
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== Israphel is now known as Guest32318
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
furycd001Hey.. Just wondering if there is any sort of todo list like plugin for xfce4-panel :?10:26
gnrpfurycd001: todo for what?11:56
furycd001Like a general todo list that I can add things to & then check off whenever completed....11:58
JohnDVDp, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }14:18
JohnDVDI'm using xfce4 and multiple opened programs are grouped in its taskbar. How can I avoid that behaviour?14:21
sublevelI saw that the other day,  checking14:24
sublevelPanel preferences, Items tab14:24
sublevelselect Window Buttons then the edit button to the right14:24
JohnDVDThank you very much. :)14:30
JohnDVDIt Works14:30
talinspello. has anyone found a way to circumvent the problem with being unable to recover from the screensaver (blank screen instead of login prompt) on 18.04 and 19.04?18:53
talinsupposedly removing lightdm and installing e.g. gnome-screensaver instead should work, but it does nothing in my case18:53
sublevelWasn't it light-locker, not lightdm that was suggested to remove?18:58
sublevelI didn't try that but was successful with making the .conf in comment #24 here: https://launchpad.net/bugs/180160918:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1801609 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Fails to deactivate dpms off mode after user initiated wake-up events(not system-suspended, just locked and dpms active)" [Undecided,Won't fix]18:59
sublevelActually the version in comment #30,  if you don't have intel graphics I don't know if you can use this method19:05
talinsublevel: oops, you are right, light-locker.19:26
xubuntu9wHello! I hope this is the right place to ask for help. I am very new to Xubuntu, and I love it. However, the laptop won't run on battery despite it recognizing it, charging it and it is fully charged. The battery is entirely new from the factory (as I first thought this was a issue with an old battery I bought a new one, but the problem persists).19:38
xubuntu9wThank you!19:38
xubuntu9wRunning 18.0419:38
xubuntu9wI have tried TLP too...19:40
brainwashxubuntu9w: what does "won't run" mean in this context?19:40
xubuntu9whi and thank you! well, it shuts down immediately whenever it isn't connected to the AC adapter/power brick19:41
brainwashand you think this is related to Xubuntu?19:41
xubuntu9wCould it be? The battery is brand new, so I figured it might be a software related issue19:42
brainwashI would check if the same thing happens while you have the BIOS/UEFI menu open19:43
brainwashso, while Xubuntu is not loaded yet19:44
xubuntu9wYou mean, boot into BIOS menu, then unplug and see if it runs on battery then? Sure, I can give it a try, thanks19:45
xubuntu9wAnd if the problem persists?19:46
brainwashthen it has to be a hardware issue19:46
xubuntu9wOK gotcha! Is there anything I should do while in BIOS, given that it can run on battery then?19:46
brainwashif you trigger a shutdown via the session menu in Xubuntu, then it should show you a brief shutdown screen19:47
brainwashand not immediately power off the system19:47
brainwashno idea if there is anything worth to check in the BIOS19:48
xubuntu9wAlright, I will give it a go19:48
xubuntu9wHave a nice Friday (or Saturday, depending on where you are in the world)!19:48

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