
wallyworldkelvinliu_: or babbageclunk: no rush, a small Python PR https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/pull/38501:47
babbageclunkwallyworld: lgtm01:49
wallyworldyay, ty01:50
kelvinliu_lgtm as well01:50
kelvinliu_hi babbageclunk can i get ur a few mins to help me to understand about raftlease plz?02:27
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: sure - in standup?02:28
kelvinliu_babbageclunk: yup thx02:28
wallyworldthumper: not urgent, here's a PR which uses "function" terminology with the v3 feature flag for the actions CLI https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1072203:19
wallyworldso now we have functions and "call" and tasks03:19
wallyworldat least on the CLI03:19
wallyworldcharms still have actions.yaml etc03:20
thumperwallyworld: do you have the bug for the caas peer relation?03:25
wallyworldthumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/181823003:26
mupBug #1818230: k8s charm fails to access peer relation in peer relation-joined hook <juju:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818230>03:26
wallyworldkelvinliu_: how did you and babbageclunk get on with the raft/clock thing?03:39
kelvinliu_wallyworld: we r in standup. mind join us?03:40
wallyworldkelvinliu: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1072304:41
kelvinliuwallyworld: lgtm thx!04:43
wallyworldbabbageclunk: hmmmm, maybe my X1 Extreme does seem a little quieter now....04:45
wallyworldeven with magnificant Goland running04:45
hpidcockbabbageclunk's sounded like it was taking off at the sprint04:52
hpidcockfor other reasons04:52
babbageclunkbloody gnome. Actually, that seems to have been better lately - maybe they fixed the bug04:57
hpidcockdid you have it when using i3?04:58
babbageclunkno, but there were too many other things I couldn't do with i3 so I've switched back05:06
kelvinliuwallyworld: should we error if the crd scope was cluster scope or just always overwrite to Namespaced peacefully?05:11
=== nammn_de_ is now known as nammn_de
manadartAnyone able to review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10684 ?10:14
achilleasamanadart: I will trade you for https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1072510:18
manadartachilleasa: OK.10:18
manadartachilleasa: My patch landed that changes the uniter around NetworksForRelation. This conflicts with your patch. Can you pull it down and fix?10:43
achilleasamanadart: sure thing. I will rebase and force-push10:44
achilleasamanadart: ready10:59
manadartachilleasa: I see it. Ta.10:59
nammn_derick_h:  if you around, can we HO before/after daily? Have  Some small questions regarding caas and the pr we were talking before setting adm11:01
manadartachilleasa: Reviewed.11:35
achilleasamanadart: should the settings block return an error for nil or maybe simply skip over nil entries?11:41
manadartachilleasa: I say return. If [0] is nil the write() call could panic.11:42
rick_hnammn_de:  morning, sure thing11:42
rick_hnammn_de:  meet you in daily?11:42
achilleasamanadart: that's a valid point!11:42
nammn_derick_h: was having lunch, heading over daily11:47
iceydoes `leader_set` stringify all values passed to it? ie: if I pass it a boolean, will I get back a string?13:30
iceyrick_h: maybe you know? ^13:32
rick_hicey:  I'd expect so as it's a simple key/value vs types13:33
rick_hicey:  since it's just bash data not sure what the python library is doing for type handling across the wire there13:33
rick_he.g. in a bash hook/etc it's just key=value13:34
iceyrick_h: apparently, stringing it up (https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/blob/669821489497a547a768f686a2fadf88d2d5f2b2/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py#L1121) :-/13:34
rick_hicey:  yea, that's what I expected13:35
nammn_derick_h manadart hml regarding trying to upgrade a caas controller with juju. I tried to with " juju upgrade --build-agent" returns --build-agent is not supported for k8s model. Any idea how i can test those upgrades for caas else?14:16
rick_hnammn_de:  actually not sure tbh14:17
rick_hthey work through the operator pod but I'm not familiar with the dev scenario around using it14:17
rick_hnammn_de:  and a heads up, if you want to ping the team you can use the guild highlight nick14:18
nammn_deahhh now thats good to know14:18
nammn_deprobably need to sync with hpidcock wallyworld or kelvin once about caas14:18
rick_hnammn_de:  yea, but make sure to spread the word as honestly I *should* know :(14:19
nammn_derick_h: will do :D14:20
manadartnammn_de: I *think* you would need to do something like "DOCKER_USERNAME=<you> make microk8s-operator-update"14:20
manadartThen just "juju upgrade-controller"14:20
nammn_demanadart: tahnks gonna try that out! Do we have that somewhere documented in case in run into bad things?14:21
manadartnammn_de: According to https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/whats-new-in-juju-k8s-for-2-6/1431 it's just upgrade-controller, but that will assume that there is a new official operator image on dockerhub.14:23
manadartSo I am guessing for local wrangling you need to have built the new image and somehow let juju know where to get it from.14:24
rick_hmanadart:  right, that's the trick. Doing that with "my own operator" is the part I've not tried at all14:24
nammn_demanadart: got it thanks14:43
manadartachilleasa: I pushed that change to my upgrade patch too.14:46
achilleasamanadart: looking14:47
achilleasamanadart: much cleaner now! thanks for the change. Doing QA14:52
achilleasamanadart: the machineaddresses collection has no spaceid anymore (addresses looks as expected). That's what I should be seeing right?15:23
manadartachilleasa: Machine addresses has to-date never had space information (it only comes from the provider into addresses), so that is correct.15:25
achilleasamanadart: PR approved15:25
manadartachilleasa: Thanks.15:25
achilleasamanadart: apparently accessing the unit from within Flush breaks a whole lot of uniter tests (in a different package).... :-(16:12
achilleasahml: got a few min to help me with the uniter test mess?16:20
hmlachilleasa:  sure16:20
achilleasahml: daily?16:20
hmlachilleasa: omw16:21
achilleasahml: removing the hardcoded stuff fixed the test...16:44
hmlachilleasa: hahahahaha  awesome16:44
achilleasaI will replace the other occurrences as well16:45
achilleasahml: hopefully CI will be happy with my changes. I will wait for Joe to take a look before I land it so my PR is expected to land on Monday morn. Is that OK for your rebase work?17:01
hmlachilleasa:  that should be okay.17:02
pmatulis1when i use option `--metadata-source` with the 'bootstrap' command i don't see anywhere that this value is exposed. should it not show up in the output to 'show-controller' command?18:41

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