
JShor(xenial)jshor@localhost:~$ sudo hcitool devDevices:hci0E4:42:A6:2C:6A:77(xenial)jshor@localhost:~$ lsusb | grep Blue(xenial)jshor@localhost:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth status * bluetooth is not running(xenial)jshor@localhost:~$ dmesg | grep Bluetooth(xenial)jshor@localhost:~$00:04
JShorDammit, can't keep my newlines :P00:04
JShorAm just full of fail today ... anyway, the Bluetooth app says no adapter found, so I can't turn it on.  But there should be one00:05
JShorMaybe I'm just missing a driver?  I don't know ...00:05
JShorrfkill list shows hci0 is unblocked both soft and hard too00:07
tomreyn!paste | JShor00:12
ubottuJShor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:12
kereshi, anyone know how to get a Kodak camera to work with cheese? i need to take pictures for a database00:12
tomreyn!crosspost | keres00:13
ubottukeres: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.00:13
kereswell it shows up in lsusb, is there some special software you must install in linux to use external cameras?00:15
tomreyni have limited experience with this, none with video cams. my guess is this could be about libmtp and v4l00:17
keresso video 4 linux has to be install to do this sort of thing?00:18
JShorHere we go https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WcX9vbvB87/00:18
keresi have done it maybee 5 or so years ago... but my memory is not so good00:18
tomreynat least the library, i assume. but then cheese should already depend on it00:18
JShorSo I paired some devices in chromes then switchd back to Ubuntu mode and now dmesg has some output whereas it was totally blank before00:20
JShorMaybe the correct answer is to toss the chromebook in the trash and get a real computer00:21
gbellinozmy CUPS web ui gets stuck in a POST loop of some sort:00:35
gbellinozlocalhost - - [13/Oct/2019:11:34:50 +1100] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 401 91 CUPS-Get-Devices successful-ok00:35
gbellinozAnybody seen this before?00:35
gbellinozI'm spotting a 401 HTTP response code... hmmm....00:37
johnjbogletomreyn: hi, I now have a bootable usb with ubuntu 19.04 on it. I still have to download/update my bios, and apparently a dell driver pack. I'm not sure though what precisely and in what order I'm supposed to do, now that I have created a bootable ubuntu usb..? -thx01:42
* NicQ wonders if this silence is normal...01:44
OerHeksjohnjbogle,  for dell, all i know is https://medium.com/@nrogap/dell-repository-for-install-additional-drivers-on-ubuntu-4cf06164018001:44
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johnjbogleOerHeks: not too sure what I can/should do with that, too high above my paygrade for now...but thanks!02:35
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lotuspsychje!biosupdate | johnjbogle02:40
ubottujohnjbogle: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate02:40
eipip1e0E: Unable to locate package nfs-utils02:56
eipip1e0E: Unable to locate package nfs-utils-lib02:56
eipip1e0how to solve this?02:56
lotuspsychje!info nfs-utils02:57
ubottuPackage nfs-utils does not exist in bionic02:57
Bashing-ome nfs-utils02:57
SarkHell guys - I'm having some issues with stty in Ubuntu 16.04 - it's been a while, so I'm not sure if I'm just using it wrong, or something is actually broken. I can't get it to let me set any actual settings. It just ignores everything I tell it (except baud rate).02:57
SarkTrying to set it to 7 bit mode, which should just be stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 cs7 - but it doesn't change anything. Similarly, can't set stop bits, or parity, or anything else.02:58
gbellinozHas anybody gotten printing to work to a CUPS server without having CUPS installed at the client?03:08
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amosbirdHi, what command can I get if current cpu arch is arm64 or amd64?04:08
OerHeksoh, installed arch ?04:09
OerHeksdpkg --print-architecture04:10
amosbirdOerHeks: nice04:11
amosbirdhmm, is there a command that can get the active ld on current system?04:18
amosbird/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2   or  /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.104:19
amosbirdI need a script to tell them apart04:19
acetakwasI'd like to modify PDF documents (combine/merge/remove pages).05:10
acetakwasWhat's a good Ubuntu tool for this?05:10
lotuspsychjeacetakwas: inkscape seems to be popular for pdf editing05:17
gbellinozis inkscape still active? it hasn't moved much in years.05:25
gbellinozi always worry about it because there's nothing else OSS like it.05:25
lotuspsychje!info inkscape05:25
ubottuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.3-1 (bionic), package size 16408 kB, installed size 122852 kB05:25
ponyridergbellinoz: still active05:26
CarlFKhow do I see the "recommends" of a package?05:38
krytarikCarlFK: "apt show <package>"05:42
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amosbirdhmm, what's wrong with this https://la.wentropy.com/GaGh06:29
Spock_ncc1701Hi, I have a bluetooth headphones, each time I disconnect them (via power off or from the bluetooth menu), the next connection does not transffer sound to the headphones without one more dissconection and connection06:55
Spock_ncc1701ubuntu 18.04*06:56
alkisgHi, when I log in to Ubuntu for the first time, /usr/lib/gnome-initial-setup/gnome-initial-setup runs. Could someone run it and verify that this window can not be moved around with the mouse? (it's just a welcome dialog with a couple of questions)07:02
ponyriderSpock_ncc1701: maybe this? : # alias mc="echo -e 'power on\nconnect EC:EA:03:36:7D:8B \nquit' | bluetoothctl"07:03
Spock_ncc1701ponyrider: is there a way to make it work without adding aliases?07:12
ponyriderur meant to put it in ur bashrc Spock_ncc170107:13
Spock_ncc1701i know what aliases are. but why do you want to put it there?07:14
ponyriderits just meant to connect ur headphones easily. idk worked for me07:15
Spock_ncc1701ponyrider: The problem is that the sound control is not working after I disconnect the headphones and connect them back on07:17
lotuspsychjealkisg: yes that ubuntu-desktop welcome screen is moveable07:18
Spock_ncc1701ponyrider: btw, mc is midnight commander's name07:18
alkisglotuspsychje: thank you, meh, I wonder what's wrong in my vm then07:19
lotuspsychjealkisg: is that on bionic?07:20
alkisgYes, ubuntu 18.04.3 gnome 64bit virtualbox, inside 18.04 mate07:20
lotuspsychjealkisg: whats the command to launch it again, i can re-test here if you like07:21
alkisg /usr/lib/gnome-initial-setup/gnome-initial-setup --existing-user07:21
tomreynjohnjbogle: if you still need help with the bios upgrade, i'm around for a while now, but let's do it in private then since this is not ubuntu support07:24
lotuspsychjealkisg: what i did notice on some machines, the boot to desktop lags due to the welcome screen07:25
lotuspsychjealkisg: after that second boot goes normal again07:25
lotuspsychjealkisg: lemme test on a new user holdon07:32
lotuspsychjealkisg: my bad, its NOT moveable07:33
OERIAScan someone help me07:35
OERIASlibreoffice is displaying double menus07:35
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: can you screenshot, so volunteers can take a look?07:36
OERIASlotuspsychje, https://imgur.com/a/5HOtN3L07:38
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: wich ubuntu version is that?07:39
OERIASon unity07:39
ponyriderSpock_ncc1701: mb you would prob have to select your headphones as an output device. they should show up in pavucontrol07:39
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: did you try to close all your apps, and open a writer document alone?07:40
OERIASthis happens whether or not all applications or a single application is open07:41
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: ok, seems like a bug to me07:41
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: do you have this on gnome too?07:42
OERIASjust on Unity07:42
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: ok, do you know howto file a bug?07:42
OERIASSomeone has already filed a bug07:43
alkisg(10:33:47 AM) lotuspsychje: alkisg: my bad, its NOT moveable => thank you! I'll report a bug07:46
The_Seekerhey guys - cannot for the life of me find where to disable dock icons for mounted internal drives https://i.imgur.com/9ESm0cQ.png07:48
tommy``hey the next LTS when will be available?08:27
ducassein april next year08:28
tommy``anyone knows some app for ubuntu to visual sync subtitles with waveform?08:34
Sidd_DinoHello o/09:39
Sidd_DinoI have a question09:39
Sidd_DinoI am planning on installing ubuntu with i3wm but i am planning to keep it a minimalistic install09:40
lotuspsychjealkisg: let me know bug report url, ill affect it too09:40
alkisglotuspsychje: ty, will do09:40
Sidd_DinoDoes anyone know how to do so?? Or know of a guide which might help09:41
alkisgSidd_Dino: I haven't done it, but installing from the minimal cd and then installing i3wm over it sounds like a plan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:42
lotuspsychjeSidd_Dino: there's also a #i3 channel if you like09:43
Sidd_DinoWill check it out :)09:43
Sidd_DinoInstalling just  i3wm is one task but dong it entirely  offline is gonna be another task09:44
lotuspsychjealkisg: i wonder if they made it not-moveable on purpose? like the user has to complete the welcome screen?09:44
Sidd_DinoDoesnt a community version exist with just i3wm in it ? Like majaro has09:44
alkisglotuspsychje: eh, that does sound very silly though. Non closeable *might* be ok'ish, but non-movable... nah09:45
lotuspsychjealkisg: agree09:45
alkisglotuspsychje: specifically, if one has rotated screen, he can't even press the "next" button, it's outside the screen view, and with the window non-movable, it's impossible09:47
lotuspsychjealkisg: yeah i thought already you had a reason it would interfere soemthing else..09:48
alkisgI have my VMs occupy half of my 1920x1080 screen, so they're 960x1000 pixels, and it's impossible to complete the initial dialog there09:48
lotuspsychjealkisg: would also be interesting if someone tested this on unity, wich has also good touch support09:49
lotuspsychjealkisg: might be a pain on small netbooks aswell right?09:49
alkisgYes, anything <= 1024 width09:49
lotuspsychjealkisg: weird nobody noticed this before :p09:50
alkisgTrue! I'm using mate so I hadn't bothered with gnome...09:50
tamj0rd2Hey, could anyone help me out with scaling for GNOME on ubuntu? I have an nvidia graphics card which doesn't support wayland, so I'm not able to use the 100, 125, 150 etc scaling options from the GUI.09:56
tamj0rd2I've tried using xrandr, but instead of making things appear bigger, everything is the same size. The windows just end up falling off the screen09:57
lotuspsychjetamj0rd2: is your graphics card driver installed correctly?09:57
tamj0rd2Yep it is. I've done some looking online and nvidia apparently doesn't support wayland (which is what allows you to get the 125% and 150% scaling)09:57
lotuspsychjetamj0rd2: wayland + nvidia is a no go for now09:58
tamj0rd2Do you know how I might be able to make stuff on my display bigger using xrandr?09:58
ryuotamj0rd2: why do you need scaling?09:58
ryuois it high dpi?09:58
tamj0rd2ryuo I have multiple monitors. My laptop one is high dpi so it's hard to read09:58
tamj0rd2My external monitor is fine though09:58
ryuoWelcome to another sore point of X11 and Linux. HDPI is still somewhat of a crappy experience.09:59
ryuosome environments have measures of handling it.09:59
ryuothough it's still heavily dependent on what applications you use.09:59
tamj0rd2lol, luckily this is the last issue I think I'll run into10:00
lotuspsychjetamj0rd2: there are some scaling options in dconf-editor if you like too10:00
tamj0rd2Well I'll mainly be using ubuntu for software dev, but I might use it for other things too ryuo10:00
TJ-tamj0rd2: what did you try with xrandr?10:00
ryuoyes, that uses application toolkit scaling.10:00
ryuotamj0rd2: honestly, i would search around for HDPI solutions, particularly ubuntu. another flavor may do a better job.10:01
tamj0rd2TJ- I tried scaling my laptop display using `xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --scale 1.2x1.2` but that doesn't make any content bigger. It just makes windows go off the screen10:01
ryuofor most stuff. as i said, it depends what software you use.10:01
tamj0rd2fair enough. maybe I'll just need to get a different distro then10:02
ryuoubuntu flavors aren't a different distro.10:02
ryuothey're usually the ubuntu base with a different set of GUI packages.10:02
tamj0rd2what do you mean then? stuff like lubuntu and kubuntu, or something else?10:02
ryuothose are 'flavors', yes.10:02
tamj0rd2ahh, gotcha10:02
ryuothey're directly supported by ubuntu so10:03
ryuohardly a different distribution.10:03
tamj0rd2thanks. I'm pretty new to this whole thing :P10:03
ryuoi would call the third party derivatives a different distribution though10:03
ryuoLM and friends.10:03
ryuotamj0rd2: ubuntu mate is what i would suggest. it's a lot more customizable that I can see. though not sure how good the high dpi is.10:05
tamj0rd2ryuo (y)  I'll have a look10:06
ryuoi recall it having various modes for emulating unity and some other common UI layouts.10:06
ryuothough i know LM's cinnamon has been doing a lot of work for HiDPI, but that's off topic here.10:07
TJ-tamj0rd2: generally what you want is either/or --fbmm or --dpi *but* recently I've noticed the physical size reported by 'xrandr -q' differs from 'xdpyinfo' screen "dimensions"10:09
tamj0rd2ah, I'll check that out and see if I can get it working10:10
amrasouli79Hello,Is any script to find the fastest mirror link during every  installation?10:11
TJ-tamj0rd2: I meant to add to the above "... *but* the DE doesn't make a real-time change". So likely it'd need to be applied early via a drop-in fragment in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/10:15
tamj0rd2ohh, so I'd probably have to write a script for it?10:16
TJ-amrasouli79: I *think* the installers try to detect the closest mirror10:16
TJ-tamj0rd2: possibly; it's a while since I had to use that mechanism10:16
TJ-tamj0rd2: it's just a call to xrandr but has to be done before the DE starts, presumably so the DE calculates the correct DPI scaling for rendering10:17
tamj0rd2cool, thanks10:17
tomreynamrasouli79: i'm not sure whether the installers help you find the 'fastest mirror' (actually it would be good to define this term more first of all), most let you choose a mirror that's within a given country, though.10:22
tomreyn"fast" could mean "low latency / ping, fast responses", it can mean "high bandwidth / throughput", it can mean "early availability of updates"10:24
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ryuoamrasouli79: there's one that works off latency. these are often also the fastest but no guarantee.10:29
ryuooh, it's not part of ubuntu. shame. it's apt-select.10:30
CarlenWhiteUpgraded to Eoan Ermine. Probably wasn't wise in retrospect because I got myself a spicy error. The "Oh god the screen's bleeding" kind.10:43
ubottuEoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+110:44
ducasseCarlenWhite: ^^10:45
BluesKajHi folks10:58
kolamanHi All11:27
kolamanWhich antivirus you use for ubuntu desktop (18.04) machine11:27
kolamanclamav * maldet are there but they are not that much good11:28
Bladenikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ uname -a11:28
BladeLinux ubuntu-ivan 5.4.0-050400rc2-generic #201910062030 SMP Mon Oct 7 00:33:58 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:28
Bladeis cool11:28
geirha!antivirus | kolaman11:31
ubottukolaman: An "antivirus" is primarily a concept from the Windows ecosystem and usually a program like that is not needed on Linux because the threat model is different. Malware on Linux does exist, however. Google up "rkhunter" and "linux intrusion detection systems". Also look up !clamav11:31
johnjbogletomreyn: hi tom, you were asking me yesterday if I could get temporary internet access to my problem laptop...I was finally able to get wired internet to it.13:27
lotuspsychjejohnjbogle: did you fix your issue now?13:37
johnjbogleNo. I'm not sure what I need to do now.13:46
lotuspsychjejohnjbogle: can you restate at wich point you are stuck please?13:46
tomreynjohnjbogle: maybe the easiest will be if you sum up the issue again and post your system log: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999913:47
BluesKajwifi drivers?13:48
johnjbogleok so several issues... I have installed Unity, Ubuntu, and Ubuntu On Wayland... Currently only able to use UOW, the other two display some crazy all-white error page ("Oh no! Something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again.") This happened only a few days ago when I was told to do an update (I think update Unity, but could've been updating from 18.04 to 19.04)...because I was having some13:58
johnjboglebizarre wifi/network problem (wasn't able to connect), so was trying to solve that problem by updating something, and updating seemed to cause even more problems. Yesterday tomreyn suggested I do what I can to get my problem-machine connected to internet (which it now is) and to do a bios update. Connected to internet now via cat5 cable, not sure what my next steps are supposed to be.13:58
johnjbogleBluesKaj: I'm sure there's probably something wrong with my wifi drivers, since my original issue was not being able to connect to wifi, but really I have no idea.14:01
lotuspsychjejohnjbogle: can you pastebin: sudo lshw -C network && sudo lshw -C video && lsb_release -a14:01
BluesKajjohnjbogle, hope you weren't trying to upgrade directly from 18.04 to 19.04, unless it was a clean install from an iso image14:02
johnjbogleBluesKaj: no it was not a clean install from an iso image. I was just entering terminal commands that i was being told to enter by a friend / linux semi-guru14:05
johnjbogleHow do I d the pastebin?14:05
johnjbogleHow do I do the pastebin?14:05
lotuspsychje!paste | johnjbogle14:05
ubottujohnjbogle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:05
BluesKajdid this "guru" tell you to install 18,10 first, then install 19.04 ?14:07
johnjbogleHe says all he had me do was: sudo do-release-upgrade -d14:20
lotuspsychjejohnjbogle: can you pastebin the command i asked please?14:20
johnjbogleOk was just chatting my buddy to get clarity on what he had me do etc.14:22
johnjbogleWill attempt the pastebin now....14:22
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johnjbogleIs this what you were asking for? https://pastebin.com/Mwr9C7qQ14:27
lotuspsychjejohnjbogle: you are on ubuntu 19.10 so support in #ubuntu+1 please14:28
johnjbogleBtw, not sure if this matters or not...but he said I had 19.04, I upgraded to 19.10 via SUDO DO-RELEASE-UPGRADE -D14:30
BluesKajnow he tells us14:32
ducassejohnjbogle: the -d puts you on the development release14:33
KalleBlomIs there a way to get rid of apparmor?14:55
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: whats your endgoal exactly?14:56
KalleBlomTo work around a problem temporarily: during boot apparmor_parser is started, unfortunately it eats up so much RAM, that the system thrashes (I guess without SWAP OOM-Killer would have a party.14:57
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: how much ram do you have on wich ubuntu version?14:58
TJ-KalleBlom: you could add to kernel command line from GRUB, "systemd.mask=apparmor.service"15:00
KalleBlomUbuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) RAM is at 2 GB and the GPU gets 256MB from that (yes, it is a small somewhat oldish system). Currently looking for a replacement module with 8GB, that's the maximum for that system.15:00
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: are you sure its apparmor bottlenecking and not just gnome?15:01
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: its usually reccomended to use gnome with 4GB and higher (if not tweaked)15:02
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: Kinda, when teh login screen comes up, I' seeing several apparmor_parsers, some of them having residential sizes of way over 1G .... I wonder if there's a leak somewhre in apparmor_parser15:03
TJ-KalleBlom: more likely some package has installed bad profile(s)15:04
OneM_IndustriesSo, I have a bit of a weird issue.15:05
OneM_IndustriesEverything onscreen is blurry.15:05
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: could you pastebin: systemd-analyze blame15:06
KalleBlomTJ: Might be, I'm especially seeing problems for gnome-calculator I think and another gnome profile .... so, you are probably right. and thanks for the tip with masking the service, I'll try this for the time beeing, until I can sort this out (not my box actually ...15:06
OneM_IndustriesIf a section of the screen is updated, then it will temporarily become clear, but the longer it sits without an update, the worse it gets.15:06
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: could you screenshot that, so the volunteers have a look on whats happening please?15:07
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: would be tricky .. system is on another floor ... however I looked at systemd-blame and there was nothing popping right into the eye ... the system is slow, things take a couple seconds here and there, but nothing erratic ...15:08
tomreynKalleBlom: you can replace the gnome-calculator snap by the debian package (sudo snap remove gnome-calculator && sudo apt update && sudo apt install gnome-calculator)15:08
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: did you see snapd ontop the blame?15:09
KalleBlomtomreyn: Thanks - I never looked into the snap stuff, just set up the system a couple years back and gave it to my parents ;-).15:09
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: let me check ...15:10
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: would be nice to share with the volunteers too15:10
lotuspsychjethe full paste that is15:10
OneM_Industrieslotuspsychje: Working on it, it's rather hard to use this computer right now. ;)15:10
OneM_IndustriesNow it's started repeatedly "pulsing" between in and out of focus...15:11
tomreyn!tty | OneM_Industries15:12
ubottuOneM_Industries: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution15:12
tomreyn^ if it's too slow on the GUI you can switch to a text shell15:12
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OneM_Industriestomreyn: It's not slow, it's just the graphics are messed up.15:12
OneM_IndustriesAside from that, everything appears to be normal.15:13
tomreyni see, well this could make it hard to work, too15:13
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: what kind of graphics card are you on?15:13
tomreyn1060 graphics cards?15:14
OneM_IndustriesNah, Nvidia 1060.15:14
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: a GTX 106015:15
OneM_IndustriesAlso, this only started after rebooting due to a power loss earlier this morning.15:15
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: wich nvidia driver are you using please?15:15
OneM_IndustriesFiguring it out, one sec..15:15
TJ-OneM_Industries: now we're getting to the point ... prime suspect is GPU or PSU damage15:15
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: I'm logged into the system remotely now, will make things easier ...15:16
OneM_IndustriesGTX 1060, yes.15:16
TJ-OneM_Industries: create a new user account and log-in to it; do you see the same problem?15:16
OneM_IndustriesOne sec.15:16
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: ok cool pastebin: systemd-analyze blame && systemd-analyze critical-chain15:17
TJ-KalleBlom: you might also want to check the user session if that is slow, with "systemd-analyze --user blame"15:18
KalleBlomcritical chain: https://pastebin.com/awVSAvtp15:19
OneM_IndustriesAlright, the issue is not present when logged in as a different user, even if said user was created prior to this.15:20
KalleBlomAnd here's the blame: https://pastebin.com/X8Xnf03c15:21
OneM_IndustriesAlso, this flickering/pulsing is extremely nauseating. >.>15:21
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: your sda3 is a spinner HD?15:22
TJ-OneM_Industries: that suggests there's some user-specific config causing it15:23
OneM_IndustriesAny idea where to start?15:23
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: exactly, probably a 5400 RPM one15:23
TJ-OneM_Industries: $HOME/.xsession-errors15:23
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: so what i think is happening, is gnome3 & snapd taking a long time to boot, togheter with your spinner sda315:24
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: i dont think purging apparmor is going to make your system run smooth with those specs15:24
TJ-Shouldn't take 23 seconds for the device to become ready15:25
TJ-KalleBlom: check for disk I/O errors with "journalctl -k -p warning"15:25
OneM_IndustriesTJ-: https://pastebin.com/0E6buPHD15:26
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: well, once the apparmor_parser processes are gone, things are 'okayish'. while they are running the diskload is at max - that's why I think the system thrashes (swapping constantly)15:26
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: with your system, consider ubuntu-desktop with the minimal option, or lubuntu/xubuntu15:27
KalleBlomTJ: Only warnings about one USB Port - taht'S expected, when I booted the system earlier the keybpoard wasn't properly plugged :-O.15:27
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: purging apparmor will influence snapd and get you unwanted behaviour perhaps15:27
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: I see, well, for now I can at least try what happens .... another thing: would there be an easy way to restrict the number of apparmor_parsers that will be spawned? default seems to be 8xCPU, if I'm not mistaken...15:28
kostkonKalleBlom, somethin is amiss but can't pinpoint what. as lotuspsychje said already wouldn't purging apparmor kill the system, as it is setup right now with gnome3 snap and all15:28
TJ-OneM_Industries: no clue there then15:29
OneM_IndustriesYeah, it's pretty normal.15:29
OneM_IndustriesBTW, I have a video uploading of what it's doing.15:29
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: i used 18.04 for some time on 2GB ram too, then then i extreme tweaked it to make things run smooth, disable unwanted services, bleachbit the system, cut down startup items, purge unwanted software, install preload etc15:30
TJ-OneM_Industries: I'm wondering if the compositor is continuously crashing and being restarted15:30
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: did you find your graphics driver version yet?15:30
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: Okay, so, I'll upgrade the RAM and give the system one of my older SSDs, let's see if that helps ....15:30
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: that surely will help15:31
OneM_IndustriesNvidia Driver Version: 384.13015:31
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: wich ubuntu version are you on?15:33
OneM_Industries14.04, and yes I know it's old.15:33
OneM_IndustriesI've tried upgrading a couple times, and it did not go well.15:34
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: 14.04 is end of life by now, are you paying for ESM?15:34
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: then im affraid we cannot support you15:35
OneM_IndustriesAh, ok. NP.15:35
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: install a supported version from the topic15:35
OneM_IndustriesThank you for the help. :)15:35
OneM_IndustriesNah, I'm sticking with this for now.15:35
hans_why is't /etc/mysql deleted after running "sudo apt remove --purge "*mariadb*"   ?15:36
KalleBlomGuys, thanks for your help so far, apreciate it ...15:36
tomreynhans_: dpkg -S /etc/mysql15:38
hans_ohm, mysql-common, thanks15:38
bodomHi there! I am looking for a way to manually tell update-grub which device to use as root= boot argument, does anybody know one?16:00
tomreynedit it on the grub menu or use /boot/grub/custom.cfg or /etc/grub.d/40_custom (the latter if you want it parsed / variables updated automatically)16:04
bodomsorry, i forgot to say i'm using grub216:05
tomreynsince you're asking on this channel, you supposedly use one of the supported ubuntu versions listed on the topic, and a supported architecture, so amd64 (or i386), all of which use grub216:07
OneM_Industrieslotuspsychje: Figured I'd give you an update. Switching from the Nvidia driver to the X.org one and back again fixed the issue.16:07
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: the users choice, to run nouveau on a GTX card on an eol ubuntu version..16:08
hans_bodom, i usually do it in /etc/default/grub 's GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT16:08
bodomtomreyn: then i only have /etc/grub.d/40_custom and a not inside of it says it's there for adding custom menu entries16:09
hans_bodom, (that will add the root= arguments for every kernel)16:09
tomreynbodom: do you want to have all the grub menu options use this custom root= parameter, or just some?16:10
tomreynbodom: and do you want to use it regularly or just once or twice for testing?16:11
bodomhans_: if it add it there, i will end up with a double "root=" argument given in my entries (the automatic one first)16:11
hans_oh kk16:12
hans_(guess you've already figured out how then ^^ )16:12
bodomtomreyn: i want all linux options to use my manually given "root=" for a long time16:12
hans_uhm, wait, manaully? are you manually editing /boot/grub/menu.lst ?16:13
bodomhans_: i have no menu.lst, afaik, that's grub116:13
TJ-bodom: maybe you need to set GRUB_DEVICE_BOOT or one of its friends16:14
hans_.. does the 18.04 netinst installer use grub 1.x?16:14
bodomTJ-: sounds interesting, do you know where GRUB_DEVICE_BOOT and its friends are documented?16:16
TJ-bodom: see "grep -B 2 -A 15 'export GRUB_DEVICE' /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig "16:16
hans_bodom, on my 18.04 installation i have "grub 2.02-2ubuntu8.13", and it uses /boot/grub/menu.lst - in fact, that file is re-generated every time i run `sudo update-grub`16:18
bodomTJ-: that stuff seems to be related to finding the /boot device which, in my case, is a different one and it's ok as it is autodetected16:19
bodomhans_: i have grub.cfg instead, don't know why16:19
hans_hum, i have both of those16:20
tomreynhans_: ls -l /boot/grub/menu.lst16:20
tomreynshould be pretty old16:20
hans_they look largely similar, but they have different b2sums16:20
TJ-bodom: that is incorrect; see "grep -A 5 'Typically used for root= parameter' /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig"16:21
tomreynmenu.lst is grub 1 (AKA 0.99), which is no longer in use for years, grub.cfg is grub216:21
hans_they're both from today because i re-installed the system today16:21
hans_grub.cfg is 1 hour newer tho16:21
hans_but it was re-installed from the netinst installer, hmm16:22
hans_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4410 Oct 13 06:15 menu.lst  ----- -r--r--r-- 1 root root 6812 Oct 13 07:39 grub.cfg16:23
TJ-hans_: I seem to recall a menu.lst is generated due to something with cloud-init and/or supporting AWS instances or something like that16:23
hans_well idk what cloud-init is, but it's not running on AWS16:23
hans_it's possible that i installed open-vm-tools tho16:24
hans_w/e, good to know16:24
bodomTJ-: looks like ti worked, going to reboot and try :D16:25
amrasouli79Hello,How I can customise my ubuntu dock?16:27
bodomTJ-: yes, that's the correct setting, thank you again ;)16:28
TJ-bodom: :)16:28
lotuspsychjeamrasouli79: customize how16:32
amrasouli79lotuspsychje: I saw a link in gnome-look website16:35
amrasouli79lotuspsychje:but there are  any way that teach  me  how i can  customize it.this mean install this theme.16:36
lotuspsychje!themes | amrasouli7916:43
ubottuamrasouli79: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:43
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
lotuspsychjeamrasouli79: see also gnome-tweak-tool to easy switch your themes and modify preferences16:44
amrasouli79lotuspsychje: thank you16:46
amrasouli79ubottu: thank you16:46
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:46
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
lotuspsychjeamrasouli79: installing dconf-tools (dconf-editor from terminal) can also help you tweak alot of settings16:46
sdkQ: When I try to install mpv or vlc with `apt` on a netinst installation (with no DE/flavor) (e.g `sudo apt install`), it wants to install the whole Ubuntu Desktop. Is that a known bug?17:17
sdkHm, seems like it happens with other packages...17:27
tonytsdk that probubly happening because you have no DE installed and the app that you are installing requires some sort of GUI17:28
sdk`apt` try to install packages that aren't in "recommends". Like they aren't related at all with the package17:28
lotuspsychjesdk: wich netinstall version of ubuntu are you on?17:28
sdktonyt: mpv doesn't need a GUI and shouldn't try to install a package that isn't in recommends.17:29
sdklotuspsychje: 19.0417:29
GusjTJ-: Hi TJ, it seems that to have ACPI support on a toshiba laptop you have to recompile the kernel with some options on, last time you were going to guide me on how to do this?17:30
sdkAnother example is `vifm` try to install `ruby`. But as you can see it doesn't need it https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/vifm17:30
lotuspsychjesdk: whats your end goal exactly? are you not going to install a GUI?17:33
sdklotuspsychje: I only use  i3 window manager17:34
sdkMy goal is to install a minimal OS like I did on Debian.17:34
sdkdoing `sudo apt install mpv` doesn't install gnome-shell on Debian :p17:35
lotuspsychjesdk: and did you install x11 and the i3 tools yet?17:35
sdki did.17:35
lotuspsychjeducasse: this one is for you ^17:35
lotuspsychjesdk: see also the #i3 channel to talk to the i3 experts17:37
sdklotuspsychje: They don't answer question related to `apt` or Ubuntu.17:38
lotuspsychjesdk: i think what ducasse is doing, is installing from the server image or alternate lubuntu17:38
lotuspsychjeto avoid the preinstalled desktops17:39
ducassei'm looking at this now17:39
kostkonsdk, tell it to not install the recommended packages17:39
kostkonsdk, because it does by default afaik17:39
sdkkostkon: There's still something broken because it should recursively want to install the whole DE17:40
sdkSettings recommends to false in apt whole mean I'll need to install packges one by one.17:41
sdkAnd they will be marked as manually installed.17:41
lotuspsychjeioria: johnjbogle is now gonna try your blacklist trick in +117:43
iorialotuspsychje, i see17:43
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: Regarding apparmor: /sbin/apparmor_parser --write-cache --replace --cache-loc=/var/cache/apparmor -O no-expr-simplify -- /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-update-ns.gnome-system-monitor <- is started bei apparmor.service (among others)17:44
sdkducasse: if you need more info feel free to pm or I can also open a bugreport (don't no where tho) if you prefer.17:44
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: top says residential size is in the whereabouts of 1.3G to 1.5 G17:44
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: I really wonder how a 'parser' can eat up that much space.17:45
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: apparmor & snapd are linked, you would need to cleanly remove both if you proceed17:45
lotuspsychjeKalleBlom: we have users that dislike snapd, and purge it, but apparmor could give you unwanted behaviour and/or security risks17:46
KalleBlomlotuspsychje: Aside from that, I mean, it'S not liek this is g++ working on a 100k lines C++ source with polymorphism and inheritance .... :-O.17:46
AlexPortableJust converted my disk to GPT (as recommended here), but it won't boot, I've been following some tutorials which tell me to install the program `boot-repair`. However this program tells me that my disk should be MBR for it to work. How do I continue?17:59
crono89Hey guys, I am pretty new to ubuntu server edtition and returned home the other day after a power outage and I no longer have a connection to the internet or my home network. My windows partition works just fine so there was no physical damage during the outage. I have tried several things I found on google like modifying the resolv.conf and changing my network interfaces file but nothing has18:57
crono89worked so far18:57
crono89any ideas?18:57
tomreyncrono89: so you have a server at some place and you are at the same location and are trying to make it reconnect to the internet (and it used to connect fine, but no more), right?18:58
tomreynwhich ubuntu server version is this?18:59
crono89right a pc at my home18:59
tomreynso ubuntu 18.04 LTS. how do you manage the server, do you have a keyboard and monitor attached to it?19:00
crono89yes, SSH when its running correctly but I am now trying to troubleshoot with monitor and keyboard19:01
tomreyndoes it usually have a fixed LAN ip address, or did it receive an ip address from yuor router?19:01
crono89receieved one from the router19:01
tomreynvia ipv4 and dhcp?19:02
tomreynhow is the network configured on this server, is it managed through systemd-networkd or network-manager? and do you use netplan?19:02
crono89I cant recall, probably whatever the defaults are19:03
crono89never really needed to change any network settings19:04
tomreynwhich color is the network interface LED showing?19:04
crono89flashing amber19:04
tomreynso a link should be up and data transferring19:04
tomreyndo you know the routers' IP address?19:05
tomreynon the LAN, that is, and you dont need to tell me.19:05
tomreynjust say whether you know it19:05
crono89yes i do19:05
tomreyncan you   ping ROUTER_IPv4    ?19:05
crono89let me see19:06
crono89is that the literal command or ping ip_IPv419:06
tomreynplease replace ROUTER_IPv4 by the routers' IPv4 address19:06
crono89temporary failure in resolution19:07
tomreynthen you didn't type its ipv4 address19:07
tomreynyou typed a name19:07
tomreynmaybe it's easier if you do tell me the router's ipv4 address19:08
TJ-crono89: is the gateway/router on or similar?19:08
tomreynthanks TJ- :')19:08
tomreynso    ping
TJ-crono89: so "ping" if that is the gateway address19:09
crono89i typed ping 192.168.x.x_IPv419:09
crono89ohh haha19:09
TJ-By jimmidy I think he's got it :D19:09
crono89network unreachable19:10
TJ-crono89: OK, now do "ip route show" --- do you see a default route, or any mention of ?19:11
crono89the command runs but does not return anything19:13
TJ-crono89: right, so I don't think the interface has an address. do "ip link show" and tell us the name of the ethernet interface you want to use19:13
TJ-so much for %^*$%! predictable ^&)*($" network ^&)%($! names !19:14
TJ-Someone give us back trusty ole eth0!19:14
crono89i get lo and enp2s019:14
crono89enp2s0 was the one it was previously working on19:15
TJ-crono89: ok, so it's enp2s0... so do "sudo ip addr add dev enp2s0"  ... this should give you a link. Try "ping"19:15
crono89ok will do that now19:16
TJ-crono89: we're first going to get it back on the network so we can collect info easily, and you can use SSH, then we can figure out why it failed19:16
crono89that worked19:20
tomreynAlexPortable: what was suggested here (at least by me) was to use a GPT partition table the next time you'll create a new partition table on your storage, to prevent issues with non-growable partitions in the extended area of the msdos partition table - an issue you had then.19:20
TJ-crono89: good, so now let's add Internet connectivity. "sudo ip route add default via dev enp2s0" after which "ping" should hit the CloudFlare DNS servers19:21
TJ-crono89: you should also be able to use SSH now to speed up interactions between IRC and that server19:22
tomreynyou could reach the server at ip address currently, though, not its 'normal' one.19:23
TJ-tomreyn: what do we think? netplan? systemd-networkd?19:24
TJ-tomreyn: cloud-init ?19:24
tomreyncloud-init if it was freshly installed. other than that,m i'm a bit puzzled.19:24
TJ-Trying to think of the 'easy' way to get systemd-resolved to accept a temporary nameserver19:25
tomreynon the other hand my desktop's ethernet also needs an explicit set dev down && set dev up after every reboot for a while now for reasons beyond my understanding19:25
crono89i did sudo ip route add default via dev enp2s0 and the ping of and its working19:25
AlexPortabletomreyn: well i have GPT partition table now, but it wont boot19:25
TJ-crono89: great!19:25
TJ-crono89: so now you can SSH to it from your IRC PC ("ssh")19:26
TJ-crono89: and then we can give you some commands to make things even better19:26
crono89ok im in SSH19:26
tomreynAlexPortable: "it" being ubuntu, i suppose? i think you said you also had windows installed onm this system? does that still boot?19:26
TJ-crono89: start with "sudo systemd-resolve --interface=enp2s0 --set-dns="19:26
TJ-crono89: at this point the server should be able to resolve hostnames, so try "systemd-resolve iam.tj" and expect to see "iam.tj:"19:27
crono89i see it19:29
TJ-crono89: Great! now let's collect some info. " pastebinit <( sudo ls -l /etc/netplan /etc/systemd/network; systemctl status systemd-networkd ) "19:30
tomreynAlexPortable: how did you migrate from msdos to gpt? do you actuall ystill have partitions on there?19:30
TJ-crono89: did you copy/paste the entire command? becuase the directory listings aren't there19:32
AlexPortabletomreyn i removed windows, i copied the partition to an hdd, which then booted19:32
AlexPortablethen formatted the other hdd as gpt, and copied the partition back19:32
crono89yea, pasted the whole thing19:33
crono89does ask for my root pw for a second but the pastebin completes by then19:34
TJ-crono89: try it again now you've got a sudo token and do not need to enter the password for a few minutes19:36
TJ-crono89: we're expecting to find the network config files19:37
tomreynAlexPortable: just reinstall in uefi mode (starting with windows if you still want it, and want it on the same stroage) then copy back /home from your backup19:39
TJ-crono89: that's better, so let's see that file "pastebinit /etc/netplan/cloud-init.yaml"19:39
crono89unable to read from  /etc/netplan/cloud-init.yaml19:40
tomreynhmm, must be the file system then19:41
crono89i added 50-cloud-init19:42
tomreynoh i see19:42
tomreynthat's pretty short.19:43
TJ-crono89: do you recall how you originally configured the network ?19:43
crono89during the install?19:43
crono89I cant recall much about it, probably just chose the DCHP option and didnt touch much after that19:44
TJ-crono89: systemd-networkd service is active but has no config. The only thing I can imagine is you manually added an IP address and the server ran for a long time and so you never got round to adding the config19:44
TJ-crono89: I'm thinking you might have triggered, or done, a manual "sudo dhclient enp2s0"19:44
TJ-crono89: do you want this 'server' to have a static IPv4 address ?19:44
crono89yea, I would like it to19:45
tomreynjournalctl --list-boots | head    would list the latest reboots in case you want to check19:46
tomreyn(not strictly needed)19:46
TJ-I'm wondering if we can discover when/how it last got an IP from the logs19:46
crono89unable to read from journalctl19:48
TJ-apparently not, when it's static!19:48
tomreyncrono89: is this a verbatim error message? "unable to read from journalctl"?19:49
crono89yes, "unable to read from :journalctl"19:50
rfmneed to "sudo journalctl..."19:50
crono89i did19:50
tomreynno need for sudo if administrative user19:50
crono89ok i tried to pastebinit and it messed it up19:50
crono89i got a list now19:50
tomreynbut my command was wrong, correctly it should have been     journalctl --list-boots | tail19:50
crono89both commands return a list of dates19:51
tomreynthis was just to let you check how often you rebooted this system lately. to maybe help you remember how you last brought it online19:51
rfmthis system is acting like the cloud-init config written at install time (/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50-curtin-networking.cfg) which lists the ethernet interfaces got messed up in the powerdown...19:52
tomreyncrono89: other than that this listing is probably not getting us anywhere.19:52
crono89usually would connect to the network on its own after a reboot but not after the power went down19:52
tomreyncrono89: when you do   ls -1 /etc/netplan/    are there any other files in there?19:53
crono89just the 50-cloud-init.yaml19:54
TJ-crono89: this should be what you need (after removing /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VnS5v9qYWr/19:54
TJ-tomreyn: can you check that and confirm it looks OK?19:54
crono89what do you want me to do remove 50-cloud-init.yaml?19:55
TJ-crono89: yes since it's not doing anything useful.19:56
TJ-crono89: or do what I do and rename it with ".unused" on the end :)19:56
tomreynTJ-: it seems to. you prefer defining a static route over just setting the gateway4 ?19:56
TJ-tomreyn: hmmm, good point... I was copy/pasting from man-page :)19:57
TJ-crono89: hang on whilst I modify it for style :)19:57
crono89lol k19:57
tomreyni was comparing to the second box at https://netplan.io/examples#using-dhcp-and-static-addressing19:57
TJ-crono89: here we go https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SKYg9H2r2Y/19:58
rfmif we're going with a custom netplan, also need to disable cloud-init otherwise cloud-init will overwrite it at the next boot19:58
rfmas explained in the stock /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cR3srxPx7z/19:59
TJ-crono89: rfm  better to disable the entire thing! "sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled"20:01
AlexPortabletomreyn: well how about all the software i've installed so far?20:01
crono89permission denised when i try to change the file name20:02
crono89one second20:02
tomreyn😍 cloud-init20:02
TJ-crono89: OK, you have to use 'sudo' but apparently cloud-init.disabled doesn't work on Ubuntu, you have to do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init" and choose the data-source "None" !20:02
tomreynAlexPortable: i did not suggest that you should try to convert an existing system and attempt to retain the system configuration. there are ways to do so, but they require preparation.20:04
crono89ok renamed the cloud-init file to unused and set "none" as my data-source20:06
crono89now i need to create the new cloud init file you pasted to me?20:06
TJ-From now on I'm refusing to use that "cloud" euphamism. Henceforth it'll be someoneelsescomputeridontcontrol-init20:06
TJ-crono89: yes20:07
TJ-crono89: once the file is in place, do "sudo netplan generate" then do "pastebinit <( grep . /run/systemd/network/* )"20:12
crono89its saying error writing file20:13
crono89no such file or directory but i opened the file to edit20:13
TJ-crono89: are you forgetting to use 'sudo' ?20:14
TJ-crono89: that is expected since the file doesn't exist until you create it20:14
crono89i used my terminal app to make a file called 50-cloud-init.yaml then did sudo nano ect/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml20:16
crono89entered what you gave me and tried to save and I get the error no such file or directory20:17
crono89probably doing something wrong20:17
TJ-crono89: made it easier for you: "sudo wget -O /etc/netplan/ethernet.yaml https://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/ethernet.yaml"20:17
crono89or should i name this one ethernet.yaml20:17
crono89ok did that dommand20:18
TJ-crono89: The filename is intended to reflect what/where the file comes from. You can delete that 50-cloud-init.yaml20:19
TJ-crono89: so "sudo rm /etc/netplan/50-cloud*" then check only ethernet.yaml exists with "ls -l /etc/netplan/"20:19
* IaMnEwHeRe wonders if TJ- knows that the server can detect the pipe and thus is able to serve malicious content to a pipe-operation only20:19
TJ-crono89: if so, then do "sudo netplan generate" followed by "pastebinit <( grep . /run/systemd/network/* )"20:20
tomreynIaMnEwHeRe: do you notice a similarity between then domain name and the person helping?20:21
TJ-IaMnEwHeRe: what pipe are you referring to? and how would the HTTP server detect that?20:22
IaMnEwHeRetomreyn, I do not attribute malicious intent here, TJ- via timing20:23
tomreynok ;)20:24
crono89changed the ethernet.yaml a little to match20:24
IaMnEwHeReTJ- a nice writeup https://www.idontplaydarts.com/2016/04/detecting-curl-pipe-bash-server-side/20:24
TJ-IaMnEwHeRe: I'll be syre to serve malicious content next time :)20:24
IaMnEwHeReI knew it :D20:25
TJ-crono89: so your gateway is not ?20:25
crono89yes before when you asked I thought youw ere just telling me it should be something similar to
* IaMnEwHeRe leans back satisfied knowing to have made the world a safer place20:26
TJ-crono89: OK... so long as we're not about to break it once again20:26
TJ-IaMnEwHeRe: I can't peddle fast enough for my server to do a timing attack20:26
TJ-crono89: It all looks good so you should be good to do a reboot test20:26
IaMnEwHeReI am pretty sure a resourceful guy like you can find a way20:27
* TJ- harnesses the Hsukies20:27
crono89worked after reboot20:29
TJ-crono89: phew!20:29
tomreyn!bagocookies | TJ-20:30
crono89thanks for your patience guys haha20:30
tomreyni didn't really do anything, but you're welcome ;)20:31
hello_kittyI'm running this program on a server called pm2, it seems to have a bug in it and it is using almost all my memory (it keeps restarting itself). Is there a command I can type to kill all of them? I'm looking at them in htop and they have a few different names but all have 'pm2' in it i believe21:23
TJ-hello_kitty: is this pm2 a system service?21:25
hello_kittyTJ- there does appear to be a pm2-root.service but it claims to be inactive21:26
TJ-hello_kitty: try "systemctl list-units | grep pm2" in case there are others, or .socket activation units21:27
hello_kittyit's an application which i presume creates and starts services -- its one of those like.. turn all your node.js apps into daemons types of things21:27
* IaMnEwHeRe waves goodbye and says until next time21:28
hello_kittynothing returned from -- i did kill a few pm2 processes by pid earlier tho. When i type htop there are numerous pages of node /usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 ressurect (it trying to restart maybe..?) and `PM2 v3.0.3: God Daemon (/root/.pm2)`  i think these are the two things that are stuck... when i look at the pids though it has many many dozens21:30
hello_kittyof pids each with those commands21:30
hello_kittycan i like.. grep kill `pm2` and `PM2` and hav eit kill every pid that has one of those two strings in the command?21:33
hello_kittyim new to kill and grep21:34
hello_kittyi looked up a command that is `pkill -f pm2` but wanted to come ask here bfore typing it21:34
Guest_8hello can someone give me some assistance with enigmail?21:40
leftyfb!details | Guest_821:41
ubottuGuest_8: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.21:41
Guest_8I have imported an old encrypted home dir. I want to use enigmail to use pgp with my email i have the .gnupg folder but enigmail cant read encrypted mail21:42
Guest_8i am not sure how to make enigmail see and use my exiting keys21:43
TJ-Guest_8: is there a directory .gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/21:46
Guest_8it has 4 files with .key names21:47
TJ-Guest_8: in Enigmail menu (is this in Thunderbird Email?) do Debugging Options > View Log and check if it finds the directory and reads the keys21:51
Guest_8yes in thunderbird21:51
Guest_8How do i get to the menu you mean? i dont see any option for debuggiing options21:53
TJ-Guest_8: find the section that starts "keyRing.jsm: loadKeyList: got seckey lines"21:53
hello_kittyanyone know why htop would show 100% cpu usage but top would sh ow 33%?21:54
TJ-Guest_8: Do you not see "Debugging Options" on the Enigmail" menu? After "Help" and before "Setup Wizard"21:54
Guest_8I see setup wizard, key management, per recipient rules, prefrences , help, about enigmail21:55
TJ-Guest_8: OK, go to Enigmail > Preferences > Basic > "Display Expert Settings and Menus"21:58
Guest_8ok i have that menu. I dont see anything for debugging22:00
TJ-Guest_8: once you've enabled "Display Expert Settings and Menus" go back to the Enigmail menu and you should see the "Debugging Options"22:01
Guest_8there is nothing in that menu that has changed, it has added some tabs and options but nothing about debugging22:03
TJ-Guest_8: strange, which version of Engimail is it? Enigmail > About Enigmail22:04
Guest_8 Running Enigmail version 2.1.2 (20190818-1550)22:04
molthey all!22:05
molti'm having an interesting issue with a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 server. When I apt install update && apt install upgrade I am told that I need to sudo apt autoremove A BUNCH of packages. These are obviously packages that are vital to the system. How is this possible and what should I do?22:07
moltSome of the packages include usb-creator-common, syslinux-legacy, syslinux-common, syslinux22:08
molti can take a screenshot if needed22:08
barnexhello, I'm on 18.04.3 LTS and xdg-open doesn't seem to work at all when I'm trying to open links in chromium-browser or iceweasel. It eats up a lot of cpu and takes forever to exit22:09
barnexeventually it gets terminated by sigabrt22:11
TJ-Guest_8: I have "  version 2.0.12 (20190707-1417) " ... but cannot imagine that would cause the debug options to be missing22:12
TJ-molt: none of those packages sound critical22:12
moltTJ (full list): fonts-liberation2 fonts-opensymbol gimp-data gir1.2-gudev-1.022:14
molt  gir1.2-udisks-2.0 grilo-plugins-0.3-base gstreamer1.0-gtk3 libamd222:14
molt  libbabl-0.1-0 libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.122:14
molt  libboost-locale1.65.1 libcamd2 libccolamd2 libcdr-0.1-1 libcholmod322:14
molt  libclucene-contribs1v5 libclucene-core1v5 libcmis-0.5-5v5 libcolamd222:14
molt  libdazzle-1.0-0 libe-book-0.1-1 libedataserverui-1.2-2 libeot022:14
moltso sorry! that was an accident. formatting wasn't right :(22:15
TJ-molt: from what I see there's nothing vital there. there would only be packages to autoremove if some master package that depends on those has been removed22:16
TJ-molt: looks suspiciously like libreoffice-core was installed and removed22:18
molttj: ok. so just 2 things: 1) I didn't remove anything - including libreoffice. 2) I did this install on my laptop last week and then promptly ran the autoremove and that broke the entire system. This is my second install and I am weary to get into the same situation again...22:19
TJ-molt: ubuntu-server doesn't install libreoffice or anything GUI related so it doesn't make sense22:21
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
amrasouli79_Hello, I have a VPS with Ubuntu server and Gnome GUI. How I can connect to this computer remotly?23:13
IlgazI found how to make HP Pavillion boot to Linux 5.x  :-) strangest thing ever. needs acpi_osi= argument23:24
Mcl0vinso i am trying to use tshark -w foo.pcap and i am getting permission denied even when i use sudo - what am i doing wrong23:34
kk4ewtyou have to be sudo to get the card into listening mode23:35
Mcl0vinkk4ewt: I even tried it with sudo -s and i get same error permission denied23:37

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