
ryuoubottu: ping00:00
ryuowrong command?00:00
sarnoldryuo: heh, it send me a privmsg to tell me it doesn't know the package name00:03
sarnoldryuo: and it took me a while to figure out why it doesn't know the package and why I coul;dn';t find the package, even though apt-file knows about it: it's in multiverse! https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/manpages-posix00:03
ryuono wonder. it's not even in this universe. ;)00:04
sarnoldryuo: I am a bit surprised that it's taken me until today to find out that my new machine is missing the posix manpages!00:04
texlaUbuntu 18.04.3 Synaptic package manager will run in gnome xorg but not in gnome00:31
lotuspsychjetexla: you mean not in gnome-wayland00:32
texlalotuspsychje, My login script only says gnome,gnome classic,gnome xorg do not know which is wayland00:34
lotuspsychjetexla: on 18.04, ubuntu on xorg is default, ubuntu on wayland the users choice00:34
lotuspsychjetexla: synpatic on wayland not working is a known bug00:35
texlalotuspsychje, should not it run on gnome even if it is wayland00:35
texlalotuspsychje, Okay thanks for the info00:36
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beatleboy07 Can anyone shed light on this: Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.systemd1.UnitMasked: Unit -.mount is masked.01:18
beatleboy07I'm not sure what unit -.mount is.01:18
lotuspsychjebeatleboy07: its always nice if you also mention the whole story, details, ubuntu version, kernel, what are you trying to do? so volunteers can try to debug you a better way01:21
beatleboy07That comes from an apt update. I'm running UbuntuStudio 19.04.01:22
lotuspsychjebeatleboy07: could you pastebin your whole apt output please?01:22
beatleboy07It seems to be unimportant to the entire process. But I'm having an error with apt upgrade that makes me wonder if it's connected.01:25
lotuspsychjebeatleboy07: does, sudo apt full-upgrade influence this?01:25
sarnoldwhat the heck is causing that..01:27
beatleboy07Here's another paste for full-upgrade: https://pastebin.com/cjivQWaR01:28
lotuspsychje!info bluez disco01:30
ubottubluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 5.50-0ubuntu2.1 (disco), package size 962 kB, installed size 4570 kB01:30
lotuspsychjebeatleboy07: that seems weird indeed..01:31
lotuspsychjeEickmeyer: did you see this behaviour on studio before ? ^01:31
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: Hang on...01:32
beatleboy07It is. I can't tell where the issue is.01:32
beatleboy07I'd reboot, but I'm currently moving 120GB of data.01:32
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje, beatleboy07: Never seen that before. Not Studio-specifically though.01:33
lotuspsychjebeatleboy07: how about a bluez purge & reinstall?01:34
beatleboy07lotuspsychje, I'll give it a try.01:35
sarnoldwhat would cause -.mount to be masked?01:35
sarnoldwhat consequences does that have?01:35
beatleboy07sarnold, I wonder the same thing. I can't do a systemctl unmask -.mount01:35
beatleboy07I was able to purge bluez, but when trying to install, I get the same dpkg error that I had in the previous pastebin.01:38
sarnoldbeatleboy07: I'm not a systemd expert but I *think* masking is intended to be an operation only the sysadmin ever does, and does via making symlinks01:38
sarnoldoh, there *is* an unmask. sorry.01:39
sarnoldbeatleboy07: what error do you get when you try to unmask it?01:39
beatleboy07sarnold, I get a systemctl: invalid option -- '.'01:40
beatleboy07systemctl: invalid option -- '.'01:42
beatleboy07Hint: to specify units starting with a dash, use "--":01:42
beatleboy07      systemctl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} -- -.mount ...01:42
sarnoldbeatleboy07: ah, try systemctl unmask -- -.mount01:42
beatleboy07The hint hasn't been helpful.01:42
sarnoldsuch a stupid design01:42
beatleboy07Oh weird.01:42
sarnoldwhy did they ever make such an obnoxious choice to replace all the / chars with -01:42
beatleboy07sarnold, that didn01:43
beatleboy07sarnold, that didn't give me an error when I sent the systemctl command, but apt update gives me the unit is masked message again.01:44
sarnoldbeatleboy07: weird01:44
sarnoldbeatleboy07: is there anything in journalctl -e that looks relevant?01:44
beatleboy07Oct 03 18:45:00 ckdUbuntuStudio audit[25324]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="p01:45
beatleboy07lines 979-1001/1001 (END)01:45
beatleboy07That message over and over.01:45
beatleboy07So weird.01:46
beatleboy07I can't install mumble because of this.01:46
sarnoldman I hate journalctl01:47
sarnoldbeatleboy07: can you pastebin the output of journalctl | grep DENIED | tail -20  ?01:48
sarnoldbeatleboy07: that'll show us the last 20 apparmor DENIED messages01:48
beatleboy07sarnold, it looks odd to me: https://pastebin.com/fcxZ3aQc01:50
beatleboy07Looks like discord is involved.01:51
sarnoldbeatleboy07: cool, thanks. that's *gross* but it's not probably not the cause of this issue01:51
sarnoldbeatleboy07: how about systemctl status -- -.mount  ?01:53
beatleboy07sarnold, It still is masked. I'm not sure what -.mount is.01:56
sarnoldbeatleboy07: systemd makes .mount units for all the mountpoints on the system, I think so different services can depend upon them and only be started after the corresponding filesystem has been mounted01:57
sarnoldbeatleboy07: this represents the root filesystem01:57
sarnoldbeatleboy07: I'm not sure what it would mean to mask a mount unit -- does that prevent systemd from trying to mount the filesystem? or unmount the filesystem? does it *do* anything? I don't know :(01:57
beatleboy07I feel like this may have started when I manually mounted other drives.01:58
beatleboy07But I'm not certain.01:58
beatleboy07This computer has three physical drives.01:58
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sarnoldbeatleboy07: what's your /etc/fstab look like?02:02
sarnold(double-check there's no passwords in the thing before pastebinning it)02:02
beatleboy07Yeah, it looks okay to me. I'm not exactly sure if the options are correct.02:03
beatleboy07I don't think there are issues posting my UUID right?02:04
sarnoldnone that I know of02:05
beatleboy07Looks normal to me I think.02:06
sarnoldhmm, yeah, looks pretty similar to my bionic system http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P8Snxz53gP/ -- the efi entry looks different from my disco system, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5DmFx36GVk/ but that's .. just a weird system all around02:09
k_szeI'm trying to re-partition a USB drive but gnome-disks says it's not mounted.02:10
sarnoldbeatleboy07: sorry, I've got to take off. I'm not sure what to suggest next.02:11
sarnoldbeatleboy07: if you';ve got the time and inclination it'd be nice if you could report that huge pile of discord DENIED messages02:12
beatleboy07k_sze, I'm not sure about gnome-disks. I recommend gparted.02:12
beatleboy07Your drive should not be mounted if you want to partition it.02:12
sarnoldbeatleboy07: but I don't think that'll help you immediately, so no worries if you just want to focus on the problem at hand02:12
sarnoldbeatleboy07: good luck :) and if you fix this, I'd be curious to hear how :)02:13
beatleboy07sarnold, report that where? Discord developers?02:13
sarnoldbeatleboy07: I was thinking snap developers, but maybe discord folks would like to know their snap isn't working quite right02:14
beatleboy07Seems like a good idea02:14
sarnoldhtey may not even know they have a snap :) heh02:14
beatleboy07Yeah, the snaps are wild.02:14
tomreynk_sze: are you still looking for help with repartitioning the usb storage?02:35
k_szetomreyn, it's fine. gnome-disks magically worked after I unmounted and replugged the USB disk. weird.02:35
tomreynif it was previously mounted this would explain it.02:36
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friendlyGoathello i have a little thing i need help with, its small but i have no idea how to really deal with it. a long time ago a command accidentally made a folder just named " in my / directory with nothing in it. i have no idea how to delete it since no matter what i cant get my terminal to realize i really want to delete "05:40
daxrm -r \"05:41
erle-Who did this and why is this persisting to 19.10?07:26
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geirhanpm shouldn't have been a separate apt package in the first place07:34
geirhabut node and npm from apt has always been a mess. When I work with node I just grab a prebuilt tarball from nodejs.org, and deploy it in docker07:34
erle-geirha, this literally makes me sad07:37
fritzroy15hello, I have an ec2 ubuntu 18.04 instance, that I installed the graphical interface on and confirmed gdm is working; however, I can figure out how to enable remote graphical access from my own ubuntu 18.04 instance; do I use rdp? vnc?07:59
roryfritzroy15: if you just need to run a single application, you can connect via ssh using "ssh -X" option, then run the application command e.g. "firefox" and it will display on your local machine.08:09
roryfritzroy15: others may know about full remote-desktop solutions.08:09
roryfritzroy15: for the former, "X11Forwarding yes" must specified in /etc/ssh/sshd_config08:10
rory(on the instance)08:10
ztychrWhats the default lock screen un ubuntu 18.04? Not login screen, but the lockscreen. I would like to restore it to default08:17
fritzroy15rory doesn't seem to work08:22
fritzroy15i've enable X11Forwarding yes on both client and host08:22
geirhafritzroy15: what does this output, then?   ssh -X user@host xeyes08:24
roryfritzroy15: you might have to "sudo service ssh restart" on the host after changing the setting, not sure08:25
roryssh or sshd08:25
roryztychr: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure unity-greeter08:27
roryztychr: you should be asked to select default display manager and you should select lightdm08:28
Gargoylefritzroy15: After some exploration and experimentation with vnc to remote desktop to a Mac... Performance was so bad I eventually ended up using Google Remote Desktop.08:28
roryztychr: possibly more info here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044793/how-to-change-the-ubuntu-18-04-default-greeter08:28
ztychrrory: Thanks. But I don't want to change greeter. I'm good with gdm. Just wondered what the default lockscreen was. Maybe something in /usr/share/backgrounds? Can't remember or find the answer from google.08:32
Gargoyleztychr: Do a fresh install in a VM08:37
GargoyleOr boot a liveCD08:37
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tomreynztychr: it's integrated into gnome-shell, i think.08:42
ztychrMight have to yeah, thanks anyway.09:49
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BluesKajHi folks11:24
EdoctoorHello, I just installed Ubuntu 18.04.3 and every time I do a # apt update, #apt upgrade and reboot; ... My grub defaults to a pure linux grub and ignores that I have a duel booting PC... I hope one day it gets fixed so I don't have to type # os-prober, # upgrade-grub every time. My question is, "Is there a better way?" or am I doing it the right way?12:04
EriC^^Edoctoor: yeah, type "ls -l /etc/grub.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste12:05
EdoctoorI am not having a grub issue... now... because over much frustration, and only getting one boot after the ubuntu install .. because the first thing i do is apt upgrade then the org grub is gone... then repeat install over and over until I discovered os-prober , and upgrade-grub12:08
Edoctoorbut what you said, is good to know12:08
Edoctoorhow do I install termbin or do I have to create an account12:09
EriC^^Edoctoor: no, just run the command it uses netcat (nc)12:09
Edoctoorbrb,, maybe I'll learn something, thanks12:09
EriC^^you need to paste the results so i can troubleshoot12:10
Edoctoor:~# "ls -l /etc/grub.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"12:11
Edoctoorbash: ls -l /etc/grub.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999: No such file or directory12:11
EriC^^Edoctoor: without the quotes12:11
Edoctoorthats what happened, and the reason I ask what do I need to install12:11
adacWhat do I have to install so I can use this cifs parameter sec=ntlm  in Ubuntu 18.04. For 16.04 this didn't seem an issue worked out of the box.12:12
EdoctoorEriC^^, Thanks that worked,, happy dance, I have a copy of my grub ... so I can repair it at the boot up command line if it ever happens again12:14
Edoctoorwhat else can you teach me12:14
EriC^^Edoctoor: what? nothing you said made sense12:15
EdoctoorYou solved my need for os-prober12:16
Edoctoorhappy  dance12:16
nshwhy does ubuntu 18.0 have such an old version of libpcap?12:16
EriC^^Edoctoor: no i didn't, i only told you to list files of a directory12:16
Edoctoorthat solved my issue12:17
EriC^^Edoctoor: i was trying to see if os-prober is found in grub.d and it's +x'd that might be why whenever you install a package that has to update grub, you end up with no windows12:17
EriC^^Edoctoor: that doesn't make sense at all12:17
EriC^^Edoctoor: do you want to solve your issue or happy dance around it? yes/no12:17
EdoctoorIt a very long story, can I tell you in a pm because we are talking about two very different issues. You want to fix my grub which is perfect; however, I want ubuntu to include the command os-prober when it creates a new grub after an # apt upgrade . I am a noob and don't know the right words to explain correctly. I am sorry for that.12:20
EriC^^Edoctoor: i get what you meant, that's why i asked to display the files of that dir, they get run when update-grub runs after apt updates12:20
EriC^^Edoctoor: ok, so os-prober is there and +x'd12:21
EriC^^Edoctoor: something else is going on12:22
EdoctoorEriC^^, But was it there when my very first grub was created, when installing a duel boot.12:22
EdoctoorI don't know, it was just hell, for me ... but I finally have Ubuntu up and running12:23
Edoctoorand I know about os-prober... and I guess I don't have to use it any more as you have confirmed that is it called12:23
EriC^^Edoctoor: well something doesnt make sense anyways12:24
EdoctoorI am a noob... get it12:24
EriC^^not that12:24
Edoctoorok new question12:24
EriC^^i dont think running os-prober before update-grub actually makes a difference for update-grub, could be wrong12:24
EriC^^do you have 2 linuxes installed? it could be that one grub is taking over the other or something12:25
EdoctoorI'll try both ways12:25
EriC^^gtg, gl12:25
fallenourhey everyone!12:26
adacFriends, any ideas why I get this error when mounting my cifs?  https://pastebin.com/43fwcska12:27
fallenourIm looking into the best way to use systems containers with LXD, and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Ceph storage volumes? I have already built my cluster, and I would like to use it, but Im having issues with LXD reading the config file for some reason. I was wondering also if the best option would be to add my standard user to12:27
fallenourthe admin group, or to do something else. Any advice is greatly appreciated.12:27
adacIf i remove sec=ntlm actually it seems to work but not sure why. And my second question is if I can remove this and the connection is still secure12:28
EdoctoorI am all good now, I squeezed my win10 to give me 60gb and then installed ubuntu in that and after many reinstalls messing with the bios; like about 40 times, I discovered what I needed to keep both os on the same track. Then my first reboot worked, and I did a # apt upgrade and then win10 wasn't not listed in the grub... so I had to do a lot of head scratching before I figured it out. Anyway, I am all good now.12:28
ducassefallenour: you might want to try #lxcontainers12:28
EdoctoorI am just here to learn IRC12:28
fallenouryea just joined! I apprecaite it12:28
ducassefallenour: also #ubuntu-server12:29
fuorviatosHi there. Anyone managed to run ubuntu with wi-fi on Mac hardware?12:51
Cheezfuorviatos: i ran 18.04 for a while on my macbook air without having to do anything particularly odd to get wifi working.12:52
fuorviatosCheez: Thanks. I'm struggling to get it working on iMac 27. Probably different driver...12:53
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: wich chipset do you have there?12:59
ducassefuorviatos: run 'sudo lshw -c network | nc termbin.com 9999' and post the link13:01
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fuorviatoslotuspsychje: Will check that and get back to you13:05
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: it will show with the advice from ducasse13:05
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fuorviatosducasse: I need a moment since my apple keyboard is not recognized. Typing with a virtual one is a bit of a struggle ;)13:15
ducassefuorviatos: just post it when you're ready13:16
fuorviatosducasse: This is what I get https://paste.pics/7be099362b8e2d7b59dffeedcfd04a0b13:30
fuorviatosducasse: Sorry, but had to use my phone and take the picture13:30
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lotuspsychjefuorviatos: driver looks loaded, wifi doesnt work?13:31
fuorviatoslotuspsychje: Nope, Ubuntu shows there is no wifi adapter found under settings.13:33
fuorviatoslotuspsychje: this is live version in case that matters13:33
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: can you install ubuntu with a cable perhaps?13:34
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: or try the broadcom drivers in your install media under /pool13:35
fuorviatoslotuspsychje: you mean to plug in the ethernet cable?13:35
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: yes13:35
fuorviatoslotuspsychje: Nope, router is in a separate room. No chance for laying the cable sadly13:36
fuorviatoslotuspsychje: I can try to play with broadcom but what drivers should i look for?13:37
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: check your liveusb /pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/13:40
fuorviatoslotuspsychje: bingo! installed and worked. Thanks a lot!13:50
simoen3is there a way to see if last modified and create date of a file have been modified?14:08
legreffiersimoen3: no easy way14:08
simoen3what can be an hard way?14:09
simoen3eipip1e0, ok but if i have no active monitor while i'm modifing timestamps file is there a way?14:12
simoen3i dont understadn14:14
lordcirth_simoen3, what do you mean by an "active monitor"? You can run inotify in the background, logging to a file, if you need to.14:16
eipip1e0in a loop keep checking14:16
simoen3ok thank you. my question was confused, i know. anyway i was asking "if i have an external hard disk and i want to modify "last modified" timestamps of the files of hdd to current date, when i plug it in another pc, is there a way to see if that field was modified?"14:22
lordcirth_simoen3, not really, no.14:23
lordcirth_You could format it with btrfs or ZFS and therefore have snapshots of the old state, I guess.14:24
lordcirth_simoen3, Why do you want to do this?14:28
simoen3cause I want to create a little script that anonimize that fields14:29
lordcirth_simoen3, ok, and why do you want to do that?14:30
simoen3to create a set of bash tool; mainly for fun and to learn14:32
dabbilltomreyn: thanks, this VM was setup a long time ago and forgot about the encryption. My physical computers use full disk encryption.14:36
fallenourDoes anyoen have a guide on configuring lxd with ceph?14:52
ducassefallenour: as i hinted earlier, this might not be the best place to ask, we mostly support desktop issues here14:55
kenperkinsok, got logs for my webcam failing while in use, dmesg and syslog, what do i look for here15:03
kenperkinsi don't know the best way to next diagnose the problem15:10
osseI think my boot time (from grub menu to login screen) is a bit long. How can find out what's causing it?15:11
osseGoogled a bit and ran "systemd-analyze critical-chain". If I'm reading this right then run-user-1000.mount alone takes about a minute15:18
kenperkinsa bit of googling sounds like it might be usb cameras through a usb hub, trying direct to the motherboard and will see15:27
gpAnyone familiar with any smart card emulators apt installable for 18.04?15:38
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commander64how to work from home at canonical16:03
commander64on rhe microsoft part16:04
commander64hello fallenour16:05
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commander64hey freedom16:05
fallenourcanonical does WFH?16:05
commander64WFH no context16:05
commander64cannot decypher16:06
fallenourwork from home, ie remote work?16:06
ducassecommander64: that's not something we can help you with, you need to speak to canonical16:06
commander64Id guess mist of it is remote16:06
fallenourAlso, you wouldnt happen to know how I could figure out a better way to debug ceph would you commander6416:06
fallenourIm having issues with juju deployment of ceph allowing me to use LXD as storage, or even access it apparently.16:06
fallenourceph clustered storage16:07
commander64does it have bugs?16:07
sonOfRadoes any software not have bugs?16:08
commander64first bug put it on bare hardware16:08
commander64stop with the amazon cloud16:09
fallenourWas commander a bot?16:11
daxno, they were one of our repeat problem children.16:11
fallenourmmm I see.16:12
fallenourHonestly its the first ban Ive ever seen in years in this channel. I honestly thought the mod accounts were just place holders XD16:12
lotuspsychjefuorviatos: welcome16:23
leonardusWhat package do I install for Nvidia 20-series (specifically, RTX 2080 Super) drivers on 18.04.3 LTS?16:42
lotuspsychje!nvidia | leonardus16:43
ubottuleonardus: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:43
leonardusI have to change "quiet splash" to "nomodeset" every time I boot or else I get a black screen16:43
lotuspsychjeleonardus: latest nvidia drivers might be a good idea16:43
leonardusProprietary ones?16:43
lotuspsychjeleonardus: and the HWE kernel might do some magic too16:43
lotuspsychjeleonardus: for big cards like gtx and rtx you always need the nvidia drivers to make them work to the max16:44
leonardusSo I add that ppa then run `nvidia-graphics-drivers-435`?16:45
leonardusapt install ^16:45
lotuspsychjeleonardus: yes16:45
leonardusUnable to locate package nvidia-graphics-drivers-43516:48
leonardusafter adding the ppa and running apt update16:48
lotuspsychjeleonardus: what does: ubuntu-drivers list16:49
leonardusnvidia-driver-435, nvidia-driver-43016:49
lotuspsychjeleonardus: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-43516:50
ash_worksiis there a trick to parallel to generate 1..N unsorted quickly?16:53
ash_worksi(or 1..N > sorted_files)16:53
geniiFastest traditional is bubble sort16:55
ash_worksigenii: bubble sort?16:55
geniiIt's a method where you select 2, compare, swap their places if one is in the wrong order16:57
genii..repeat with all the rest until donw16:57
ash_worksigenii: I'm not talking about sorting though16:57
ash_worksiI'm talking about generating16:57
ash_worksithe fastest multithreaded way to genearate a series of 1..N16:57
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: thats not really the scope of the ubuntu support channel neither16:58
tomreyndabbill: maybe the best way forwardis to reinstall it then. you could also try to add block device encryption below the existing filesystems by booting from a live usb system and using cryptsetup-reencrypt, but (while i haven't done it myself) i assume this is a simple process.16:58
ash_worksithe only thing I can think of that seems to work is to manually parse sections of the series based on the number of cores and run a background for loop that prints from start to finish16:58
ash_worksifor each loop16:58
leonardusmade this guide real quick https://gist.github.com/leonardus/0fe9e7675c6203daba994ab3094b666517:05
lotuspsychjeleonardus: what does nvidia-smi show now?17:07
ash_worksiany ideas on that?17:08
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: try ##linux perhaps?17:08
ash_worksilotuspsychje: thanks :)17:08
chaosfischWhen using the terminal: Sometimes I randomly end up in a vi/vim with every command that I'm trying to enter. Is this vi-mode?17:09
leonarduslotuspsychje: https://termbin.com/7ju317:10
TomyWorkhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/thunderbird vs. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2019-29/17:10
tomreynchaosfisch: vi/vim won't start by itself, only when you choose to start it. but i'm not sure i'm getting your question right.17:10
TomyWorkwhat's up with the lateness?17:11
dabbilltomreyn: Now that I know whats going on, I am not worried about it for the time being. I will probably rebuild this box when 20.04 is released.17:11
TomyWorkit's been almost a month17:11
tomreyndabbill: ok :)17:11
dabbilltomreyn: thanks :)17:12
chaosfischtomreyn: I'm working and changing files with vim, saving them, and then e.g. changing directories. every once in a while, I try to enter a command such as "cd /somewhere" and instead I'll be in vi/vim. I'm not sure if I press any key combinations accidentally - but this is quite annoying.17:13
chaosfischPretty much killed on of our test servers as a result of that today17:13
lotuspsychjeleonardus: looking good!17:14
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: for security related issues, you can ask in #ubuntu-hardened if you like17:15
tomreynchaosfisch: weird, i never had this happen to me. so you edit files in vim, then exit vim, then change directories in the interactive bash / dash shell by typing "cd /somewhere", and as a result of typing this, vi/vim starts again?17:18
tomreyni don't really see how this would "kill" a (test) server, though.17:19
chaosfischpretty much this +/- something which I might not be able to observe - like keybindings, etc. I enter something like: "cd /somewher" use tab auto completion and -> vi/vim is open. I'm usually able to exit this mode after a few tries.17:19
chaosfischwell, I was about to enter chown root:root -R /somedir -> and because of this behavior it run chown root:root -R //, which in turn changed file permissions of far too many things17:20
chaosfischWhat's worse, there is not even a history entry that I've run this command :S17:20
tomreynhmm maybe ask in #vim, i've never heard of this.17:21
tomreynmaybe you have an alias set which triggers it somehow? run:  alias17:22
chaosfischunlikely, this mostly happens when I'm connected using ssh - into environments which should not have alias set.17:22
tomreynit could also be a broken auto completion17:22
chaosfischI would not be surprised17:23
tomreynso you have custom autocompletions there?17:23
chaosfischno, I don't17:23
chaosfischthis problem never occurs when on my machine (using zsh) - but only occurs if connected via ssh and being in bash17:24
=== SIa_ is now known as SIa
tomreynhmm, most peculiar, but i've never heard of or experienced such.17:25
chaosfischadditionally, I was surprised that "//" is a valid directory... - though, it issued an additional warning at the start of the command17:25
chaosfischthe chown command which accidentally triggered with wrong path is the perfect example why we should finally make the move to using containers instead.17:29
leonardusHow do I find this path on Ubuntu? https://github.com/lqt5/lqt#3-configure-qt517:30
leonardusI've installed qtbase5-dev17:30
sarnoldleonardus: are you sure you need to set it at all?17:34
leonardusthat's just what the instructions say17:35
leonardusI can try it without though17:35
leonardussarnold: yeah it errors https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/riH7aFnU/17:37
chaosfischtomreyn: was able to pretty much confirm that I was using "vi-mode" (thanks to help in #vim). Pressing ESC enters command mode, then pressing "v" opens vim. This makes a lot of sense because I'm quite frequently navigating to /var/logs /var/opt.17:39
tomreynchaosfisch: so you're now saying you did not actually leave vim before navigating directories?17:40
chaosfischtomreyn: vim is not open - but pressing "ESC" enters command mode - apparently (while being in bash...)17:40
tomreynnot on mine17:41
tomreynpressing escape in bash does not magically spawn vim17:41
chaosfischset -o vi, then it spawns vim  - afaik17:42
sarnoldchaosfisch: probably set -o emacs will help17:42
tomreynoh i see, i wasn't familiar with   set -o vi17:44
chaosfischneither was I before17:44
sarnoldit's bloody annoying :)17:44
sarnoldit's an easy way to drive bash users insane17:44
chaosfischsarnold: It resulted in running "chown root:root -R //" today.....17:45
sarnoldchaosfisch: oh fun. :(17:45
tomreynchaosfisch: why do you have it set, though? it's non default17:45
chaosfischI noticed it early enough, but well, the only sane way is to wipe the system and reinstall.17:45
chaosfischtomreyn: seems to be default in some systems that I'm working with17:45
tomreynyou probably have some colleagues who fancy it.17:46
chaosfischif someone could tell me why the path "//" is the same as "/" - this would be helpful.17:46
Anon0011something about making it compatible with older UNIX style systems17:47
Anon0011it means nothing now17:47
Anon0011exactly the same17:47
sarnoldchaosfisch: posix sets // aside as a naming method for eg smb or cifs style use17:47
tomreynyou can also make it /////17:47
sarnoldso linux also kept the // as /17:47
chaosfischso - "n times" / is still /17:48
sarnoldwell, sort of17:48
sarnold/// is the same as /17:48
sarnold// is //17:48
daxso is /../, incidentally17:48
sarnoldthough it also means / most of the time17:48
Anon0011it does nothing special17:48
sarnoldit's also bloody annoying to try to find documentatino about this17:48
chaosfischthanks to all - and have a nice weekend17:50
tomreynyou, too17:51
AavarAnyone have a good suggestion for a dotfile manager and maybe a good tutorial on how to set it up?18:19
texlaUbuntu 18.04.3 gnome xorg  How to change panel color from black to white left or right click on panel reveals nothing18:23
pi0does ubuntu 19.04 just automatically connect to internet with a usb to ethernet cable?18:24
leftyfbpi0: depends on the usb to ethernet cable18:24
pi0you mean adapter?18:24
Aavarif it's a working network card and it is set up for dhcp it should.18:25
pi0Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter18:25
Aavar(and there is ia dhcp server that is)18:25
Aavarpi0: what does ifconfig show?18:25
pi0i do not even show the eth0 adapter18:26
Aavar(what is the command if net-tools is not installed? anyone?)18:26
pi0for wired shown18:26
Aavarpi0: ifconfig -a?18:26
sarnoldip addr18:27
Aavarsarnold: whank you18:27
AavarThank you ;)18:27
Aavarsorry ;)18:27
pi0hmm most likely it is not recognized?18:28
Aavarpi0: see if there is any change in ifconfig with the adapter conneted or not18:29
pi0i see the adapter going away once i plug in the ethernet cable18:30
pi0be right back getting another ethernet cable18:33
texla Ubuntu 18.04.3 gnome xorg  How to change panel color from black to white left or right click on panel reveals nothing18:37
NickZHey, I somehow screwed up my gnome/gdm/lightdm/wayland/whatever session and now I can't log in on my main user, I'm currently logged in as another user. Is there away of just removing all the relevant configuration/session files?18:40
akemhp_NickZ, Try to move ~/.config/ folder and maybe other files like ~/.xsession* ~/.Xauthority, to some temp folder like ~/backup_config/18:44
akemhp_And try to log back.18:44
akemhp_Nick the home of your user ofc.18:44
AavarHow can I easy move images from iphone to my computer(gnome/unity)? I can copy with nautilus, but not delete.18:46
Aavar(ubuntu 19.04)18:47
Sazpaimonis there a way to prevent packages that depend on python3 from installing python 3.6? I have 3.7 from universe and don't feel like having two python3 versions installed18:49
LavillanellaHello, I installed Chrome (77.0.3865.90) on Ubuntu 18.04 and all videos (Netflix, Youtube and pure mp4) are playing too fast. Any suggenstions how I can fix the problem?19:11
akemhp_Well for youtube at least, did you check when you click on the gear icon on the bottom right of the video, the speed is set to normal?19:15
Lavillanellaakemhp_: I did. It is.19:16
Lavillanellalspci -k (for VGA): https://termbin.com/ufzx19:32
vavkamilis anyone using ubuntu-touch on a smartphone?19:34
akemhp_Lavillanella, I would try another version of chromium, and check with firefox, but i don't think it has to do with your graphics hardware.19:34
Lavillanellaakemhp_: Everything works fine in Firefox.19:36
akemhp_Lavillanella, It is probably this version of chromium which has an issue on your machine at least, exit Chromium, try to rename ~/.config/chromium to ~/.config/chromium_old, then relaunch it and try to play a video, if it doesn't work switch to another version of Chromium, i don't have any troubles with 76.*.19:38
Lavillanellaakemhp_: it happens also with a fresh user account.19:44
akemhp_Lavillanella, Ok, then no need to do this with .config, just try another version of it.19:46
tomreynLavillanella: do you have mesa-vdpau-drivers installed?20:31
tomreynif it's installed, try uninstalling it and restart chromium-browser, also toggle the chrome://settings/system  setting in chromium browser.20:34
tomreynLavillanella: oh wait you said 'chrome', that's not supported here, used chromium-browser instead.20:35
jerryabearhey all. i've been struggling with udev on ubuntu18 and EC2, particularly regarding mapping an instance storage volume. my udev rule intercepts the instance storage 'add' event and creates a symlink. this works on the *first* boot of my instance but subsequent reboots seem non-deterministic and when it fails, the symlink is actually gone. any ideas?21:00
jerryabeari've also enabled debug output for udev but i'm just not seeing anything useful there21:01
ubottuUbuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle21:03
jerryabearassuming that was directed at me, this is 18.0421:04
tomreynjerryabear: hi, yes, i meant to direct this to you. i don't know an answer to your query question, though. (maybe consider creating a systemd unit instead.)21:07
jerryabearthanks. i'm using a combination of udev and systemd units actually, but perhaps i have the wrong combo21:10
jerryabearin fact i'm in the process of abandoning my udev rule since it seems so unreliable and just using a unit but i was under the impression that the udev approach was more reliable for device mapping; maybe that's not so.. :/ not sure21:11
sarnoldI've never understood where exactly one would go to "see" the events that udev is responding to21:14
sarnoldit's always felt pretty opaque21:15
jerryabearthat's a good word for how it feels to me at least :p21:16
jerryabearenabling debug mode in the udev logging actually resulted in a decent amount of stuff but i was still not able to understand why it was only intermittently creating my symlink21:17
snackattackI've installed a minimal Ubuntu 18 Server in virt-manager, when I clone the VM, the IP address is the same on both machines. I tried setting up dynamic IP address following https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html but it didn't make a difference, it appears the IP address is stuck on a single static address for reasons I can't understand. I don't have this problem with my Debian 1021:23
snackattackVMs. Anyone have any21:23
snackattackpointers/ideas why this might be happening?21:23
sarnoldsnackattack: wild guesses, /etc/machine-id or similar in /run and maybe your dhcp client has stashed something similar in its /var/ smething...21:30
fooleryhi anyone care to help a newb?21:34
hggdhfoolery: just ask your question :-)21:34
snackattacksarnold: Thanks for the pointer, running virt-sysprep (which resets /etc/machine-id among other things) seems to have fixed things21:34
sarnoldsnackattack: nice21:35
sarnoldsnackattack: thanks for reporting back, I hadn't heard of virt-sysprep21:35
foolerytrying to install using windows app installed to panel now what next just shows ***office:~$ ?21:36
OerHekswindows app ... i hope you do not use wubi21:38
OerHekscan you tell us more what windows app you used to install (to panel?)21:41
fooleryok powershell to install permission for linux then ubuntu app on microsoft store21:42
foolerysorry admin powershell21:42
OerHeksoh, WSL ..21:42
OerHeksWSL is supported in an other channel21:43
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide21:43
foolerythanks guys21:43
OerHeksi am not sure wsl supports desktop installs21:43
iwhaui have just installed Ubuntu 16.04 without any additional software selection, just the minimal option. I have just booted and i try to run python and i get this: "El programa <<python>> puede encontrarse en los siguientes paquetes: * python-minimal  * python3. Intente sudo apt install <paquete seleccionado>"21:58
iwhaui tried sudo apt install python321:58
iwhauand it says: python3 ya está en su versión más reciente (3.5.1-3)21:59
iwhaui went to /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist.packages and i can't finf python binary22:00
sarnoldiwhau: what's /usr/bin/python3 point to?22:01
iwhau/usr/bin/python3 -> python3.522:02
iwhaunow i can see i can run python322:03
iwhauas well as python3.522:03
iwhaushould i rename python3 to python?22:03
iwhauor can i make a symlink to python?22:04
sarnolddon't do that22:04
sarnoldpython programs expect "python" to be the python2 language22:04
sarnoldand python3 prorams expcet "python3" to be the python3 language22:04
sarnoldme type good..22:04
SkyriderCan puttygen keys be used as ssh key pair?22:04
sarnoldanyway, don't mix and match your python versions or everything will break and it'll be annoying to fix22:05
SkyriderIf I compare the one that ubuntu makes (private key) and the one that puttygen makes.22:05
SkyriderThey are completely different22:05
iwhaui reinstalled ubuntu-server because i tried to install django current version22:05
iwhauand it installed an old version22:05
iwhauit thinks i don't have python322:05
iwhaulets try again22:07
iwhaui'll get back here if i have any doubt22:07
iwhauthanks, by the way!22:07
=== gry_ is now known as gry
CaTaCaSHi, I have an problem. I become an Error as I connect to my Company VPN with vpnc. My FritzBox VPN works grade with vpnc. I become an Error in Terminal like this:vpnc: response was invalid [1]:  (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_EXCHANGE_TYPE)(7)23:02
dzhianyone uses ansible to do system upgrades (do-release-upgrade)?23:05
sarnoldCaTaCaS: that might be a config error of your vpn23:05
tomreynCaTaCaS: on a side note, there's also #ubuntu-de in case you prefer23:06
CaTaCaSok, but the company VPN is working with the too, ShrewSoft in Windows.23:06
CaTaCaSI do not understand this problem. The VPN ist working under Windows but not working unter linux. But my Home VPN ist working under vpnc.23:10
glitchdso im wondering if there is any way to have the login screen only show a password box at login. no names, nothing else, only a password box?23:10
CaTaCaSI have tested vpnc unter ubuntu, manjaro and parrotOS.23:11
CaTaCaSIn #ubuntu-de are all sleeping, because its 01:20^^23:15
kadiroglitchd> I think that depend on which display manager you use23:19
glitchdkadiro, it doesnt depend on the login manager?23:24
kadiroglitchd> for example in lightdm manager you must create annother config file an add some lines there, (ie: greeter-hide-users=false and allow-guest=false)23:24
glitchdkadiro, do you have a link to a tutorial so that i can read about that?23:25
kadiroglitchd> I found something for you, take a look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/731425/how-do-disable-user-list-on-login-screen-prompt-for-username-and-password-ubu23:25
glitchdkadiro, im using ubuntu 18.04 with xubuntu desktop installed23:25
glitchdkadiro, i only want to put in a password, not choose a user name or input a username23:26
kadiroglitchd> yes i understand that23:26
glitchdkadiro, thank you im reading that page now23:26
kadiroglitchd> the link above is exactly the same case as yours23:26
glitchdso far it seems very similiar, but again, i dont want to type in the username, i only want to type the password23:27
glitchdim the only user on the machine so there is no need to choose a different username23:27
kadiroglitchd> I think that exactly what the 1st answer said23:28
glitchdkadiro, im afraid not, "making it so that any user would have to enter their username as well as their password to log in"23:28
kadiroglitchd> ok do whatever you want23:29
glitchdkadiro, lol whats your problem?23:30
glitchdkadiro, is there a language barrier here, or are you trying to be rude?23:30
kadiroglitchd> I have no problem, I just tried to help you that's all23:30
glitchdkadiro, do i need to explain what im trying to do again, or are you done being a google warrior?23:32
kadiroglitchd> you explained well23:32
kadiroand I did that before and worked FYI23:33
glitchdkadiro, youre missing the point. you gave me a link to instructions that arent what im looking to do. i do appreciate your attempt to help me, but honestly, thus far you have not helped. FYI.23:34
kadiroglitchd> ok sorry then23:34
glitchdkadiro, no problem, again, thank you for trying to help me.23:35
OerHeksCaTaCaS, perhaps the vpn software does something with mac, vpn router lease or something like that, not an ubuntu issue i think23:36
CaTaCaSok, how i can change the phase1-exchange in vpnc?23:37
OerHeksdid that vpn work before on your ubuntu?23:39
CaTaCaSno only on Windows23:40
OerHeksCaTaCaS, then please from the start, what guide did you follow for your company vpn? vpnc is pretty easy to setup23:44
CaTaCaSI have chack all parameter --dh  dh2 is default and --auth-mode is PSK default23:44
CaTaCaSI use the tool "ShrewSoft" on Windows and I import the .vpn file and its works. In the .vpn file I have the PSK Key, ServerAdresse, Ports and GroupName23:45
CaTaCaSI give up :(23:54
CaTaCaSI tested it with --dh group 1 and random ports. I can test it with my Phone Hotspot. My last chance23:57

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