[05:56] !info gnome-shell | jrgilman [05:56] jrgilman: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.34.0-1ubuntu1 (eoan), package size 702 kB, installed size 3491 kB === lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [19:47] Is it different to fix GRUB or to fix a partial and incomplete upgrade to 19.10? [19:48] The question makes me thing your problem is bigger than a broken GRUB. [19:48] Sbur3, a partial upgrade could have any number of issues. [21:40] boot repair disk has helped. Now comes the fun part - Howdo I recover the upgrade to 19.10? [21:42] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [21:42] apt install -f / dpkg --configure -a or just simply apt update && apt dist-upgrade [21:42] and then those [21:42] although I do full-upgrade [21:43] but pretty much the same [21:43] i hope he got a fresh daily iso on usb before he started [21:50] can someone tell me how to continue an upgrade to 19.10 that had failed just around the « started bpfilter » point? [21:51] Sbur3: we just answered? [21:51] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [21:51] apt install -f / dpkg --configure -a or just simply apt update && apt dist-upgrade [21:51] and then those [21:52] [14:42] although I do full-upgrade [21:52] I got disconnected [21:52] [14:43] but pretty much the same [21:52] nvidia or virtual box installed? [21:53] if something is really hosed you might have to do apt install -f / dpkg --configure -a apt update && apt dist-upgrade back and forth a few times [21:53] from a command line before getting to the point where the system tells me that it is out of order?