
zakihey pavlushka 16:48
zakihow are you doing ?16:48
pavlushkazaki: I am good, my serial port is working, I can read the serial output from my Laptop16:57
pavlushkazaki: Hope I can finish my coreboot project successfully and soon16:58
zakipavlushka, cool. good luck with that 17:04
pavlushkazaki: ty17:05
zakipavlushka, m°C mean what ? 17:06
zakiI mean whats with that m17:06
zakican't find17:06
pavlushkazaki: where and in which respect?17:06
zakilike 56,644 m°C17:07
zakihardware temperature sensor reading 17:07
pavlushkazaki: what was the command?17:22
zakipavlushka, it's not from the command 17:24
pavlushkazaki: in that case, can you provide screenshot?17:24
zakiautomatic SNMP sensor reading output 17:24
zakithe unit is set to m°C17:26
zakipavlushka, https://imgur.com/a/MC9Q3wa17:31
zakicheck this 17:31
zakiwondering what is m degree Celsius :317:33
u-la-la[ Imgur: The magic of the Internet ] - imgur.com17:34
pavlushkazaki: Sorry no idea, may be someone in #ubuntu can tell17:37
zakipavlushka, ok will tell you if I find out. 17:38
pavlushkazaki: sure17:38
LjLstrange enough that *some* of the values do show just "°C" O.o20:55

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