=== akemhp is now known as akem [04:32] good morning to all [04:39] Hello lotus ;) [04:40] hey akem [04:41] What's going on this morning in Belgium? :) [04:42] a big cuppa coffee [04:42] then im awaiting answer from my reseller for a lost MSI gaming box [04:42] Enjoy! i'll get one too with some yumi cookies. [04:43] MSI gaming box? What is that? [04:43] i sold a big gaming desktop to a customer, but the delivery never came [04:43] postal office 'lost' it [04:44] Ho i see, yeah a gaming desktop ok. It disappeared magically... :X [04:44] Like it was a letter. [04:45] so now reseller needs to pay me back, and i have to re order it [06:11] Good morning [06:32] good morning [06:43] got a whoopsie (crash reporter) popup today for chromium-browser which crashed 3 days ago. i can't exactly recall what i was doing then. [06:45] also, the GUI should tell you when it actually occurred (for GUI-only users), the exact time is only provided in the crash file. === acheronuk is now known as RikMills [08:09] !info lvm2 [08:09] lvm2 (source: lvm2): Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.02.176-4.1ubuntu3.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 921 kB, installed size 3271 kB (Only available for linux-any) [08:13] morning TJ- [12:59] Howdy folks [13:43] !isitoutyet [13:43] Not yet! [13:43] cool! [13:44] no wine for you jeremy31 [13:52] wb akemhp [13:52] Ty lotuspsychje. Back from shopping :) [14:35] Bad grapes === Skunkie_ is now known as Skunkie [20:00] hmmm... so easy to spend £50k on a server without realising... these Epyc 7702 multi-node systems are mesmerising [20:01] 512 cores in 2U [20:03] those were too many for windows, microsoft needed to push an update :) [20:04] but then running something other than linux there would be obscene anyways. [20:05] and, yes, it's impressive that this is now technically possible. [20:26] TJ-, Grab a towel, twist it and put it in your mouth. Grab another towel, put the middle under your chin... move the ends to the top of your head and tie a knot... sit down... follow this link... https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/dgx-2/ [20:26] the first instructions were for your own safety [20:26] * TJ- laighs [20:27] I think they are down to around $250,000 USD now [20:28] but not quite 2U :p [20:29] UWN599 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue599 . [20:31] Bashing-om: it's already in my email too [20:43] TJ-: :D fast internet !