[07:36] Yes, lighter guage strings will help with barring an F chord with the index finger. Everyone struggles with full bar guitar chords at first because it requires a phenomenal strength. Keeping bashing away at it and it will come. There is also an easier version of F major that requires barring just two strings. [07:36] Fwd from jubo2: I should probably learn to play a song that someone else would also recognize. Can't do F or even Fm, because my index finger does not seem to barré. Having 011 strings prlly contributes, I ordered up some 010's 009's for the electric and a ton of single E strings in all gauges [16:49] What's the best horn section sound out there? [21:17] wonko: please be aware that the controls config file has moved :) [21:18] wonko: if you are making changes to master, master has changed in prep for 20.04. [21:19] wonko: if using jack_control to start jack resulted in no jack hangs or restarts, then the newer version of controls may work for you also. [23:06] MHG González was added by: MHG González