
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> @craigbass76 [<craigbass76> Anyone got a recommendation on how to get live video from my Nikon …], Do you mean Live Streaming?00:26
craigbass76studiobot, Yes, and I'm reading that I'm out of luck00:27
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Lol. I think you can do it via the Snapbridge app via Android. But, I can do some research for you00:28
craigbass76Just got qdsrldashboard running, and I can SEE the live stream, but can't record it.00:28
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Aye, let me check it out, I do have a nearby d350000:29
craigbass76And I've got my son's Canon here, but can't do the livestream. I've got one other kid with a camera (sony I think) that I can try.00:30
craigbass76I can just stick whatever on a tripod and hit go that way, but someone's lost the camera mount for the tripod...00:31
craigbass76Damned kids.00:31
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> It says Qdslr only works with Nikon00:31
craigbass76Fah... Well, it sort of lies then, I guess. I can snap a picture on a Canon with it too.00:32
craigbass76It was nice anyway. His camera is sporting the strap that was on my mother's 70's Fujica (the one I used in high school). My other son's SOny is sporting the lenses...00:33
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Wait, Does d3300 have wifi?00:35
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Or just bluetooth?00:35
craigbass76I haven't a clue.I have a D3200. This is my first digital camera -- I'm tried to make it act as close to a Pentax K1000 as I can.00:36
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> XD00:38
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Hmm. I would try to get a capture card to be honest.00:38
craigbass76I know, eh? And I made it a rule when the kids got theirs "No auto anything. You will understand fstop, focus, ISO, and shutter speed, or I'm taking it back to the store."00:38
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> As DSLR camera's aren't really meant to live stream. The sensors can overheat quickly00:39
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> I 100% agree00:39
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> I love the manual mode of DSLR00:39
craigbass76Yeah, I was just hoping for something better than my webcam. I'm giving bass lessons to a kid from church, and wanted to stick something up on youtube for him00:39
craigbass76What I really love about DSLR is no darkroom. And no waiting to see if your pics suck. As soon as you throw the card into a laptop, you know.00:40
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Yeah, best thing is to probably get a capture card.00:40
craigbass76There is something to be said for the smell of fixer though...00:40
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> lmfaooo00:40
craigbass76And the feeling of developing color prints (room is darker than four feet up a bear's behind -- no red light like in B&W photography)00:41
craigbass76I was in high school in the early 90s, so we had a darkroom.00:42
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Manual ISO settings does wonders00:42
craigbass76You can screw with stuff. Maybe you WANT grainy.00:44
craigbass76Same with shutter speed and fstop. Maybe you WANT blurry all around, or just in the background.00:44
craigbass76I think flowers was what I taught them depth of field with.00:44
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> @craigbass76 [<craigbass76> You can screw with stuff. Maybe you WANT grainy.], Anyways, let's move this conversation to Ubuntu Studio Cafe00:46
craigbass76SOrry. I'm done. :)00:47
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> No problem mate00:48
craigbass76Well, about that. Anyone know how to get hydrogen and ardour running at the same time?00:48
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> You can run them together like plugins, Check out Jack-Transport00:49
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Take a look here00:50
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEduGnD6ZKQ00:50
craigbass76I'll make a note and look it up next time I'm downstairs on the big box. I record in the basement. I want my album to be a big cellar.00:50
craigbass76Nyuck nyuck nyuck00:50
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> xD00:51
craigbass76Toodles, folks. So long, and thanks for all the fish.00:52
=== JTa1 is now known as JTa
MntJoltHey I Have a question03:37
MntJoltWhat makes Ubuntu studio (other than the additional software) better than regular Ubuntu03:38
DirtyEarHi I am from Colombia03:56
DirtyEarI have a pc with Ubuntustudio and I have the mixer Behriger XR18 but I cannot setup my xr1803:57
DirtyEarIs there any way to install some driver in order to configure it as the main output device in my ubuntustudio?03:59
krytarikMntJolt: Someone from the Studio team who actually does any audio work would probably have to answer any further question, but things that come to my mind are: 1.) lowlatency kernel, 2.) Ubuntu Studio Controls, and 3.) various configuration tweaks to improve audio work further.04:12
krytarikDirtyEar: Sorry, I can't help you there.04:13
DirtyEarNo problem.04:15
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Did you try working with Jack?10:50
dirtyearHi, I have ubuntustudio and my audio interface is a Behringer XR18 but It does not sound anything.14:39
dirtyearIs there any way to install my interface in UbuntuStudio?14:40
Eickmeyerdirtyear: It should just work and show up in Ubuntu Studio Controls. I used to use X32s all the time.14:41
ubottuUbuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls14:41
dirtyearThanks a lot. I will try14:41
dirtyearIt shows me only "USER SETTINGS" and "SYSTEM SETTINGS" but It does not show anything else and I cannot change anything14:47
dirtyearAny idea?14:47
dirtyearI already do it!14:50
dirtyearI look for "Control de Volumen de PulseAudio" and in the last part in "configuration" I just shut down the internal audio card and it works.14:51
dirtyearThanks for always be willing to help me. Thanks a lot!14:52
Eickmeyerdirtyear: What version of Ubuntu Studio?15:01
* Eickmeyer suspects 18.0415:02
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-backports | dirtyear15:02
ubottudirtyear: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer15:02
OvenWerksEickmeyer: It appears they were looking to get desktop audio working15:02
OvenWerksEickmeyer: so just setting the default device in pulse was what was needed15:03
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, going into an 18-input mixer it's going to default to channels 1 and 2 though.15:03
EickmeyerIn my experience, that's highly undesirable, but oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯15:03
* OvenWerks is still aiting for a 1394 PCIe card15:04
dirtyearThanks to all of you. I really appreciate your help!15:06
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Word, 1394 pcie cards. I have a few firewire devices I'd love to use.16:11
Eickmeyer@SomeIrrelevantPerson0000: Better support for 1394 cards is coming.16:34
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Yessssssss16:38
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> I have a laptop that has a 1394 port on it, I had recently retrofitted with KXStudio. Haven't tried it out though16:39
Eickmeyer!kxstudio | @SomeIrrelevantPerson0000: FYI:16:45
ubottu@SomeIrrelevantPerson0000: FYI:: KXStudio is an Ubuntu-based operating system and a repository for Debian-based operating systems for audio production. Development is on hiatus until late-2019 as of this writing.  It is not supported by Ubuntu or Ubuntu Studio, and using its repo is discouraged. Support in #kxstudio.16:45
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> I know this. :)17:01
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> I just have a really outdated laptop, and just KXStudio is lightweight enough.17:02
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> I do however support Kxstudio. Although, I understand it is probably rude to speak of it here.17:03
OvenWerks@SomeIrrelevantPerson0000: I don't think it rude to talk about kxstudio really. We are working on bringing the most useful packages into ubuntu so you can just install from the ubuntu repos.18:47
OvenWerksWe have already brought in Carla and it looks like Catia will be coming too. I think the kxstudio dev is hoping to make all his packages available from debian/ubuntu repos as he has a lot less time to keep up kxstudio. We are not upset with him or agaist his software, only the way in which some of his packages cause trouble when used with other ubuntu software... cadence in particular once it has18:52
OvenWerksbeen run can not be easily removed from your system without removing files from various places by hand. This makes it really hard to help someone who has had trouble with their audio.18:52
studiobot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Ahh. I see21:55

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