
leftyfbaustinthetaco: what is your exact issue at this moment?00:02
austinthetacoi did an update & upgrade, which broke my ability to ssh00:03
leftyfbaustinthetaco: let me rephrase, what is not working?00:03
austinthetacoi cannot ssh into the server00:03
leftyfbaustinthetaco: you can't ssh to the machine? Can you ping it?00:03
leftyfbaustinthetaco: does it have an ip address?00:04
leftyfbaustinthetaco: ?00:05
austinthetaconot sure00:06
austinthetacoyup, but it looks like it changed?00:06
leftyfbaustinthetaco: is this on your home network?00:06
austinthetacoit is, but i had it setup for a static ip00:06
leftyfbaustinthetaco: ok, it changed, did you try to ssh to the new ip address?00:06
austinthetacoi'm really confused why the ip address changed, it definitely has a static address00:07
austinthetacomy hypervisor settings must be busted or something00:08
austinthetacoyeah, running the machine on an esxi guest00:08
leftyfbaustinthetaco: this is really critical information that should be provided up front00:09
austinthetacoi'll retry connecting via ssh once i get done fiddling with some vm settings00:11
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
blue1Hi there.  I have an odd problem.  Trying to get a wifi dongle to work.  It works fine in xubuntu, but not at all on lubuntu.  What should I check?  I did a modprobe on the lubuntu machine and yes, the ath9k module is there01:11
ponyriderblue1: rfkill list01:12
sarnolddoes it show up in ip link output?01:13
blue1no, it shows ub in the lsusb though01:14
blue1sarnold: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter01:14
blue1sarnold: it says soft blocked yes, hard blocked yes01:15
ponyriderrfkill unblock <dev>01:15
ponyriderrfkill unblock <or even number?>01:15
ponyriderthats the problem <301:15
blue1sarnold: okay that fixed the soft blocked but not the hard blocked01:17
sarnoldblue1: is there a switch on the machine? perhaps a bit of green on it?01:17
ponyriderblue1: could be blocked in the bios01:19
blue1ponyrider: there is no way to do any manipulation in the bios.  it just shows up there and that's that.01:19
sarnoldponyrider: any idea if a fn+f8 key toggles the 'soft' kill or the 'hard' kill?01:19
ponyridersarnold: i know nothing of that01:20
blue1sarnold: no01:20
blue1sarnold: let me double check01:20
ponyriderblue1: are you *sure* the bios sint blocking it01:21
ponyriderblue1: actually sarnold  has a point01:22
blue1ponyrider: I don't know that -- like I said the only thing there is something that shows the configuation.  no way to manipulate it.  It does have a wifi button but it is orange01:22
ponyriderblue1: yes what he means is that there might be a function combination which is hardware blocking ur device ( if your on a lappy )01:23
blue1where can I post a picture?01:23
ponyriderblue1: is it a laptop?01:23
sarnoldimgur.com is popular01:24
sarnoldtry the orange button if you';ve got one ;)01:25
ponyriderwe dont need a picture LOL01:25
blue1ponyrider: yes hp01:27
blue1sarnold: I did it won;t toggle on01:27
texlaUbuntu18.04.3 I have two hard disk a 2.5 msata in my laptop the other a usb enclosure with 2.5 sata..When grub 2.02 boots it show only the distro's in my msata laptop disk..when I boot the serbent usb disk it shows the distro in the laptop disk and also the usb disck..How to i get te usb disk to only show the distro on it01:28
blue1you don't01:28
blue1sarnold: this is at least what it is:  https://imgur.com/a/JHU8hpe01:30
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BenMcLeanHi there folks02:43
BenMcLeanI have a question about the GNOME screen magnifier02:43
Guest_28Hello how are you?02:43
BenMcLeanI managed to get it to turn on with the gnome tweak tool, and I can zoom in and out with "Windows"+Alt+Plus and minus02:43
BenMcLeanhowever, the factor it zooms at is 100% which is way, way too much02:44
BenMcLeanhow do I reduce that down to 25% or something else more sane?02:44
Guest_28I'm planing to setup a server that has some hard drives connected to it just to act as an in house file server. Am I better off to use a server version of ubuntu or just desktop? I will be limited to 32-bit as the computer I'm running it on can boot 6-bit software.02:44
BenMcLeanGuest_28: if it's just for you in your house then desktop's fine02:44
Guest_28BenMcLean thank you mate!02:45
sarnoldGuest_28: does it have enough memory to run a gui in addition to whatever other services you want?02:45
Guest_28I'm only going to be running webmin and smb. I think so yes as Ive been able to run windows quite well.02:46
sarnoldGuest_28: I think the only other slightly complicating factor is that desktop uses networkmanager by default, which will probably do dhcp by default. if you want a fixed IP address it might be easier to use server, which you can then configure with netplan's config files to have a fixed address (assuming you *also* pick an IP outside your dhcp server's range)02:47
Guest_28Yeah it has a IP that has been set to its macid on the DHCP service.02:48
sarnoldah that should also work02:48
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: you might take a look into dconf-editor perhaps, alot of tweaks around on all gnome02:49
BenMcLeanlotuspsychje: i'm already in that02:49
BenMcLeanThere's an option for changing how zoomed in it currently is, but not for changing how much the keyboard shortcut zooms it in or out02:49
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: ok, no other ideas then, dont use the magnifier much myself02:50
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BenMcLeani started compiz and it messed my desktop up, whats' the keyboard shortcut to get a terminal to kill it with?02:57
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: compiz on gnome?02:59
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: wich ubuntu release are you on?03:00
BenMcLeandoes no one even use this magnifier? it's awful03:03
Bashing-omBenMcLean: Try key combo ctl+alt+t .03:05
BenMcLeani tried that and killing compiz screwed up the display so bad i couldn't even type anymore, ended up hard rebooting.03:06
waydebJust starting up the installer and on the last line it says "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" any idea on how to fix it?03:06
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: compiz is normally a unity thing, can you explain what you did exactly to get compiz onto gnome03:07
BenMcLeanshrug i dunno, typed sudo apt-get install compiz at one point03:07
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: and when playing with compiz, you need to tweak around with compizconfig-settings-manager03:07
BenMcLeani'm on gnome, compiz is for unity, so i uninstalled it now03:08
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: if you want to play compiz, unity style, consider installing unity desktop ontop ubuntu03:08
BenMcLeanapparently this is out of date? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Reviews/gnome-mag03:09
BenMcLean"just google it" on linux questions tends to yield lots of completely false and misleading information03:10
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: last edited 2010... yes03:10
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: we dont advice to just google things here03:11
waydebImma reboot it and see if it wants to work03:14
BenMcLeancan anyone find out where the hell the Super + Alt + + and - keyboard shortcuts are set?03:14
lotuspsychjeBenMcLean: hotkeys in gnome are under systemsettings/devices/keyboard03:15
BenMcLeanOK I found where they are03:16
BenMcLeanbut how do I change what those commands mean03:16
waydebnope its done the same thing again...03:17
BenMcLeaner, i mean, i found in the GUI where I can change which keys activate the commands03:17
BenMcLeanbut where can I find the commands03:17
waydebsorry just rested on my keyboard aha03:17
BenMcLeansomewhere, that "Zoom In" has got to be mapped to some command that tells gnome-mag to set zoom factor to itself plus 103:17
BenMcLeanand I want to change the "plus 1" to "plus 0.25" so we aren't zooming in and out by the ridiculous 100% this magnifier has03:18
waydebAm I bet to re-write the flash media?03:20
BenMcLeani found this https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/blob/master/js/ui/magnifier.js#L853-86503:20
BenMcLeandoes anyone know where I'd even report issues with the gnome magnifier?03:24
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BenMcLeanOK hope I found the right place. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/177803:29
daneshello, the solution to this is simple, I think,  but I dont know how to google it. I want to control a peripheral with python. When I run my script as admin it works fine. How can I access the peripheral without needing admin rights? libgpib: ibBoardOpen failed to open device file /dev/gpib0libgpib: Permission denied03:35
grywhat peripheral is it?03:37
danesgry a usb to gpib adapter03:38
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waydebOk nope it didnt help.03:52
Bashing-omdanes: Is there a mount point for the adapter - chown the mounted directory ?03:53
danesBashing-om I found the solution. I knew I had to add my user to a group, which I didnt know, but I just found a tutorial that showed me how03:56
Bashing-omdanes: :D03:57
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
DiagonCan someone explain the security issues involved with this new error message from apt-get?05:18
DiagonE: Repository 'https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org buster InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'stable'05:18
DiagonN: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.05:18
gryDiagon: are you using ubuntu or debian?05:20
gryDiagon: then you do not need to use the debian packages; instead see https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en and select your ubuntu version in the select box05:22
gryDiagon: this will have 'bionic' instead of 'buster' in the entry05:23
gryDiagon: I believe you will need to modify your software sources, in the same way as you added this entry05:23
DiagonAh, ok.  Let me do that ... back in a min.05:24
DiagonI see, that tor project web page is not particularly clear.  I took from that my needing to use the debian verison.05:26
gryyes, i think the select box is well hidden05:27
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Diagongry - you have any idea what this means?  I changed to bionic and am trying to reinstall tor because I had buster in there.  I get this message: "Reinstallation of tor is not possible, it cannot be downloaded."05:34
gryremove it first. then try to install05:34
DiagonOk.  ... (drop-down? I'm not finding a drop down at that link you sent.)05:35
DiagonThe way I read that page, I needed to find the debian equivalent for ubuntu:05:36
Diagonsources.list: You'll need to set up our package repository before you can fetch Tor. First, you need to figure out the name of your distribution. A quick command to run is lsb_release -c or cat /etc/debian_version. If in doubt about your Debian version, check the Debian website. For Ubuntu, ask Wikipedia.05:36
gryDiagon: really? one sec05:40
gryDiagon: blob:https://imgur.com/683644b4-77fe-4f30-8cae-5bb44bcc32d805:41
gryDiagon: https://imgur.com/a/7DXo5ga05:41
Diagongry - I've tried 3 browsers, but those links don't show me anything (?)05:46
in_cognitohey y'all, I'm running Ubuntu19XX as a virtual machine on win10 surface pro 6 and I have all facilities including touch and mic but for some reason I cannot get the video camera to work. Any idea where I can get the drivers05:53
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tomreynin_cognito: this depends on a couple things: driver support (which is most of a time just a m,atter of works-out-of-the-box or will-not-work-at-all), but less so, and rather whether the virtualization you're using can handle this video stream (possibly with hardware based "3d"/opengl graphics acceleration) and whether the VM is configured to use it (and maybe has extra drivers installed to pass its ourput through a virtual graphics device which06:09
tomreynthe virtualization provides and can handle well)06:09
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=== Kira is now known as k_sze
amadewshy, anyone have a lenovo t530 ?its wor06:49
amadewsits ok to put a msata ssd the speed is ok06:50
tomreynamadews: hi there. this looks like a ##hardware question to me.06:51
in_cognitotomreyn thanks man. That kind of suks. you'd think that camera drivers in 19.XX would be generally available. I'm still not sure where I could find the drivers, and if I did, which folder to put them in.06:51
tomreynin_cognito: do you do usb passthrough there then? which virtualization is it?06:52
tomreyn!YY.MM | in_cognito06:56
ubottuin_cognito: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle06:56
tomreynin_cognito: if it's usb passthrough, "lsusb" should list what was detected06:57
tommy``guys anyone know why chromium doesn't open the torrents magnet links?07:06
tommy``i got the pop up window with xdg-open message but nothing happens07:06
thisguylosthi all-curiousity has got the best of me on Ubuntu i use a vpn service i have found two ways to setup a connection one is from the terminal the other is using GUI (settings>network>vpn>"+"---I was wondering are the gui and the terminal carrying out the same commands essentially and are both using openvpn (my vpn is a paid service i have a username and password that i enter)07:17
thisguylosthere is an image of what i do to connect07:19
thisguylosteg GUI and sudo openvpn--config *****.ovpn07:20
akemhpYou can use OpenVPN with GUI. And if you do then it's just the same as in console mode.07:22
tomreyntommy``: works on my 18.04 system, tested with https://jsfiddle.net/Ldry4kgb/ - what are you running?07:23
tommy``tomreyn: 18.04.03 LTS07:23
thisguylostwhat commands are going on beneath the surface when you use the GUI to import a config file to make a vpn connection07:24
tommy``tomreyn: if i click on the Download text the pop up windows appears but the .torrent doesn't start on transmission07:24
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akemhpthisguylost, If you wanna know in detail you gotta check the source code...most likely the file is copied in some place then it probably just run openvpn like you do in console, you can check the process for that.07:28
thisguylostappreciate your answer champ thank you =)07:28
tomreyntommy``: hmm, you'd need to fiddle with xdg-mime then, i think07:30
tommy``tomreyn: you mean configure ?07:31
tomreynquery, install, set default, something along these lines. i've not done it myself, and am not even sure what the corresponding mime type is07:31
tommy``tomreyn: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/75614/set-transmission-as-default-program-when-opening-magnet-links07:33
tomreyntommy``: might work, though when i run "xdg-mime query x-scheme-handler/magnet" here on my 18.04.3 it tells me "xdg-mime: unknown query type 'x-scheme-handler/magnet'" and chrom ium is still able to handle those magnet: URIs07:35
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/122930/how-can-i-make-firefox-open-magnet-links-in-transmission is very similar07:37
tommy``i got this too xdg-mime: unknown query type 'x-scheme-handler/magnet'07:37
tommy``tomreyn: according your link i'm stuck to this step: The last command (grep) should return "application/x-bittorrent=deluge.desktop" and the other mime type for magnet. Otherwise, something went wrong (maybe the desktop file didn't exist?).07:42
tomreyntommy``: i think you'd point this to the most likely existing .desktop file for transmission in your case07:43
tommy``where i can find that .desktop?07:44
tomreyndpkg -L transmission-gtk | grep -i desktop07:45
tommy``ok i have /usr/share/applications/transmission-gtk.desktop07:45
tomreynyes, that's the .desktop file for transmission which comes with the package, and is what makes transmission available in your gnome-shell menu07:46
tomreynsee line 7607:47
tommy``line 77 MimeType=application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet;07:48
tomreyninteresting , we have different line numbers, but yes, i meant the mimetype declaration07:48
tommy``that line seems good, nothing strange07:49
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tomreynright, and once this software is installed and xdg-desktop -menu is aware of it (which the installation scripts should automate) then xdg-open should already know how to open this url handler07:51
tomreynso i'm still unsure why it doesn't work for you. but also not really able to help more.07:51
tommy``could be some settings on my local bash?07:53
tommy``i have /.local/share/applications/mimeapp.list07:54
tommy``this file is empty07:54
padlefotHello friends, I am seeing 500 errors when updating my repos. Just wanted to check if I am alone in thos (?)07:54
lotuspsychjepadlefot: can you pastebin the whole apt output for us please?07:55
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lotuspsychjepadlefot: do you have a direct connection or firewalled/router?07:55
padlefotits behind NAT07:56
padlefotbut strangely, some repos works07:56
padlefotand I have never had this issue before07:56
padlefotpadlefot@skyy:~$ sudo apt updateErr:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu bionic InRelease  500  Internal Server Error [IP: 80]Err:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/nextcloud-devs/client/ubuntu bionic InRelease                                                                        500  Internal Server Error [IP:
padlefot80]Err:3 http://ppa.launchpad.net/snwh/pulp/ubuntu bionic InRelease                                                                                    500  Internal Server Error [IP: 80]Err:4 http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge InRelease                                                                                50007:56
padlefotInternal Server Error [IP: 80]Get:5 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic InRelease [64.4 kB]                                                                         Err:6 http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease                                                                           500  Internal Server Error07:56
padlefot[IP: 80]Err:7 http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease                                                           500  Internal Server Error [IP: 80]Err:8 http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease                500  Internal Server Error [IP: 80]Err:907:56
lotuspsychje!paste | padlefot07:56
ubottupadlefot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:56
konradosHello! haha, my chance -  I don't get the relation between cron and anacron. In /etc/crontab there is e.g. : 25 6* * *roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) - which means that if there is anacron installed, then nothing happens here, right? If so, then *what* starts anacron and makes it to read and execute the /etc/anacrontab?07:56
tommy``what's that? !?07:58
padlefotreally sorry guys07:58
padlefotI found out what it was07:58
padlefotI had disabled squid and clam services in my router/fw - this apparently borked things up07:59
Bashing-omkonrados: see ' cat /etc/crontab  ' anacron is activated there.07:59
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
konradosBashing-om, but... where, here is my whole /etc/crontab : https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/085f049203324c56977b16713100b04b08:01
konradoswait... what does `test -x do` I thought it tests file is executable? No?08:01
konradosit only tests, it doesn't start it.08:02
konradosSo how does that work?08:03
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Bashing-omkonrados: Test if exist and (||) then "run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily".08:05
konradosBashing-om, my bash is pretty bad but - doesn't that mean the opposite? I tried that in terminal: `test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || echo 'e'` and since the amacron does exist, result is ok (0) the 'echo' was not executed....08:07
konradosWhat am I misunderstanding?08:07
jink|| is or && is and.08:07
jinkAnd it short-circuits, so   false && (never executed)  returns false  and true || (never executed)  returns true.08:08
tommy``tomreyn: i made some test, i launched from terminal the command xdg-open <magnet url> and transmission opened and get the torrent08:08
tommy``that is very strange08:08
konradosyes, jink I know, and it is the `true || (never executed) ` because i *do* have anacron, the first condition is TRUE.08:09
tommy``negative, the torrent is not added correctly on transmission08:11
konradospleeease, what am I missing.... :(08:11
tomreynkonrados: you're just looking at the wrong file. /etc/cron.d/anacron is what starts anacron08:19
konradostomreyn, thanks, but what starts '/etc/cron.d/anacron'? I tried to find info about it, but.. I only found that... it "works" -  here : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/458713/how-are-files-under-etc-cron-d-used08:20
konradostomreyn,  I meant - what starts /etc/cron.d08:20
tomreynthe cron daemon08:20
konradosyes, but where is this defined?08:21
tomreynin the source code of the cron daemon08:21
konradosIt should be defined somewhere, in some file, right?08:21
konradoshaha, I would never think about that... geeee I thought all of this needs to be defined in some config files :)08:22
konradostomreyn, - thank you!08:22
tomreynglad i could help ;)08:22
konradosI spent 2h on this o.O Time for a coffee:)08:23
tommy``tomreyn: is possible to log what happens between chromium and transmission?08:25
tommy``so i could find the solution08:25
tomreyntommy``: i told you all i know about this.08:26
tommy``no i mean in general, on ubuntu, how can i see the live logs ?08:27
tomreynjournalctl -f08:27
tommy``good: hromium_chromium.desktop[10042]: user-open error: Supplied URL scheme "magnet" is not allowed08:29
tommy``new infos08:29
tarzeaudid others have also outages with dhcp (systemd-networkd) and 18.04 LTS?08:42
tarzeau(i've had like 15 machines of 200, be offline)08:42
konradoswow, I've just found 0anacron in all those cron.daily etc... dir... and read why it is there, does it really have to be so... tricky? It's so weird o.O08:44
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tommy``tomreyn: problem fixed! i uninstalled the version taken from ubuntu store and installed the one from apt install08:59
KottizenHi! Is it possible to have the lock screen display when the screen was locked, or, for long time it has been locked?09:00
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xiaojidoes anyone know How to statistics the number of software in gnome-software?09:13
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funyunhi. my server shuts down after it downloads files. it never shuts down while they're downloading. only about 3 minutes after they finish. downloading at 1Gbit speed. anyone know what's happening or how to fix this?09:41
funyunonly happens when i'm downloading 50gb or more09:42
legreffierfunyun: full disk ?09:47
funyunlegreffier: nope09:47
tommy``https://streamable.com/6r1x6 <--- i have  flickering problem on the grey, is something related video drivers?10:00
tomreynfunyun: check logs, use ssh or netconsole and reproduce the issue, monitor temperatures, run a memory test, see whether firmware updates for mainboard, NIC etc. are available.10:27
uebera||Hi. On Ubuntu 16.04.6 with update-motd 3.6-0ubuntu1 installed and /etc/default/motd-news containing "ENABLED=0" to disable dynamic content, why would I still see "New release '18.04.2 LTS' available." after a reboot/relogin? OTOH, what exactly is "dynamic content"?11:48
uebera||I see, the message above stems from /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade, not from .../50-motd-news11:52
ioriatry to remove the executable bit (of 91-release-upgrade, i mean)11:53
donofriowhat is the text install package (ubiquity-installer?)  gui installer locking up my session or at least it seems to be.....11:53
uebera||ioria: Will try that, thanks.11:56
ioriauebera||, ok11:57
BluesKajHowdy folks12:12
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tommy``it seems i've fixed my nvidia issue with apt-get purge nvidia-*14:04
tommy``now i'm with x-org nouveau driver and i dont' see any flickering14:04
nekowaiidesuIs there any feature list for ubuntu 20.04? I only see user suggestions from a reddit. nothing official?14:28
makr8100I'd imagine it's too early to dream that far ahead...  we don't even have 19.10 yet so...14:32
pragmaticenigma!bugs | nekowaiidesu: Feature requests and bugs reported to the same place14:35
ubottunekowaiidesu: Feature requests and bugs reported to the same place: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:35
nekowaiidesuthanks pragmaticenigma. I was more wondering if canonical have confirmed anything yet about features. I just heard that 20.04 will maintain some 32bit support for the sake of Steam Proton and WINE. Hoped there was more info. Guess im getting excited way too soon though lol.14:37
pragmaticenigmanekowaiidesu: You could try #ubuntu+1 where discussions about upcoming release versions are handled.14:39
pragmaticenigmabut 20.04 is a ways off yet, they're in the process of getting 19.10 released right now14:40
nekowaiidesuIt's okay thanks. I'll just be patient lol :))14:40
iorianekowaiidesu, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/09/ubuntu-32-bit-support-process-outlined14:46
skillaAlright. Sup party people. Im having an error with Ubuntu, specifically with the program Pinta14:52
skillaI'm a bit new to ubuntu, and I dont understand the error log that I'm getting or how to begin to "troubleshoot" the issie14:52
ioriaskilla, what error ?15:08
skillaI'm not sure what you mean by "what error"15:08
skillaWhen i run pinto through the CMD15:08
skillait crashe swand outputs a big log15:08
skillait doesnt have a specific "error name" i suppose15:08
ioriaskilla, 'Im having an error with Ubuntu, specifically w ...'15:09
skillait crashes15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1786822 in Ubuntu "Pinta constantly crashes in Ubuntu 18.04 fresh install" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:09
skillaI can recreate the errors with ease15:09
ioriaskilla,  check #415:09
skillawhat a pro15:09
skillaYou know, I read about launchpad too and thought. Nah it wont have my issue15:10
mixfix41yo you guys playing albion15:17
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MapManHi! I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 and am trying to set up dynamic wallpaper (akin to mac os mojave). There's a gist for it: https://gist.github.com/thelcrysis/7c3563352de9b3467015fb0b3ceb184d16:35
MapManI've set up the paths correctly and yet, all I get is a blue background16:35
MapManany ideas what's wrong or how to debug this?16:35
MapMannvm, reboot fixed it16:41
ryuoMapMan: some changes will only become apparent when the relevant processes have been restarted. a full reboot may not be necessary.16:54
ofirHi, any idea how to find the exact version of libstdc++6-dbg for apt-get?16:59
lordcirthofir, you mean the exact version that would be installed?16:59
ofirI mean the one that matches the currently installed libstd++-6 on my Ubuntu17:00
ofirthere are multiple minor version candidates, but I'm not sure which one I have installed.17:00
lordcirthdpkg -l <pkgname>17:01
lordcirthIf the package is virtual, you'll need to get the name of the real package it refers to17:02
ofir(the Ubuntu 18.04 is a Docker installation BTW if that is relevant)17:02
tomreynapt list --installed libstdc++6; apt search 'libstdc++.*-dbg$'17:04
ofirlibstdc++6/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 8.3.0-6ubuntu1~18.04.1 amd64 [installed]17:05
ofirso probably this one? libstdc++6-8-dbg/bionic-updates17:05
tomreynprobably :)17:06
ofir10x, I still get corrupted stack trace in gdb :|17:07
ofir#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()17:07
ofir followed by: #1  0x00007ffff78fe925 in __gthread_create (__args=<optimized out>,17:07
tomreynand you're doing what exactly?17:08
jerichowasahoaxI'm pressing Ctrl Alt F1 on Eoan but it won't switch off the X11 display manager. Did something change?17:08
lotuspsychje!tty | jerichowasahoax17:09
ubottujerichowasahoax: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:09
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | jerichowasahoax17:09
ubottujerichowasahoax: Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+117:09
jerichowasahoaxoh, F1 is the display session, I wanted F217:09
jerichowasahoaxlotuspsychje, tomreyn: thank you17:10
ofirtomreyn: I have a crash when starting a C++ std::thread, it happens only on my Docker, never on my dev machine17:10
ofirit's a very trivial void function but unfortunately it never reproduces on a standalone reproducer (main.cpp with std::thread(foo))17:10
ofirI have lots of shared libraries loaded and at some point in time when a thread is spawned, it stops working17:11
tomreynofir: hmm if it doesn't happen on a standard ubuntu installation then i'd blame your docker images17:13
ofirquestion is where do you even start..17:13
tomreynhttps://hub.docker.com/r/amd64/ubuntu/ are probably the most 'official' ones17:13
ofirI have the Dockerfile and everything but I'm not sure what I should be looking for17:14
tomreyni'm not enough into docker to tell17:14
tomreynsee "Where to get help" on the page i linked17:16
coz_docker pull nginx   to pull images from NGINX   If I understand docker which I dont use17:16
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coz_or   docker search nginx17:18
coz_ofir,    https://www.linux.com/tutorials/how-install-and-use-docker-linux/17:19
ofirthanks man, I know how to use Docker I'm just not sure where the shared libraries incompatiblity comes from17:19
coz_ofir, ok then sorry, I must have come in late to the conversation17:20
doug16kofir, you compile it with -pthread right?17:20
ofirdoug16k: yeap17:20
ofirit could be that some shared libs are linked with static glibc/libstdc++ whereas others use a dynamic version17:21
doug16kok, I've seen toolchains which just screw up at runtime if you omit that, instead of refusing to link17:21
ofirthat'd be my only guess17:21
ofirmine wouldn't let me build it if I don't pass the -pthread17:21
doug16kofir, what do you mean exactly by "it stops working"17:24
linuxusrHow can I make the kernel unmount a mount when there is a permissions error ? I have a CIFS mount which when the user changes the password on the Active Directory, instead of unmounting, the cifs drivers keeps trying to login with the old password (even if the user it not currently on the computer) , and locking the user from the Active Directory,17:24
linuxusrideas ?17:24
doug16kstarting to think it is simply multithreaded code bugs, and you only see the bug on vm because timing is drastically changed17:25
ofirdoug16k: I mean the call to __gthread_create() crashes the process (SIGSEGV)17:25
doug16kI'd see what valgrind says17:26
lotuspsychjewelcome theos17:27
theosi get "segmentation fault(core dumped)" when i issue the apt command17:28
ikanoboriDid you look at the core? :)17:28
theoshow do i look at the core? :)17:28
ikanoboriCan you repeatedly make apt segfault?17:29
ikanoboriDo you have gdb on your system?17:29
doug16kofir, also try building with -fsanitize=thread17:29
linuxusrrun strace -ff and look what happens before it17:29
linuxusrstrace -ff apt...17:29
theosno gdb17:29
linuxusrtheos: install strace17:30
doug16kofir, also, try -fsanitize=address17:30
linuxusrohh, if you can't d/l the .deb and install it manually maybe :/17:30
ikanoboritheos: Could you install that?17:30
theos--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x2912d248} ---17:30
theos--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x2912d248} ---17:30
theos--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x2912d248} ---17:30
theos--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x2912d248} ---17:30
theos+++ killed by SIGSEGV (core dumped) +++17:30
theosSegmentation fault (core dumped)17:30
tomreynand, as the /topic states, use a pastebin17:31
theossorry. i didnt see anything pasted in the xchat window17:32
ofir@doug16k: I will try it thanks, valgrind says PC jumped to 0x017:32
doug16kofir, and -fsanitize=undefined :D17:32
ofirwhich is as useful as gdb17:32
ofirunless I start debugging the assembly of libstdc++ I wouldn't be able to find out what happened17:32
ikanoboriofir: I mean if that's what the program is doing, that's what it's doing.17:32
theosikanobori i have strace installed thankfully17:32
ofirikanobori: but that's not what I did :)17:33
doug16kI highly recommend all the sanitizers17:33
doug16kit is almost certainly that program's fault17:33
doug16kaccept that and you will have a good chance of actually finding the problem17:33
ofirI just started an innocent std::thread, it's the inner implementation that failed somewhere17:33
ikanoboritheos: I don't specifically know how strace will help debugging a segfault :)17:33
tomreyntheos: which ubuntu version is this? does apt-get also segfault?17:33
linuxusrofir: what is the issue ?17:33
ofirI'm willing to accept anything17:33
ofirlinuxusr: on my Ubuntu 18.04 dev x86-64 machine I can spawn an std::thread, and on my Docker I get a segfault17:34
theostomreyn lubuntu 18.04. yes. apt-get also segfaults. aptitude is not installed.17:34
ikanoborisegv means that the program tried to touch memory it's not allowed to, strace will show you which syscalls were calld which is likely not hte issue.17:34
theosjust running apt/apt-get without any arguments gives a segfault17:34
tomreyntheos: what were you doing before apt / apt-get started to segfault?17:34
ikanoborihence i tried to get you to install gdb and look at the corefile or run apt through it so we can see a bit more :)17:34
linuxusrofir: do you load dynamic libraries in your code ?17:34
ofirI do17:34
linuxusrthey might be loading their own instance of libstdc++ which might cause tons of issues17:35
linuxusrdoes any of your code or libs use static linking ?17:35
ofirit's a good question, that's gonna be my next step17:36
linuxusryou can check with 'ldd' on your binaries / .sos17:36
ofirI have 25 shared libs loaded17:36
theostomreyn i tried remembering but i have been setting up the new install for a day or two and cant remember much. i am disabling services to save ram. but i think it started before that. palemon also gave a segfault some hours ago. all i can remember is that i uninstalled pulseaudio17:36
linuxusrto see if anything is staticly linked17:36
ofirwill need to repeat it for every SO17:36
theosikanobori i would install gdb if apt worked.17:37
linuxusryou can manualyl d/l it's .deb + dependcneines and installing usign dpkg17:37
ikanoboriHah, right!17:38
linuxusryou can apt download on another comp the depednencines, and use that17:38
tomreyntheos: "history" lists the commands you have run, should  enable you to prevent breaking what you appear to have broken there next time.17:38
theostomreyn thanks.   128  apt-get install acct. looks like that was the last package that installed. after that it didnt work.17:40
ioriatheos, can you check if you have sata  I/O errors in dmesg or in /var/log/syslog  ?17:40
theosioria i have ata(pre sata) hdd. will it still work?17:41
tomreyntheos: maybe some warning or error was logged in /var/log/apt/term.log when you installed it.17:41
ioriatheos, sure17:41
tomreynide hdd? wow17:41
theosapt-get[8375]: segfault at 29089248 ip b7dabfa6 sp bf99acc0 error 4 in libapt-pkg.so.5.0.2[b7c8f000+1d5000]17:42
ioriatheos, we know that17:42
theoshmm, i installed bootchart before acct. can that mess up apt?17:45
ofirCan I apt-get the sources of libstdc++?17:46
linuxusrwhy not17:46
ofircouldn't find the name of the package containing the sources17:47
linuxusrhuh ? it's the same name ?17:47
doug16kofir, apt source package-name-here17:47
linuxusrapt-get source <package name>17:47
johnjboglemoderate novice here with some debilitating Network and DE issues. Need expert help please. TIA:)17:47
doug16kbe in the directory where you want the source placed17:47
linuxusrofir: if you want gdb debug symbols just apt install <pckagename>-dbh17:48
linuxusrofir: if you want gdb debug symbols just apt install <pckagename>-dbg17:48
tomreyn!ask | johnjbogle17:48
ubottujohnjbogle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:48
tomreynalso hi johnjbogle ;)17:48
elias_awelcome, johnjbogle :)17:48
ofirI already have the debug symbols thanks17:49
ofirit's not enough17:49
ofirapt source libstdc++-6-8 says17:49
ofirE: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list17:49
doug16kofir, at the jump to PC 0 you can look at x /1gx $rsp and see the return address. `bt` might work as well17:49
linuxusrso google how to do it ? or edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment all the sources uris ?17:49
OerHeksjust enable souces in your update manager17:50
linuxusranyhow, if it's stastic + dynamic linking issues, gdb won't help you much, nor the sources17:50
ofirlinuxusr: I did thanks but now it says: E: Unable to find a source package for libstdc++-617:51
doug16kofir, you need to `apt update` after changing the sources17:51
ofirI did17:52
ofircould it be that there is no source package for it?17:52
linuxusrit's a meta package maybe\17:52
linuxusrdpkg -l | grep libstdc++17:52
ofirah man I had a typo, it's libstdc++6 without the dash17:52
linuxusrlook for the real package17:52
OerHeksor just add -dev to the package..17:53
linuxusrdev != source17:55
ofirunfortunately it didn't retrieve: gthr-default.h17:56
ofirwhich is at: x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/gthr-default.h17:56
ofirit fetched the gcc 8.3.0 sources, which is interesting as my platform's default is gcc 7.4.017:57
linuxusryou can specifiy which version you want to get17:58
johnjbogletomreyn ubottu elias_a =ok noted thanks!! Mr tomreyn, hello again, you were most and so very helpful last time ty :)  I'll ask away now...17:59
javashinhas been fixed chromium with vaapi ?18:00
theosaha! apt is working again.18:00
javashinfrom snaps18:00
theosthanks everyone for the help18:01
tomreynjavashin: you'd need to find out how to report a bug about this snap (if that's possible), then do so (unless you can tell soemone else already did).18:02
javashinso no one uses chromium with vaapi here ?18:02
tomreyntheos: note that ide hdds have not been sold for the past 5 years. you may need to replace this system sooner or later.18:03
theostomreyn this is a fallback system. my newer system died recently and it will take time and money to get it repaired. i am also looking for cheaper, low resource systems/software. trying to get lubuntu loaded in under 100MB ram at startup. it used to take 180MB by default. now its around 106MB18:04
OerHeksjavashin, are you trying chromium beta from ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-beta???18:05
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tomreyntheos: adding more ram is probably the better approach there, if possible.18:05
javashindoes that works with vaapi ?18:05
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* theos is on a 512MB ram18:05
javashinim talking about snaps18:06
OerHeksjavashin, oh i was reading, https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/08/how-to-enable-hardware-accelerated.html  but snap is also available https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/01/ubuntu-testing-chromium-snap-with-vaapi.html18:06
OerHeksnot sure what to do to make the snap work..18:06
theostomreyn well DDR is costly and no warranty. i got some DDR3 modules but they wont fit in this system :D plus the system can die anytime.18:06
javashini tried that one and dont work18:07
theosi have slitaz on another partition and it takes under 50MB ram at startup/login. maybe i can make this also take less ram?18:07
tomreyntheos: i bet you can find some in the scrap for free.18:08
ioriatheos, try to start firefox :þ18:08
theosioria i did. it works for 10 mins :P swap is a wonderful thing. palemoon works very well for a few hours though.18:09
johnjbogleI'm having some issue connecting to my local wifi. My machine isn't typically recognizing/detecting any wifi connections even though my apartment building has about 10-20 detectable wifi signals around me, and my wife's dell/ubuntu machine does. Already tried several terminal commands from the advice of a couple different seasoned linux friends, and I discovered that the commands would be reset/nullified if/when I restart/reboot, but if I put it18:09
johnjbogleinto sleep then wake it up not long after, then that seems to enable the new commands, thus allowing the wifi connections to be detected....until the next time I restart/reboot. I'm really not sure how this started. How can I fix my Network problem of not working properly? thx!18:09
ioriatheos, yes swap is a good thing (and destroys the disk)18:10
theostomreyn i live in asia and they dont giveaway anything for free here. plus, i am trying to move to low resource consuming systems.18:10
theosdo they still make PAE kernels? they used to utilize full ram i think.18:12
sarnoldI *think* our 32 bit x86 kernels *require* PAE support these days18:13
ioriatheos, nope; but without the gui, you can still use it very well (i use 16.04 on 256mb)18:13
tomreyntheos: hmm okay sorry to hear this, maybe there's an exchange market or something similar. but i guess you'll have considered this already. maybe something like tinycore linux would be for you. i think 512 MB is not enough for any ubuntu flavour (but have not fact checked the requirements)18:13
theosioria my kid watch videos on youtube so i need gui18:14
theostomreyn slitaz works flawlessly. i just wanted to try if i could make my old friend ubuntu work on this too. its working fine as long as i dont start the web browser :D18:15
OerHeksyoutube and 32 bit ubuntu?18:16
theosyes. lubuntu bionic18:16
theosthe kernel also takes around 9sec to start. probably loads a lot of modules. but boot time is not a priority.18:18
ioriatheos, it will crash (like apt before) i have to suggest you another slim os18:19
theosi think apt needs udisks2 service to be enabled? or maybe it was the `apt clean` that fixed apt.18:20
ioriai don't think so18:20
theosioria please suggest18:20
ioriatheos, for the apt issue or for the os ?18:21
theosslim OS18:21
ioriatheos, https://kolibrios.org/en/18:21
sarnoldtheos: I hear good things about https://www.adelielinux.org/about.html18:22
theoshah! palemoon just segfaulted. i think it could be the low ram. i will open the links in dillo18:23
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theosplease suggest a lower ram consuming alternative to palemoon. it should open js websites(amazon, youtube etc) too :)18:26
OerHeksdid you actually watched youtube on palemoon 32 bit?18:27
ioriatheos,  there was midori but gone from the repos (now a snap) and i don't think you can install it on 32bit18:27
theosOerHeks not on lubuntu. on slitaz, palemoon works very well.18:28
sarnoldtheos: you can play youtube videos with mpv or youtube-dl or similar. no browser needed. I think people put together some browserless methods for using youtube, look around a bit, you might find something that works for you18:28
ioriatheos,  can you paste    cat /proc/cpuinfo   ?18:29
tomreynshall we move the non ubuntu part of this to ##linux then18:29
tomreynjohnjbogle: does this computer have internet access by other means?18:30
tomreynjohnjbogle: it will probably help to at least temporarily attach wired ethernet or a usb wireless dingle or an android phone via usb wire for tethering the wireless through it.18:32
johnjbogleIm currently using wife's pc, but problem pc has no other internet right now. When I plug it in directly it doesn't work either.18:34
IsntFunnyHey there. Booting up my Ubuntu gets stuck at "reached target cloud-init target", any ideas?18:39
IsntFunnyUbuntu 19.04 server18:39
forgottenis there anyway to scale displays independently ?18:39
tomreynjohnjbogle: do you know the wireless chipset?18:41
lordcirthIsntFunny, does it boot if you choose recovery mode?18:42
tomreynjohnjbogle: this should tell:  lspci -knnv | grep -A10 Wireless18:42
IsntFunnylordcirth: I don't have a selection for recovery. How can I get there? (No grub screen before boot)18:43
lordcirthIsntFunny, holding Shift during boot should get you a grub menu.18:43
IsntFunnyNice, I'll try18:43
lordcirthThough I think some EFI versions need a different key? Not sure18:43
tomreynjohnjbogle: for the first line of output, and any line following a line with just two dashes, tell us what it says in square brackets to the end of the line18:44
IsntFunnyI saw grub loading for a tiny second but it skipped into system again18:44
tomreynjohnjbogle: example: [8086:24fb]18:44
johnjbogleIntel 7260 [8086:08b1]18:46
IsntFunnyOkay I got into recovery18:46
tomreynjohnjbogle: which ubuntu version is the problem system running?18:48
tomreynjohnjbogle: this will tell:   lsb_release -ds18:49
johnjbogle"Ubuntu Eoan Ermine (development branch)"18:50
tomreynjohnjbogle: oh that's a pre-release version, you'd need to hop over to #ubuntu+1 for now.18:51
johnjbogleok..how so?18:52
OerHeks19.10 release in one week, until then, support in #ubuntu+1 .. i would go for stable 18.04 LTS18:53
tomreynjohnjbogle: you can just type this here to join the other channel:  /join #ubuntu+118:53
johnjbogleawesome thx so much. cheers18:56
aqualiaIm looking for help with something19:30
aqualiaIs anyone in the chat?19:30
ioria!ask | aqualia19:31
ubottuaqualia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:31
aqualiaThank You19:31
aqualiaMy issue is that i am at a starbucks and i cannot connect to the wifi19:31
aqualiaIt says connection cannot be activated or something along those lines19:32
aqualiaI am using my phones mobile hotspot but i would like to resolve this issue19:33
ioriaaqualia, https://medium.com/@jeannicolasboulay/get-ubuntu-to-connect-to-starbucks-wifi-captive-portal-2351dc54cc3719:35
sarnoldaqualia: the usual issue is you've got to start a web browser and then do something with it that lets your DNS be intercepted or your connection be intercepted or whatever19:35
aqualiaI tried to connect to wifi and it says activation of connection failedd19:35
sarnoldjeeze that guide is terrible, it's got /sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart in it19:36
aqualiasarnoid: i tried that and even looked up the url for the login for starbucks but the activation of the network popup always shows19:36
piranahewe public wifi19:36
aqualiaI should mention that i have Ubuntu 19.04 and my laptop is a lenovo Yoga 73019:37
sarnoldaqualia: try loading http://neverssl.com/19:38
aqualiai did and the browser showed that there was no connection to being with and i tried refreshing it multiple times and it wouldn't show19:39
aqualiaThen the activation of network failed popped up19:39
aqualiaIt disconnects me from the wifi everytime that happens19:39
doug16kthere is a remote possibility that someone in the shop is ARP poisoning and conducting man in the middle attacks19:42
aqualiaIm new to computers so i dont know much but man in the middle attacks?19:44
aqualiaHow would that interfere with me connecting to the wifi?19:44
doug16ka way of intercepting everybody's internet traffic to steal information19:44
doug16kfools everyone's machine into believing his MAC address is the router19:44
doug16k*remote* possibility19:45
aqualiaThat is good to know but why would ubuntu fail to activate connection?19:45
doug16kmaybe, maybe not19:45
doug16kmost likely there would be client isolation enabled on their router, but you never know how clueless their computer guy might be. oh they left19:47
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IsntFunnyHey there, I am trying to make my ethernet connect automatically on boot but somehow it's never retrieving an IP... WiFi is connecting automatically. I am using Ubuntu server 19.04 and nmcli19:50
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texlaMy laptop is set with two harddrives the first msata 2.5 using grub 2.02 when I boot it shows only the partitions>the second drive is a usb enclosure serbent with a  2.5 sata when i boot that unit i get the partitions from both drives>is there any way I can eliminate the laptop harddrive from showing on grub on the usb enclosure20:15
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OerHekstexla, Disable the internal hard drive, maybe it can be done by disabling Sata interface, else i have no clue20:20
texlaOerHeks, Is this a grub problem or a harddrive problem>would disabling prevent from booting Ubuntu 18.04.320:25
OerHeksit is a user problem?20:26
OerHeksgrubs scans all hdd's, as by design20:26
aroonioften when i resume from suspend and enter my password on ubuntu 18.04 (lenovo t420) the system just seems to hang; mouse is responsive still but i can't seem to get it working without killing gnome-shell... what do?20:29
texlaOerHeks, I agree with that comment it is a user problem> but grub does not scan and print all partitions on msata Thanks20:29
OerHeksit scans for valid OS entries, so if you want to avoid that, disable internal m220:31
EriC^^texla: you could disable os-prober in the usb's grub20:31
EriC^^arooni: did you try acpi_osi stuff? it might help20:31
texlaEriC^^, Would that then print only the usb paritions20:32
EriC^^texla: yeah20:32
texlaEriC^^, Thanks for the info20:32
EriC^^texla: you want to chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober then sudo update-grub20:32
OerHeksoh good find ..20:32
OerHeksnow i find os-prober examples too;in 2011 one would add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true to grub20:33
EriC^^OerHeks: that sounds like a cleaner solution, noted20:38
EriC^^texla: ^20:39
OerHeksyours is valid too, i guess20:39
EriC^^(you add that to /etc/default/grub)20:39
PCatineanHey guys, I'm going mad over here. I just bought a brand new router and still it won't work on wired or wireless connection20:42
doug16kPCatinean, is only one router on your LAN?20:43
PCatineanI cannot access the interface of the router from ubuntu and dns does not resolve (probably because of te first)20:43
doug16kmost consumer routers fall flat on their face if there is another router on the LAN20:43
PCatineanOn my personal lan yes but there are other wireless networks around20:43
PCatineanIt makes absolutely no sense why on the exact same devixe it worls when i boot into windows20:44
PCatineanAnd android device also.works20:44
PCatinean0 configuration out of the box just plug and play20:44
doug16kPCatinean, do you have a static IP set up?20:44
PCatineanBut ubuntu i can ping but not access20:44
PCatineanI have an ip set20:45
doug16ktry putting it on dynamic20:45
OerHeksoh, the multi device entrance to the router-menu problem??20:45
PCatineanIt is on dynamic20:46
PCatineanNot even cable works20:46
PCatineanMakes 0 sense20:46
PCatineanShould I look for witches or pentagrams arouns the house?20:47
OerHekslook for updates for your router20:47
PCatineanI jist bought a router thinking it would solve the issue20:47
OerHekssome routers need an update first, to unlock and set the date for support/license20:47
OerHeksbut if you claim other devices work, i guess the menu only allows one instance/mac adress for administrator20:48
tommy``in ubuntu 18.04.3 firewall is enabled by default? I'm curious because i lost 2 hours to understand why kodi sharing with my ubuntu server doens't working anymore20:48
doug16kPCatinean, try this command: `ip -4 a` - what is the IP address beside inet on the interface(s) that are not "lo"20:49
OerHeksufw is installed, no rules set. install gufw and enable it in systemsettings20:49
PCatineanOk let me check.the router update first20:49
PCatineanThough i tried connextingnfrom.ubuntu the very first time20:49
PCatineanI'll switch to windows first20:49
PCatineanHow can i be this unlucky I have no clue. I had zero provlems with wireless on this device and ubuntu for over a year now20:50
tommy``OerHeks: i made sudo ufw disable to have NFS, SAMBA and FTP sharings working with kodi20:50
PCatineanOk back.sorry20:57
PCatineanUpgrading the firmware now20:57
PCatineanAnd it's not working, now what?21:01
PCatineanOerHeks, any tricks up your sleeve?21:02
zzlatevguys, please help me21:02
zzlatevHow can I enable right "button" on touchpad21:03
doug16kPCatinean, does DHCP work?21:03
PCatineandoug16k since it assigns on windows and worls same for android and also assign an ip for ubuntu i would assume yes21:04
doug16kyou can assume. or you can see your ip with `ip -4 a` beside inet21:05
PCatineanHow do i read the output21:05
doug16kis it a 169 crap address or a proper looking address?21:05
PCatineanFor wlan21:05
jeremy31PCatinean: what broadcast?21:06
PCatineanBrd scope global dynamic noprefixroute21:06
PCatineanAnd the router is set to assign ips from 10021:06
doug16kseems good21:06
PCatineanIt's the most confusing ghostly s**t ever...21:07
PCatineanI can ping 192.168.021:07
PCatinean.1 and i can ping
PCatineanBut can't access router interface or resolve dns21:07
PCatineanAnd can't resolve dns could be from the first issue since dns is set to.the router #doubleconfused21:08
doug16kyou set dns? or dhcp autoconfigured it?21:08
PCatineanDhcp autoconfogured it21:08
PCatineanAnd it works in windows and my android phone21:09
PCatineanMind you windows on the exact same device (dual boot)21:09
PCatineanAnd from both I can access the router interface but not from ubuntu....21:09
PCatinean#halp #scared #confused #outofoptions #irefusetousewindows21:10
jeremy31PCatinean: you can't access in browser?21:12
doug16kPCatinean, run `route -n`   what is the gateway (other than
PCatineanNop, not from ubuntu21:13
PCatineanWindows or phone, no problem21:13
PCatineanDestination Gateway Genmask Flags UG Metric 20100 Ref 0 Use 021:14
doug16kwhat does `nmap -Su -p 53` say? 53/udp open ?21:15
PCatineanFailed to resolve ipv4 source u21:16
PCatineanIt's because of arguments position or smth21:16
doug16kdrop -Su21:17
doug16kjust `nmap -p 53`21:17
PCatineanState closed21:18
PCatineanWhat the heck21:18
doug16kDNS is blocked21:18
PCatineanAnd not on another os or another device?21:18
doug16kdo you have a firewall enabled?21:18
PCatineanHow do I find out?21:18
doug16kiptables -L21:18
doug16kdoes it print out 3 chains defaulting to accept, or tons of stuff?21:19
PCatineanChain outout accept chain docker 11 references21:19
PCatineanChain docker isolation21:19
PCatineanCould it be docker doing the problems?21:20
PCatineanI think it changes ufw rules for networking21:20
doug16kcould be21:21
doug16kit probably messes around with things quite a bit to enable bridged networking for guests21:21
PCatineanwhat could.i do.apart from.stopping it21:21
PCatineanHow can I disable.firewall.completely.to.test theory21:22
tommy``sudo ufw disable21:22
TJ-PCatinean: can you show us " nc 9999 < <(ip addr show; ip route show; systemd-resolve --status; sudo iptables-save)  "21:23
PCatineanTJ-, it's hanging21:25
PCatineanAre the << rigjt next to eachother or with a space?21:25
TJ-PCatinean: give it a mo.. it should be pasting results to termbin.com and then giving you a URL in return21:25
TJ-PCatinean: exactly as I typed it for you (I test all my commands here first)21:26
TJ-PCatinean: you can copy/paste it21:26
PCatineanAlright I ran it again21:26
PCatineanI can't, i'm.from my phone21:26
PCatineanNo way to connect with notebook while on ubuntu21:26
TJ-PCatinean: if it fails when trying to use an IP address (so no DNS lookup required) then there's a routing/firewall issue for sure21:26
jeremy31PCatinean: have you tried a live ISO to see if the problem is there also?21:27
PCatineanThat I did.not indeed21:27
TJ-PCatinean: does "ping" work?21:27
PCatineanTJ- strangely now no, but it did before even
PCatineanNot sure what changed21:28
TJ-PCatinean: but it'll still ping the gateway at ?21:29
PCatineanYeaj that works21:29
PCatineanI have a feeling docker messed things up here dunno why21:29
TJ-PCatinean: I wonder if you've got a stray MASQUERADE rule?21:29
PCatineanWhat would that be sir?21:30
TJ-PCatinean: "sudo iptables-save | grep MASQ" would reveal one21:30
PCatinean1 sec21:30
PCatineanThere are...11 results21:31
PCatineanDocker and the rest bridges21:31
TJ-PCatinean: OK, lets see if any are going to affect the link to the gateway. I missed your earlier reports so can you tell me which interface name is connected to the gateway?21:32
PCatineanI have both wlan and ethernet21:32
PCatineanTake.your pick :))21:32
PCatineanI can stick.woth wlan21:33
PCatineanIf it's easoer21:33
TJ-PCatinean: ohhhhh... TWO interfaces both connected to the gateway at the same time? on the sub-net ?21:34
PCatineanUhmm i didna boo-boo21:34
PCatineanI removed.the wan cable earlier to put.into my.notebook21:34
PCatineanThat's why the ping didn't work21:34
TJ-If you've got one device with 2 interfaces both on the same sub-net to the same gateway that will cause problems21:34
PCatineanOk just wireless from now only21:34
TJ-PCatinean: OK, check there's only 1 default route listed with "ip route show"21:35
zzlatevhey guys, how can I enable right click on touchpad?21:35
PCatineanTons of bridges docker and wlp2s021:35
TJ-PCatinean: you'd expect to see something like " default via dev wlp2s0 proto dhcp metric 600 "21:35
TJ-PCatinean: we're only interested in "default" route entries, there should only be 121:36
PCatineanDev wlp2s0 proto kernel scope link src metric 60021:36
PCatineanYes that it is21:36
TJ-PCatinean: so the PC is on ?21:36
PCatineanI can run your previous coand btw21:36
PCatineanYes sir it is sir21:37
TJ-PCatinean: good to the command running - do you mean the "nc ..." command?21:37
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TJ-PCatinean: can the PC now do "ping" too?21:37
carSo, I'm hoping to dual boot 16.04 and 19.04.  How difficult will it be?  ;P21:37
PCatineanSince i discoveree my retardness of removing the wan cable21:37
PCatineanNo but 8.8.821:38
PCatineanIt seems the ping hang every now and then but.it.comes back on
PCatineanAh wair also works but it was delayed21:39
TJ-PCatinean: that's strange ... but lets move on: try "systemd-resolve yes.iam.tj" --- you should get a result of "yes.iam.tj:"21:39
PCatineanResolve call.failed all attempt to contact name servete or network failed21:40
PCatineanMaybe since dns is set to router and router cannot be accessed? Idk21:40
TJ-PCatinean: OK, so we still have that. Now try: "dig -t A yes.iam.tj @"21:40
TJ-PCatinean: you'd expect an ANSWER SECTION containing "yes.iam.tj.             38400   IN      A"21:41
PCatineanConnection ted out no servers could be reached21:41
TJ-PCatinean: so... either your gateway is not providing DNS services or something is blocking/diverting port 5321:41
PCatineanPort 53 shows closed21:42
PCatineanYet mobile and same.devixe on windows, no problem21:42
TJ-PCatinean: lets go back to the PC's local firewall rules: first ensure no local blocks of port 53, with "sudo iptables-save | grep 53"21:42
B|ack0pi just realised sound doesnt work on my ubuntu21:43
B|ack0pit was working fine21:43
TJ-PCatinean: next, lets check there's no local MASQUERADE (NAT) being attempted for the sub-net with "sudo iptables-save | grep '192\.168\.0'21:43
PCatineanOne bridge21:44
TJ-PCatinean: listing a MASQURADE for ?21:44
PCatinean! -o br-25@3987b90df -j MADQUERADE21:45
ubottuPCatinean: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:45
TJ-PCatinean: aha21:46
B|ack0pmaybe it works after reboot21:46
* PCatinean is anxious21:47
TJ-PCatinean: that rule means for any source address in net that doesn't go out on interface br-25@3987b90df do network address translation (MASQUERADE)21:48
PCatineanDo network address translation?21:49
B|ack0pyes it works after reboot21:49
PCatineanAs in change the interface it's using?21:49
TJ-PCatinean: let's try removing it manually just to find out if it is responsible. The only strange part is how ICMP (pings) is succeeding - I suppose it could be passing into something on that bridge and being routed out somewhere else21:49
PCatineanSo 1) it's s**t docker as I said no? 2) why did it add it21:49
PCatineanOk let's give it a world21:50
PCatineanHow would we do that :))21:50
TJ-PCatinean: "sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s ! -o br-25@3987b90df -j MADQUERADE "21:50
TJ-The -D means delete ... then we tell it the *exact* rule it must delete21:50
TJ-PCatinean: the other option is to list the rules with index numbers and then just tell it the index number to remove, using "sudo iptables -t nat -nvL POSTROUTING --line-numbers "21:51
PCatineanFirst one done21:52
TJ-PCatinean: then you could do "sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING X" where X is the line number21:52
PCatineanFirst worked as I did.copy.paste from.grep21:52
PCatineanWith -D21:52
TJ-PCatinean: OK ... try "dig -t A yes.iam.tj @" now21:52
PCatineanNo spaces between @ inpresume21:53
PCatineanSame error21:53
TJ-the @ means "aim the query at this host"21:54
PCatineanI thought so21:54
TJ-PCatinean: lets ensure there are no more MASQ rules still affecting things21:54
PCatineanJust like ssh but no still same error21:54
PCatineanSame grep?21:54
TJ-PCatinean: "sudo iptables-save | grep '192\.168'21:55
PCatinean3 more21:55
TJ-PCatinean: any MASQUERADEs ?21:55
PCatineanAnd two other for 192.168..16.0/20 DROP21:56
TJ-That shouldn't affect
TJ-PCatinean: let's be really strict and just wipe out all rules! if that doesn't fix it we know it's not local to the PC, and visa-versa21:57
PCatineanWell well...21:58
PCatineanSurprise surprise21:58
PCatineanDoing docker network rm `docker network ls -aq` made it work instantly....21:58
TJ-PCatinean: "sudo iptables -t nat --flush; sudo iptables -t mangle --flush; sudo iptables --flush"21:58
TJ-PCatinean: oh well done!21:59
TJ-PCatinean: so line docker up in front of the firing squad :)21:59
PCatineanTJ-, thanks a lot for going through this with me, I had a suspicion but your approach definetely zoned in on the issue22:00
doug16kone of the reasons I steer clear of docker22:00
PCatineanI can't believe I bought a new router because of this but I guess that's it. And I think I see where the problem was22:00
TJ-PCatinean: I see from your current IP address you're on the PC again :)22:01
PCatineanYes it started working instantly22:01
PCatineanThanks so much for being so patient and helpful22:01
PCatineanMay God pour a thousand blessings on you sir22:01
TJ-You're welcome; we all learn from these diagnostic sessions22:01
PCatineanhere was the kicker I think: acc19a164e        host                           host                local22:02
PCatineanall others were bridges22:02
PCatineanat drivers22:02
PCatineanMan it feels so good to be using the laptop, I even got a neckpain hanging so much over the phone22:03
xubianhi people. im looking for a ubuntu program which can rip audio cds into FLAC 24 bit. i already got "asunder cd ripper" but it only does 16 bit FLAC. can you suggest me something please?22:06
doug16kcds are 16 bit. you won't magically get 8 more bits from them by using flac 2422:07
xubianok, didnt know that, thanks. i read this here about my smartphone (lg v20): The V20 has an issue that causes 16bit 44.1khz audio to be resampled to 48khz. This degrades the sound quality! The reason is that the V20 only plays audio files with 24bit depth bit perfectly. Neutron has a work around that adds 8 empty bits to 16bit files so the V20 sees these files as 24bit and plays them at their native 44.1khz sampe rate. Sound22:09
xubianquality is restored!22:09
xubianand thats why i wanted to rip some cds into 24bit...22:10
doug16kdont resample them22:10
doug16kmake sure your output is 44.1kHz 16-bit and it will perfectly losslessly preserve the original22:10
PCatineanTJ-, I'm going to close for the night it's already 1:10 AM. Thanks again for your kind effort, much appreciated22:10
PCatineanAlso everyone else who pitched in22:11
doug16kgood night22:11
* PCatinean takes a bow22:11
PCatineancheers doug16k thanks for the support as well22:11
xubiandoug16k, ok. thank you! =)22:11
tallguyI have a ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS desktop that has somehow run afoul of netflix, won't run netflix anymore, I had a chat with a netflix tech support who told me that they do not support linux o/s and netflix might work for awhile, but not forever! - any comments, help ??22:12
xubiangn8 ppl22:14
doug16ktallguy, worked for me in firefox when I had netflix subscription22:14
zzlatevhey guys, how can I use "right click" on touchpad?22:14
doug16kdid not work in chrome22:14
zzlatevwithout two-tap22:14
tallguyyes i was running netflix for a long time in firefox, but it all ended yesterday22:15
doug16ktell them to shove their DRM where the sun don't shine22:15
tallguyyeah really ...22:16
tallguyam i really going to have to install winbloz?22:16
doug16kthey are deluded if they think windows users can't capture the stream22:18
hggdhdoug16k: please mind your language22:19
doug16kwhat language22:19
tallguyyou said22:19
hggdhdoug16k: "tell them to shove..."22:19
hggdhtallguy: please keep on topic22:20
tallguylol a little levity can't be all bad!22:20
psilly0windows 96'22:20
tallguybut really, i have a disconcerting problem, hopefully here in the 'nix world someone has gotten on top of this issue22:22
sarnoldtallguy: definitely you should go to more concerts to fix your disconcerting problem :)22:24
tallguylol touche sarnold22:25
tomreyntallguy: "I have a ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS desktop" -> you should have an 18.04.3 LTS desktop these days. Apparently you never installed updates?22:37
tallguyyeah tomreyn, i have 18.04.4 to install, just have not gotten around to it22:38
sarnoldan "apt update && apt upgrade" should be sufficient to change the .1 to whatever is latest22:40
tallguyyes i need to do that ... along with a winbloz dual-boot it seems ...22:41
tomreynfree security patches are nice to have after 1.5 years. and really easy to install.22:42
tomreyn(and the bug fixes, too)22:42
tallguythat PC runs just about 24/7 to entertain a 93 year old lady who is not very ambulatory, so it is hard to get it away from her22:43
psilly0did you see my post about the HP zino yesterday22:48
psilly0i have an Dell Zino from 2010, should i install 20.04 on it and use it till 2027 or install windows 10 on it and give it to my mom?22:49
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tomreynpsilly0: you and i talked about this yesterday. but you still have another half year to make up your mind.22:54
psilly0i was trying to compare it to the guy talking about his netflix grandmother22:54
psilly0anyways have a nice weekend guys!22:55
psilly0& gals!22:55
tomreynyou, too22:55
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henninbi am having a font issue, when starting urxvt I set the font in the .Xdefault (Urxvt.font: xft:SauceCodePro NF:pixelsize=16), but the font doesn't take, any advice?23:31
sarnoldhenninb: one of ~/.Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources (check spellings) is read on-demand and the other requires using xrdb -merge to read it in23:44
henninbthanks sarnold, from what I read the .Xresources is on demand.23:46
sarnoldthis is what I've got.. .Xresources:URxvt.font:x:terminus-18,xft:PT Mono-1423:47
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henninbsarnold did you install your fonts or are these part of the default on the system?23:50
sarnoldhenninb: terminus is packaged, pt mono I downloaded by hand23:51
sarnoldI'm not sure about that part of the font string :(23:51
sarnoldI've got xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources  in my ~/.xsession23:52
henninbok, I will put it in my .xinitrc, thanks sarnold23:53

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