
=== vim is now known as Guest7344
Ranger5Hi guys! Has anyone else had any trouble setting up an account in Trojita?00:11
Ranger5It seems I can get mail, but I can't send one. The message that comes up says that the Sent folder doesn't exist. Do I need to create one in order for it to work?00:24
lubot<HMollerCl> try putting INBOX. before Sent in the name00:26
lubot<HMollerCl> like INBOX.Sent00:26
lubot<HMollerCl> in cofig->imap save sent e-mail00:27
lubot<HMollerCl> (or don't save it)00:27
lubot<HMollerCl> Ranger5 ^00:27
Ranger5Yes, hi, I'm not sure I fully understand?00:28
lubot<HMollerCl> you can configure IMAP00:29
lubot<HMollerCl> you can save outgoing messages (or not)00:29
lubot<HMollerCl> in SMTP tab00:30
lubot<HMollerCl> look here https://manual.lubuntu.me/2/2.1/2.1.5/trojita.html?highlight=trojita00:31
lubot<HMollerCl> In SMTP tab, Save Outgoing Mail00:31
lubot<HMollerCl> Sent Folder Name00:31
lubot<HMollerCl> Sometimes instead of just "Sent" you need to put "INBOX.Sent"00:31
Ranger5Oh now I get it! okay I'll try that and see if it works. Thanks very much for your help(y) (y)00:32
lubot<martinmcmillan> Here's an issue: I'm trying to install 'kvm' on 19.10BETA - 'apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin virtinst bridge-utils cpu-checker'. I get the error: "E: Package 'libvirt-bin' has no installation candidate".11:10
lubot<HMollerCl> libvirt-bin package doesn't exist in eon repositories for ubuntu11:22
lubot<martinmcmillan> I had KVM running on Lubuntu 18.10. I must have installed it from separate deb packages.11:29
lubot<kc2bez> The libvert-bin package was dropped in 18.10 and split into two parts. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1089753/kvm-qemu-installation-issue-18-1011:39
lubot<martinmcmillan> Simply 'apt install qemu-kvm' seems to install the proper dependentcies.11:40
lubot<kc2bez> Good to know, thanks.11:41
lubot<martinmcmillan> I'll spin up a Windows 10 instance later today and report back.11:41
JohnDoe_71Rushi. can i move X session from tty7 to tty4 ?15:12
avatari have a little problem with lubuntu 19.0418:45
avatarpavucontrol can`t connect to pulseaudio18:46
avatari removed alsa and nothing happened18:46
wxlnot even across a reboot?18:46
wxloh i wouldn't remove alsa18:46
avatarwxl, on live cd and after install18:47
wxlwhat about the question about reboots?18:47
avatarreboots don`t help18:48
wxlat least assuming that you didn't remove alsa first because that's not going to help you at all18:48
avatari will install clean lubuntu again18:48
wxlreally pulseaudio is rarely used as s sound server unto itself18:48
wxl(i mean across all linux distributions)18:48
wxlmost often, it's paired with alsa or oss18:49
avatari tried pulseaudio -D but deamon is not starting18:49
wxlin our case, oss18:49
wxlit should just start on its own18:49
wxli've never seen a problem with this ever18:49
wxlso either you have some weird hardware that is causing some ridiculous problem18:49
avatarafter reboot audio is dead18:50
wxlor you didn't check the hashes on the image18:50
avatarbut on xubuntu works18:50
wxlthere's ultimately no difference between xubuntu and lubuntu in terms of the sound server18:50
avatari will install fresh lubuntu18:50
avatarand don`t touch nothing18:51
wxlcheck the hashes of the image18:51
wxlthat would be the first thing to do18:51
wxlif you've got a bad image, you could install all day long and run into problems18:51
avatarwxl, image is "isorespined"18:51
wxlyour what hurts?18:51
avatarthis is atom pc tablet with 64 bit os but 32 bit uefi18:52
wxloic hacked iso18:52
wxlwell ymmv, can't help you with it :/18:52
avatarthis script adds atom/touchscreen/wifi/bt support to iso image18:53
avatarand 32 bit uefi bootloader18:53
wxli'd consult with the developers of the script for help18:54
avatarok, i will download iso again and "respin" it again18:55
avatarthis script worked with xubuntu like a charm18:56
avatartouchscreen/bt/wifi/sound worked out of box ;)18:56
wxlperhaps it does some hacky weirdness that doesn't work with lubuntu18:57
wxli mean the two of us use a different installer, so that's a potential thing18:57
wxli don't know18:57
wxlall i know is we can't really support it18:57
avatarhow can i check in terminal where is the problem?18:58
wxlall the logs are in /var/log18:58
wxlor you can use journalctl since we're using systemd18:59
avatari am cooking iso again19:02
avataror maybe i should throw away this tablet ...19:03
wxlmaybe try lfs or some other distro that specifically is meant to work with it19:06
avatarit leaved factory with win 8.1 with bing!19:06
wxli bet it did19:07
=== poweruser is now known as Guest11889
avatarwxl, i will try other trick19:44
avatari will add only 32 bit uefi bootloader19:45
avatarwithout drivers19:45
avatarwxl, sound is working ;)20:03

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