[00:35] Is there documentation on how to configure dual monitors, such that my application locations, remain unchanged? As it stands now, when I connect my secondary monitor, everything reverts, even though I have my main screen set as primary. I am running Plasma version 5.15.4 if it makes a difference. [01:01] @fairhb you might check to be sure that your ~/.config is owned by your user, and not root [01:02] !permissions [01:02] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [02:02] is there a setting somewhere for Additional Drivers on Kubuntu 19? I don't see it in the Drivers software [02:03] Driver Manager* [02:11] help[ [02:14] oh4: which additional drivers? [02:14] user|7458: help with what? [02:14] !help [02:14] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [02:15] @valorie, .config is owned by me not root [02:15] hmmm, then your selections should have been saved [02:16] however, some set up plasma to *not* save on logout [02:16] valorie: looking for the broadcom b43 but looks like my installation didn't go well [02:16] so you might check that [02:16] !broadcom [02:16] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [02:16] oh4: ^^^ [02:16] I'm missing a lot of options..even when running "sudo apt install xxx" I get that the package isn't available even for vim or git [02:17] hmmm [02:17] so something didn't go right with the install at all, which probably explains not seeing the addition drivers option [02:17] I'll retry the install and see what's up [02:17] ;) [02:17] vim could be included, but git certainly isn't [02:17] @valorie, would is that setting? [02:17] *where [02:18] System settings > desktop session [02:20] @valorie> System settings , On Login, it is set to restore previous session [02:20] hmmm [02:20] how about logout? [02:20] set to save? [02:21] this happens regardless of rebooting. when i plug in a second monitor it rearranges everything once the second monitor is initialized [02:21] I guess I would ask in #plasma -- during euro-working-hours [02:21] i set my laptop screen as primary, and monitor as secondary. those setting remain after reboot [02:22] that's a devel chan, but they very much want multi-monitor to work perfectly [02:22] roger that. thanks for helping troubleshoot [02:23] yw [03:13] I was just wondering if anyone had had any extreme DE messups whilst using Snaps? Where the clock widget resets hours in the past, all the tray icons swap around and generally become unusable, and magically it all fixes the second the Snap is closed? [03:37] wow, that seems extreme [03:37] I've not experienced anything like that [03:45] <[Relic]> is it just saving the last state of the widget bar? I get that after several times of fullwindow apps that set video display, then I have to reboot to clear it since the entire task manager is usually funny and not showing everything open at that point, but the instant you close that last program it reverts [03:46] <[Relic]> of course it may be tied to multiple virtual windows [05:25] Hello [05:56] hi [06:32] Good morning [09:49] hi...I have a disk that works flawlessly on windows but refuses to work in my kubuntu...first time I see such thing...has anyone have info about this? [09:49] Any details about the disk? [09:49] Nvme drive? [09:52] it's a 2T sata ssd [09:52] connected through a usb3 dock [09:53] What is the output of `lsblk`? [09:53] sdi 8:128 0 1,8T 0 disk [09:54] So... it is seen? [09:57] kind of....can't do anything with it...here the syslog https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J7xvzYNZj9/ [09:59] It gives IO errors (very explicitly in line 107). [09:59] Maybe not connect it via a dock but directly? [10:00] other disks work just fine throught the dock [10:00] and...unfortunatelly I have no spare sata connector [10:03] Have some encountered issues with using Connections on object that has signal with argument. Refering to signal argument by name works but not under gdb [10:03] Under gdb I got error - "pageIndex is not defined" [10:03] pageIndex is signal argument [11:24] Hi folks [11:48] hi, I am missing (sure: not finding) a function that I know from windows and in plasma I cannot detect it: I would like to define for my folder "pictures" lets say thumb view, and for documents "list view" in dolphin. [11:49] in dolphins settings there are two options: remember for each folder or one setting for all... but I am missing: define it for one folder and all its subfolders. [11:49] where is it? ;-) [11:51] open dolphin>settings>configure dolphin [11:52] you'll need to enable the main toolbar [11:52] pragomer,^' [11:56] "configure dolphin" is clear so far.. [11:57] http://i.imgur.com/EqGELHB.png [11:57] its in german unfortunatly... [11:57] i know this is a setting, I mean this: [11:57] http://i.imgur.com/M1SfMGN.png [11:58] but 2nd entry means one setting for ALL folders, right? [11:58] @pragomer, yes [11:59] yes, and I am searching for a way to define folder "picutes" and all subfolders "thumbview", for all other: detailed view... [11:59] @pragomer, Here the subfolders assume the settings of parent [12:00] no, they dont.. thats the problem... [12:01] when I got to lets say documents folder... switch to detailed view... whenever I go into a subfolder it goes in thumbview... so I would have to define this for about a few hundred folders and subfulders.. [12:01] (Photo, 218x81) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Pw73L4EP/file_18675.jpg Here to fix. This setting is going to "bookmark" for each folder and his childs [12:03] no sorry, it does not for the childs in my case :-( [12:05] @pragomer, Oh sorry, i see, you want different settings for your folders. Hmmm... i don't know a fix for your problem. Sorry... [12:09] @pragomer, Solution is: you must define for each folder your setting [12:41] yes, I think so, too unfortunatly... thats the ONLY thing windows (explorer) can better than linux ans plasma ;-) [13:17] greetings, how can I completely destroy tracker? it's really driving me insane. [13:19] isomari, sudo apt purge tracker [13:30] BluesKaj: the list of stuff that it wants to take with it scares me. [13:32] maybe move files tracker*.desktop from /etc/xdg/autostart [13:33] it's better idea [13:37] isomari, rather than purge , then just remove tracker and the dependencies will remain [17:40] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/WPynVwi7/file_18681.jpg @RikMills [17:41] @Linuxophil, Think that is like the one in this PC, though this is 250 [17:52] @RikMills, I production SSDs are those: [17:52] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/naacMieK/file_18685.jpg [17:53] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ylHUtw1H/file_18686.jpg [17:54] Yeah, bet I could get 4x the size for same money now [17:56] Probably. [17:56] I am itching to expell the last spinning rust from my desktop! [17:56] But too expensive still. [17:58] Indeed. I have the 240GB ssd for / and /home, and 2x 1TB rotational for data. [17:58] Same setup here! [17:59] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/bSHLzoEo/file_18687.jpg [17:59] It's the result of sequential upgrades, but it works quite well [18:00] Ok. Tell me how to best help you trouble shoot please. I have never done that in my life! [18:01] I am in the life session now. [18:01] Troubleshoot what? [18:01] Chose the beta image [18:02] Sorry. Not a native speaker. I mean testing. [18:03] Oh! There's a new launcher! [18:03] ?? [18:05] The "simple menu". [18:05] Wasn't there on 18.04. [18:07] Oh yeah, I added that to the plasma stuff in kubuntu-settings-desktop package, so it would be there by default [18:08] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/1:19.10ubuntu4 [18:12] During Installation process: [18:12] Default keyboard layout does not follow selected language. [18:13] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1706859 [18:13] instead defaults to English [18:13] Launchpad bug 1706859 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "Auto-selected keyboard layout no longer matches chosen region on "Where are you" page" [Medium,Triaged] [18:13] great! [18:14] I have been trying to get that fixed by Ubuntu for ages, but some people claim it is not even a bug! [18:14] How's that not a bug? [18:14] Functionally it sure is! [18:16] They argue that for many locales, the old behavior chose the wrong langiuage variant. So that not trying to guess is better than trying to guess, and getting it wrong. [18:17] Error in the German translation on confirmation screen for reformatting the drive. [18:18] I hope is is meaned to say "parttion tables WILL BE changed". Now it says WERE changed. [18:19] Not surprised. The Ubiquity translations from Ubuntu are not great in many cases. [18:19] Also, the buttons (OK and Cancel) are inverted. [18:20] OK is left and cancel is right. On the screens before and after that one, it is the other way around. [18:20] No deal breaker, but annoying. [18:24] The displayed plasma image in the slideshow during installation is not reagionalized. [18:24] Some parts of the text is not translated at all. [18:25] on pages 1, 4 and 5 of the slideshow. [18:25] I think it is installing the nvidia driver now! 😊 [18:32] Wow! It by default chose a perfect magnification for my 27" 4K monitor! [18:33] Keep in mind, I come from Kubuntu 18.04 and thus Plasma 5.12. [18:34] Weirdly though, The scaling factor displayed in the monitor part of settings is 1. [18:39] ...but the mouse cursor gets miniscule when I point it onto the window bar or the favorites section of the starter menu. [18:44] Missing translations: "refresh driver list" button in the driver tool. [18:44] checkbox "Enter UEFI setup on next restart" [18:47] Driver tool is now running for 5 mins "collecting information" to no effect. [18:53] closing and restarting it revealed that my GTX1070 is using the recommended 435 nvidia driver directly after install. 😊 [18:56] When trying to make a vault, the drop down menu for selection of encryption on the last screen is empty. [18:57] going back one screen and then proceed again cures that problem. [19:01] The icon of the widget "Show desktop" changed to this after installation: [19:01] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/sxOQKtYX/file_18688.jpg [19:02] Also: May I suggest switching out this widget "show desktop" for "minimize all windows" at the same place? [19:03] It is super easy to change, but it make so much more sense to just have it from the beginning. [19:07] I cannot set "super+D" as the shortcut for "minimize all windows. When I try, it activates the "show desktop" funktion. [19:08] Even though there seems to be no shortcut set for the "show desktop" widget. [19:24] Hello, where is the best place to discuss the Kubuntu 19.10 beta ? [19:31] I would have hoped that it is here! [19:35] Hello all. Happy Friday. Is there a way of setting plasma to turn off screen after locking screen? Similar to how Gnome does? Googling helped me little with old articles. [19:37] I think plasma uses the same countdownfor screen deactivation after logout than inside a session. [19:37] @avinash512, . [19:39] Should I report bugs to Kubuntu launchpad or (using the built in Help > Report bug... feature) directly to the KDE bugtracker? The Kubuntu wiki seems to say the latter, but the wiki page also seems very old. [20:28] nalck: #ubuntu+1 [20:28] and bug reporting - ask here! [20:29] because KDE bugs are best reported to KDE, while our packaging bugs are things we can fix directly [20:37] thanks valorie [20:38] I am experiencing a strange kind of visual artifact (or is the term screen tearing?) in Konsole --- especially when exiting from interactive programs like top, htop, etc. [20:38] I mean you can always file a biug on LP: in the commandline: ubuntu-bug packagename [20:38] is the best [20:38] and if it turns out to be a KDE bug, you can link them [20:38] ok thanks [20:39] hmm, that sounds like a video driver and/or compositor [20:39] you can change compositor in systemsettings [20:40] valorie: ok. what should I change it to? [20:40] afternoon, any good alternate gmail apps for kde? kmail still broken. [20:42] kalikatz: thunderbird? [20:42] or change to plain - googlemail [20:42] is what I hear [20:42] google changed some API [20:42] ya was hoping for something diffrent, new, or whatever. [20:45] email gets more and more difficult [20:45] more spam, changing APIs [20:45] etc. [20:47] ya [20:57] valorie, thanks for taking time to help me. for what it's worth I found the reason behind my bug here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044351/konsole-terminal-showing-tearing-when-running-commands [20:57] interesting, nalck [20:58] there have been recent improvements in scaling, especially on nvidia [20:58] I am on an all-AMD system, but my 1080p leads me to use 1.2 or 1.3 [20:58] one of the reasons why I use Kubuntu is how easy that is to do on this laptop :) [20:59] this article also seems related: https://cullmann.io/posts/kde-qt-highdpi-scaling/ [21:02] of interest is how the article mentions that 1.2 is bad for the floating-point math, but the "Display" menu doesn't offer the proposed better alternative of 1.25, it just skips to 1.3 [21:04] ok sorry for the spam, I'll stop here. Looks like my issue is fixed upstream, would be cool to have this in the 19.10 release if feasible for people who use fractional scaling: https://phabricator.kde.org/D24321 [21:20] it will be available in backports soon