OerHeksyou are just a troll, on ignore now03:10
gogetagotta love realty being the new troll03:15
doug16kmy motherboard has a higher version microcode than the amd64-microcode package. having that package installed won't have any effect in that case, right?03:40
doug16kpackage has 0x0800820b, motherboard has 0x0800820d03:40
doug16kdmesg has 16 lines like this, one per cpu -> [    0.752994] microcode: CPU0: patch_level=0x0800820d03:42
Gallomimiawhat's the star mean in the Disks app? i know the play arrow means mounted. all mine have stars by them too03:42
doug16kGallomimia, I think it means bootable. not sure though03:45
doug16kthat or mount at system startup03:45
doug16konly the drives I mount in fstab have stars in my case03:47
naribiathis is somewhat of a silly question but I would like to get the terminal colors, and after a quick search, found I should uncomment "force_color_prompt=yes" in the .bashrc, however this has not given my terminal colors (ubuntu 18.04)03:50
doug16kGallomimia, I have 5 drives, only the nvme root partition and my main 2TB storage drive have stars, both mounted in fstab03:50
ryuonaribia: did you open a new shell?03:51
ryuonaribia: changes to .bashrc don't take effect immediately.03:51
naribiaryuo: yes, and I had done source .bashrc also03:52
Gallomimiadoug16k, it's not bootable. i think it means fstab mounted/mounts it03:52
ryuonaribia: and what do you define as not having color?03:52
Gallomimiathe second statement you made03:52
ryuonaribia: this won't magically give things like your prompt colors.03:52
Gallomimiayou need to actually assign colors to your prompt03:53
naribiaryuo: hm, well i had the name@host:~$, the @ and $ were red, now its all just green03:53
ryuoi see. then it is using color?03:53
naribiaright, wups,03:53
naribiabut it was colorizing more things03:53
ryuolike ls output?03:54
Gallomimiai find it moderately concerning that i can't seem to find the answer to my question in a manual03:54
naribiaryuo: that seems to be working too03:54
ryuothen what's missing?03:54
naribiaperhaps it was just vi03:55
ryuovi won't always have color. mostly when there's no syntax highlighting for the file.03:55
doug16kGallomimia, can confirm, added one of my drives to fstab and it now has a star03:55
doug16kimpressively, it updated on the fly without actually doing `sudo mount -a` or anything, must be watching/polling03:56
doug16kconfirmed, just commenting out that line and saving fstab made star disappear immediately03:58
doug16kdisks app uses a minus sign to mean delete partition. perhaps a skull and crossbones would be more appropriate :D04:03
doug16kor at least a trashcan04:04
doug16kabout my earlier question, looks like removing amd64-microcode takes out the kernel, so (obviously?) I assume it won't downgrade my microcode04:06
masberhi, I need a bug fix for the linux kernel based on 4.19. How can I check which ubuntu version have this fix? Is there a way to browse the ubuntu kernel source files?04:56
masberthis is the fix I need https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=ee6268ba3a6804:56
BircoffHello. Who can help me? I upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and rules for FTP server in local network broken :(  16.04: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -i $EXTIFINET -s $t --dport 21 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp -d -s $t --dport 21 -j ACCEPT05:13
Nello33Hello everyone!!05:14
Nello33mic check....!!!05:14
Bircoffip_nat_ftp & ip_conntrack_ftp loading05:14
Nello33Got a issue where i cannot log on with SSH Key unless i first log on with password.  After password authentication i can the use SSH Key in any future login until i reboot.05:16
Nello33can't seem to find a fix and do not wan to reinstall.05:17
BircoffConfig FTP Server do not change. Passive FTP.05:19
asdfghhello everybody06:25
asdfghtoday my pc tooks around 3 minutes to start!! how is that possible? how can i see what happened?06:26
Bashing-omasdfgh: ' journalctl -b -0 ' shows messages from the current boot ; systemd-analyze blame and systemd-analyze critical-chain may give somehints.06:28
asdfghBashing-om, set 30 08:24:22 desktop kernel: secureboot: Secure boot could not be determined (mode 0)06:31
asdfgh   06:31
asdfghset 30 08:24:22 desktop kernel: MDS CPU bug present and SMT on, data leak possible. See https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/hw-vuln/mds.html for more details.06:32
asdfghset 30 08:24:22 desktop kernel: platform eisa.0: EISA: Cannot allocate resource for mainboard06:34
asdfghset 30 08:24:22 desktop kernel: platform eisa.0: Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 106:34
Bashing-omasdfgh: Got me -have you installed 3rd party software with secure boot enabled ?06:34
asdfghthen i have in (red) another line06:34
asdfghset 30 08:24:22 desktop kernel: Couldn't get size: 0x800000000000000e06:34
asdfghset 30 08:24:22 desktop kernel: MODSIGN: Couldn't get UEFI db list06:34
asdfghBashing-om, i think yes how can i check it?06:34
Bashing-omasdfgh: Nope -no experience here to advise on secure boot matters :(06:35
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naribiaI insatlled ubuntu 18.04 on my lg gram laptop, is there a way I can remove the grub menu and just boot straight into ubuntu right away every time?07:32
BircoffHello. Who can help me? I upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and rules for FTP server in local network broken :(  16.04: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -i $EXTIFINET -s $t --dport 21 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp -d -s $t --dport 21 -j ACCEPT ip_nat_ftp & ip_conntrack_ftp07:40
Bircoffloading  Config FTP Server do not change. Passive FTP.07:40
Bashing-omnarinderguptamac: While one can - not recommended - in the event of a need to boot to grub. Would you settle for a very short display ?07:43
ryuoBashing-om: they left.07:43
Bashing-omryuo: :) caught again not paying attention to tab complete !07:44
mathgradWhen I boot up my installation switches from graphical mode to showing the bootlog, and I have to ctrl+alt+f2 then ctrl+alt+f1 to get my graphical login. Any ideas?08:20
za1b1tsuSo there is url, that works for everybody except me. I tried "sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean restart" and did not work08:41
za1b1tsuwhat can I do?08:42
za1b1tsuI am going to try: sudo service networking restart brb08:42
za1b1tsustill not working :(08:45
[twisti]i see this strange difference with a missing . in the outputs of ls -alsh, can someone explain to me what the significance of that is ?09:17
[twisti]0 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 35 Sep 18  2017 /etc/localtime -> ../usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin09:17
[twisti]0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Sep 30 11:06 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin09:17
Ntemismy pc needs too much time to boot, i checked dmesg and found this09:34
Ntemis[    8.672367] NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery directory09:34
Ntemis[    8.672792] NFSD: Using legacy client tracking operations.09:34
Ntemis[    8.672793] NFSD: starting 90-second grace period (net f0000098)09:34
Ntemishow i remove that?09:35
vltNtemis: You could check /etc/fstab for any NFS mounts.09:42
Ntemis@vlt nothing UUID=2d1b439c-9171-4741-b39b-7a57aa113971 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       109:45
Ntemis/swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0       009:45
Ntemisand thats those are the only two etries in the fstab09:46
vltNtemis: And /etc/exports?09:46
Ntemisempty also09:46
Ntemissome comment out exist as examples but thats it nothing switched on09:47
vltNtemis: Then I don't know :|09:47
Ntemisi removed  nfs-kernel-server lets see now09:49
ace_meI try to start supervisor with a first command and I get09:52
ace_meStarting supervisor:  ERROR.09:52
ace_meNo log file is created and I am unable to foresee what is going on09:52
mgedminace_me: why don't you use systemd units instead to manage whatever you were managing with supervisor?10:03
mgedminace_me: anyway, if you want supervisor, then maybe check journalctl about any possible startup errors?10:04
KPingAnyone here knows how EFI partitions work under the hood? My understanding is that just having a \EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi file on an EFI partition will suffice, as the bootx64.efi file is the "nothing else works" file10:30
KPingbut that doesn't seem to work, the UEFI doesn't even see the HDD with the EFI partition as being a bootable device10:30
deancIm trying to play a youtube video and chrome is telling me to restart my computer because of a problem with the audio renderer?10:32
deanc"Audio renderer error: please restart your computer"10:32
doug16kKPing, in general that's right, but you can configure the firmware to do something else.10:33
deancCan anyone help me avoid a restart :)?10:34
doug16kKPing, can you get into the "bios" settings screen? is the right drive selected?10:35
doug16kit might not even try to EFI boot if CSM (compatibility support module) is loading/enabled10:35
doug16kCSM on means, act like non-efi machine, look for MBR, copy it to 0x7c00, etc, like IBM PC10:36
doug16kdeanc, `pulseaudio -k ; pulseaudio --start`10:42
doug16kreload the page. should do it10:42
doug16kif I just kill pulseaudio (with -k) then I get that audio renderer error you mention. starting pulseaudio again and reloading continues playback for me10:45
mgedminKPing: it needs to be VFAT, it needs to be marked bootable, and the partition type needs to be set to 0xEF10:46
mgedminuh, that's for MBR, for GPT the partition type is some 128-bit GUID I will never in a million years be able to spell from memory10:49
KPingdoug16k if I go to the "bios" config I don't even see the drive in the bootable devices list10:50
KPingCSM is disabled, Secure Boot is enabled10:50
mgedminbut 'set10:50
doug16kKPing, how is the drive connected? SATA?10:50
mgedminbut 'set <partition> esp on' in parted should set it correct afaiu10:50
KPingdoug16k yep, sata10:51
KPingI mean tbh what I did I did it in Windows10:51
KPingbut I just cleared the disk10:51
KPingcreated a EFI part10:51
KPingformatted it as fat3210:52
KPingcreated the folder structure \EFI\Boot and copied my bootx64.efi inside10:52
KPingthat's it10:52
doug16kthen it won't have the right partition type10:52
doug16kthe disk layout/structures are fat32, but the partition type is not the same10:52
KPingno, but when you create a part in diskpart.exe it knows what an efi partition is10:53
KPingyou literally do ..10:53
KPingcreate partition efi size=30010:53
KPingthat gives it the EFI GUID10:53
doug16kI wrote an EFI bootloader for my OS project, it works :D10:54
doug16kI used sgdisk to make the partition though10:55
BluesKajHowdy all10:55
doug16kKPing, see here for the disk image building madness https://github.com/doug65536/dgos/blob/master/diskfat.mk10:56
doug16kKPing, is it your EFI executable? if so #osdev is probably a better place to ask10:58
KPingUmm ... not sure how that really helps me doug16k :D10:58
KPingSure, I'll try there10:58
KPingYeah so the system doesn't even see the .efi at all10:59
mmystichi all10:59
ws2k3can i find the package list for ubuntu 14.04 somewhere?11:29
lotuspsychjews2k3: 14.04 is eol11:29
ws2k3lotuspsychje:  realy? you never told me that :D11:29
lotuspsychjews2k3: are you going to start trolling again?11:30
ws2k3i never trolled. you did.11:30
ws2k3but i didnt ask if it was eol i asked if i can find a package list somewhere11:30
ws2k3lotuspsychje: https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/allpackages thanks for nothing11:31
geirhaws2k3: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com11:32
ws2k3geirha: i already found that but its not easy searchable11:32
jinkAnd it doesn't need to be, since it's EOL.  Rather point your users to relevant info.11:34
gulzarUbutnu 16.04 is stuck on Plymouth screen . I want to see where it is stuck. "I" doesn't work. How to disable this stupid plymouth from grub? This is fresh installation on Asus rogue11:47
lotuspsychjegulzar: F1 to switch to text booting, write down the relevant errors11:48
zxcathi all, is possible to create a iso-boot-cd based on our default configuration / installed packages and users?11:51
zxcatI mean, easly ^11:51
zxcatWhere can I find documentation to read about it ?11:51
mgedmingulzar: esc should hide the boot log and show you all the service messages11:55
gulzarlotuspsychje: F1 worked11:55
gulzarlotuspsychje: thank you11:55
gulzarmgedmin: ok will try11:56
gulzarmgedmin: thank you11:56
mendihi guys, trying to get into multi-user (command line interface instead of gnome) but it won't show me anything (black screen), I have a graphics card that is not connected to any monitor but if I connect it to a monitor command line interface works fine12:13
mendiI cannot just connect the graphics card to the monitor because I want to update the driver12:14
mendiI'm running on bionic, intel integrated graphics through hdmi12:14
mendidefault drivers don't know if intel has non-free12:15
pragmaticenigmamendi: You can update the driver to the graphics card while the card is in use. A reboot is required before the graphics drivers will be used anyways12:16
mendipragmaticenigma I can't, nvidia complains about kernel modules being loaded which I can't unload because they're in use..12:16
pragmaticenigmamendi: Are you trying to use the drivers provided by Nvidia.. .if so, those are not supported or tested, and are not recommended. Use the drivers provided by the Ubuntu repository. Those are configured, tested and tuned to work with Ubuntu12:17
pragmaticenigma!nvidia | mendi12:18
ubottumendi: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:18
mendineed to use their drivers for cuda, either way my problem is ubuntu-related and not nvidia12:18
mendiI can't get in commandline ui12:18
cgiI've a desktop shortcut to start a vm. How do I get it in gnome on the left panel?12:19
cgiadd to Favorites?12:19
pragmaticenigmamendi: How are attempting to boot the machine to CLI mode?12:21
mendisystemctl isolate multi-user.target12:22
mendiscreen is black, display is connected though so I would assume it's assuming a wrong resolution and it's off the screen12:24
mendiwhich would make no sense wouldn't 0,0 still be 0,0 in another resolution?12:25
pragmaticenigmamendi: I'm still trying to find a way to boot terminal mode, the instructions that I found, that mention what you tried, were 4+ years old. I'm not sure if they still apply or not12:26
mendiit's still the way to do it12:27
mendireplace isolate with set-default if you want it to automatically boot into terminal12:27
mendithen you'd have to run startx to get into gui12:27
mendior systemctl isolate graphics.target12:28
pragmaticenigmaThat's not the instructions I'm finding with Ubuntu 18.0412:28
pragmaticenigmamendi: I'm seeing instructions for changing grub line to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"12:29
mendiyeah you can do it via systemctl too12:29
slidercrankSometimes after Ubuntu boots, I see flashing dots [ o o o o o]. They get sequentially red and then white again. These dots are drawn even after your logged in and they cover anything else on the screen12:29
lotuspsychjeslidercrank: on what kind of graphics card chipset?12:30
Harishello all12:31
slidercranklotuspsychje, QXL (under QEMU). The only solution is to reboot and then it's fine12:31
HarisI have a file name "-A ICMP -i lo -p icmp -j ACCEPT" on trusty (14.04.6). how do I delete it, rename it?12:32
pragmaticenigmaslidercrank: Make sure you have applied the latest updates to your system. There were some recent Plymouth bugs fixed, Plymouth being responsible for the boot splash screens12:32
geirhaHaris: rm ./-A<tab>12:32
HarisI can't even view it with vim12:32
pragmaticenigma!trusty | Haris12:32
ubottuHaris: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade12:32
pragmaticenigma!eol | Haris12:32
ubottuHaris: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:32
slidercrankpragmaticenigma, okay. I've found an answer to this problem on the Internet "I removed nomodeset from after quiet splash, and it seems to have fixed it."12:32
pragmaticenigmaslidercrank: Do you understand why that works?12:33
HarisWe'v moved off of trusty. this machine is going to get recycled12:35
Haristhe file name is being taken as params passed to mv, rm, vim12:35
geirhaHaris: anyway, there are mainly two ways to deal with filenames starting with -. 1. prepend ./ to it, or 2. use the special -- option to tell the command that the remaining arguments are not options, even if they start with -12:35
Harisok, vim opened file with ./ preceeding12:35
pragmaticenigmaHaris: escape the filename within single quotes12:35
Harisok good. file is gone12:36
slidercrankpragmaticenigma, well. I know what this kernel parameter is for. But that doesn't explain why this behaviour is inconsistent. I usually boot normally (without these dots).12:36
RegorHow can I stop tor from starting automatically on boot?12:36
pragmaticenigmaslidercrank: The "dots" are produced by the boot splash screen manager Plymouth. As for why it works, nomodeset prevents the kernel from attempting to discover the graphics chipset capabilities until before the drivers have been loaded.12:37
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takashihow do i install python3.6 on ubuntu 19.04 ?12:38
takashiI'm a noob...playing around with a linode machine...trying to make a flask app work12:38
slidercrankpragmaticenigma, okay. thanks12:39
mgedmintakashi: wouldn't it be easier to use python3.7 that comes with the system?12:39
mgedminare there any backwards-incompatible changes in 3.7 that break your flask app?12:39
pragmaticenigmatakashi: What is the output of "python3 --version"12:40
takashi@pragmaticenigma 3.7.312:41
pragmaticenigmatakashi: Can you answer mgedmin's question?12:41
takashiI don't think so...I'll try to change the Pipfile to 3.7 and see if it works...12:42
pragmaticenigmatakashi: You shouldn't need to change any configuration files in Ubuntu to run python. If you need a specific version or environment, use the virtual environment feature of python12:43
takashiyes, I'm trying it in a virtual env with pipenv12:44
takashi(the Pipfile i changed was in the project directory)12:46
mgedmin#python might be a better channel to ask about pipenv and stuff12:49
takashiok:-) thanks!12:49
pragmaticenigmatakashi: Okay, that's good. the versions of python that are installed by default are used by a lot of system tools. As far as your app, if it runs in Python 3.6, it should run without any modification in Python 3.712:49
* mgedmin sees that the deadsnakes ppa doesn't support ubuntu 19.04, so options for getting other python versions are pyenv or compiling from source; in any case switching to 3.7 should be easier12:50
otyughI've got a icon theme stuck on the Gnome's desktop. Any idea how to unblock it ?12:50
lotuspsychjeotyugh: wich icon theme is that12:50
mendihi again i did apt remove nvidia* and now booting from intel integrated ofc it gets stuck at started Hold until boot process finishes up. any ideas?12:51
mendii cant alt f1/f2 doesnt work12:52
mendigdm starts ok before that though12:52
otyughlotuspsychje it's HighContrast12:53
lotuspsychjeotyugh: so you switching to highcontrast, then what happens?12:54
otyughit changes in the docks12:54
lotuspsychjemendi: your graphics card chipset please?12:54
otyughbut nautilus stays the same12:54
mendinvidia 1070ti but im booting from intel integrated 4000 series12:54
otyugh(it changes the icons images, I mean)12:54
lotuspsychjemendi: when you purge nvidia* it falls back to nouveau, wich might give you problems to get in your system, workaround= !nomodeset and install the nvidia driver12:55
lotuspsychjeotyugh: can you make a screenshot of your highcontrast enabled please?12:56
otyughlotuspsychje, nah, I found the way finnaly12:56
mendiwell i cant get into cli lotuspsychje how do I do that12:56
otyughseems that the set of icon Adawaita was incomplete12:56
otyughand it was completed with the highContrast ones12:57
otyughSwitching to gnome's set fixed it12:57
mendinothing happens when i alt f1/f2 but the underscore is still ticking12:57
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | mendi12:57
ubottumendi: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:57
mendiso i need a linux live to access grub?12:58
mgedminyou could change the kernel command line for a single boot in the grub boot menu13:00
mgedminiirc you can access that by holding down shift during boot?  or by pressing esc at the right instant13:00
mendiwell now my monitor is not recognized13:01
mendigrup displays on the graphic card that wasnt connected to any display13:02
mendiyeah it does default to noveau for some reason13:06
mendieven though its not connected to any display13:06
mgedmindoes the bios have a setting for this?13:07
mendinope no clue13:08
mendiwell i disabled nouveau and now i get no graphical output13:10
mendiim a smart one I guess13:10
lotuspsychjemendi: a GTX card needs to nvidia driver13:10
mendinoted down lotuspsychje haha13:11
mendiwhats mind blowing is that the intel integrated gpu gets no output either13:12
mendijust a black screen13:13
lotuspsychjemendi: booting uefi or legacy?13:14
lotuspsychjemendi: are you dualbooting with windows?13:14
lotuspsychjemendi: try legacy, some uefi settings will influence/block your hardware13:15
mendicheers lotuspsychje13:21
lotuspsychjemendi: fixxed ?13:21
mendimy bios primary display was set to auto13:21
lotuspsychjemendi: and you changed to?13:21
mendiit choosed the display less graphics card13:21
mendicpu graphics13:21
mgedminwhat a shy bios13:21
mendinow its fine13:21
mendiits asus13:21
kenperkinsbtw, most annoying combination in Ubuntu is Super P13:24
mendi"would you like nvidia-xconfig to override x11 settings?" here we go again13:24
kenperkinscoming from an OSX VSCode user where Cmd+P is used in VSCode, I've hit Super-P so many times screwing up my monitor config13:25
lotuspsychje!discuss | kenperkins come to:13:26
ubottukenperkins come to:: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:26
Regor How can I stop tor from starting automatically on boot?13:27
kenperkinsapologies :) let me transform that, other than using dconf-editor, is there a better way to unbind Super+P on Ubuntu 19.04?13:28
mendisudo systemctl disable tor13:28
lotuspsychjekenperkins: hotkeys are managed in: systemsettings/devices/keyboard13:29
kenperkinsthere is no entry in systemsettings/devices/keyboard for Super+P13:31
Regormendi: thanks :)13:32
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kenperkinswhat is this icon on the top bar? it doesn't have a tool tip or any functionality i can see: https://imgur.com/a/1mBdYMm14:23
* mgedmin has never seen it before14:25
nicomachusLooks like a cam? Like a webcam app or something14:25
cybercryptoHi there, I have a few freebsd running using zfs and I heard that next ubuntu release will offer improvements to such filesystem. Does anyone can point me to official docs where I can read more technical details about it?14:26
mgedminkenperkins: there are a bunch of keyboards that have special keys for things like "projector mode" that send hardcoded keys like super+p, so gnome-settings-daemon hardcodes those keys to these functions and I don't think there's any way to change that :(14:26
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kenperkins@mgedmin I found I could remove the bindings in dconf-editor, but not super discoverable, having to google, then apt install, and then find them, for a setting that seems global. I wonder how that could be added to the tradtional key settings area, where do you file issues for ubuntu14:27
mgedminoh, it is changeable?  I'm surprised14:28
mgedminre: bugs -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs14:29
kenperkinsyes, I was able to unbind it last night after repeatedly messing up my monitor config14:29
mgedminor you may want to go directly upstream: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/issues14:29
mgedminhmm, look here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/issues/21414:30
kenperkinsand it already exists14:30
kenperkinsI added a comment :S best I can do14:34
kenperkinshow do I identify what an icon on my top bar relates to?14:39
mgedminI wonder if looking glass could be useful there?  (Alt-F2 lg <Enter>)14:50
mgedminmaybe file an issue asking for a way to identify what app is responsible for which icon?  https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/issues14:52
kenperkinsdone, thanks for the tip15:18
majestic_I just installed ubuntu 19.04 on my lenovo c940 laptop, but there are no network drivers installed so I cant connect to wifi, how do I fix this?15:26
majestic_Is there a package I can download to usb and just install it on the laptop?15:26
mgedminmajestic_: does 'ubuntu-drivers list' say you need a driver for your wifi?15:28
mgedminalso, does your laptop have an ethernet port?  might be simpler than mucking with usb15:29
OerHekstheir forum gives: modprobe -r ideapad_laptop https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Ubuntu/Linux-compatibility-with-Yoga-C930/td-p/426732515:29
majestic_mgedmin: It does not output anything15:30
majestic_Tried with the modprobe command but it did not do anything15:31
tomreynmajestic_: there seems to be several variants of lenovo c940. C940-14IIL apparently comes with an intel wireless chipset15:31
tomreynif you can get the exact model number from its bottom or using   dmesg | grep 'DMI:'  that could help15:32
majestic_tomreyn: It is the c940 14IIL15:33
tomreyndoes    lsmod | grep iwl    output anything?15:33
majestic_The "dmesg | grep 'DMI:'" gives me: LENOVO 81Q9/LNVNB161216, BIOS AUCN45WW 08/22/201915:34
majestic_"lsmod | grep iwl" outputs nothing15:34
tomreynrun this:   lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller'15:35
tomreynon those lines sticking out, starting with numbers, tell us the numbers in [square brackets] to the end15:36
majestic_It says "[0280] Intel corporation device [8086:34f0] (rev 30)" and "Subsystem: Intel corporation device [8086:0074] and "Serial bus controller [0c80]: Intel corporation Ice lake-lp serial IO I2C Controller #0 [8086:34e8] (rev 30)15:38
majestic_Also "Subsystem: Lenovo Ice Lake-LP Serial IO I2C Controller [17aa:3840]"15:38
tomreyn8086:34f0 is an intel "killer" chipset. i don't know which drivers those need, looking15:39
tomreynbug 184173615:39
ubottubug 1841736 in HWE Next "Intel Killer(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX1650i/AX1650s 160MHz Wireless Network Adapter (201NGW) [8086:34f0] subsystem [1a56:1651] not supported" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184173615:39
mgedminah the joys of bleeding-edge hardware15:41
majestic_tomreyn: What does this mean essentially? That I won't enjoy ubuntu?15:41
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mgedminhuh, "Instead, dkms package backport-iwlwifi is recommended"15:41
lotuspsychjemajestic_: i fixxed my intel wifi with similar bug, by installing that oem sp1 kernel from tomreyn bug find15:41
mgedmindoes that mean you can apt install backport-iwlwifi and get it working?15:41
tomreynmajestic_: still reading15:42
mgedminah, no, that's for bionic15:42
mgedminyou're on disco15:42
OerHeksdoes : sudo modprobe -r ideapad_laptop # anything?15:42
tomreynthere's a backport to 18.04's linux-oem kernel images15:42
majestic_OerHeks: Tried it earlier, did not do anything15:42
tomreyn(stil  in -proposed)15:42
tomreynbut we're taling 19.04 here15:43
tomreynmaybe majestic_ will need a !mainline kernel15:43
majestic_What does that mean?15:44
lotuspsychjetomreyn majestic_ mgedmin was mine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/180922415:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1809224 in linux (Ubuntu) "To support Intel Wireless-AX 22000 series" [Undecided,In progress]15:44
tomreynmajestic_: so right now the only way to get this wireless chipset working is to install ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and then to install additional software, namley linux-oem from the 'proposed' archive (which needs ot be enabled first).15:48
tomreyni suggest you first of all look for an alternative way to get this system online.15:49
tomreynmajestic_: such as: ethernet (wired) connection, usb to ethernet dongle, tethering via smartphone, usb wireless dongle15:50
majestic_What do you mean with an alternative way? I know 19.10 will be released soon, will that support the wireless chipset?15:50
majestic_Or I could simply reinstall and use 18.04 LTS, and it will work without any problems?15:50
tomreynmajestic_: 19.10 will likely support it in the future, but not now.15:50
tomreynmajestic_: yuo said you installed 19.04, not 18.04 LTS15:51
majestic_Yeah, 19.04 is installed now, but I could reinstall to 18.04 LTS if that system works15:51
majestic_I have a usb and another computer which I could use to my advantage15:52
tomreynmajestic_: 18.04 will not work out of the box, but you should be able to make it work with some additional changes and downloads.15:52
tomreyncarrying packages from a to be is a last resort option, consider the other options i listed above first15:52
tomreynmajestic_: so are any of those an option?15:56
majestic_tomreyn: Will something like this work? https://www.logitech.com/en-roeu/product/unifying-receiver-usb15:56
tomreynmajestic_: no, that's for input devices such as mice and keyboards.15:58
majestic_Oh, sorry that was the wrong product: https://www.tp-link.com/se/home-networking/adapter/tl-wn725n/15:59
majestic_I meant something like this, a wireless adapter, it should be able to do the work, right?16:00
tomreynmajestic_: this could work if you're close enough to the wireless access point. signal strentgh will be low16:00
majestic_What would be something equivalent to the network card that I can just plug into the USB16:00
majestic_I mean in signal strenght etc16:00
tomreynthat's what i described as "usb wireless dongle" above16:01
tomreynthere are usb connectable wireless network devices which come with a separate antenna, those will work better, but usually devices like the one you showed are enough.16:02
majestic_Ah okay, I guess I have no other option if I want to run ubuntu, or linux in general16:02
majestic_(as for now)16:02
tomreynso you have this very device you pointed to?16:03
tomreyntl-wn725n ?16:03
majestic_No, I made a quick search and found that, it was relatively cheap16:04
tomreynan android smartphone with a usb connectable charging cable would also work.16:04
mgedmincan andoid share wifi over usb?  last time I tried, it shared my LTE and used up my monthly limit in minutes16:06
tomreyni'm not sure about the latest android versions, but android 4 to 7 can16:07
tomreynbut i guess majestic_ would have said so by now if they had an android device.16:08
majestic_No, not at the moment, I will consider a dongle though, I appreciate the help, hopefully the chipset will be supported in the near future16:10
tomreynmajestic_: according to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=247705&p=2 you should be able to use the internal intel AX1650 wireless using linux 5.2.2 and latest firmware.16:12
lotuspsychjemajestic_: could try a 19.10 libeusb perhaps, just as a test?16:14
elias_aI'd like to use an USB IRDA dongle in 18.04. The behaviour I see when I plug it in is a bit odd.16:15
majestic_tomreyn: Wait so arch linux will work?16:16
elias_alsusb says the following: Bus 001 Device 013: ID 07d0:4959 Dazzle Kingsun KS-959 Infrared Adapter16:16
lotuspsychjeelias_a: and it doesnt work?16:16
tomreynmajestic_: not out of the box, i guess. though it's a rolling distribution, so they can more easily support the latest hardware.16:17
elias_alotuspsychje: Apparently I have some ancient config file somewhere in my system as the computer tries to start modemmanager after plugging it in....16:18
tomreynmajestic_: there is indeed a chance that ubuntu 19.10 beta will support your hardware, i concur it's worth a try.16:18
elias_aIsn't modemmanager obsolete nowadays?16:18
majestic_tomreyn: I will try arch linux and then ubuntu 19.10 beta16:19
majestic_Just for fun16:20
tomreynelias_a: i think network manager still uses modemmanager to manage e.g. 4G chips.16:20
tomreynmajestic_: good luck!16:20
elias_atomreyn: Ok. Thanks.16:21
elias_aThis is what syslog says when I plug in the dongle: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m53sXzJSzH/16:25
lotuspsychjeelias_a: the segfault doesnt look nice16:26
rapidwaveWhat is the right update domain for apt? archive.ubuntu.com fails16:27
tomreynrapidwave: with which error message?16:27
tomreynelias_a: is your ubuntu 18.04 full yup to date?16:28
lotuspsychjeelias_a: other usb ports influences its behaviour?16:28
rapidwaveIt says 404 not found16:29
elias_alotuspsychje: No it does not. :/16:30
elias_atomreyn: Should be as I am using Livepatch. I'll check the updates.16:31
tomreynrapidwave: which ubuntu version is this?16:32
tomreynrapidwave: lsb_release -ds16:33
lotuspsychje!uptodate | rapidwave16:33
ubotturapidwave: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.16:33
tomreynelias_a: livepatch only ensures that you get (select) kernel patches while you're not rebooting, not (other) software updates16:34
tomreynrapidwave: normally archive.ubuntu.com should work, it resolves to several ip addresses and mirror servers (and if it does not it would be good to diagnose more thoroughly why it does not work). but you can choose any of these: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors16:35
tomreynrapidwave: 404 may be just because you did not run "sudo apt update" before you tried to install a software16:35
elias_atomreyn: Ok. I updated&upgraded. Same behaviour.16:39
lotuspsychjeelias_a: did you syslog tail, or journalctl -f ?16:39
tomreynelias_a: did you reboot, though?16:40
elias_atomreyn: Nope. I'll do that.16:42
elias_alotuspsychje: That was tail -f /var/log/syslog that I pasted.16:43
lotuspsychjeelias_a: reboot as tomreyn adviced first, then journal16:43
WoCany suggestions on how to change default os in grub ?16:44
tomreynWoC: grub-set-default16:45
WoCk, ty16:46
tomreynWoC: but read its man page16:46
WoCmaybe it would be better to somehow change the default uefi entry...16:47
tomreynyou can also just set GRUB_DEFAULT as discussed at https://askubuntu.com/a/11073816:48
tomreynWoC: ^16:48
elias_aThis is what journalctl -f looks like when I plug the dongle in: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9yDVhDcCxC/16:50
lotuspsychjeelias_a: seems like modem manager having some real issues with your device16:51
lotuspsychjeelias_a: maybe this is worth a new !bug16:52
elias_alotuspsychje: Yes it does. I am just wonderin whether this could be caused by some old config. I remember I did some serious tweaking with a flip usb modem...16:52
tomreynelias_a: can you post this?    sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog16:53
tomreynjust making sure your apt is generally fine16:53
elias_alotuspsychje: Perhaps I should test the dongle in a live session?16:53
lotuspsychjeelias_a: from your journal, it says it cant find plugins for your device16:53
lotuspsychjeelias_a: worth a shot on a clean system16:54
tomreynelias_a: and then also    apt-cache policy modemmanager libmm-glib0 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999916:54
elias_aFirst one: https://termbin.com/hzoh16:55
WoCappreciated tomreyn, i have no choice than to accept defeat, amd graphics drivers issues, hw is older than 6 months so there will be no fix, looks like i have to use winblows on A10-9620P16:56
elias_aSecond one: https://termbin.com/kw3rt16:57
lotuspsychje!info modemmanager16:57
ubottumodemmanager (source: modemmanager): D-Bus service for managing modems. In component main, is optional. Version 1.10.0-1~ubuntu18.04.2 (bionic), package size 776 kB, installed size 3608 kB16:57
tomreynelias_a: those look fine. i notice you have    ifupdown-hotplug   mentioned in your first log, though. however, normally, ubuntu 18.04 no longer uses ifupdown.16:58
tomreynare you using network manager?16:59
fuzeIs there a way for me to patch this bug in my system? kubnutu 18.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27101916:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271019 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel does not detect card reader if card is inserted in reader before boot" [Medium,Won't fix]16:59
elias_atomreyn: I am using network manager. The ifupdown-hotlug certainly has to do with some old flip mode USB modems I have used years back.17:00
lotuspsychjeelias_a: didnt try this myself, maybe worth to compare that manual edit? https://forum.manjaro.org/t/modemmanager-mobile-broadband-adapter-not-supported-anymore/4526817:02
tomreynelias_a: hmm i would suggest you install ifupdown and make sure you can manage all network interfaces through netwokrmanager only then. but this won't prevent modemmanager from segfaulting. indeed i think you should run    ubuntu-bug modemmanager17:03
* tomreyn got to leave, ttyl17:03
elias_alotuspsychje: Thank you - I'll check it out.17:04
lotuspsychjeelias_a: if that doesnt work, go for the bug as tomreyn suggests17:05
elias_alotuspsychje: This definately has to do with my old configs as the dongle works out of the box when booted from a live stick.17:18
lotuspsychjeelias_a: ah good you tested it clean before !bug17:18
adrian_1908Sorry, way offtopic but could someone briefly tell me if "Manchester United vs Arsenal" is still on / at what time is started? I cannot look online without running into the score.17:19
lotuspsychjeadrian_1908: not here please17:21
adrian_1908Yeah sorry, someone helped me via PM.17:26
MapManHi! I'm trying to install an older version of mongo on ubuntu 18 lts. I had this exact problem before and I managed to do it. This time, I'm stuck on uninstalling exisiting installation of mongo which doesn't work. When I do 'sudo apt remove mongodb-server' it fails, because the initscript fails to stop mongodb (mongodb is not running, it's broken and never even started, but stopping also throws an error).17:29
MapManWhat can I do?17:29
sarnoldcan you pastebin the whole thing?17:29
MapManThis prevents me from installing the version I want17:32
sarnoldMapMan: where did you download that package from? I don't spot it in my archive mirror17:32
MapManfrom mongo repos17:32
MapManI had to add apt-key and sources list17:33
mgedminMapMan: does sudo systemctl daemon-reload help?17:33
sarnoldugh, it looks like they host with s3 buckets or something https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu bionic/mongodb-org/17:33
sarnoldhttps://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu%20bionic/mongodb-org/ --> 404 Code: NoSuchKey17:33
sarnoldwait did trhey really put a space in their bloody url>>17:34
MapManmgedmin: nope, doesn't help17:34
mgedminif not, then the next step is probably manually editing /var/lib/dpkg/info/mongodb-org-server.prerm to make it not fail if the invoke-rc.d call fails17:34
mgedminpastebin that file if you'd like us to be more specific17:34
MapMansarnold: ofcourse they have :)17:34
kenperkinswhat are .desktop files?17:34
mgedminor just drop || true at the end of the invoke-rc.d that is trying to stop the server17:34
sarnoldno this one's my fault, I copied the entire apt line, not the url, heh17:34
MapManmgedmin: ok, I'll edit the prerm file17:34
sarnoldheh, I don't see 3.2.22 on https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu/dists/bionic/mongodb-org/ .. how the heck did yougrab their prerm script so fast? :)17:36
MapMansarnold: hmm? :P17:40
MapMansarnold: I think it's in ubuntu trusty or xenial or something. It was a mistake to install it that way, it doesn't work. I remember that I did it exactly the same way before but now I can't remove it...17:41
sarnoldMapMan: I wanted to grab the package you had installed so I could find the prerm script and try to guess which step failed.. but their repo doesn't appear to have that version any more17:41
MapManthe script is really simple: https://dpaste.de/1cLb17:42
MapManI find this to be really confusing: https://dpaste.de/BY9V17:43
MapManokay, screw it, I modified the bash script17:44
sarnoldafter you change service files you have to manually tell systemd about them via systemctl daemon-reload17:47
sarnoldI think the dh_systemd debian helper tool will do that automatically but not all packagers use it17:47
mgedminMapMan: note 'mongodb' in one command but 'monogd' in the other17:48
mgedminthe ubuntu mongodb-server package uses a service called 'mongodb' with the b at the end17:48
mgedminthe prerm script you shared wants a 'monogd' service without the b at the end17:49
MapManmgedmin: yeah, I know. Something was fucked up with it from the very beginning, it would never start and would always complain about the same thing, nothing helped.17:52
MapManThanks mgedmin and sarnold, mongodb works after I removed the package and reinstalled the package I ultimately wanted17:52
sarnoldyay :)17:54
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gpCan anyone point me towards a walkthrough for configuring shell scripts in ubuntu 18.04?  I.e. ctrl alt f4 opens a screen running my favorite gui program18:54
lordcirthgp, that sounds more like a keyboard shortcut than a script19:00
gplordcirth: virtual console?19:01
lordcirthgp, can you clarify what you want to happen?19:01
gplordcirth: Just getting started. Trying to configure what happens when the user swaps to ttyN. Sort of like https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Getty#Automatic_login_to_virtual_console19:03
gpLost at this point. Trying to get my bearings19:03
jrgilmanhey there, I wrote a little script that sets up my dual monitors in the proper positions, but I also want to modify the position of the dock to always be with one of the monitors (the one i'm setting as primary with xrandr). the preferred-monitor option under gsettings org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock switches from 1 to 2 when i modify that value in the GUI but it19:03
gilHi all - I am attempting to lock down my box via ufw - https://pastebin.com/fmc49NLR .... I'm surprised that I'm still able to browse the web using that configuration- shouldn't it be blocking port 80?19:04
jrgilmans not clear how that relates to my monitors19:04
gpFirst attempt would be nice to log into a RDP server using freerdp19:04
lordcirthgp, Ah, ok. Why run this app in it's own X server on ttyN instead of on the main X server?19:04
gplordcirth: tty1 runs mate desktop, tty2 uses freerdp, tty3 runs an xterm, etc19:04
gplordcirth: multitasking19:04
sarnoldgil: "allow (outgoing),"19:05
gplordcirth: currently runs this way on older version but ubuntu 18.04 changes with systemd19:05
gilsarnold okay, maybe I'm being stupid - does that allow outgoing also allow incoming connections if I've initiated them?19:06
sarnoldgil: an outgoing tcp packet is only useful it incoming reply packets are accepted; so the usual mechanism with most stateful firewall systems automatically allows reply packets too19:07
doug16kgp, in settings/devices/keyboard, scroll all the way down, click the +, add your command there19:08
gilsarnold okay. That makes complete sense. Thanks for explaining it to me!19:08
deancSoftware updater just said it would like to restart my machine19:08
deanchow can i find out "why"?19:08
deancthere's nothing in the gui that popped up, just restart now and later19:08
sarnoldgil: cool! you're welcome, have fun :D19:08
gpdoug16k: that isn't helpful here unfortunately. I am trying to configure via command line for images that are netbooted19:09
mgedmindeanc: you can cat /run/reboot-required.pkgs to see what packages that were upgraded had the 'reboot required' flag19:10
sarnoldgp: is this a problem better served by tiling window manager like i3 or notion or dwm or ratpoison or similar?19:10
gpsarnold: maybe for this exact problem. but I am trying to get the basics down so that I can abstract the functionality to be configured by mac address. so that certain images display certain screens19:11
deancmgedmin: linux-image and linux-base*19:12
deancwhy would that be? ive not ran an apt-get upgrade today19:12
deancah i have security updates auto19:12
deanccould there be a security issue in the linux-base that requires that restart?19:12
mgedmindeanc: linux-image, more likely19:14
mgedminthat's a kernel security update19:15
mgedminah, linux-base contains support files for linux kernels, how interesting19:15
deancWhy do i need to restart. I run debian on a vps and dont think ive had to "restart" in 2-3 years?19:16
mgedmindidn't you ever install kernel security updates?  there's a security vulnerability discovered like every few weeks...19:16
lordcirthdeanc, do you have a tool doing live kernel patches?19:16
lordcirthEven then, those tools usually warn you after a while that you need to actually reboot19:17
deanclordcirth: not knowingly19:17
lordcirthdeanc, then that VPS's kernel has several years of vulnerabilities.19:17
deancmgedmin: i just regularly do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and periodically dist-upgrade19:17
sarnolddeanc: we publish kernel updates every three weeks; even if you're running livepatch on your instances to live update your kernels, you still need to reboot periodically because there's just some bugs that can't be livepatched19:18
deancsarnold: how can i confirm my kernel is set to be live patched?19:18
deancwhich tab is that under under update settings19:18
lordcirthlive patching basically lets you put off the reboot till the weekend, in most cases.19:18
deancRebooting makes me sad :(19:18
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doug16kalready fixed already installed but not rebooted to be applied vulnerabilities make me sad19:19
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deancdoug16k: :>19:20
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sarnolddeanc: run canonical-livepatch status --verbose19:21
mgedminif you had live-patching you'd know it19:21
mgedminyou have to sign up for an account, get secret tokens, install tools, enable them19:21
deancwhat are the pros/cons of live patching, it says it can be installed19:21
mgedminthat's for ubuntu; I don't believe live patching is available for debian at all19:21
mgedminpros: no reboots needed, cons: only 3 machines before you have to pay, only some ubuntu versions are supported, and not all updates can be installed by live-patching so you will need occasional reboots19:22
mgedminalso, not all architectures are supported (no arm, eg.)19:22
deanchm okay good to know19:23
deancwhy i have your ear, i cant get an answer in the linux channel. Im looking for a terminal which gives me the number of times my bell has sounded from any tab when it's not focused (as iterm2 does on osx)19:23
mgedminoh, interesting feature (but I don't know if there are any terms like this)19:23
lordcirthdeanc, like, the tab would show up as "bash (3)" if the bell had rung 3 times since you selected the tab?19:24
sarnoldindeed that sounds like it'd be nice19:24
mgedminkonsole had similar features (change tab color when new output showed up etc), but I don't know if it can count bells19:25
lordcirthdeanc, I would say pick your favorite terminal, and make a feature request :)19:25
deanclordcirth: yes but on the dock it shows you the number of times the bell has sounded19:25
deanclordcirth: I use it primarily for knowing how many pms i have without having to focus the terminal :)19:25
lordcirthAh, for IRC?19:25
deancyeah, but anything, some long running processes might sound a bell on complete too19:26
coz_can't that be partially set in bash_profile19:26
deancI don't always have my headphones plugged in :)19:26
deanciterm2 not only does a growl notification but has the notification (bell) count19:26
deancGuess that's a no then! :)19:33
tokumadaI'm trying to make an SSH private key as an environment variable available to a process (jenkins) on startup in ubuntu 18.04. How should I go about doing that?20:24
lordcirthtokumada, how are you starting jenkins?20:25
lordcirthAnd does it take a filename, or the literal key?20:25
tokumadalordcirth, systemctl start jenkins. It's enabled on default. It will take the literal key.20:26
tokumadaJenkins is reading a script that expects the environment variable $SSH_KEY to be set.20:27
lordcirthtokumada, you should be able to do 'systemctl edit jenkins'20:29
lordcirthThen, under [Service] you can insert 'EnvironmentFile=/etc/my_service/my_service.conf'20:29
lordcirthThen you can set the permissions on this conf file to only allow root to read it.20:30
lordcirthFormat here: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#EnvironmentFile=20:30
jpmhwhen I boot my server there is a THREE minute delay for random, dmesg shows: [   16.798244] random: 7 urandom warning(s) missed due to ratelimiting - and then the next entry is at 199 - how do I stop this delay?20:31
lordcirthjpmh, is this a physical server or VM? What Ubuntu version?20:32
jpmhlordcirth_: 18.4 and yes a cloud server20:32
lordcirthjpmh, what hypervisor or cloud host service?20:33
jpmhlordcirth_: ramnode20:34
jpmhlordcirth_: I'm very happy with ramnode - been with them for years on their older VPS systems - and this new stuff is GREAT and at $3 / month tough to beat20:34
lordcirthjpmh, ok. Try 'apt install haveged' and reboot.20:35
jpmhlordcirth_: - ty - will read up on what that is and try - will report back20:36
jpmhlordcirth_: BRILLIANT! - TY - now I just need to read up and see if there are any negatives in husing havged - TY SO MUCH!20:40
lordcirthjpmh, np20:40
virmahaHello. I am trying to generate an executable using toolchain which lives in a different folder. But I get ../some/path/bin/ld: cannot find Scrt1.o: No such file or directory20:47
virmahaHow do i debug this? Tried using LD_DEBUG=libs, -Wl,--verbose but don't find anything interesting. I am using sysroot btw20:47
virmahaand scrt1.o is present at sysroot/path/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu20:48
brohbhi, I'm looking into linux options for embedded devices, such as routers and similar20:52
brohbI just saw that ubuntu has some kind of version specifically for embedded devices, I suppose somewhat similar to a live distro20:53
brohbunmutable on reboot20:53
brohbcan anyone give me some directions, how to I get this distro, is it mature yet?20:53
brohbI guess this is the ubuntu for IoT20:55
akemhpvirmaha, You should rather ask in a dev oriented channel.20:58
virmahathanks akemhp20:58
akemhpvirmaha, I would try to force scrt1.o linking manually by adding it to the LD_FLAGS+=-l/path/to/scrt1.o or something like that.21:00
FuraiIs ubuntu toolchain ppa up to date?21:01
virmahaakemhp : I gave path to it in -L and i believe that should be enough21:09
luiserebii   /msg NickServ VERIFY EMAILCHG Luiserebii 59336486621:27
gambl0rewhat does ctrl alt f8 do?21:34
gambl0rewhat is supposed to do?21:34
humpledblank screen with flashing unresponsive text cursor?21:37
kevin110543Hello everybody21:38
humpledhi kevin110543, let's hope 1155 people don't reply21:39
kevin110543haha sorry, im new to IRC. Is this like some sort of ubuntu support page?21:40
OerHeksthat is what the /topic says21:41
humpledit's community support, so equal parts of enthusiasm, wisdom and sarcasm21:42
kevin110543Oh I see. is there some sort of IRC channel that deals with running servers, specifically on raspberry pi's?21:42
gambl0rehumpled, what is that?21:42
gambl0redoes it ctrl alt f8 have any purpose besides showing a a blinking cursor?21:42
OerHeksnothing, TTY is from 1-721:43
takashihi...what's the difference between Python virtual environment and pipenv ?21:44
takashiI have a project that uses pipenv, but I have a tutorial that uses virtual environment21:45
takashiwondering if it's possible to change a shell script in the tutorial to use pipenv instead of virtual environment21:45
takashiI'm quite a noob btw...so maybe my q is trivial21:46
kevin110543well ubuntu-server seems pretty dry. Do any of you guys/gals have any experience with raspberry pi?21:46
luiserebiiI've done some things with raspberry pis before21:47
humpledthere's #raspbian, probably also relatively quiet21:49
humpledin some of these channels you will get a good answer to a well posed question, though it might take longer, there'll be less noise21:50
humpledthere's a busy #python channel takashi21:50
OerHeksask your real question and find out?21:50
kevin110543What I want to accomplish is to have a pi zero with wifi adapter, hooked up to a power supply, that broadcasts its own LAN. Once the LAN is up, Id like to be able to connect to it with several windows pc's and access a shared file folder. Im a computer programming student and id like to share .java files with classmates without using google docs or any sort of cloud based file sharing service21:51
humpledsounds doable21:53
Betalkevin110543: can't you just share from ubuntu using samba?21:53
OerHekssetup nextcloud on that pi21:53
kevin110543what is samba? And how hard is it to make it so that the both the LAN and the fileserver start on startup?21:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html21:57
humpledas for managing services, that's what linux does, generally21:58
humpledhow will you interact with the pi tho?21:58
kevin110543Id assume that id be able to ssh to it, not?21:59
humpledoh yes21:59
OerHeksnextcloud gives a web inlog21:59
humpledso nextcloud is a package making it easy to install and manage all these services in one go?22:00
OerHeksfilesharing, sure22:01
kevin110543Ok, ill look into nextcloud and samba. In your guys's opinions, which is easier/faster to setup?22:01
OerHeksor you could go the manual way, ubuntu server + https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/22:02
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humpledwe haven't touched whether there is a lan already available and whether it will allow services to be forwarded22:03
humpledsetting up dhcp-server and hoping your wifi card is up to the task22:04
kevin110543so is there some apt package that allows me to host a LAN? Almost like a mobile hotspot or a router with no internet?22:06
kevin110543I have to do homework so ill have to push the project on to tomorrow. Thanks for the help guys!22:08
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moltHey everyone! How would I add a logoff sound in Ubuntu 18.04?22:55
GusjHello there, My Toshiba Laptop with Lubuntu does not recognize keyboard and trackpad, dmesg lists both devices booting up but also says this after: '4.564143] i8042: Can't reactivate AUX port'  Does someone know how to force it to activate?22:57
bigodeHello. Could someone point me to the direction of Visual Studio Code install on Ubuntu please?23:14
tomreyntry a web search for: ubuntu visual studio code23:15
tomreynyou'd want the .deb or snap23:15
bigodetomreyn: I did. I found several tutorials but I like somethink safe because I am just a neubie23:15
tomreynweird, for me this was the first link https://code.visualstudio.com/download23:16
tomreynand this wa sthe second https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/linux23:16
bigodeYes, I can download easily, but then what should I do?23:16
tomreynyou should prefer setting up the apt repository over installing the .deb23:16
bigodeAlright. Thank you tomreyn ! :*23:16
tomreynbigode: ah actually the .deb is the easiest i just learnt23:17
bigodetomreyn: Ok23:17
tomreynso download the .deb, then double-click it on your fole browser, which shoudld offer installing ist. if it doesn't, open a terminal and "cd" into the directory the downloaded file is in. then run    sudo apt install ./code_*.deb23:19
tomreyn* fIle browser23:20
tomreynbigode: note that, just to complete this, vscode is not part of ubuntu and thus not really supported here, though23:29
tomreynGusj: please report a bug if you haven't. there are some possible workarounds discussed in this bug similar againsr Fedora: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=143663623:31
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1436636 in kernel "Keyboard not working after resume with kernel 4.10.5-200.fc25.x86_64" [Medium,New]23:31
tomreynGusj: please don't cross post (#xubuntu), thanks.23:35
giacohello! I'm looking for an extensible service to ping my machines and http request my servers that I can deploy locally23:48
sarnoldnagios3 and icinga and so on aren't a terrible starting point23:49
sarnoldwell, they are, but I'm not sure what else to recommend23:50
giacosarnold: thanks23:51

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