
=== jamespage_ is now known as jamespage
wxlhey folks is there a way to get ubottu to report on source packages?20:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 135690 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "[PackageInfo] ubotu doesn't handle source packages" [Wishlist,Triaged]20:49
daxonly 12 years old ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:49
wxlok thx XD20:49
daxi wonder whether shiny new bot thing can do it20:49
* wxl looks around20:50
Unit193dax: Yes.21:23
Unit193[17:24:21] <Unit193> info src:irssi21:24
Unit193[17:24:22] <ubot93> irssi (1.2.0-2ubuntu1.2, disco): Packages irssi, irssi-plugin-otr, irssi-dev. Maintained by Rhonda D'Vine @ https://salsa.debian.org/rhonda/irssi21:24
Unit193Amusingly, that's likely in the channel wxl referrs to.21:41
daxi thought as much too21:41
wxlthx for the hint Unit193 :)21:42
wxlstrange that it prefers original maintainer21:58
Unit193'Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>' on everything isn't much use, tbh.21:59
wxlfair enough22:00

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