
=== Brian is now known as Guest61217
Regorwhats default disk management tool in 18.04 ?07:21
diogenes_Regor, should be gparted.07:25
xubuntu26whello is anyone here?08:39
xubuntu26wMint has an xfce official release; why use xubuntu/vice-versa08:40
xubuntu26wis there a list of included packages in xubuntu somewhere?08:40
diogenes_xubuntu uses standard ubuntu/debian infrastructure whereas mint does a lot of modifications.08:41
brainwashxubuntu26w: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/xubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.manifest08:45
brainwashsome of the listed packages are only used for the live session and installation routine08:46
xubuntu26wThanks for the information, friends. Do you volunteer here or just fans?08:48
rud0lfxubuntu26w: does one excludes another?08:58
xubuntu26wWell I'd consider "volunteer" an official status, a fan being a personal opinion...09:06
xubuntu26wMint's irc is def. more lively; I've tried many distros, what interests me the most in this one is that the iso is smallest aside from a non-gui or puppy09:16
jarnosDoes Xubuntu have any application for showing system information? I think hardinfo could be good for that.12:05
diogenes_jarnos, use inxi -F12:24
=== Gus_ is now known as Gusj
jarnosdiogenes_, that is usefu, just would need an item in whisker menu.12:32
diogenes_jarnos, you can create a shortcut that you click on and it will display the terminal with all that info.12:34
jarnosdiogenes_, yes, I just wish it was there when I installed Xubuntu.12:35
jarnoswhen I search for system information12:36
diogenes_for that purpose you could create your own custom xubuntu iso that wil include any software you wish.12:36
diogenes_lspci is the thing that comes pre-installed and shows sysinfo.12:38
jarnosdiogenes_, lspci shows only part of it12:39
jarnosdiogenes_, well, I suppose someone else would benefit from it, too, if it was in the standats ISO.12:40
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
GusjHi there, been trying for this past week to get my Toshiba laptop to recognize its keyboard and trackpad, have not been able to, I have tried: severals commands in the grub file, many solutions found online with no luck, at the moment the machine sees them booting up as seen in dmsg but when i do 'xinput list' ubuntu does not see them22:52
Gusj  Here is the result of dmesg:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zDWbX6Jy6p/22:55
GusjThe relevant line I believe is '4.564143] i8042: Can't reactivate AUX port'  Does someone know how to force it to activate?22:55
GusjHere is the result of dmesg:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zDWbX6Jy6p/22:59
well_laid_lawnHae you checked the X log ?23:00
well_laid_lawndoes the keyboard work in a tty ?23:01
Gusjno it appears to be frozen23:01
well_laid_lawnwhat model laptop ?23:02
GusjWhen I go into another tty ctrl+alt+f2  u get a lot of text output happening by itself continually23:04
Gusjhave not check x log yet, can do that now, new to linux after a long time..23:04
Gusjthe text that keeps repeating is long and I am typing now from another machine,ACPI BUS BIOS ERROR 1 time and ACPI ERROR 4 times,23:06
GusjToshiba Satellite C55-A510523:06
Gusjwhere is the X log located? do you mean X for Xorg??23:07
well_laid_lawnyes it's /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:08
well_laid_lawnacpi issues could be hardware related or a wrong kernel module being loaded23:10
GusjThank you, let me look at it now an23:10
tomreynare you sure it still goes there? i'm not running xubuntu (standard ubuntu here) but mine goes to the systemd journal (journalctl -b) only, /var/log/Xorg* is old, outdated23:10
Bashing-omGusj: well_laid_lawn:: Maybe too a New location of the file: .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log .23:10
tomreynyes, ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log should work IMO23:11
GusjThose errors keep outputing by themselves ino any tty i go to f2, f3, they are 5 lines, 1 acpi bios, and 4 acpi errors very long lines23:11
well_laid_lawnthat's the kernel writing to stderr - check in the bios that all is ok - maybe see if there is a setting to tweak23:13
GusjAlready checked the bios very very well, even updated it before the lubuntu install, toshiba only made bios updates for windows, updated from 1.10 to 1.40 in steps23:14
Gusjits a very long store, i have broken 2 installs, and first tried ubuntustudio before installing lubuntu23:14
Gusjwell_laid_lawn: I am sorry but when i do '~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log' it tells me that there is no such file or dir23:16
well_laid_lawnyou have to open with a program like    mousepad '~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log23:17
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:17
GusjI have the log open with nano, and trying to see if i see / recognize something relevant..23:21
well_laid_lawnI'd look for X not recognising something or making alot of power buttons or similar23:23
GusjYes in one it says make the keyboard the power button..23:24
GusjII) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Power Button" (type: KEYBOARD, id 8)23:27
Gusj[    29.429] (**) Option "xkb_model" "pc105"23:27
Gusj[    29.429] (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"23:27
Gusj[    29.430] (II) event0  - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard23:27
Gusj[    29.430] (II) event0  - Power Button: device is a keyboard23:27
well_laid_lawnwhat happens when you boot into a live cd ?23:31
Gusjthe same thing, I was able to do stuff with external keyboard and mouse.. the laptop kybrd and mouse work in the bios23:31
well_laid_lawnthat laptop should work fine from what I saw on the  net23:35
well_laid_lawnyou haven't set any udev rules ?23:37
Gusj@well_laid_lawn You see when I log on, the numlock light stays always on.. like the kybrd is frozen, the only option that helped me to turn the light at least OFF, is the atkbd.reset in the grub file, then it would boot wiht the nums lock light off but same result, keybrd and trackpad unresponsive23:38
GusjNo, I don't exactly know what those rules do, so no23:39
GusjCan I upload the Xorg.0.log file to pastes.ubuntu?23:40
GusjWish I knew more if only a certain area is important, I can understand a bit, but not sure how to proceed so I had to include it all, I apologize before that23:46
well_laid_lawnGusj:  line 306 sees a keyboard23:57
GusjThank you, here it is:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fQZYZyDyR4/23:58
GusjAhh sorry for the repeat..!23:58

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