
sarnoldis discord supposed to be doing this? https://pastebin.com/fcxZ3aQc01:52
mupPR snapcraft#2739 opened: tests: fix mypy error with test_errors.py <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2739>02:36
=== setuid is now known as zzZZzzetuid
mupPR snapd#7555 opened: tests: add a test demonstrating that snaps can't access the session agent socket <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7555>05:18
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
marcustomlinsonpstolowski: hi :)07:08
mborzeckipstolowski: marcustomlinson: hey guys07:11
marcustomlinsonmborzecki: hey07:11
mborzeckiwe don't have any code that uses the new seedwriter pedronis is working on, or do we?07:59
pokkChipaca: sorry for afk:ing last night. No my problem have no relation with joedborg. I'm just trying to get a rsync backup from A to B where B is a ubuntu core raspberry pi08:15
pokkChipaca: is there a specific reason why you say it's a terribly bad idea?08:15
Chipacapokk: I thought you were trying to make an rsync copy of a core device08:15
pokkoh no :)08:15
Chipacapokk: phew08:16
Chipacapokk: as long as the place you're rsync'ing *to* isn't readonly, that should work fine08:16
pokkno, I'd agree that would be a rather bad idea.08:16
Chipacapokk: so, i guess, where are you rsync'ing to?08:16
pokkI've not played around with Core befor but it seemed like a good fit. A low maintanance secure dist. Very little that would need to be tweaked08:16
pokk /media/data, a mounted usb disk08:17
Chipacapokk: ohhh, and you installed rsync from a snap?08:17
Chipacaof coruse :)08:18
Chipacapokk: there's an extra manual step, indeed because of confinement08:18
pokkthere's a provided apparmor profile, /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.rsync.rsync08:18
pokkbut I've not been able to figure out what it should look like. I'm new to apparmor08:18
Chipacaactually, we might need to ask the rsync snap's author to tweak the snap08:18
Chipacapokk: nah, the snappy way would be to do 'snap connect rsync:removable-media'08:19
Chipacathat snap is missing the interface08:19
pokkoh, I figured I should just have to add something like /media/data/* rw, to the profile. But no game08:19
Chipacawell, that's what the connect boils down to (and a bit more but essentially that)08:19
Chipacabut the snap needs to declare it as something ok to do08:19
pokkoh, so it's not enought to add it to apparmor?08:20
Chipacapokk: if it can wait a bit, we'll get the snap author to tweak it08:20
pokkI'm not really in any hurry08:20
Chipacapokk: easiest then to wait until cachio wakes up, he'll be here in ~3 hours, maybe 408:20
pokkI was thinking of having it run as a remote backup solution. But atm I'm just playing around with it08:20
pokklol, yeah if the waiting time for more discussions is 3 hours I'd barely call that waiting :D08:21
pokkI'm used to days between messages at times. So far I'm really loving this distro tho08:21
pokkit's like the perfect mix between coreos and ubuntu08:22
Chipacado let us know of any bumps08:23
Chipacawait, is cachio actually away today08:24
Chipacaah no, just mvo and ijohnson08:25
pokkThe setup process was definitly interesting. I'd have prefered a more cloud-config centered way of setting things up, but that's really just personal oppionons08:28
Chipacamwhudson: ^08:29
pokkI've also found it some what hard to google thing, not sure of what to prefix the searches with. When searching "Ubuntu core" 90% of the hits are just ubuntu08:29
pokkI've really not had time to read all the docs either so some googles could have probably been avoided08:31
Chipacapokk: yeah, we've not made that bit easy. Adding 'snappy' in there sometimes helps. Otherwise, forum.snapcraft.io can be easier to find stuff in than google, strangely08:31
Chipacapedronis: 👋08:34
pedronismborzecki: hi, tried to answer some questions in your reviews. Seedwriter is a reorg of image.go, is not trying to add much new functionality.08:34
Chipacapedronis: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001/49?u=chipaca08:34
pokkChipaca: I take it you're a contributor in some way?08:34
Chipacapokk: yeah08:34
pedronisChipaca: sometimes? yes, now? unlikely08:35
Chipacapedronis: k08:35
pokkcool :) it's always nice with friendly developers on irc08:35
Chipacapedronis: i'll try to remember to badger about this periodically then08:36
Chipacapokk: why thank you08:36
Chipacawe can also get ornery sometimes08:36
pedronisChipaca: if I remember the issue was that we cannot trust NM08:36
pedronisanyway I have no bandwidth to think about this right now08:36
zygaI have a complicated morning. I will make up for it in the evening but I cannot work yet08:37
Chipacapedronis: understandable08:37
Chipacazyga: how much birthday cake did you eat08:37
* Chipaca imagines zyga in a coma08:37
pokkzyga: coffee always helps :)08:37
Chipaca*food* coma08:37
Chipacazyga: take care, thank you for letting us know08:38
pokkChipaca:oh, one more thing. It's reallly minor but you didn't get to pick a timezone when installing. I'm sure it's been discussed and decided on not being included. But it's a think I tend to forget08:38
pokkresulting in having the wrong time on the system for days/weeks/months...08:38
zygaChipaca: Lucy has a small bite :-)08:39
Chipacapokk: ah the fight between minimalist and quick setup, and all the options08:39
Chipacamwhudson: do you know if there are plans for prompting for the timezone (or any other extra stuff) ?08:39
pokkWhy I sort of like a cloud-config file. I can decide on how minimalist I want it on my own08:40
pokkas for most other things I tend to remember doing them once installed. But for some reason I forget about timezones08:40
mborzeckipedronis:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7529 is the next one?08:46
mupPR #7529: seed/seedwriter: cleanups and small left over todos <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7529>08:46
pedronismborzecki: yes08:46
mborzeckipedronis: i'll land #7469 or do you want to push anything more there?08:47
mupPR #7469: seed/seedwriter,snap/naming: support classic models  <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7469>08:47
pedronismborzecki: I'll land it08:47
mborzeckipedronis: ok08:48
mupPR snapd#7469 closed: seed/seedwriter,snap/naming: support classic models  <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7469>08:49
pedronismborzecki: do you want me to rebase 7529 before looking at it?08:50
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, can you merge master there?08:51
mborzeckigh should really be smart enough do to it when generating diffs and there's no conflicts08:51
pedronismborzecki: done, it's smallish in itself08:54
mborzeckipedronis: thanks08:54
pedronisa bit of kitchen sink of various things though08:54
pedronisChipaca: +1 for #744509:01
mupPR #7445: overlord/snapstate/policy, etc: introduce policy, move canRemove to it <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7445>09:01
Chipacapstolowski: when you find a moment, could you take a look at ^ 7445? it's a bit big but not complicated09:02
pstolowskiChipaca: yes09:03
mupPR snapd#7553 closed: cmd/snap: update 'snap find' help because it's no longer narrow <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7553>09:14
* Chipaca is helping09:14
mborzeckipstolowski: regarding https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7443#discussion_r330408988 how about `weekdayInMonth()`?09:28
mupPR #7443: timeutil: fix schedules with ambiguous nth weekday spans <Bug> <Needs Samuele review> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7443>09:28
pstolowskimborzecki: perhaps weekday*s*InMonth() - it gives number of days right?09:30
mborzeckipstolowski: yeah, sgtm09:31
pstolowskiweekdayInMoth sounds like it would return time.Time09:31
mborzeckipstolowski: hehe, adding tests with time.Time{}09:39
mborzeckiactually according to go 0001-01-01 is monday :P09:39
pstolowskimborzecki: is it a problem actually?09:39
mborzeckipstolowski: no, but i'm adding the test to make sure that future changes don't break it09:40
pstolowskimborzecki: sounds great09:40
mborzeckipstolowski: equalWeekdaysInMonth or matchingWeekdaysInMonth09:47
mborzeckihow about this?09:47
pstolowskimborzecki: is this wrt weekday*s*InMonth still?09:49
mborzeckipstolowski: yeah, still on my mind09:49
pstolowskimborzecki: I like matchingWeekdaysInMonth09:50
Chipacayeesh, family drama brewing09:50
* Chipaca goes for a coffee09:50
pokkMy blood is probably more coffee than anything atm :|09:52
mupPR snapd#7529 closed: seed/seedwriter: cleanups and small left over todos <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7529>10:13
pedronispstolowski: mborzecki: in case #7451 is ready for review now10:15
mupPR #7451: sandbox/cgroup: introduce cgroup wrappers package <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7451>10:15
pstolowskipedronis: ack10:18
mborzeckipstolowski: i've updated #744310:22
mborzeckialso it needs a 2nd review10:22
mupPR #7443: timeutil: fix schedules with ambiguous nth weekday spans <Bug> <Needs Samuele review> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7443>10:22
pstolowskimborzecki: thanks10:24
mupPR snapcraft#2739 closed: tests: fix mypy error with test_errors.py <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2739>10:31
mborzeckischool run, back in a bit10:32
abeatohm, it looks like we cannot have base core18 in classic?10:50
abeatoerror: cannot assemble assertion model: cannot specify a base with a classic model10:50
abeatopedronis, do you know that? ^^10:50
abeatoI get on snapd initialization:10:51
abeatoOct 04 10:45:01 numancia snapd[1047]: stateengine.go:108: state ensure error: devicemgr: cannot use gadget snap because its base "core18" is different from model base ""10:51
pokkChipaca: so would one dare pinging cachio now?10:58
Chipacacachio: 👋10:58
Chipacacachio: could you add home and removable-media to the rsync snap?10:59
cachioChipaca, sure11:01
pokkI'd offer you a strawberry and banana small pancake as a thank you, but I'm guessing they'd not be so nice after an airplane trip11:01
cachioChipaca, you mean to the save/restore snapd state ritght?11:01
Chipacacachio: no, it's because pokk is wanting to rsync some things to /media/<something>/11:02
Chipacacachio: and the rsync snap doesn't have the right interfaces11:02
Chipacacachio: and you're the rsync snap publisher :)11:02
cachioChipaca, ah11:02
cachiopokk the snap is being built, I'll ping you in few minutes when it is published11:15
pokkout of curiousity. Where's the code for something like rsync? Is it all on github? If so my foo seems to be missing it11:15
pokkcachio: wow, that's some quick working!11:15
cachiopokk, it was a small change11:15
mborzeckicachio: Refreshing store authorization failed for test-snapd-rsync hmm11:19
cachiomborzecki, didn't update the test-snapd-rsync :)11:20
cachioit is the same11:20
mborzeckicachio: ah, i read some of the backlog, but not all :P11:20
cachiojust updates the rsync11:20
cachioand it is not published yet11:20
cachiomborzecki, but if you have a log please share it so I can take a look11:21
mborzeckicachio: got this by email just few minutes ago11:21
mborzeckicachio: https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/test-snapd-rsync/+build/693784 store upload failed11:22
mborzeckibtw. does anyone click the retry button when it happens?11:22
cachiomborzecki, you are right11:24
cachiorsync project created the test-snapd-rsync snap11:25
Chipacacachio: mborzecki: I too am being spammed with these test-snapd-rsync emails11:26
Chipacano idea what they're about :-)11:26
cachiobut is was correctly built11:26
Chipacacachio: the email says: Depending on the error message above, this may indicate a bug.  If so, you11:27
Chipacamay be able to work around it by reauthorizing Launchpad to upload the11:27
Chipacapackage in question:11:27
Chipaca  https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/test-snapd-rsync/+authorize11:27
Chipacacachio: but I don't know how this is connected to the 'rsync' snap :)11:27
mborzeckiChipaca: test-snapd->>>>>rsync<<<<< xD11:28
mborzeckionly connection i see tbh11:28
Chipacacachio: ACKshully, it might be that you created both (they're both in your name), and it looks like the only difference is the snap name itself :-)11:29
Chipacacachio: so maybe you just changed the name: entry in the yaml :)11:29
cachiomborzecki, Chipaca I think the problem is that the owner for the snap package in launchpad is dnappy-developers and in the stop I am11:29
mborzeckipedronis: can you take a look https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7543 later on?11:29
mupPR #7543: release: make forced dev mode look at cgroupv2 support <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7543>11:29
Chipacacachio: wo'a mess11:30
cachioChipaca, moving all the test snaps to snappy-dev11:47
Chipacacachio: and the plain 'rsync' snap?11:47
cachioChipaca, too11:47
cachioChipaca, does it make sense for you?11:48
Chipacacachio: yeah, probably (either that or straight up Canonical for the rsync one)11:48
pokkseems like I caused some added trouble here :| sorry about that12:01
Chipacapokk: it obviously needed sorting12:07
Chipacathat snap hadn't been rebuilt in over a year → it almost certainly needed rebuilding at least to pick up new libs12:08
=== zzZZzzetuid is now known as setuid
pokksure, but also unplaned workd12:12
cachiopokk, hey, could you try the test-snapd-rsync snap12:24
cachiopokk, this is the same than the rsync once12:25
cachiopokk, if it works well then I'll see how to release the rsync once12:25
pokkjust `snap install test-snapd-rsync` then?12:26
cachiothen you need to connect the interface12:27
cachiopokk, you also can do snap alias test-snapd-rsync.rsync rsync12:28
cachioso then you will be able to do rsync and it will call the test-snapd-rsync snap12:29
cachiopokk, did it connect=12:31
cachiopokk, sudo snap connect test-snapd-rsync:removable-media12:31
cachiothis should be enough12:31
cachiothen you should be able to use it12:31
pokkit seeems to work12:31
pokkI'm running it on an raspberry pie 3 so it's sloooow12:32
cachiopokk, is it ok for you to use it until we decide what to do with the rsync one?12:33
pokkcachio: oh for sure. Atm I'm really just trying core out. Trying to get a feel for it. I'd probably reinstall next week anyway and restart from scratch12:34
cachiopokk, nice, I'll discuss about this today12:35
pokkit's not like I'm paying you for the development atm :) So I can't demand things to be solved in hours. Monday would be weeks/months faster than some problems one encounters at times12:35
pokkaaaaand, sometimes you'll not get things fixed even when paying looots of money :|12:35
Chipacaooh, I could go with that plan12:35
Chipaca(a) get paid looots of money, (b) do nothing12:36
Chipaca(c) and (d) are not needed because see (a)12:36
pokkwell I mean, we're getting the service. But not getting things outside of the very small box12:37
* pokk isn't at all grumpy12:37
pokkoh, and just to be clear. I'm not talking about Ubuntu at all here12:37
pokkand now my rsync backup works :) Thanks a lot!12:38
Chipacapokk: with my canonical-employee hat on, if you ever find yourself in that kind of place with canonical, please do reach out12:40
Chipacaeverybody can mess up and get stuck in that kind of place with a contract, but all it should take is a conversation to dislodge things12:41
pokkChipaca: I'm talking about some of the bigger cloud providers :) At times they can be super helpful, at times they'll just refuse to help at all. No matter how many zeroes there's in the bill you're paying each month12:44
mupPR snapd#7556 opened: image,seed/seedwriter: switch image to use seedwriter.Writer <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7556>12:45
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
Chipacapedronis: stdup?13:01
zygaI cannot join13:01
zygaStill looking after Lucy13:01
zygaNo work done today13:01
* Chipaca hugs zyga 13:09
Chipacazyga: that's ok13:09
Chipacazyga: you know what happens when you don't come to the standup13:10
* Chipaca assigns everything to zyga13:10
cachiomborzecki, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/jobs/593470475#L935413:30
cachionow happening in i38613:30
mborzeckicachio: looks like the job took too long, nothing seems to have explicitly failed13:32
cachiomborzecki, I thing it got stuck as it used to happend in arch13:37
cachiomborzecki, then the build fails because of this test13:37
mborzeckicachio: hmm that's possible, we know there's a race, but unless someone picks up the work on the kernel or strace side it's not going to get fixed :(13:39
cachiomborzecki, makes sense, if I see this again in i386 I'll apply the same solution than arch13:41
Chipacapopey: are you a round?13:52
roadmrround like 🔵  ?13:54
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mupPR snapcraft#2740 opened: crystal plugin: add flags to use during shards build <Created by mamantoha> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2740>14:28
cachiozyga, there?14:33
joeubuntuSnappers (is that a thing? it should be...) I have a snap that uses python's plotly module to create an html page which it opens using the default browser. In my snap when that is called it just hangs. What do I need to do in my yaml to make it work? Thanks for the help!15:05
Chipacajoeubuntu: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snapper er.15:08
* cachio lunch15:08
Chipacajoeubuntu: add the 'desktop' interface, so you can run xdg-open15:09
joeubuntuthanks Chipaca , let me try that!15:09
joeubuntuWoot! It worked if I installed the package snapd-xdg-open on the host, is there a way to make the snap require that somehow on install or in the yaml ?15:26
Chipacajoeubuntu: what is the description of snapd-xdg-open?15:40
joeubuntuChipaca  This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed.15:40
Chipacajoeubuntu: thank you.15:40
Chipacajoeubuntu: you can remove that package, it has nothing in it.15:41
joeubuntuThe browser will not launch without it though.15:41
Chipacajoeubuntu: try a second time15:41
Chipacathere's a bug with the auto-launching of the service15:41
Chipacawhere the first time it auto-laucnhes but doesn't open the thing15:41
Chipacait's fixed in … master at least15:42
Chipacadunno where it is in the release queue15:42
joeubuntuThat is incredibly confusing. It throws the error:" user-open error: Object does not implement the interface ." Which googling leads to snapcraft forum posts about the snapd-xdg-open package needing  to be installed15:45
joeubuntuBut you are right, running it a second time fixes that.15:45
=== jamesh__ is now known as jamesh
Chipacajoeubuntu: yeah! it's a stupid bug15:48
Chipacajoeubuntu: we put the service on the bus before attaching the interfaces to it15:48
Chipacajoeubuntu: because we are super smart (tm)15:49
Chipacaanyway it's fixed, but annoying until that's sorted15:49
Chipacajoeubuntu: the fascinating thing is how long it took for that one to be noticed15:49
Chipacapeople just double-clicked, i guess?15:49
joeubuntuChipaca I just click harder if it doesn't work ... that helps, right?15:50
joeubuntuThanks for the help!15:50
Chipacajoeubuntu: totally. That error message _means_ "click harder next time!"15:50
* diddledan clicks. quite hard.15:53
* Chipaca buys shares in sellers of replacement clicky things15:55
diddledanI got a new clicky today!15:55
diddledanit's not got a wire!15:56
diddledanthis is voodoo...15:56
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
Chipacadiddledan: who do?16:29
diddledanyou do!16:29
* cwayne is disappointed that YouTube links not for labyrinth16:39
Chipacait'd have to be a qr code16:49
mupPR snapcraft#2697 closed: Neon extension <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2697>16:55
pokkso far it seems like a raspberry pi 3b+ with ubuntu core on it is a really great setup. The poor thing have been on heavy load for a few hours but it seems to work great17:02
ackkhi, is there a way to autoconnect interfaces for a snap with "snap try" or when installing with --dangerous?17:13
mupPR snapd#7445 closed: overlord/snapstate/policy, etc: introduce policy, move canRemove to it <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7445>17:24
* cachio afk19:10
mupPR snapcraft#2741 opened: extensions: support using gjs from gnome runtime <Created by galgalesh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2741>19:53
mupPR snapcraft#2742 opened: cli: use click utilities for login prompts <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2742>20:56

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